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(Survey on Student of Business Administration Faculty of Administrative Science Brawijaya
University Who Had Ever Switched to Other SIM Card Providers)
Adi Cahyono
Djamhur Hamid
Andriani Kusumawati
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi
Universitas Brawijaya
Email :

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memahami citra merek, harga dan promosi secara simultan
memiliki pengaruh terhadap Brand Switching. Memahami pengaruh citra merek terhadap Brand Switching.
Memahami pengaruh harga terhadap Brand Switching. Memahami pengaruh promosi terhadap Brand
Switching. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian penjelasan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil
penelitian regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa: Citra merek, harga dan promosi memiliki
pengaruh secara simultan terhadap Brand Switching berdasarkan nilai F-test sedangkan Promosi adalah
yang paling dominan memiliki pengaruh terhadap Brand Switching berdasarkan nilai t-test karena
pelanggan mendapatkan informasi dan iklan yang menarik tentang kelebihan dari produk, tertarik dengan
promosi penjualan seperti sms gratis, tambahan kuota internet dan telpon gratis pada waktu yang
ditentukan. Sedangkan Citra merek, harga dan promosi juga memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap
Brand switching. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan diharapkan untuk meningatkan dan mempertahankan
kualitas promosi yang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap Brand switching.

Kata kunci : Brand image, Price, Promotion and Brand switching

This study aimed to understanding the simultaneously influences of the brand image, price and
promotion on brand switching. Understanding the influence of brand image on brand switching.
Understanding the influence of price on brand switching. Understanding the influence of promotion on
brand switching. The type of this research used explanatory research with quantitative approach. The result
of the study multiple linear regression reveals that: Brand Image, Price and Promotion has influences
simultaneously on Brand Switching based on the F-test value and Promotion has dominant influence based
on the t-test value. Promotion reasons has significant influence on brand switching are consumer obtained
the information and interesting advertising about the superiority of the product, consumer attracted with
sales promotion such as free short messages service (SMS), additional internet quota and free of charge
phone calls in specified time and it triggered the consumer to switch to other products. Brand image has a
significant influence on Brand Switching. Price has a significant influence on Brand Switching. Promotion
has a significant influence on Brand Switching. Therefore, the company is expected to improve and maintain
the quality of the promotion that has big influence on Brand Switching.

