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energy eciency


Performana energetic a cldirilor

Glosar de termeni n limba englez i n limba romn

Responsabilitatea coninutului acestui document revine n totalitate autorilor. Documentul nu reprezint opinia Comunitii Europene. Comisia European nu i asum responsabilitatea pentru modul n care ar putea fi utilizat informaia coninut n acest material.

Cu sprijinul financiar al Uniunii Europene


Acest glosar a fost elaborat n cadrul proiectului INTENSE - Din Estonia pn n Croaia: msuri inteligente de economisire a energiei pentru cldiri n rile Europei Centrale i de Est (2008 2011), cu sprijinul financiar al programului Intelligent Energy Europe. Acest proiect este implementat n 11 ri ale Europei Centrale i de Est, precum i n Germania. Glosarul definete termeni utilizai frecvent n conversaia uzual, mass media, dar i articole tehnice referitoare la eficiena energetic, precum i termeni legai de implementarea Directivelor CE privind performana energetic a cldirilor (2002/91/EC) i eficiena energetic la utilizatorii finali i serviciile energetice (2006/32/EC). Glosarul ofer scurte note explicative n limba naional, dar i n englez, pentru a crea o baz de comunicare i nelegere comun pentru diferitele ri implicate. Sperm s v fie util !

Types of buildings Tipuri de cldiri

New building

New buildings are completely new erected. They are constructed by respecting the newest laws and standards, including meeting minimum energy performance requirements laid down in national legislation. A building will be called new, until newer legislation, newer energy performance standards or refurbishments had taken place. Cldirile noi sunt cele proaspt ridicate. Sunt construite prin respectarea ultimelor legi i standarde, ntrunind inclusiv cerinele minime de eficien energetic stipulate n legislaia naional. O cldire va fi denumit ca fiind nou, pn n momentul n care va aprea o nou lege, noi standarde de performan energetic sau pn cnd se vor efectua lucrri de modernizare. Existing buildings are representing older energy standards. For these buildings data necessary to assess their energy use are known or can be measured. A new building will become an existing building, as soon as newer standards and energy requirements are published by the national legislations. Cldirile existente reprezint standarde de energie mai vechi. Pentru aceste cldiri datele necesare evalurii consumului de energie sunt cunoscute sau pot fi msurate. O cldire nou va deveni cldire existent n momentul n care noi standarde i cerine energetice vor fi publicate n legislaia naional.

Cldire nou

Existing building

Cldire existent

Public building

The building is occupied by public authorities or provides public services to a large number of persons. It is frequently visited by members of the general public e.g., administration buildings, schools, hospitals and buildings for sports. Public funding is used for its maintenance. Cldirea este ocupat de ctre autoritile publice sau asigur servicii publice unui numr mare de persoane. Este vizitat frecvent de ctre public i include: cldirile administrative, coli, spitale i sli de sport. Pentru administrarea acestora sunt folosite fonduri publice. Occupied or unoccupied, owned or rented, single-family or multifamily house, excluding institutional housing such as hostels or school dormitories, hospitals, night shelters, and military barracks. Types of residential houses: detached house (free standing house e.g., for a single family); semi-detached or twin house (a pair of houses built side by side as units sharing a party-wall and usually in such a way that each houses layout is a mirror image of its twin); row house (a row of identical or mirror-image houses share side walls; the first and last of these houses are often larger than those houses in the middle); a multi-storey residential building contains more than one apartment, drawn together in one building structure. Mostly with similar storey-plans, it has centralized staircases and supply units. Ocupate sau libere, deinute sau nchiriate, casele ce adpostesc o singur familie sau mai multe, excluznd pe cele instituionale cum ar fi cminele, spitalele, adposturi de noapte i cazrmi militare. Tipuri de cldiri rezideniale: detaate (cte o cas pentru fiecare familie); semi-detaate sau gemene (o pereche de case construite una lng cealalt ca uniti ce mpart un perete comun i realizate astfel inct fiecare este imaginea n oglind a celeilalte); case n rnd (un rnd de case identice sau n oglind, ce mpart perei comuni; prima i ultima cas sunt adeseori mai mari dect cele din mijloc); o cldire rezidenial cu mai multe etaje conine mai mult de un apartament, incluse n aceeai structur de construcie. n cea mai mare parte au planuri similare, iar casa scrii i unitile de aprovizionare sunt centralizate. 3

