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Working Together and Making It Work:

Basic Human Needs and the Strategic Planning Process.

By Sharon Bowman and Laura Moriarty
Sharon L. Bowman, MA
Professional Speaker and Corporate Trainer
Director, The Lake Tahoe Trainers Group
P.O. Box 564, Glenbrook, NV 89413
Phone: 775-749-5247 Fax: 775-749-1891
E-Mail: Web-Site:

The high drama of your com-

pany’s strategic planning meet-
ing. The clash of wills, the subtle
sabotage of the silent veto. The
emotional highs and lows. Makes
for great stories, but doesn’t get
the job done - and definitely
doesn’t add anything positive to
your business team or bottom
line: profitability.

Especially now, during the fiscal

year’s time of budget analysis,
the strategic planning skills of
business professionals are put to
the test. How do you get folks to
buy into a critical strategic proc-
It’s the stuff of dinner table con- ess like budgeting? How do you
versations: “And then he had the build consensus? A shared vi-
nerve to tell us we didn’t under- sion? How do you communicate
stand anything ... She pretended strategy?
to agree but went ahead and did
it her own way ... He just got up If the truth be told, the answers to
and walked out ... When she these questions rest not on the
heard an idea she didn’t like, she spreadsheet numbers or the spe-
came back with a sarcastic re- cific planning strategies, but on
mark of her own.” the interpersonal skills of those
involved in the process. Business

Sharon Bowman 775-749-5247 © 2003 1

Working Together and Making It Work:
Basic Human Needs and the Strategic Planning Process.

professionals who understand TRUST OR BUST

basic human needs will have far
more success in strategic plan- In his book The Tom Peters
ning than those who don’t. Ac- Seminar: Crazy Times Call for
cording to Larry Bossidy and Crazy Organizations, Tom Pe-
Ron Charan, authors of Execu- ters identifies trust as the crucial
tion: The Discipline of Getting foundation piece of any strategic
Things Done, “The people proc- planning process. “Adding trust
ess is more important than either is the issue of the decade ...and
the strategy or operation process. there is no such thing as ‘half-
If you don’t get the people proc- trust.’” You either trust someone
ess right, you will never fulfill else, or you don’t. In his sequel,
the potential of your business.” The Pursuit of Wow, he sums it
Like it or not, profits are tied to up: “T-R-U-S-T. It’s the single
people - it’s that simple. And most important contributor to the
people can - and do - make or maintenance of human relation-
break a business. ships. And for a business, it can,
quite simply, mean the difference
Here are some of those basic between success and failure.”
human needs that are crucial to
the people process part of strate- If your business is an emotion-
gic planning. Possess them and ally healthy one with a successful
your company is strong enough team of co-workers, trust trans-
to successfully navigate any lates into such behaviors as: be-
change process, budget or other- ing able to challenge and dis-
wise. Lack them and your busi- agree with each other, admitting
ness is in constant danger of mistakes, offering and accepting
floundering on the rocks of mis- apologies without hesitation,
understanding, resentment, and asking for help, giving each other
subtle sabotage. the benefit of the doubt, taking
risks, offering and accepting
feedback, listening without
judging, telling the truth, and
recognizing and appreciating
each other’s skills and contribu-

A lack of trust is evident when

there is sarcasm, back-biting, the
“silent veto,” saying one thing
and doing another, overt or cov-

Sharon Bowman 775-749-5247 © 2003 2

Working Together and Making It Work:
Basic Human Needs and the Strategic Planning Process.

ert “put-downs,” or the “my- nerstones of the corporate cul-

way-or-the-highway” approach ture. Beliefs can be as simple as:
to anything. For all of us, trust is
about psychological safety, even • In our company, we make
during times of change, stress, expectations clear for every-
disagreements, and strategic one.
• In our company, we commit
Try This: Privately list the peo- to and hold each other ac-
ple in your life that you trust - countable for our yearly goals
really trust. Then list the charac- and objectives.
teristics that make them trust-
worthy. Are any of those folks • Collaboration is the key to
the ones you work with? If not, our success.
why not? What would it take for
your manager, colleague, or em- • We are able to disagree with
ployee to earn your trust? What each other and still work pro-
would it take for you to earn their ductively together.
trust? Could your business do
this exercise as a group? What • People want to work with us
might the results be? because they always get great
value and great service.
THEN BEHAVIORS • We look for ways to add
value to everything we do.
We all need to belong, to feel
included, and to know that our Once everyone has been included
opinions matter. These are basic in creating the company beliefs,
human needs, and we don’t leave the behaviors that follow will
them at home when we walk out more likely be in line with these
the door to work. beliefs.