Key words: Brand image, Price, Promotion and Brand switching

1. INTRODUCTION OF THE RESEARCH telecommunications industry radically. Mobile

The rapid development of technology has phone that was one of a luxury item, only certain
contemporarily changed the pattern of life such as groups could enjoy it, now easily to get and
facility delivery of news, ideas and producing cheaper, both in wire line telecommunications
higher human comfort and solving the problem of facilities or fixed line wireless and mobile.
time and space efficiency. In Indonesia, even All the way of life have access to
mobile phones have changed the map of the telecommunications facilities can use for various
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)| Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2015| 1
purposes, whether for business, family, or other brands. This subjective evaluation results in the
purposes. Similarly, all levels of society from the formation of brand image in the mind of the
elite layer until a housekeeper from big cities or consumer. This paper attempts to understand how
outposts throughout Indonesia can access existing consistency of brand image across consumers is
telecommunications facilities. Moreover, the affected by the consumer involvement with the
program Universal Service Obligation (USO) is product category and familiarity with the brand.
already being a government program in recent Price may be not strange anymore in purchasing
years. Telecommunications services were brought decision for the buyers. Because buyers will
into isolated areas, although the results are still not consider the price and appropriate with the quality
satisfying. even needs. Others options to obtain more
News about the fierce competition among customer is promotion for product. Promotion can
operators in order to attract customers’ interest in be very initial part for the company to recognize
using their products, wireless and mobile cellular new product, building product and company’s
particularly is become more intense. Even in some image toward customer. Location of the research
of the media told the price war to attract was choose in student of Brawijaya University
customers by various operators, to the extent there Faculty of Administrative Science especially
that offer free or conversation trough messages department of business administration class 2013
free in order to attract consumers. The mobile Jl. MT. Haryono 138 Malang, this research
phone market in Indonesia is estimated to have the respondent target was chosen to the student of the
highest monthly customer turnover rate in the university because The perspective as a young
world. Mobile phone customer in Indonesia is people who might has big curious to try other
easy to switch the phone number to another product in many kinds of reasons especially brand
carrier. This is not apart from the competition image, price and promotion as measurement
among telecommunication operators in Indonesia. variables in this research and easy to influenced
A turnover of cell phone subscribers in Indonesia by the promotion content such as free content and
is estimated to reach 8.6 % in a month. At the persuasive tag line.
moment in Indonesia is arising 10 operators 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
namely: Telkom, Telkomsel, Indosat, Prior Research
Excelcomindo (XL), Hutchison (3), Sinar Mas, The research about this research had ever
Sampoerna Telecommunication, Bakrie Telecom researched by Ribhan (2006), research location
(Esia), Mobile-8 (Fren), and Natrindo phone was taken in Lampung University. Nurmaditya
cellular. By this amount, customer fixed phone (2009), researched on the AXIS users in Malang
around 9 million and SIM card cellular customer city. Nurmawati (2009), respondents was taken on
around 64 million. If we divine based on platform, student of university who stay in Ketawanggede.
GSM user as much as 88%, CDMA cellular 3%, Nagar and Komal (2009), this research is
and CDMA fixed wireless access (FWA) 9%. But evaluating the effect of consumer sales
from by operator above just 3 who has customer promotions on brand loyal and brand switching
more than 5% namely Telkomsel, Indosat, and segments. Shukla and paulav (2009), The study
Excelcomindo. This is made levels of rivalry examines our prior knowledge regarding influence
among operator increasingly. All of the SIM card on contextual factors, and behavioral intentions
cellular customer also enjoy that rivalry usefully. (brand loyalty and brand switching) on the
Brand image refers to consumer perceptions and purchase decisions, 340 respondents. Shukla and
encompasses a set of beliefs that consumer have paurav (2004), Purposes of these researches are
about the brand. From the consumer's perspective, the study addresses the effect of product usage,
a brand provides a visible representation of satisfaction derived out of the same and the brand
differences between products. An organization switching behavior in several product categories
can, through its branding strategies and while looking at the product involvement level in
advertising messages, seek to convey a certain the Indian marketplace. Sun, Nelvin and
image for the brand. Consumer may evaluate the Srinivasan (2003), Measuring Impact Promotions
company's message through the prism of their on Brand Switching when Consumer are Forward
own subjectivity. People will use their own Looking”. Effect of product usage, satisfaction
interpretations and will respond differently to and involvement on brand switching behavior,