Cldire public

Residential house

Case rezideniale

Social housing

Social housing is a paraphrased term referring to rental housing, which may be owned and managed by the state, municipal house building associations or by mutual benefit organizations. A key function of social housing is to provide housing that is affordable to people on low incomes. Rents in the social housing sector are kept low through state or municipal subsidy. Termenul de cas social este unul parafrazat i se refer la nchirierea casei, care poate fi deinut i manageriat de stat, asociaii sau organizaii de binefacere. O funcie important a acestor tipuri de case o reprezint serviciul de nchiriere la un pre acceptabil pentru persoanele cu venituri mici. Chiriile n astfel de case sunt pstrate la un nivel scazut cu ajutorul finanrii de la stat sau municipalitate. Buildings which are partially or completely built in factories. Most of the prefabricated buildings are made of wooden or of concrete elements which will be completed on site.

Case sociale

Pre-fabricated building

Cldiri Cldiri care sunt construite parial sau total n fabrici. Majoritatea dinprefabricate sunt realizate din lemn sau elemente din ciment ce vor fi montate pe loc.

Types of energy efficient buildings Tipuri de cldiri eficiente energetic

Passive house

A passive house is a building in which a comfortable room temperature of about 20oC can be achieved without conventional heating and cooling systems. Such buildings are called passive, because the predominant part of their heat requiremen is supplied frompassive sources, e.g., sun exposure and waste heat of persons and technical devices. The heat still required can be delivered to rooms by the controlled ventilation system with heat recovery. The annual heat demand for passive house is very low - in the middle of Europe about 15 kWh/m/year. The need for total primary energy use should not exceed 120 kWh/m/ year, including heating and cooling, domestic hot water, and household electricity. The basic features that distinguish passive house construction: compact form and good insulation; southern orientation and 5

shade considerations; good air tightness of building envelope; passive preheating of fresh air; highly efficient heat recovery from exhaust air; using an air-to-air heat exchanger; hot water supply using renewable energy sources; using energy-saving household appliances. The design of passive houses is a holistic process of planning and realization. It can be used for designing new buildings or for energy renovation of existing buildings. Cas pasiv O cas pasiv este o cldire n care temperatura comfortabil a camerei de aprox. 20oC poate fi obinut fr sisteme convenionale de nclzire i rcire. Astfel de cldiri sunt denumite pasive pentru c o parte predominant din cldura necesar provine din surse pasive, de ex.: expunerea solar, cldura emis de cei care sunt n camer i elementele tehnice. Un aport n plus de cldur poate fi distribuit n camere printr-un sistem controlat de ventilaie cu recuperare de cldur. Necesarul anual pentru nclzirea unei case pasive este foarte sczut pentru Europa Central de aproximativ 15 kWh/m/an. Necesarul minim poate fi asigurat prin nclzirea aerului furnizat de sistemul de ventilaie - un sistem care este necesar n orice caz. Obiectivul este de a pstra un consum total combinat de cldur, ap cald i energie electric sub 120 kWh/m/an. Prin ce se distinge casa pasiv: forma compact i buna termoizolare, orientare ctre sud i fr umbrire, ferestre cu geamuri i tmplrie eficiente energetic, anvelopa termic i nchiderea ermetic a cldirii, sistem de prenclzire pasiv a aerului proaspt, sistem de ventilaie cu recuperare de cldur cu randament crescut, sistem solar pentru apa cald menajer, electrocasnice din clasa energetic A sau superioar. Designul casei pasive este un proces holistic de planificare i realizare. Poate fi folosit att la schiarea cldirilor noi ct i la renovarea energetic a celor existente. Low energy house Generically said, a low-energy house is any type of house that uses less energy than a regular house but more than a passive house. Energy performance of a low-energy house is about half lower than the minimum requirement. There is no global definition for low energy house because national standards vary considerably among countries. For example, in Germany a low energy house has an energy consumption limit of 50 kWh/m/year for space heating. 6

Casa cu consum redus de energie

n mod generic, o cas cu consum redus de energie este orice cas ce utilizeaz mai puin energie dect o cas obinuit, dar mai mult dect una pasiv. Performana energetic a unei cldiri cu consum redus de energie este cu aproape jumtate mai mic dect cerinele minime. Nu exist o definiie la nivel global pentru casa cu consum sczut de energie, deoarece standardele naionale difer considerabil de la ar la ar. De exemplu, n Germania casa cu consum sczut de energie are o limit de consum de 50 kWh/m/an pentru spaiul nclzit.