One of the most powerful ways Try This: Together with your co-
your business can meet the need workers, brainstorm a list of 8 -
for inclusion is to involve every 10 beliefs about your company.
employee in the strategic forma- Ask for both positive (“Our
tion of basic company beliefs, i.e. company always gives value-
what everyone believes to be true added service to the customer”),
about the company. Beliefs are and negative (“Our company
one of the most important cor- doesn’t always trust employees
to do the right thing”). Can you

Sharon Bowman 775-749-5247 © 2003 3

Working Together and Making It Work:
Basic Human Needs and the Strategic Planning Process.

openly discuss the negative ones the same goal. Peters calls this
and change them to positive “work as conversation ... conver-
goals? Can you tie specific work sations are the way workers dis-
behaviors to each belief so that cover what they know, share it
everyone knows how to “walk with their colleagues, and in the
the talk”? process, create new knowledge
for the organization.”
TO THE “HOW” Try This: Chat with a few of
your new employees about some
“That’s all well and good,” you of your company’s past strategic
might say, “But what about the planning decisions. Ask for their
new employees who are hired input and see where the conver-
after the strategic planning ses- sation goes. Be open to new
sion is over?” Even when your ideas. Give credit to others for
new team members haven’t been their ideas and contributions,
in on the ground floor of your even if they aren’t used by your
company’s planning, letting them business. Above all, keep all
know the “why” behind the deci- your employees in the loop, ex-
sions that have been made is cru- plaining the “why” behind the
cial to their executing the “how.” policies already in place.

Just as behaviors are driven by COMMITMENT –

beliefs, actions are also driven by NOT CONSENSUS
an understanding of what has
gone before. People will usually In consensus, as in compromise,
move to necessary and appropri- there’s always a winner and a
ate action once they know why loser. Oftentimes, everyone
that particular decision was made leaves the table a bit diminished
in the first place. And knowing by the process. When team
the “why” makes them part of the members in your business agree
loop - that feeling of inclusion to disagree, and then search for
again, and a crucial aspect of what National Geographic pho-
trust. tographer DeWitt Jones calls “the
next right answer,” the result is a
Interestingly enough, when you synthesis of all the best ideas into
and your co-workers discuss the a solution that is right for the
“why” behind a decision, often- moment. And not all team mem-
times the “how” changes as open bers may agree with the result.
dialogue leads to more creative Patrick Lencioni, in his book The
and efficient ways of reaching Five Dysfunctions of a Team,

Sharon Bowman 775-749-5247 © 2003 4

Working Together and Making It Work:
Basic Human Needs and the Strategic Planning Process.

