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Other manifestations of Late Syphilis  Fulminant congenital syphilis – clinically apparent

 Begins early during the pathogenesis of syphilis at birth; poor prognosis

 Not apparent for years  Routine serologic testing in early pregnancy:
Cardiovascular syphilis  If high prevalence: rpt at 3rd trimester and at
 Attributable to endarteritis obliterans of the vasa delivery
vasorum (which supply blood to large vessels)  Early manifestations:
 Results in o First 2 years of life (2 and 10 weeks of
o Uncomplicated aortitis age)
o AR o Infectious
o Saccular aneurysm o Resemble severe secondary in adult
o Coronary ostial stenosis  Late manifestations: after years and non-
 Symptoms appear 10-40 years after infection infectious
 CXR: linear calcification of the ascending aorta   Residual stigmata
asymptomatic syphilitic aortitis  Earliest sign: rhinitis or snuffles
 Syphilitic aneurysms  Followed by mucocutaneous lesions
o usually saccular, occasionally fusiform o Bulla (syphilitic pemphigus)
o does not lead to dissection o Vesicles
o 1:10 involves abdominal aorta o Superficial desquamation
o Petechia
Late Benign Synphilis (gumma)  Later
 Usually solitary o Papulosquamous lesions
 Histology: granulomatous inflammation with o Mucus patches
central necrosis o Condylomata lata
 T. pallidum sometimes recovered  Early bone manifestations
 Most common sites: o Osteochondritis
o Skin, skeletal, mouth, URT, larynx, liver, o Ostieits
stomach o Periostosis
 Skin: painless and indurated nodular,  Hepatosplenomegaly, lymphandenopathy, anemia,
papulosquamous or ulcerative lesions. Usually thrombocytopwnia, leukocytosis
indolent  Must be differentiated with: rubella, CMV, HSV,
o Resemble chronic granulomatous diseases toxo, and erythoblastosis fetalis
(TB, sarcoidosis, leprosy, deep fungal  Neonatal death due to:
infections) o Pulmo hemo
 Skeletal: long bones of legs ( most frequent) o Secondary bacterial infection
o Radiograph: periostitis or destructive and o Severe hepatitis
sclerosing oteitis  Late congenital syphilis
o 60% subclinical
 Upper respiratory  perforation of nasal septum
o Interstitial keratisis common
or palate
o VIII nerve deafness
 Diagnosis is confirmed with serologic tests and by
therapeutic trial o Recurrent arthropathy
 TX: penicillin o Clutton’s joints: bilateral knee effusions
o Gummatous periositisL age 5-20
Congenital Syphilis o Nonvenereal endemic syphilis:
 Any stage of pregnancy destuructive lesions on palate and nasal
 Onset: 4th months AOG (fetal immunologic
 Stimata:
competence develops) o Hutchinson’s teeth: central notched,
 Pathology depends on immune response of host widely spaced, peg shaped upper central
 Risk if untreated maternal infection: 75-95% incisors
 35% - if >2 years duration o Mulberry molars: 6th year molars with
 Adequate treatment by 4th month multiple poorly developed cusps
 In untreated: o Abnormal facies: frontal bossing, saddle
o Fetal loss 40% (stillbirth > abortion) nose, poorly developed maxilla
o Premature o Saber shins: anterior tibial bowing (rare)
o Neonatal death o Rhagades – linear scars at the angles of
o Nonfatal congenital syphilis the mouth and nose caused by secondary
bacterial infection of early face eruption
 Autoimmune disorders
Laboratory Exams  If with false +, syph excluded with a nonreactive
Demonstration of organism trep test
 Cannot be detected by culture
 Dark field microscopy of lesion exudates Acute false + (<6 months)
o Chancre in primary Recent viral illness or immunization 1-2%
o Condylomata lata in secondary Genital herpes 4
 Oral and anal lesions not recommended HIV 1-4
 Direct fluorescent antibody-TP Malaria 11
o Uses fluorescien conjugated polyclonal Parenteral drug use 20-25
antitreponemal antibody
Chronic (>6 months)
Aging 9-11
 Silver stains
Autioimmune 1-20
 Immunofluorenscence and immunohistochemistry SLE 11-20
using mono- and polyclonal Ab RA 5
Parenteral drug use 20-25
Serologic tests
 Nontreponemal Evaluation for neurosyphilis
o Measure IgG and IgM directed against  Pleocytosis (>5 WBC/mm3)
cardiolipin-lecithin-cholesterol Ag  Increase CHON (>45mg/dL)
 VDRL reactivity
o RPR – most widely used
 Csf exam recommended for:
 Automated or slide test o Any serologic + patient with neurologic
 Test of choice for rapid dx in signs and symptoms
clinic or office setting o Other late syphilis
o VDRL – standard for CSF
o Suspected tx failure
o RPR and VDRL equally sensitive
o HIV infected with untreated syph or
o For initial screening and quantification of
unknown duration or >1year
serum Ab o Early syph with HIV or >1:32 nontrep test
o VDRL reach 1:32 or higher in secondary
 CSF VDRL: highly specific but insensitive
o Adequate response to therapy: 4 fold fall
o Highest in meningovacular syph and
in titer (2 dilutions)
o VDRL do not sorrespond to RPR titers
o Lower in asymptomatic and tabes dorsalis
o May be unreactive in early syph
 Unabsorbed FTA more reactive in all stages
o Tests remain reactive after therapy
o But may reflect passive transfer of serum
 Treponemal
AB into CSF
o FTA-ABS and agglutination assays for Ab o Nonreactive test: rules out
to T. pallidum
o MHA-TP replaced by Serodia TP-PA test: Evaluation for syph in HIV patients
more sensitive for primary syph
 Highest risk: homosexually active men, developing