Energyself-sufficient building Cladire auto-sustenabil din punct de vedere energetic

An energy-self-sufficient building is completely independent of external power supply. Electricity and heat are produced and stored completely with e.g., micro power plants or active solar systems in or at the building. Aceast cldire este complet independent de sursele externe de energie. Electricitatea i cldura sunt produse i inmagazinate complet cu ajutorul unor micro-centrale energetice sau sisteme solare active n/sau pe lang cas.

Engineering networks (heating, cooling, ventilation) Reele inginereti (inclzire, rcire, ventilaie)

Passive heating

At passive heating a large part of the heat for heating is covered over internal profits, i.e. the heat emission by persons and devices as well as over solar profits (heat entry over the windows). n cazul nclzirii pasive, o mare parte din cldura folosit la nclzire este acoperit din surse interne, de ex. emisiile de caldur ale corpului i dispozitivelor din cas ct i solare (caldura intr prin ferestre). Passive cooling is minimising heat gain from the external environment (e.g., by shading a building from the sun and insulating the walls) and removing unwanted heat from a building e.g., by using natural ventilation. Rcirea pasiv reduce cldura obinut din mediul exterior (de ex. prin umbrirea cldirii i izolarea pereilor) i ndeprteaz cldura nedorit dintr-o cldire prin utilizarea ventilaiei naturale.

nclzire pasiv

Passive cooling

Rcire pasiv

Natural ventilation

Process of supplying and removing air of an interior room with air from the outside by openings and leakages in the building shell/envelope. There are two principles of natural ventilation: wind driven ventilation and stack ventilation. Stack ventilation is generated by a difference in the density of warm interior air and the cold air from outside. Both ventilation systems are depending on the weather and so they are uncontrollable, mostly too low or much too strong. Modern, energy efficient buildings are working with controlled mechanical ventilation (by fans) - the antonym for natural ventilation.

Ventilare natural

Procesul de nlocuire a aerului dintr-o camer cu cel din exterior prin deschideri sau neetaneiti n anvelopa cldirii. Exist dou principii de ventilare natural: ventilaie prin aciunea vntului i ventilaie generat de diferena de densitate dintre aerul cald din interior i aerul rece din exterior. Ambele sisteme de ventilaie depind de condiiile climatice, incontrolabile, de cele mai multe ori fie prea sczute , fie prea ridicate. Cldirile moderne, eficiente energetic, utilizeaz sisteme de ventilaie controlat mecanic (cu ajutorul ventilatoarelor)- antonimul ventilaiei naturale. Ventilation is a necessary procedure of replacing the used up interior air by air from outside. Through a duct system, the air from outside is being drawn in by electrically propelled fans (direct current motors). It is filtered, and led to a heat transducer, optionally warmed up and then led into the individual areas (e.g. living room, sleep area, classroom, work spaces). Used up air is drawn off in the kitchen, bath-room, toilets and led by the way of a second duct system to the heat transducer and blown outside. The amount of air needed per person amounts to approx. 20-30 m /h. A controlled ventilation system with heat recovery is necessary for all energy-efficient buildings. The efficiency for high-efficient heat recovery systems is over 90%. 9

