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Diseases that can affect pregnancy Posted on March 13, 2011 by admin If a woman suffering from congenital disease

or specific diseases that are serious enough, should be vigilant and cautious in the face of pregnancy. With regular care and treatment, pregnancy can generally run smoothly. However, the risk of something unexpected can happen. Some diseases that need special attention if diidap by pregnant women are described below: a. Heart disease in pregnancy Pregnancy and heart disease will affect each other on the individual concerned. Pregnancy heart disease would be burdensome. In contrast, heart disease will affect the growth and perkembanganjanin in the womb, another case in pregnancy with a normal heart. The body can adjust to the change of heart and vascular system. If a pregnant woman with heart disease will occur the following changes: 1. Increasing the volume of the heart, which began eight weeks of pregnancy and peaked at 32 weeks gestation, another settled. This condition aims to meet the needs of the mother and the fetus she is carrying. 2. The heart and diaphragm (septum chest cavity) pushed up because of an enlarged uterus. Thus. quite clear that pregnancy can aggravate heart disease. Possibility of a bad heart (decompensated Cordis) can occur. Complaints that often arise are: feel tired, heart palpitations shortness of breath, sometimes with bluish around the mouth (sionosis), and swelling of the legs or feel heavy on young pregnancy. To fix this, perform rigorous treatment during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Labor should be performed in hospitals with adequate facilities. b. High blood pressure (hypertension) in pregnancy A woman can have high blood pressure before she was pregnant or arise during pregnancy.That is, pregnancy can cause high blood pressure, such as the emergence of abnormalities of preeclampsia (pregnancy poisoning) are accompanied by edema (swelling), and the murky urine because it contains enough protein. The main cause of high blood pressure during pregnancy is essential high blood pressure and kidney disease. - High blood pressure is essential Blood pressure caused tiggi essential heredity, environment, and emotional instability.Usually in more than 30 weeks gestation, about 30% of pregnant women will experience a rise in blood pressure, but without showing any symptoms. In addition, approximately 20% of pregnant women experience an increase in blood pressure, may be accompanied by murky urine (urine protein) and edema (swelling). The increase in blood pressure may be accompanied by headaches, heartburn (epigastrium), nausea, vomiting, and impaired vision.

- High blood pressure due to kidney disease Kidney disease may increase blood pressure. This is caused by inflammation, kidney inflammation in some parts of the acute or chronic. Usually, this inflammation will be accompanied by increased body temperature and urination disorders. To overcome this, pregnant women are advised to rest, can control their emotions, and do not work too hard. Eat foods high in protein, low carbohydrate, low fat, low in salt. Also, do the intensive care during pregnancy, childbirth or after childbirth. Perform the treatment of high blood pressure disease as recommended by your doctor. c. Lung disease in pregnancy Generally, lung disease does not affect pregnancy, childbirth, also after delivery, unless the illness was not controlled, the added weight, accompanied by shortness of breath. During pregnancy lung function is essential for fetal growth and development. In this case would occur CO2 and 02 exchange process between mother and fetus. Impaired lung function severe enough to cause disturbances in fetal growth. Lung disease that must be considered is pulmonary tuberculosis in the active phase, severe asthma, and pneumonia. - Pulmonary tuberculosis Pulmonary tuberculosis is rarely passed down from mother to child. That must be considered is if the baby has been born, the mother who suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis are active need to be isolated. The baby should be given the BCG vaccine and separated for 6-8 weeks. After a positive Mantoux test results (test immunity against tuberculosis), the baby may be brought closer to his mother. This is to avoid transmission of disease after giving birth. Newborns are very easily infected by the disease. - Bronchial asthma Bronchial asthma is a hereditary disease. During pregnancy, the disease can be decreased or increased. To avoid the increased severity of disease. avoid the possibility of respiratory infection and seek emotional distress remained stable. - Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) Pneumonia often occurs in severe cases such as eclampsia, prolonged labor process, and after surgery. This disease should be detected and treated as early as possible because of severe disease conditions which can endanger the lives of mother and fetus. Moreover, even this disease may complicate the delivery process. d. Several blood diseases in pregnancy 1. Anemia Pregnant women are said to be suffering from anemia if the hemoglobin (Hb) or red