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)| Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2015| 2
Promotion, price and availability of the product, other consumer through mouth by mouth.
200 respondents. Grover and Srinivasan (1990), Building the good image in company through the
450 sample of households, this research used product is an important thing.
Empirical study provides evidence that Price
assumption of homogeneity of model parameters The price is the number of exchangeable
methods. Purpose of the research is to evaluate the value customers benefit from having or using a
effects of promotions on brand share, store share, product or service whose value is set by buyers
and product category sales. and sellers exceed bargain, or specified by the
seller for the same price to all buyers. According
Brand image to Kotler (2005:139), price is one of the elements
According to Kotler and Amstrong in marketing mix that produces revenue, while
(2006:229) define brand as a name, sign, symbol, other element is produce costs. Pricing decisions
design or the combination intended to identify are also very significant in determining the value
product or services from individual or or benefit that can be given to consumers and play
corporations, in order to differentiate them with an important role in describing the quality of the
the competitors. The image is influenced by many product. Competitive price can be a competitive
factors outside the control of the company. advantage for customers, because there are types
Effective image will affect the three things: first, of consumers who make the price as the main
strengthen character and the proposed value research on product purchasing decisions.
products. Second, conveying the character in a Production concept asserts that consumers
different way so as not to be confused with the everywhere will choose the product that is
character of a competitor. Third, provide available everywhere and cheap, Kotler and Keller
emotional strength that is more than just a mental (2009: 18). The price of the product is very
image. In order to serve the image should be expensive but the benefits are appropriate or
submitted through any available means of comparable consumer then the consumer will
communication and brand contacts. Example: if continue to buy and do not switch to another
the messages should be expressed through brand. Customers will continue to re-purchase and
symbols, written and audiovisual media, the the customer will be loyal to the products offered
atmosphere (physical space), events (activities), as by the company. The product price factor is
well as the behavior of employees. always been an important factor in
customer/consumer buying process in every
The brand knowledge is very importance in context. Customer always examines price and
influencing what people think by someone on a brand name information differently when
brand. Brand knowledge consists of two customers are making judgments on the
components: brand awareness and brand image. dimensions of quality: easy of uses, usefulness,
Brand awareness associated with the introduction performance, durability, and status.
and remind of the performance of a brand The new company will solve the pricing
according to consumers. Keller cited in Atmoko problem using the method of pricing. Kotler cited
(2008: 11) mentions that the brand image which in Emiri (2011:13), states the following pricing:
built from brand association is usually associated a) Mark-up pricing method is the most basic
with the information in the memory with pricing methods, namely by adding a
something related to the services or products. mark-up varies among the various goods.
According to every statement about brand image Mark-ups are generally higher for
from the experts above, brand image have a seasonal products, special products,
position to determine the products. It’s the product product sales were slow and the product
deserve to obtain the good label from the demand is not elastic.
consumer or not. Brand image become an b) Pricing is based on a target return pricing,
additional point for the background of the product companies set prices based on the cost of
and company. Consumer could judge the products the other or companies determine the
even just try to consume the product at first or price that will generate the desired return
second times. The customer will promote and on investment. The concept is to use the
recognize the product to their family, friends, and price chart that shows the total of