Controlled ventilation with heat recovery

Ventilaie controlat cu recuperare de caldur

Ventilaia este o procedur necesar pentru ndeprtarea aerului uzat din interior i nlocuirea acestuia cu aer proaspt din exterior. Printr-un sistem de conducie, aerul din exterior este aspirat n interior cu ajutorul ventilatoarelor electrice. Este filtrat i condus ctre un convertor termic, ce opional poate fi nclzit i apoi distribuit n zonele individuale (camera de zi, dormitoare, spaii de lucru). Aerul uzat este atras din buctrie, baie, toalete i condus printr-un al doilea sistem de conducie ctre convertorul termic i apoi expulzat n exterior. Cantitatea de aer necesar unei persoane se ridic la aprox. 20-30 m3 /h. Un sistem de ventilaie controlat cu recuperare de caldur este necesar tuturor cldirilor eficiente energetic. Eficiena pentru sistemele de recuperare de caldur este de peste 90%. Human thermal comfort is defined as the state of mind that expresses satisfaction with the surrounding environment. Maintaining thermal comfort for buildings inhabitants is one of the most important goals for engineers when designing plans for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and the building envelope. Factors, which determine thermal comfort are: indoor and outdoor air temperature, air movement, relative humidity, clothing people are wearing and the activity level they are engaged in. Confortul termic este definit ca starea de spirit ce exprim satisfacia interaciunii cu mediul nconjurtor. Meninerea confortului termic pentru locatarii unei cldiri este unul din cele mai importante obiective pentru ingineri n realizarea planurilor pentru nclzire, ventilaie, aerisire i anvelopa cldirii. Factorii care determin confortul termic sunt: temperatura aerului din interior i exterior, micarea aerului, umiditatea relativ, hainele pe care le poart persoanele n locuin i nivelul activitii n care sunt implicai. Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the air. Water sources in buildings are: the exhalation of people staying inside (dependent on the level of the physical work); the utilization of the room (drying, cooking, working, doing sports); free water which is coming into new buildings by manufacturing the materials and by the manufacturing process of the building itself. To describe the amount of water vapour in the air the relative humidity is used. Comfortable feeling for a human being is at relative air humidity around 50% (air temperature of 20C).

Thermal comfort

Confort termic

Air humidity


Umiditatea aerului

Umiditatea este reprezentat de cantitatea de vapori de ap din aer. Sursele de ap din cldiri sunt: apa eliminat prin transpiraia oamenilor din interior (depinde de nivelul muncii fizice); utilizarea camerei (usctorie, buctarie, pentru gimnastic); apa liber care intr n cldirile noi prin producerea materialelor i prin procesul de realizare al cldirii nsi. Pentru a descrie cantitatea de vapori de ap, se folosete drept baz umiditatea relativ. Starea de bine a corpului uman se menine la o umiditate relativa de~50% (la o temperatura a aerului de 200C).


Energy performance of buildings Performana energetic a cldirilor

Minimum energy performance requirements

Member States should set minimum requirements for the energy performance of buildings and may differentiate between new and existing buildings as well as different categories of buildings. The requirements should be set with a view to achieving the costoptimal balance between the investments involved and the energy costs saved throughout the life-cycle of the building. Statele membre trebuie s i stabileasc cerinele minime pentru performana energetic, iar acestea pot fi diferite n funcie de cldirile noi sau existente, dar i de categoria cldirilor. Cerinele ar trebui s fie stabilite lundu-se n calcul obinerea unei balane optime din punct de vedere al costurilor ntre investiii i costurile energetice economisite n cadrul ciclului de via al cldirii. Inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows in a building with the objective of understanding the energy dynamics of the system. Typically an energy audit is conducted to seek opportunities to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output. It seeks to prioritize the energy usage according to the greatest to least cost effective opportunities for energy savings. Member States shall ensure the availability of efficient, high-quality energy audit schemes which are carried out in an independent manner, to all final consumers.

Cerine minime de performan energetic

Energy audit


Audit energetic

Inspecia, supravegherea i analiza fluxului energetic ntr-o cldire avnd ca obiectiv ntelegerea dinamicii energetice a sistemului. n mod tipic, auditul energetic este realizat n vederea cutrii de oportuniti pentru reducerea introducerii de energie n sistem fr a afecta negativ rezultatele. Auditul energetic caut s prioritizeze utilizarea energiei conform principiului: de la oportunitile cu costul cel mai mare, la cel mai mic pentru economisirea energiei. Statele Membre vor asigura disponibilitatea unor scheme de audit eficient, ridicat calitativ ce vor fi realizate ntr-o manier independent, pentru toi consumatorii finali. It shows energy performance of a building. Member States shall ensure that, when buildings are constructed, sold or rented out, an energy performance certificate is made available to the owner or by the owner to the prospective buyer or tenant, as the case might be. The validity of the certificate shall not exceed 10 years. The energy certificate for buildings shall include reference values such as current legal standards and benchmarks in order to make it possible for consumers to compare and assess the energy performance of the building. The certificate shall be accompanied by recommendations for the cost-effective improvement of the energy performance. Document tehnic care atest performana energetic a unei cldiri. Statele Membre se vor asigura c, la construirea, vnzarea sau nchirierea cldirilor, un certificat de performan energetic va fi pus la dispoziia proprietarului sau de ctre proprietar potenialului cumprtor, dup caz. Certificatul de performan energetic a cldirii este valabil 10 ani de la data emiterii. Certificatul cuprinde valori de referin prevzute n reglementrile tehnice n vigoare, care permit consumatorilor s compare i s evalueze performana energetic a cldirii. Certificatul este insoit de recomandri de reducere a costurilor, prin mbuntirea performanei energetice a cldirii. 13

