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Chapter 6

Engineering Communication

Purpose of a Talk
Is not to Impress the audience Tell them all you know about a subject Present every little detail of your work Is to Give the audience a sense of what your idea/work is Make them want to read your paper Get feedback on your work

Why A Good Presentation?

You want people to:
Understand your work Be INTERESTED in your work Think youre great!

Needs for Presentations in Engineering

Introduce New Ideas for Approval Share a Purpose/Intent Persuade / Influence Convey Information Communicate Progress on Project/Process Demonstrate Ideas/Projects/Products Wrap Up a Project

What happens if you give a bad one?

Few pay attention They may fall asleep Might think your work is not important

Engineering Communication
Topic Selection Research Organization

Preparation continued
Obtaining Information
Technical Journals Books Conference Proceedings Encyclopedia Government Reports Patents Popular Press Articles Course Notes Internet Sites

Topic Selection
Familiar Topic or Something You Wish to Know more About

Preparation continued
Technical Journals
Generally Devoted to a Single Topic (e.g. Heat Transfer) Authors Submit their Papers to Journal Editors Review Process can take an Year or so High Quality Information

Preparation continued
Written by Authors who are Familiar with the Field and wish to Describe it in a Consistent and Coherent Manner. Primary Source of Information of Books is Technical Journals. A complied Sources.

Preparation continued
Conference Proceedings
Collection of Papers Written by Authors who Speak at a Meeting Devoted to a Particular Topic. Sometimes Information is Reviewed Prior to Publications sometimes Not.

Preparation continued
Encyclopedia Articles
Very Short Description of a Particular Topic High Quality Information

Preparation continued
Government Reports
Collection of Research Data Taken by Government-Sponsored Researchers. Required and Maintained by the Funding Agency Information can be Transformed to a Journal Article

Preparation continued
Novel, Useful and Non-Obvious Technology Technology fully Disclosed so that a person Skilled the Art can Translate the Patent into Working Device It Protects the Intellectual Property of the Inventor

Preparation continued
Popular Press Articles
Appear in Widely Circulated Magazines and News Papers Written by Journalists with Some Technical Background Can and Most of the Time Contain Erroneous Information Useful in Getting the Human Side of the Technical Issue Indicate how a Technical Issue Affects Certain People, Groups and Institutions.

Preparation continued
Course Notes
Good Source of Information Not Reviewed

Internet Sites
Volatile Information Source Can have Erroneous Information Information from Authenticated Websites Can be Helpful, Easy to Search, Maintain and Use

Preparation continued
Brief, 1-paragraph descriptions of the Contents in a Journal.

Preparation continued
KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE Chronological Strategy
Historical Account of the Topic

Citations or References
Listed @ the end of Publication

Spatial Strategy
Components/Parts of an Object

Debate Strategy
Describe the Pros and Cons of a Particular Approach

Citation Indices
List Authors and Publications that have Cited Them

General to Specific Strategy

Presents General Information First, and then Gives Increasingly Detailed Information and Specific Example

Library Catalogs
Holdings of the Library, often by Subject and Author.

Problem to Solution Strategy

Very Effective for Communicating with Engineers

Motivational Strategy
Often Employed by Sales Engineers


Tips For Presenting

How to Give GOOD Presentations:
Part I: Presence
Attitude Voice Mannerisms

Part II: Slide style

Understandable Interesting

Will Show Examples of what NOT to do


Part I
Keep Audience Interested Keep them with You Things that Can affect this
Topic, topic depth Attitude/Presence Mannerisms

Know Your Topic

Be Prepared to Get Questions! What if I dont Know the Answer?
Know WHEN to say I dont know Know HOW to say I dont know Dont just Stand there Uncomfortably!

Be able to Recover from Interruptions Know what to Skip if youre Running Late
Dont just Talk Faster!



Know your Audience

What are the needs/desires? Their roles Their interest to the subject Distant or Live audience Size Attitudes Knowledge

Chapter 7


Page 190

Extent to which the Reported Value Approaches the TRUE value and FREE from Error.

Numbers -continued
Systematic Errors
Results from a Measurement Method that is Inherently Wrong.
Taking Measurement from a Scale made up of Magnetic Material High Readings when weighing a Powerful Magnet.

Extent to which the Measurement may be REPEATED and the SAME answer obtained

Random Errors
Results from many sources like Random Noise in Electronic Circuits The Inability to Reproducibility Read Instruments. (Reading Meter stick Same way Every Time)

Results from Random Errors and Describes LACK of Precision. Fractional Uncertainty = Uncertainty / Best Value

Numbers -continued
Difference between Reported Value and True Value Error = Reported Value True Value Fractional Error = Error / True Value Percentage Error = Error / True Value * 100%

Significant Figures

are 2 different types of numbers

Exact Measured

numbers are infinitely important Measured number = they are measured with a measuring device (name all 4) so these numbers have ERROR.

Significant Figures
Every experimental measurement has a degree of uncertainty. The volume,V, at right is certain in the 10s place, 10mL<V<20mL The 1s digit is also certain, 17mL<V<18mL A best guess is needed for the tenths place.