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)| Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2015| 3
principal costs (the sum of fixed costs and 3. Price competitiveness
variable costs) and desired amount of 4. Advantages of goods
revenue. Promotion
c) Pricing based on perceived value. This According to Alma (2005:179), Promotion
method sets the company product price is is a kind of marketing communication that consist
not based on the seller's cost is sometimes of marketing activity in order to spread
too high or too low, but from the information, influence and increasing market
customer perception. The key in this target from the company and its product to be
method is to determine accurately the ready to receive, buy and loyal to the offered
market's perception of the value of deals. product by company. Meanwhile, according to
Market research is needed to establish the Swastha (2002:237), promotion is an information
perception of market value as a guide to wave or a way to persuade to show someone or
effective pricing. organization to the implementation that create
d) Pricing the value of the company in this charge in marketing, In other word promotion also
method set low enough to offer a high as the all kinds of marketing activity in purpose to
quality. Value pricing states that the price push demand. In order recognizing product,
should represent something offers high company should be promoted to deliver
value for customers. Appropriate pricing information by the company then citizens able to
at current prices In this method the know the information. Promotion is one of
company costs or demand less attention important marketing mix variable in marketing
to itself but mainly basing the price on the product and service. According to definitions
competitor's price. The Company may above able to explained that promotion is an
charge the same price, higher, lower than activity that should be doing by company or
its competitors. This method is quite organization to show, recognize and inform to
popular, if the costs are difficult to help the decisions making to the company.
measure or competitor responses are Promotion activity that already did by company
uncertain. must be accepted by the citizens. Success of the
e) Sealed bid pricing. The Company promotion strategy implementation is consisted of
determines the price based on estimates company’s ability to sell product or service.
of how competitors will set the price and Promotion is a marketing mix that has several
not based on a rigid relationship to the indicators:
cost or demand company. In this method,
competitive pricing is commonly used 1. Advertising
when the company closed bidding over a 2. Sales promotion
project. 3. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
4. Personal selling
Pricing objectives is goal-oriented image 5. Direct marketing
(Tjiptono, 2001:24). Image of a company could be
Relations among Brand Image, Price and
formed trough pricing strategy. Companies could
Promotion on Brand switching
set a high price to establish or maintain the
Brand switching eventually has many
prestigious image. In goal-oriented image, the
cases did by the customer, all of the reasons
company sought to avoid competition with the
because of customer has right to do brand
way to differentiate a product or service by way of
switching behavior. Every customer has different
specific market segments. This is the most
type and taste then customer switch to other
common among companies that sell products that
brands. Brand image, price and promotion as an
include a special category of goods and products
example might customer switch to other product
that require high involvement in the purchasing
because of bad image of the product, company
process. In this study using four indicators that
also image of the customer it selves. Price is could
characterize the price according to Stanton cited in
be a measurement also in customer brand
Rosvita (2010:25):
switching behavior, might the customer feels
1. Affordability
unsatisfied with the product where as the price
2. Accordance of price with the quality
product that they bough is expensive or mostly
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)| Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2015| 4
customer choose the lowest price product to H4 Promotion has influence significantly on
appropriate their economic condition. Then Brand Switching of SIM card phone
promotion, every detail of the product sometimes cellular.
judged by the customer, not just brand image, 3. RESEARCH METHOD
price but also promotion could persuade and This research use explanatory research, it
remind consumer about the product. means in this research will explain the existence
According to Cravens cited in Nilasari of causal relations among of variables that will
(2012:3) said, price is a fast way to attack rivalry researched. This research will also explain some
or other possibility to positioning a company in of analysis descriptive, but the main point of this
the outside directly. According to Stanton cited in research is explanation about the influences of few
Nilasari (2012:3) if the price tag not appropriate variables measured and researched, also
with consumer perception toward brand class with hypothesis test that taken based on literature
the presence of the brand, it will make consumer review. Location of the research was choose on
doubt and no repurchases because consumer claim student of Brawijaya University Faculty of
the price of product unsuitable in it class of brand. Administrative Science especially Department of
Promotion relation among other variable might Business Administration class of 2013 Jl. MT.
from brand image, mostly consumer judge the Haryono 138 Malang because researcher consider
creativity of the company who has good the potentially responds who based on education
promotion through the radio, television or area which has enough population to researched
magazine and deliver it simply funny or and simply get data needed.
Hypothesis Model Population and sample
Population in this research is student who
Hypothesis model could be seen at picture 1. still registered and studying in S-1 Faculty of
Administrative Science noted as class of 2013,
Amount of the student population in Faculty of
Brand Administrative Science Business Administration
Brawijaya University class of 2013. Population is
a group of people, event or incident that has
characteristic (Indriantoro and Supomo,
2002:115). While according to Arikunto
Price (X2) switching (2002:108), population is a whole research
(Y) subject. Amount of S-1 Business Administration
student at Faculty of Administrative Science,
Brawijaya University class of 2013.
(X3) Sample is part of the population sample
Picture 1. Hypothesis model consist of chosen member from population. In
others word, a number of, but not whole,
Based on the picture hypothesis model, could be population element will form sample (Sekaran,
concluded as follows: 2006:123). To decide amount of sample used the
formula of Slovin in Umar (2005:146), following
H1 Brand Image, Price, and Promotion has
influences significantly on Brand
If the amount population Department of
Switching of SIM card phone cellular
Business Administration Students in Faculty of
Administrative Science Brawijaya University
H2 Brand Image has influence significantly on
class of 2013 are 879, from the formulation above
Brand Switching of SIM card phone
able to count to get the sample, caused of female
population more than male, the sample will take
H3 Price has influence significantly on Brand
for female more than male:
Switching of SIM card phone cellular.