Energy performance certificate

Certificat de performan energetic a cldirii

Major renovation

Renovation is changing or substitution of parts of a building. A major renovation is the case, where the total cost of the renovation related to the existing building is more than 25% of the value of the building (exclusive the land where the building is situated) or the case where more than 25% of the building shell undergoes renovation. Conform legislaiei naionale, termenul este definit ca: Lucrri de modernizare efectuate asupra anvelopei cldirii i/sau a instalaiilor de nclzire, ap cald de consum, electrice i iluminat, gaze naturale, ventilaie i climatizare, ale cror costuri depesc 25% din valoarea de impozitare a cldirii, sau lucrri de modernizare efectuate la mai mult de 25% din anvelopa cldirii. A diagnostic tool developed to measure the air tightness of a building and to help locate air leakage sites. The test procedure consists of the measurement of the volumetric air flow, which is produced by the differential pressure by a calibrated fan. With a differential pressure of 50 Pa the air flow volumes is determined [m/h]. The change of air rate is determined by division with the internal air volume of the building. SI-Unit: [h-1].Typical values for the air-change-rates (n50) are: untight building: n50 > 3 h-1 low-energy house: n50 < 1,5 h-1 passive house: n50 < 0,6 h-1 Un echipament destinat msurrii permeabilitii la aer a cldirilor i localizrii golurilor prin care aerul se poate infiltra/exfiltra. Procedura de testare const n msurarea debitului fluxului de aer, care este produs de ctre presiunea diferenial cu ajutorul unui ventilator calibrat. Volumul fluxului de aer [m 3/h] este determinat cu ajutorul unei presiuni difereniale de 50 Pa. Schimbarea proporiei de aer este determinat prin mparirea la volumul de aer intern al cldirii. Unitate-SI: [h-1]. Valorile tipice pentru ratele de schimb ale aerului (n50) sunt: cldire ne-etan: n50 > 3 h-1 cas cu consum redus de energie: n50 < 1,5 h-1 cas pasiv: n50 < 0,6 h-1

Lucrri de renovare

Blower door test

Testul uii suflante (Blower-Door)


Building shell / A building shell is the separation building between the interior and the exterior envelope environments of a building. The building shell includes the roof, the walls, the doors and the windows, as well as the bottom slab and encloses thereby the heated or airconditioned space volume. nveli exterior/ anvelopa cldirii Floor area nveliul exterior al unei cldiri este partea ce separ mediile interior i exterior ale unei cldiri. nveliul cldirii include tavanul, pereii, uile i ferestrele, ct i pavajul, nchiznd astfel volumul spaiului nclzit sau climatizat. Floor area gross Total floor area of all floors of a building calculated with the external dimensions of the building including structures, partitions, corridors and stairs. Floor area net Sum of all areas between the vertical building components (walls, partitions), i.e. gross floor area reduced by the area for structural components. Floor area usable The fraction of the net floor area for the intended use of the building, i.e. net floor area reduced by circulation areas (corridors, stairs etc.) and functional areas (WCs, storage rooms etc.). Suprafaa brut a podelei Suprafaa total a tuturor podelelor unei cldiri calculat cu dimensiunile externe ale cldirii inclusiv structuri, desprituri, coridoare, scri. Suprafaa net a podelei Suma tuturor suprafeelor cuprinse ntre componentele verticale ale cldirii (perei, desprituri), de ex. suprafaa brut a podelei din care se scade suprafaa componentelor structurale. Suprafaa util a podelei Partea din suprafaa net ce se dorete a fi utilizat, de ex. suprafaa net mai puin zonele de circulaie (coridoare, scri etc) i zone funcionale (toalete, debara etc). 15

Suprafaa podelei

Thermal bridge

An area in the building envelope which has a higher heat flow than the surrounding is called a thermal bridge. A classic thermal bridge is the overhanging balcony plate, leading through an insulated outer wall. Typical effects of thermal bridges are: decreased interior surface temperatures; in the worst cases this can result in high humidity in parts of the construction; significantly increased heat losses.