Significant Figures
1 2 3 4 cm

We can see the markings between 1.61.7cm We cant see the markings between the .6 - .7 We must guess between .6 & .7 We record 1.67 cm as our measurement The last digit an 7 was our guess...stop there

Rounding off Numbers

RULE 1. If the first digit you remove is 4 or less, drop it and all following digits. 2.4271 becomes 2.4 when rounded off to two significant figures because the first dropped digit (a 2) is 4 or less. RULE 2. If the first digit removed is 5 or greater, round up by adding 1 to the last digit kept. 4.5832 is 4.6 when rounded off to 2 significant figures since the first dropped digit (an 8) is 5 or greater.

Make the following into a 3 Sig Fig number
1.5587 .0037421 1367 128,522 1.6683 106 1.56 .00374 1370 129,000 1.67 106

Make the following into a 4 Sig Fig number
0 is dropped, it is <5

Multiplying/Dividing Numbers
Indicate the Number of Significant Figures for Each Number Calculate the Answer Round the Answer to Have the Same Number of Significant Figures as the Least Precise Number (2) (5) (5) 5.0 x 10.624 = 53.120 (2) 53




780,600 8 is dropped, it is >5; Note you must include the 0s 2000. 5 is dropped it is = 5; note you need a 4 Sig Fig


Add Subtract Numbers

5.0 +14.697 ---------19.697

Question # 7.2 page-199 Question # 7.3 page-199


Number Rounded to LEAST Decimal Place

Chapter 8 Tables and Graphs

Tables and Graphs

Page 201

Data may be summarized and presented in tables Data may be displayed in graphs In tables
Round numbers or use significant figures Use summary values (averages or totals) Pay attention to order, spacing, and layout Provide clear labels for titles and column/row headings

Tables and Graphs -continued

In graphs
Show the data in a clear fashion Avoid distorting the data Do not change the scale mid-axis Use precise labels for titles, axes, legends, and footnotes

Sample Graph

Sample Table

Linear Equations

m = slope = (y2 y1) / (x2 x1) y = mx + b

Making Graphs

Linear Equation Graph

Power Equations
y = kxm Taking Logarithm of Both Sides log y = log (xm) + log k log y = m log x + log k This is equation of Straight Line with Slope m and y-intercept log k. If exponent m is positive than Equation plots a Parabola

y = 2x0.5 log y = 0.5 log x + log 2 x
1 2 3 5 10 25

2.000 2.828 3.464 4.472 6.325 10.000

log x
0.000 0.301 0.477 0.699 1.000 1.398

log y
0.301 0.452 0.540 0.651 0.801 1.000

Exponential Equations
y = k10mx Taking logarithms (Base 10) of both sides log y = log 10mx + log k log y = mx + log k slope m and y intercept log k

Chapter 9


Page 228

y = 6 x 10-0.5x

Sorting Data
Lowest to Highest (or Vice Versa)

Statistics -continued
di = xi - ith deviation = ith value data mean

Range = Maximum Minimum

Central Tendency
(Sum of Data Values) / (Number of Data Values)

Mean Absolute Deviation

Middle Value of Sorted Data In Case of Even Data Points, Arithmetic Mean of the Middle Two Values in the Median

Standard Deviation

Most Frequently Appearing Value in Data

Example 9.1
Suppose Machine A produces 10,000 shafts each day. In statistical terms, we would say that the population is 10,000. Because it may be impractical to measure diameter of each shaft, we may decide to sample the population and randomly pick 36 shafts. Their Diameters are reported in table 9.2. These data may be considered raw data because they are listed as they were collected with no attempt to sort them or classify them. What are the (1) Maximum (2) Minimum (3) Range (4) Mode (5) Median (6) Mean (7) Mean Absolute Deviation (8) Standard Deviation and (9) Variance

Table 9.2 & 9.3

1.4961 1.4955 1.4958 1.4953 1.4971 1.4963 1.4963 1.4948 1.4963 1.4964 1.4967 1.4952 1.4957 1.4963 1.4962 1.4969 1.4958 1.4963 1.4957 1.4963 1.4962 1.4969 1.4964 1.4962 1.4963 1.4968 1.4955 1.4965 1.4974 1.4959 1.4962 1.4962 1.4960 1.4960 1.4952 1.4964

Class 1.4945-49 1.4950-54 1.4955-59 1.4960-64 1.4965-69 1.4970-74

Frequency 2 4 7 15 5 3

Table 9.4
xi 1.4948 1.4949 1.4952 . . . . 1.4974 xi = 53.8599 xi - mean -0.0013 -0.0012 -0.0009 . . . . 0.0013 xi mean = 0 |xi mean| 0.0013 0.0012 0.0009 . . . . 0.0013 | xi mean | = 0.0177 (xi mean)2 0.00000169 0.00000144 0.00000081 . . . . 0.00000169 (xi mean)2 = 0.00001426