tells us to “Disagree and commit upon beliefs, those who disagree

- you can argue about something will still commit to the strategic
and disagree, but still commit to plan for the good of the com-
it as though everyone originally pany. How do you know when
bought into the decision com- they have done so? By their ac-
pletely.” tions. Their behavior will be
congruent with their commit-
Bossidy and Charan go a step ment.
further: “Harmony - sought by
many leaders who wish to offend PROCESS -
no one - can be the enemy of NOT PERFECTION
truth. It can squelch critical
thinking and drive decision-
making underground. When har-
mony prevails, here’s how things
often get settled: after the key
players leave the session, they
quietly veto decision they didn’t
like but didn’t debate on the spot.
A good motto to observe is
‘Truth over harmony.’ Candor
helps wipe out the silent lies and
pocket vetoes, and it prevents the
stalled initiatives and rework that Linguist Deborah Tannen, in her
drain energy.” book That’s Not What I Meant:
How Conversational Style
Try This: As a team, brainstorm Makes or Breaks Relationships,
and list all the pros and cons reassures us that “the problem is
concerning the strategic planning the process,” i.e. we communi-
piece you’re working on. Also cate through a series of “mis-
list all the agreements and dis- takes” - much like filmmakers do
agreements. Make sure each per- when they shout, “Take one, take
son’s opinion is treated with re- two ...” We try to get it right. We
spect, even if he or she disagrees try to get our point across. Not all
with the majority opinion. When of what we try works. Sometimes
your team reaches its final deci- some of it makes sense to some
sions, record the dissenting folks but not to others. And the
opinions (much like the U.S. Su- frustration we feel is really about
preme Court does). If your team the process, not about the others
members trust each other and are involved in it.
operating from a set of agreed-

Sharon Bowman 775-749-5247 © 2003 5

Working Together and Making It Work:
Basic Human Needs and the Strategic Planning Process.

So perfection is not the goal in of our pants - praying the entire

the strategic planning process. time!
The process becomes the learn-
ing tool and, as long as progress But when we, as business profes-
is being made, the bumps along sionals, understand the basic hu-
the way aren’t setbacks but op- man needs that drive our behav-
portunities for new thinking and iors and color our conversations,
growth. In fact, Henry Mintz- we can begin to engage in dis-
berg, in his book The Rise and cussion, debate, and strategic
Fall of Strategic Planning, tells planning in a more honest and
us to be “finders rather than de- open fashion. From mutual trust
signers” of strategy and process. and shared beliefs, inclusion in
Healthy companies pay attention the process and understanding
to the flow of the process and the “why,” we get commitment
change midstream when neces- and behaviors that help our busi-
sary, always looking out for both nesses move forward in profit-
the unexpected obstacles and ser- able and positive ways. And what
endipitous gifts along the way. could be better than that?
Try This: With your co-workers,
play with “what - ifs.” What if Sharon Bowman, a professional speaker
you embraced the opposite deci- and corporate trainer, works with edu-
cators and business people who want to
sion? What if you came up with improve their information-delivery
three planning decisions instead skills. She offers both public and in-
of one? What if you had to find a house communication and train-the-
totally different solution than the trainer programs. She is the author of
one agreed upon? What if you six popular training and motivation
books, a member of the National
applauded the obstacles as much Speakers Association, and the director
as the smooth road? What if you of The Lake Tahoe Trainers Group. Log
made a list of everything you’ve onto her web site at
learned about yourself and each for more infor-
other since the planning process mation about her books and services.
You can also email Sharon with ques-
began? tions and comments at
Laura Moriarty is the Vice President of
Someone wise once said, “No- Human Resources and Training for
Booth Creek Ski Holdings, Inc. During
thing works all the time.” Some- her career as a Human Resources gen-
times we truly have to let go of eralist, Laura has held management
all we know and fly by the seat positions in the ski, hotel, resort and
gaming industries. Laura leads com-
munity workshops and provides con-

Sharon Bowman 775-749-5247 © 2003 6

Working Together and Making It Work:
Basic Human Needs and the Strategic Planning Process.

sulting services to enhance organiza-

tional and individual effectiveness in
management and leadership practices,
customer service, training & develop-
ment, employment practices and em-
ployee relations coaching and counsel-
ing. For more information, email Laura

Both Laura and Sharon work with com-

panies and organizations that want to
create exemplary customer service
through designing, developing, and de-
livering great training programs.
Cited Resources:

Larry Bossidy and Ron Charan.

Execution: The Discipline of Getting
Things Done.

Patrick Lencioni. The Five Dysfunc-

tions of a Team

Henry Mintzberg. The Rise and Fall

of Strategic Planning.

Tom Peters. The Tom Peters Seminar:

Crazy Times Call For Crazy People.

Tom Peters: The Pursuit of Wow!

Deborah Tannen. That’s Not What I

Meant: How Conversational Style
Makes or Break Relationships

Sharon Bowman 775-749-5247 © 2003 7

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