Punte termic

Suprafaa din anvelopa cldirii care are un flux mai ridicat de caldur dect mediul nconjurtor este numit punte termic. O punte termic clasic o reprezint podeaua balconului, ce se continu printr-un perete exterior izolat. Efectele tipice ale punilor termice sunt: temperatura scazut a suprafeelor interioare; n cel mai rau caz acest lucru poate duce la o umiditate ridicat n unele pri ale construciei; pierderi semnificative de caldur. Airtight building is a building in which no air can get in or out through any kind of leakage. The air tightness of a building is a useful knowledge when trying to increase energy efficiency. If the building envelope is not airtight enough, significant amounts of energy may be lost due to exfiltrating air, or damage to structural elements may occur due to condensation. To ensure the necessary air-change rates, it has to be ventilated manually (by opening the windows) or by an air ventilation system. Cldirea etan este cldirea n care aerul nu intr i nu iese prin niciun fel de fisur. Etaneitatea unei cldiri reprezint un factor important atunci cnd se ncearc creterea eficienei energetice. Dac anvelopa cldirii nu este destul de etan, cantiti semnificative de energie se pot pierde datorit aerului exfiltrat, sau pot aprea avarii la elementele de structur din cauza producerii de condens. Asigurarea ratelor necesare de schimb al aerului se face fie prin ventilarea manual (prin deschiderea ferestrelor), fie printr-un sistem de ventilaie.

Air tightness of buildings

Etaneitatea cldirilor


Energy balance of a building

Energy balance of a building refers to the sum of the heat losses (e.g., heat going out through the roofs, external walls and windows) being equal to the sum of the heat gains (e.g., passive solar gains, internal gains and active heating). Balana energetic a unei cldiri se refer la: suma pierderilor de cldur (de ex. prin tavan, perei exteriori i ferestre) s fie egal cu suma aportului de cldur (de ex.: din nclzire solar pasiv, nclzire intern sau activ). Heat transmission coefficient (thermal transmittance) of a structure, describes the heat flow through a building element in W per m2 and temperature difference of one degree (K). SI-Unit: [W/(m2K)]. The higher the value the lower its thermal resistance and therefore the more heat/energy pass through the element. Examples of U-values depending of material thickness (=0,040 W/(mK)): 10cm: U = 0,4 W/(mK) 20cm: U = 0,2 W/(mK) 40cm: U = 0,1 W/(mK) U-value is equal to the inverse of the sum of the R-values (thermal resistance) of the construction. SI-Unit: [(mK)/W].

Balana energetic a unei cldiri U-value

Coeficientul de transmitere a cldurii (transmitana termic) al Valoarea U- transmitana unei structuri, descrie fluxul de cldur dintr-un element al cldirii in W/m2 i diferena de temperatur de 1 kelvin (K). SI-Unit: [W/ termic m2K]. Cu cat valoarea este mai ridicat cu atat rezistena termic este mai mic i astfel mai mult caldur/energie trece prin element. Exemple ale valorii U corelate cu grosimea materialului (=0,040W/(mK)): 10cm: U= 0,4 W/(mK) 20cm: U= 0,2 W/(mK) 40cm: U= 0,1 W/(mK) Valoarea U este egal cu inversul sumei valorilor R (rezistena termic) ale construciei. Unitatea SI: [(mK)/W] 17

Double/triple glazing

Windows made by glazing with two or three glass panes. The interspace between the panes is filled with gas in order to reduce the transmissions of energy. To reduce the solar radiation, the surface of one or more panes is coated. Typical values are: 2-panes-glazing: Ug = 2,8-3,0 W/(mK) 2-panes-heat protection glazing: Ug = 1,1-1,3 W/(mK) 3-panes-heat protection glazing: Ug = 0,6-0,8 W/(mK) Ansamblu de dou sau trei foi de geam separate printr-un spaiu umplut cu aer sau un gaz inert, pentru a reduce transmiterea de energie. Pentru reducerea radiaiei solare, pe suprafaa uneia sau mai multor foi este ataat o pelicul. Valorile tipice ale transferului termic sunt: 2 - foi de geam: Ug = 2,8-3,0 W/(mK) 2 foi de geam termopan: Ug = 1,1-1,3 W/(mK) 3 - foi de geam termopan: Ug = 0,6-0,8 W/(mK)

Vitrare dubl/ tripl


Energy production Producerea energiei

Primary energy

Energy that has not been subjected to any conversion or transformation process. Primary energy includes non-renewable energy and renewable energy. If both are taken into account it can be called total primary energy. Energie ce nu a fost nc supus niciunei conversii sau proces de transformare. Energia primar include energie ne-regenerabil i energie regenerabil. Dac sunt luate n calcul ambele, atunci se poate numi energie primar.