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)| Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2015| 5

Variables and Operational Definition General Description of the Respondent

This research uses several variables as follows: Respondent in this research are student of
Faculty of Administrative Science Business
1. Brand image, Indicator: recognition, reputation, Administration Brawijaya University class of
affinity and loyalty 2013 who use SIM card and already switch to
other phone cellular brand. Total respondent in
2. Price, Indicator: affordability of price, this research are 90 students. Sample decision is
accordance of price with the quality, price representative and population of the respondent as
competitiveness and advantages of goods. known as much as 879 students for male 375
3. Promotion, Indicator: advertising, sales students and female 504 students. Description
promotion and personal selling. about respondent that become sample in this
research is classified based on total spend of
4. Brand switching, Indicator: product quality and money for credit purchases in a month, previous
emerging new product. SIM card phone cellular brand, current SIM card
phone cellular brand, the number of using brand
Validity and Reliability and reason to switch to other SIM card phone cell.
Validity is a measure that shows the levels
of validity of instrument (Arikunto, 2006:144). Regression analysis
According to Sekaran (2006:42), Validity makes Regression analysis used to calculate the
sure to a scale tools ability to measure the magnitude of the effect between the independent
concept. According to Umar (2005:194), variables namely Brand image (X1), Price (X2),
reliability is an index number that show of Promotion (X3) and the dependent variable is
measurer consistent in measuring same case. The Brand switching (Y).
smaller failure in measurement, made more
reliable measurer. And the opposite, the higher Hypothesis I (F test /Simultaneous)
failure in measurement, made not reliable
measurer. Testing F or testing the model used to
determine whether the results of the regression
Table 1: Reliability Test of Variable analysis significant or not, in other words the
exact model allegedly / fit or not. If the results
No. Variable Reliability coefficient Explanation were significant, then H0 is rejected and H1 is
1 Brand image (X1) 0.878 Reliabel
accepted. Meanwhile, if the result is not
significant, then H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected.
2 Price (X2) 0.817 Reliabel
Based on Table 2 value of Sig. F as big as
3 Promotion (X3) 0.878 Reliabel 0.000 because sig F value (0.000) <α = 0.05
4 Brand switching (Y) 0.650 Reliabel
regression analysis model are significant. It means
H0 rejected and H1accepted then could be
concluded that dependent variable (Brand
switching) could be influenced significantly by
Data analysis methods independent
According to Malhotra (2006:230),
multiple regression involves a dependent variable variables (Brand image (X1), Price (X2), and
and two or more independent variables. If a Promotion (X3)).
dependent variable depends on more than one
independent variable, then the relationship Table 2: Summary of Multiple Linier Regression
between two variables is called multiple

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)| Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2015| 6
could be influenced significantly by Price
or by raising the Price Brand switching
would significantly increase.
Unstand c. Variable of X3 gives a positive and
ardized significant effect, this is evidenced by the
Independent Dependent p- Descri
Variable Variable Coeffici
Value ption regression coefficient of 0.220 with a
ents significance value of 0.004. t test between
Signifi X3 (Promotion) with Y (Brand switching)
0.139 2.087 0.040 cant shows Sig t count = 0.004. Because Sig t
Y 0.148 2.160 0.034
cant value (0.004) <α = 0.05. Influences of X3
Signifi (Promotion) on Brand switching are
0.220 3.003 0.004 cant
significantat. It means that H0 rejected dan
Constant : 1.697
H1 accepted. It could be concluded that
R : 0.743
R2 : 0.552
Brand switching could be significantly
Adjusted R 2
: 0.536
affected by Promotion or by increasing the
F count : 35.327 Promotion Brand switching would
Sig.F : 0.000 significantly increase.
From the overall results it can be
concluded that the independent variables have a
Hypothesis II (t test / Partial) significant influence on brand switching
simultaneously and partially. And from here it
t test are used to know how the each independent can be seen that the three independent variables
variables has partially influences significantly were the most dominant influence on brand
towards dependent variable. switching are the Promotion as it has a beta
Based on the Table 2 obtained result as coefficient and highest t.
Result of Hypothesis Testing
a. Variable of X1 gives a positive and
significant effect, this is evidenced by the Influence of Brand Image on Brand Switching
regression coefficient of 0.139 with a
significance value of 0.040. t test between Results of multiple regression analysis
X1 (Brand image) with Y (Brand showed that there is positive and significant
switching) show Sig t = 0.040. Because influence between brand image variable on brand
Sig t value (0.040) <α = 0.05 X1 (Brand switching the SIM Card phone cellular. Variables
image) influence on brand switching are that influence the brand image is quite large
significant. It means H0 rejected and H1 though not dominant variables on brand switching
accepted. It could be concluded that Brand SIM Card cell, presumably because of the strong
switching can be significantly influenced attraction of the variables in terms of brand image
by brand image or to enhance the image of aspects of the product and the company are
the Brand Brand switching would increase considered by consumers to switch brands in the
significantly. mobile SIM Card. Brand image variable consists
of 4 indicators and 12 items statement. The first
b. Variable of X2 gives a positive and indicator relates to the recognition, consumers
significant effect, this is evidenced by the recognize the product is used (X1.1), follow other
regression coefficient of 0.148 with a consumer (X1.2), image and benefit gives value for
significance value of 0.034. t test between the addition product (X1.3). Second indicator of
X2 (Price) with Y (Brand switching) shows reputation, brand image is well known (X1.4), the
Sig t hitung = 0.034. Because Sig t value image of the product Previously well known
(0.034) <α = 0.05 the influences of X2 (X1.5), the reputation of the corporation and their
(Price) on Brand switching are significant. product is good in citizens (X1.6). The third
It means that H0 rejected and H1 accepted. indicator is affinity, consumer emotion has a
It could be concluded that Brand switching relationship with the image of the product (X1.7),