o All very specific: for confirmation of +
non trep test
 Manifestations altered
o New: ELISA
 All trep and nontrep reactive during secondary Recommendations of TX of syphilis
 3 uses: Stage of syphilis w/o pen allergy w/ pen allergy
o Testing of large number of sera for Primary, Pen G benzathine Tetracycline HCl
screening or diagnostic (RPT or VDRL) secondary or (single dose of (500mg PO qid) or
o Quantitative measurement of Ab titer to early latent 2.4 mU IM) doxycycline
assess the clinical activity of syph and (100mg PO bid)
monitor response to therapy (RPR or for 2 weeks
VDRL) Late latent (or Lumbar puncture Lumbar puncture
o Confirmation of the dx of syph w/ a + latend of CSF normal: Pen CSF normal or
nontrep Ab test or with a suspected clin uncertain G benzathine w/o HIV:
dx of syph (FTA-ABS or serodia) duration) (2.4mU IM weekly Tetracycline HCl
 IgM in neonates: Captia M test and 19s IgM FTA-ABS cardiovasc, for 3 weeks) (500mg PO qid) or
benign tertiary CSF abnormal: doxycycline
False positive serologic treat at neuroyph (100mg PO bid)
 Titers rarely exceed 1:8 for 4 weeks
CSF abnormal: as  Must be warned of Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction:
neurosyph associated with premature contractions but rarely
Neurosyph Aqueous Pen G Desensitization results in premature delivery
(18-24 mU/d, and TX w/ Pen  After Tx, quantitative nontrep test repeated
given as q4h or monthly
continuous  If no decrease or rise in 3 months, repeat tx
infusion) for 10-
14 days Evaluation and management of Congenital Syphilis
Or  Newborn infants with positive tests:
Aqueous Pen G o Infected
Procaine (2.4 o Transplacental transfer of maternal IgG
mU/d IM) plus Ab
oral probenecid o Rising or persistent titers: indicate
(500mg qid), both infection
for 10-14 days
 Neonatal IgM: detected in cord or neonatal serum
Syphilis in According to Desensitization
with Captia-M or 19s IgM FTA-ABS
pregnancy stage and TX w/ Pen
 Asymptomatic infants born to adequately treated
mothers: monthly quantitative nontrep tests to
Treatment for acquired syphilis
appreciate decline in titers
 Killed with Pen G at low conc
 Long period of exposure is required with Pen bec  Infants should be treated at birth if:
of unusually slow rate of multiplication of o Seropositive mother has received pen
organism theraph in the 3rd trimester, Inadequate
 Tetracycline and erythromycin: large doses penicillin tx, Therapy with a drug other
 Sulfonamides and quinolones: inactive than penicillin
 Azithromycin: promising as oral agent o Increasing neutrophil count
 Pen G: must have serum levels of > pr equal to o Infant difficult to follow
0.03ug/dL for 7 days  CSF obtained as baseline values
 Tx: penicillin ( only recommended drug)
Patients with Early syphilis and their contacts
 Preventive tx recommended for seronegative w/o Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
signs of syph who have been exposed w/in 3  Usually mild reaction
months  fever, chills, myalgia, headache, tachycardia,
 Prevention same with early syph tx increase RR, increase neutrophil count,
 Pen G Benzathine most widely used, but more vasodilation with mild hypotension
painful than procaine  usually follows treatment
 Single dose of 2.4U cure 95%  50% with primary syph
 Efficacy in secondary: lower  90% with secondary syph
 Ceftriaxone (1g/d IM or IV 8-10days) and  25% with early latent syph
azithromycin ( single oral dose 2g) may be  Defervescence within 12-24 hours
effective in early syph  Secondary syph: erythema and edema of
mucocutaneous lesions may increase
Late Latent and Late Syphilis  Symptom based therapy
 Clinical response to benign tertiary impressive
 Cardiovascular: not dramatic Follow-up evaluation of response to therapy
 AR and aortic aneurysm not reversed with Stage Tests When to Retreatment
antibiotic preform considered
Neurosyphilis Primary Quantitative HIV 1. titer
 Pen G benzathine in up to 7.2 million units or or VDRL or RPR uninfected: 6 increases
50,000 in infants does not produce detectable secondar and 12 months 4fold
amounts in CSF and asymp neurosyoh may relapse y HIV infected: 2. titer fails
 IV Pen G recommended 3,6,9,12 to decline
months 4fold to
Syphilis in Pregnancy become
 Nontrep test during 1st visit in 6
 Repeat at 3rd trimester and at delivery months
3. clinical
persist or
Latent or Quantitative 6,12 and 24 1. titer
late VDRL or RPR months increases
2. initial
titer of
fails to
by 4fold
3. new

Neurosyp 1. If 1. every 6 1. CSF cell

hilis pleocyto months count has
sis is until CSF not dec by
documen cell count 6months
ted is normal 2. CSF not
intitially, 2. until normal
rpt exam normal after 2
2. Monitor 3. at 6,12,18 years
decline and 24
in CSF months
and CSF
3. Quantita

 FTA-ABS tests remain positive despite treatment:

not recommended for following response to
 After tx, negative by 12 months
 If seropositive but asymptomatic after re-tx: no
ned to tx anymore
 Patients with late latent syph may have low titers
and not show 4 fold decrease in titer
 Neurosyph activity: correlates best with CSF
 Most sensitive index of response to tx
 Falls to normal in 3 – 12 months in HIV

Immunity and prevention of Syphilis

 Cellular immunity: important in healing of lesions

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