Energie primar

Co-generation Simultaneous conversion of primary fuels into thermal energy and electrical energy, meeting certain quality criteria of energy efficiency. Also known as combined heat and power (CHP). Co-generare Transformarea simultan a combustibililor primari n energie electric i energie termic, cu respectarea anumitor criterii de calitate privind eficiena energetic. Procesul este denumit i producere combinat de caldur i electricitate (PCCE) 19

White certificate

A document certifying a certain reduction of energy consumption, which has been attained by companies (energy producers, suppliers or distributors) in the energy market. In most applications, the white certificates are tradable. Corresponding to the closely related concept of emission trading, it should guarantee, that the overall energy saving target is achieved. The system of the white certificates has to be set up and controlled by government bodies. Un document care certific o anumit reducere a consumului de energie, ce a fost obinut de ctre companii (productori de energie, distribuitori) pe piaa energetic. n cele mai multe cazuri, certificatele albe sunt comercializabile. Corespunznd conceptului relativ apropiat de tranzacionare a certificatelor, va garanta c inta de economisire a energiei este atins. Sistemul de certificate albe trebuie introdus i controlat de organismele guvernamentale.

Certificat alb



Sustainable approach Abordare sustenabil

Holistic planning

A process, which tries to integrate a lot of different factors into the planning of urban & environmental areas. The importance is drawn on all affecting factors, like: all involved parties and their needs, the expertise of the designers, cost effectiveness over the entire life-cycle of the building, security, accessibility, flexibility, aesthetic and sustainability, the location of the property and used building materials. Proces ce ncearc s integreze o multitudine de factori diferii n planificarea zonelor urbane i de mediu. Importana este atras asupra tuturor factorilor, cum sunt: toate prile implicate i nevoile lor, eficiena costurilor asupra ntregului ciclu de via al cldirii, securitatea, accesibilitatea, flexibilitatea, estetica i durabilitatea, localizarea proprietii i materialele de construcie folosite.

Planificare holistic


Green public procurement

Green public procurement means that contracting authorities and entities take environmental issues into account when tendering for goods or services with tax payers money in order to reduce the impact of the procurement on human health and the environment. Examples - energy efficient computers and buildings, environmentally friendly public transport, recyclable paper, organic food in canteens, electric cars, office equipment made of environmentally sustainable timber, electricity stemming from renewable energy sources, air conditioning systems complying with state-of-the-art environmental solutions.

Achiziii publice verzi

Achiziiile publice verzi se refer la faptul c autoritile contractante i entitile iau n calcul problemele de mediu atunci cnd oferteaz bunuri i servicii cu ajutorul banilor din taxele platite de contribuabili, pentru a reduce impactul achiziiilor asupra sntii umane i mediului. Exemple calculatoare i cldiri eficiente energetic, transport public durabil, hrtie reciclabil, alimente organice n cantine, automobile electrice, mobilier de birou realizat din cherestea durabil, electricitate din surse regenerabile, sisteme de aer condiionat conforme cu soluiile actuale de protecie a mediului.


List de referine
Directive CE: Directiva 2002/91/CE privind performana energetic a cldirilor Directiva 2006/32/CE privind eficiena energetic la utilizatorii finali i serviciile energetice Legislaie Naional Legea nr. 372/2005 privind performana energetic a cldirilor

Surse internet:


material pregtit de: Biroul de arhitectura Auraplan, Germania Jrg Faltin, Christiane von Knorre

Centrul pentru Energie i Mediu (e.u.z.), Germania Expert extern, Germania

Wilfried Walther Bjrn F. Zimmermann

Baltic Environmental Forum, Letonia

Daina Indriksone, Irina Aeksejeva, Ingrda Brmere

tradus n limba romn de ctre: REC Romnia Magdalena Burlacu, Bogdan Constantin Barbu

Tiprit la: Jelgavas tipogrfija, Letonia Iunie 2009

din estonia pn n croaia: msuri inteligente de economisire a energiei pentru cldiri n rile europei centrale i de est (intenSe) nr. contract: iee/07/823 Si2.500392 Performana energetic a cldirilor: glosar de termeni n limba englez i n limba romn (d.2.1.)

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