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)| Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2015| 7
interested with the brand image (X1.8), product product benefits (X2.4), the price of the product
images known interesting to try (X1.9), then last with the quality Appropriate (X2.5), suitable
indicator of brand image is loyalty, stay loyal with between price and utility (X2.6). The next indicator
the image of the products commonly (X1.10), bad is price competitiveness, Consist of the price of
image of the product then the make the consumer the competitive product with others product (X2.7),
switch to others (X1.11), proud that with the current the price of the product covered with many gifts
product being used (X1.12). The results obtained and free content (X2.8), cheap but valuable for the
from the respondents to the statements in the consumer (X2.9). last indicator of price are
brand image variable (X1), there are items that advantages of goods, the products provide special
have the highest mean value. These items are benefits for the consumer (X2.10), special products
(X1.4) on the image of the product is well known has benefits for the consumer (X2.11), many
previously. Brand image also could become discounts and promotions (X2.12). The results of
position of the brand, according to Simamora this study concluded highest mean among the few
(2003:47), brand image is a several truth about the items in the price variables many discounts and
brand, requirements of the strong brand is brand promotions (X2.12). Conclusions from the
image. Brand image become very important thing discussion above in accordance with the relevance
according to Sumarwan (2004:303), brand is results of previous research conducted by Ribhan
important identity for the product, brand images (2006), the effect of the price variable is positive
which commonly long time known by the and significant impact on brand switching variable
consumer had become an image even symbol for items (X2.12). This research contradicted with
the product. It is not surprised if brand as a value Nurmawati (2009) research result which said that
to evaluate the product. Brand image has also financial condition has no significant effect on
positive useful according to Sutisna (2001:83) as brand switching. Price also communicates the
follow: value of the intended position of the company to
1. Consumer with positive images on a brand, the market of the product and the brand. Pricing is
prefer to do the purchases. a critical point in the marketing mix because it
2. Company could develop the product by determines the price and income of a business
advantages of previous product which well venture. According to Kotler (2005: 139), the
known for long time ago. price is one of the elements of the marketing mix
Several reasons that cause brand image that generates revenue, the other elements produce
influence on brand switching are because the costs. In this research, price has a significant
consumers know the product has a good image, influence on brand switching because the
dependable and give evidence as it is promised. consumer get the balance between the price and
Consumers are knew the reputation of the product the quality of the product, so that consumer feel
and the company that has a good track record, they get more benefit than the price of the product
providing what the consumer want and need. which relatively cheap and suitable with the
Consumers are certainly interested with the image economic condition of the consumer. Generally,
of the company’s product that can satisfy them. consumers are very sensitive to price. Therefore,
many consumers begin to compare the price of the
Influence of Price on Brand Switching products and prefer to the products that have a
stable and cheap price that offers more features
Regarding to the results of multiple regression,
than other products.
the price variable is positive and significant
influence on brand switching variable at prime Influence of Promotion on Brand Switching
cellular card, though not dominant when According to the result of multiple
compared with the other variables examined in the analysis regression, promotion variable has
study. The price variable has 4 indicators and 12 positive and significant effect on brand switching
items statement. The first indicator associated variable on the mobile SIM Card. Even the results
with the brand image is the price affordability, of research revealed that the promotion variable is