blood less than 10 grams%. This disease called severe anemia. If hemoglobin is less than 6 grams of% is called anemia gravis. The normal amount of hemoglobin of pregnant women is 12-15 g% and hemotokritnya is 35-54%. Preferably, the monitoring of hemoglobin and hematocrit performed in the first semester and trimester III In I and III trimester blood thinning has already reached its peak. Generally, the cause of anemia is malnutrition (malnutrition), lack of iron in food intake, poor absorption (malabsorption), which a lot of blood loss (in the period prior to the menstrual cycle), as well as chronic diseases (such as pulmonary tuberculosis , intestinal worms, and malaria). If a pregnant woman suffering from anemia, the possibility of miscarriage (abortion), premature birth, long labor, and the mother can lemasnya terjedi conditions. After birth, the disease can cause bleeding and shock as a result of the weakening of the uterine contractions. If pregnant women suffer from anemia. its influence may occur early in pregnancy, ie the result of conception (fetus, placenta, blood). The results of iron fertilization requires a considerable amount to form beads of red blood and embryonic growth. At 5-6 months, the fetus needs iron increases. If the content of iron (hemoglobin) is less then the occurrence of maternal abortion, fetal death in utero or at birth, premature birth and congenital defects can not be avoided. Here are described some types of anemia that is often contracted during pregnancy: - Iron deficiency anemia, caused by a lack of consuming foods that contain iron. - Megaloblastic anemia, caused by a lack of folic acid intake. Anemia is emerging as a result of malnutrition and chronic infections (chronic). Hipoplasti anemia, caused by decreased bone marrow function in the form of new red blood cells. - Hemolytic anemia, caused by the breakdown of red blood cells faster than pembentukkannya. Some of the symptoms caused by anemia is the presence of abnormalities of red blood cell shape, tired, weak, and the symptoms of abnormalities in vital organs. To fix this, pregnant women are advised to eat foods that contain iron and protein, green vegetables also contain minerals and vitamins. 2. Hypo and afibrinogenemia Afibrinogenemio is hypo and blood clotting disorder due to deficiency of fibrinogen (coagulant). The disease is caused by solusio placenta (placenta prematurely loose part), fetal death in utero, the entry of amniotic fluid (which contains a blob of fat) into blood vessels, bleeding quite a lot, missed abortion (the death of a prolonged fertilization results) , eclampsia (convulsions in pregnancy), and infected abortion. If fibrinogen (blood clotting substance) in the blood is reduced quite a lot then it will be difficult to stop bleeding. This condition can result in death. The handling of this disease depends on the person's condition and a contributing factor. If necessary, the doctor will remove the womb to save her soul. 3. Iso-immunization Iso-immunization is the process of formation of substances antidote (aglutinin /

antibody) antigen derived from others. Entrosit mother that contain an antigen enters the body the fetus that has no antigens. As a result, will form the objects of counterforce (antibodies) in the body of the fetus to antigens. If the antibody met with the erythrocyte antigen-containing antigen will be attacked resulting in agglutination (blood clotting) and hemolysis (breakdown of blood).Fetal hemolytic disease caused by iso-immunization is called erythroblastosis fetalis. Usually, the first child born in good health. Subsequent children will experience the isoimmunization causes stillbirth or live birth, and then died on the first days after birth. The reason is the antagonism rhesus / ABO and enzyme deficiency (G6PD). To handle this situation must be tailored to the baby. Normally, blood transfusion, or blood exchange transfusion. Then performed by providing preventive treatment in pregnant antiRhoGam injection 72 hours after delivery to ward off the baby's blood cells enter the mother. e. Digestive tract diseases in pregnancy Generally, complaints of the digestive tract is an early symptom of pregnancy. Gastrointestinal complaints during pregnancy are described below: 1. Mouth - Hypersalivation (ptialismus) Saliva out more than usual, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. These symptoms will disappear after trimester I. - Gingivitis and epulis The gums become soft, swelling, redness, and bleed easily when brushing your teeth.Inflammation can occur if the molar molar cavity hygiene is not maintained. Use mouthwash if necessary. - Dental caries Dental caries are cavities and broken teeth. Damaged teeth can aggravate calcium appetite so that consumption becomes less. Instead, the damaged tooth to the dentist be consulted immediately to prevent infection. 2. Perosis (heartburn) Perosis is complaining of pain and pain in the gut or chest pain caused by the regurgitation of acidic gastric contents into the lower digestive tract. With increasing gestational age. These complaints will disappear little by little. The fix, pregnant women are encouraged to eat meals with smaller portions and more often. If you need to take antacid medication (penetal acid) and sleep half-sitting position. 3. Gastritis (stomach inflammation) Complaints young pregnant because the symptoms are often mistaken for gastritis is almost the same, namely heartburn, nausea, vomiting, unable to eat, and become thin.

f. Liver disease in pregnancy Liver disease caused by viral hepatitis A or B. This virus will lead to the occurrence of infectious disease hepatitis. In pregnant women, the disease is usually worse because of damage to liver cells that extends so that it will cause great pain and improve maternal and fetal mortality. Symptoms of this disease is decreased appetite, fever, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, jaundice, and liver enlargement. To overcome this, patients are encouraged to consult with a physician. g. Infectious diseases in pregnancy Pregnancy often occur simultaneously with the infection. These infections can affect pregnancy. In contrast, pregnancy may aggravate the infection. Here are elaborated on types of infection that can cause congenital abnormalities (birth defects). 1. Viral infections Effect of viral infection on pregnancy depends on the ability of the virus to pass through the placenta. There are three types of VIMS that cause disability in infants, ie Rubella, Sitomegaiouirus, and Herpes virus hominis. - Rubella This virus attacks will lead to congenital abnormalities in the fetus. If it attacks the I trimester, the fetus will occur disability by 30% - 50%. If this virus, attacks the second trimester, the fetus will occur disability of 6.8%. If it attacks the third trimester, fetal defects will occur at 5.3%.Generally, the organs of the experience of disability is the eyes, heart, ears, and central nervous system. - Cytomegalovirus This virus attacks will cause birth defects in the head, eyes, legs, and blood disorders. - Herpes virus hominus This virus attacks will cause fetal death in utero. If the baby is born will be found the waves on the body skin or eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth. 2. Infection by venereal disease - Syphilis The initial symptoms that arises is the occurrence of injuries on the genitals. The condition is often not realized by women. Further symptoms will arise bulge wide leather with smooth, wet, white or gray, and highly infectious syphilis because it contains germs of polynomial. - Gonorrhea (GO) This disease can cause inflammation of the inner genitals. Complaints of vaginal discharge are numerous and difficult / to feel pain while urinating. - Trichomoniasis vaginalis Complaints that arise are whitish accompanied by intense itching on the genitals. Typically, followed by injury in the mouth area and chronic inflammation of the