1.4974 in

1.4948 in

1.4974 1.4948 = 0.0026 in

1.4963 in

1.4962 in


Calculate for the data given in Table 9.6 (page 240)
(1) Maximum (2) Minimum (3) Range (4) Mode (5) Median (6) Mean (7) Mean Absolute Deviation (8) Standard Deviation and (9) Variance

= 53.8599 / 36 = 1.4961 in

Mean Absolute Deviation

= 0.0177 / 36 = 0.000492 in

Standard Deviation
s = 0.00001426 / 36 1 = 0.0006383 in

s2 = 0.00000004074 in

Chapter 10

Isaac Newton
Arguably the greatest scientific genius ever. Came up with 3 Laws of Motion to explain the observations and analyses of Galileo and Johannes Kepler. Discovered that white light was composed of many colors all mixed together. Invented new mathematical techniques such as calculus and binomial expansion theorem in his study of physics. Published his Laws in 1687 in the book Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.

Newtons Laws

What is Force?
A force is a push or pull on an object. Forces cause an object to accelerate
To speed up To slow down To change direction

Newtons First Law

A body in motion stays in motion at constant velocity and a body at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by a net external force. This law is commonly referred to as the Law of Inertia.

Implications of Newtons 1st Law

If there is zero net force on a body, it cannot accelerate, and therefore must move at constant velocity, which means
it cannot turn, it cannot speed up, it cannot slow down.

What is Zero Net Force?

The table pushes up on the book. A book rests on a table.


Physics FG

Gravity pulls down on the book.

Even though there are forces on the book, they are balanced. Therefore, there is no net force on the book.

F = 0

Mass and Inertia

Chemists like to define mass as the amount of stuff or matter a substance has. Physicists define mass as inertia, which is the ability of a body to resist acceleration by a net force.

Newtons Second Law

A body accelerates when acted upon by a net external force. The acceleration is proportional to the net force and is in the direction which the net force acts.

Newtons Second Law

F = ma
where F is the net force measured in Newtons (N) m is mass (kg) a is acceleration (m/s2)

Units of force
Newton (SI system)
1 N = 1 kg m /s2

1 N is the force required to accelerate a 1 kg mass at a rate of 1 m/s2 Pound (British system)
1 lb = 1 slug ft /s2

Newtons Third Law

For every action there exists an equal and opposite reaction. If A exerts a force F on B, then B exerts a force of -F on A.

Examples of Newtons 3rd Law

Copyright James Walker, Physics, 1st edition

Example 10.7
Problem Statement
Henry and Mary are two ice skaters. Henrys mass is 110 kg and Marys mass is 50.0 kg. They push against each other with a force of 20.0 N for 2.00 s. What is their final velocity?

Henry: v = v0 + a0t a0 = F / m = - 20.0 N / 110 kg x kg.m/s2 / N v = 0 + (-0.182 m/s2) (2.00 s) = -0.364 m/s Mary: v = v0 + a0t a0 = F / m = 20.0 N / 50 kg x kg.m/s2 / N v = 0 + (0.4 m/s2) (2.00 s) = 0.800 m/s

Positive Direction

Take Home Quiz

Example 10.5 Example 10.6

Chapter 11

Introduction to Thermodynamics

Basic Definitions
Degree of Hotness It is related to the Motion of Individual Atoms or Molecules

Basic Definitions -continued

Force Exerted per Unit Area

Mass per Unit Volume

State of Matter
Solid, Liquid, Gas,Vapors and Plasma

Gas Laws
Boyles Law

Gas Laws
Gay-Lussacs Law
For the same amount of a gas at constant Volume,

Boyle determined that for the same amount of a gas at constant temperature,

P * V = constant or P1/P2 = V2/V1 = k1 (T & n Constant)

This defines an inverse relationship: when one goes up, the other comes down.



Charles Law
He determined that for the same amount of a gas at constant pressure,

P/T= constant P2/P1 = T2/T1 = k3 (V & n Constant)

This defines a direct relationship: an increase in one results in an increase in the other.

V / T = constant V2/V1 = T2/T1 = k2 (P & n Constant)


This defines a direct relationship: an increase in one results in an increase in the other.


Gas Laws
Mole Proportionality Law
For the same amount of a gas at constant Temperature and Pressure,

Ideal Gas Laws -continued

The relationship between them may be deduced from kinetic theory and is called the
Where: n = number of moles R = universal gas constant = 8.3145 J/mol K N = number of molecules k = Boltzmann constant = 1.38066 x 10-23 /K = 8.617385 x 10-5 eV/K k = R/NA NA = Avogadro's number = 6.0221 x 1023

V/n= constant V2/V1 = n2/n1 = k4 (P & T Constant)

This defines a direct relationship: an increase in one results in an increase in the other.

Example 11.2
At 500 K, 2.00 g/mol of CO2 is stored in a 0.000800-m3 container. Calculate the pressure using (a) Perfect Gas Equation (b) the van der Waals Equation Solution:
(a) Perfect Gas Equation
P = nRT / V = 1.04 x 107 Pa

(b) Van der Waals Equation

Z = V / (V nb) - na / RTV (a) and (b) taken from table 11.4

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