with the financial Appropriate (X2.1), stability of the most dominant variable in affecting brand
product price (X2.2), affordable product price switching the mobile SIM Card. Promotion has 3
(X2.3). The next indicator is associated with the indicator variables and 10 items. The first
price with the quality, balance between Price and
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)| Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2015| 8
indicator variable is a promotional advertising, Based on the calculation of multiple linear
informative advertising (X3.1), persuasive regression analysis, it could be seen bellow:
advertising (X3.2), remembering advertising (X3.3),
Strengthen advertising (X3.4). The next indicator is 1. Brand Image, Price and Promotion has
sales promotion, Coupon (X3.5), point of purchase simultaneously influence on Brand
(X3.6), gift (X3.7). The last Indicator in the Switching based on the F-test. From the
promotion variable are personal selling, results of multiple linear regression analysis
presentation (X3.8), answer the question (X3.9) obtained value Sig F as big as 0.000, in
messages directly (X3.10). of research results in the which Sig F < significant level 0,05, It
promotion variables are items that have the means that H0 rejected and H1 accepted.
highest mean item persuasive advertising (X3.1) Based on the results of the t-test showed
where there is a theory that justifies this support, that the promotion has a highest t value,
according Swastha (2002: 237), promotion is the Promotion reasons has significant and most
information flow in one direction or persuasion dominant influence on brand switching are
made to direct a person or organization to act that consumer obtained the information and
created the exchange in marketing. In addition, the interesting advertising about the superiority
promotion is also the all types of marketing of the product, consumer attracted with
activities are intended to stimulate demand. This sales promotion such as free short messages
research is contradicted to the results of service (SMS), additional internet quota
researchers from Nurmawati (2009) who said and free of charge phone calls in specified
promotion factor has no significant effect on time and it triggered the consumer to switch
brand switching on switching on shampoo brand to other products.
purchasing. This research support with Ribhan 2. Brand image (X1) has a significant
(2006) research result said that promotion has influence on brand switching because it
positively influence directly on brand switching. has sig. < 0.05
According to Nagar and Komal (2009:10), 3. Price (X2) has a significant influence on
promotion have more influence on the brand brand switching because it has sig. < 0.05
switchers as compared to loyal consumer, also 4. Promotion (X3) has a significant influence
among the various forms of consumers sales on brand switching because it has sig. <
promotions, free gifts have more influence on the 0.05
brand switching behavior of the consumers.
Promotion has significant and the most dominant Suggestion
influence on brand switching in this research.
Based on the conclusion above, it can be
Promotion reasons has significant influence on
argued that some of the suggestions are expected
brand switching are consumer obtained the
to be beneficial for the company as well as for
information and interesting advertising about the
other parties. The advice given, among other
superiority of the product, consumer attracted with
sales promotion such as free short messages
service (SMS), additional internet quota and free 1. It is expected that the company could
of charge phone calls in specified time and it maintain and improve the quality of the
triggered the consumer to switch to other Promotion, because Promotion variable
products. has a dominant influence in affecting
brand switching, among which the modern
5. CLOSING way of promotion that always makes the
Conclusion consumer more believe that the product is
This research was conducted to the best ever and promotion could attract
determine which are the variables that have an the consumer’s emotional to buy the
influence on brand switching. In this research the product.
independent variables are variable Brand image 2. The independent variable in this study is
(X1), Price (X2), and Promotion (X3) while the very important in affecting Brand
dependent variable used is Brand switching (Y). Switching. Expected results of this study
could serve as a basis for further research
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