uterine cervix. - Candidiasis The disease is caused by a fungus that can live in the oral cavity, intestines, lungs, and genitals outside and inside. Complaints include itching in the genital area outside and inside, with or without vaginal discharge. Sometimes, it feels hot and painful after urination or pain when intercourse. - Condylomata acuminata Condylomata acuminata is a plant species that grow on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals resembling a rooster's comb. These plants form small bumps. Sometimes, a large gathering with a rough surface and dark. - Genital Herpes Herpes Genital herpes symplex disebabkon by type-2 (HSV-2). Symptoms occur about 6-8 days after infection in the form of sores on the genitals. Initially, the wound was in the form of a rash that feels painful, clustered into small blisters filled with fluid that contains a virus in it. If the blisters become pus and rupture will become shallow, painful sores. At this stage, herpes can be transmitted because the wound contains millions of virus particles. Generally, HSV-2 mengakiibatkan symptoms of headache, muscle aches, fever, swelling in lymph nodes, painful burning during urination, and discharge from the genitals. - HIV and AIDS Transmission of HIV (human immune deficiency virus) can result from sexual relations with HIV infected person, contaminated by blood, transfusion of blood containing HIV or use syringe needles with HIV infected people. The presence of HIV in the body's immune system will lead to a decrease or disappear altogether so that it will facilitate other diseases attacking the body is weak. A collection of symptoms that are called AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). During pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, HIV can be transmitted by the mother of the baby. The entry of HIV into the human body through the bloodstream and attacks the immune system. The first attack after infection with HIV is the emergence of flu-like symptoms, like fatigue, fever, headache, muscle pain, worsening of breath, nausea, swollen glands, and the emergence of spots on the skin. These symptoms will disappear in a few weeks. Generally, people infected with HIV will be free of symptoms for months or years that are considered common cold symptoms. A few months later the symptoms that appear to be increasing and not missing, such as the emergence of night sweats. prolonged fever and diarrhea, weight loss and the occurrence of an unknown cause. If this continues to decline and patient awareness of death could not be avoided. People who are infected with HIV, but does not show any symptoms are called carriers of HIV (disease carriers). 3. Bacterial infections - Typhus abdominalis

This disease will worsen the state of the mother during pregnancy and after childbirth. This infection causes fetal death rate by 75%. The handling of this case can be made by experts in the disease, such as done by providing preventive vaccination of pregnant women. In addition, after the birth mothers to breastfeed their babies is not recommended if you're infected with bacteria. - Cholera The main symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and lack of fluids and electrolytes. This disease can cause miscarriage or premature birth. To fix this, if the mother had diarrhea and vomiting should be treated and intensively treated with replacement fluid administration. Kidney and urinary tract infections in pregnancy Kidney and urinary tract can be infected simultaneously by acute or chronic. In the kidney and urinary tract infection that occurs acutely following symptoms: heat high body with chills. Pain waist with an infection or at the top of the symphysis Pain during urination and reduced urine production. Headache, nausea to vomiting, and poor appetite. The infection is easily occur in women because of the position of the urinary tract and anus (as a source of infection) adjacent. When pregnant, the urine is often left out so that the occurrence of bladder infections easily occur. The enlarged uterus pushed to the right and press the right urinary tract. As a result, there was a pile of urine that facilitate the occurrence of kidney infection, accompanied by high fever. These symptoms will result in uterine muscle contraction. Muscle contractions of the uterus can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, and facilitate infection in infants. Also during pregnancy the mother's body resistance will be decreased so that it will aggravate the disease. 4. Protozoal infections Malaria Symptoms of this disease in the form of heat, accompanied by chills. The disease greatly affected pregnancy because it can cause the following things: Rupture of grains of red blood cells which may result in anemia and interfere with the process of distribution and exchange of nutrients to the fetus. As a result, stunted fetal growth and development Infection of the placenta, which may hinder the exchange and distribution of nutrients to the fetus. high body heat, which can stimulate uterine muscle contraction. If malaria is not treated intensively can result in miscarriage, premature birth, babies born with lower weight and not according to the age of her pregnancy, and fetal death. To overcome this, the disease must be treated immediately to avoid prognosis (the recovery) is better for both mother and fetus. Prevention of malaria in infants should be done because immunity only lasts for 3 months. After that, infants need to be given antimalana drugs in syrup form for 6 months.

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