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Tugas Terstruktur : Makalah Kelompok

(Telaah Artikel dalam Jurnal Bahasa Inggris)

Tugas Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris (wacana)

Dosen : M. Irham, S.S, M.Si
Nama Anggota Kelompok : 1. Iqlima Nabila Azzahra
2. Aliya Alifah
3. Dimas Muhammad Bahrudin
4. Andri Muhammad Fahreza
5. Syifa Awaliyah
Semester/Jurusan : VII.1/Pendidikan Agama Islam
Tanggal : 20 November 2023

Judul Artikel : Pendidikan Karakter dan Perilaku Sosial Siswa

Nama Penulis : Syamsu A. Kamaruddin

DAFTAR ISI................................................................................................................................i

A. PENGANTAR.................................................................................................................1
B. RANGKUMAN...............................................................................................................2
 Pendidikan karakter di negara lain..............................................................................2
 Urgensi pendidikan karakter.......................................................................................2
 Definisi karakter..........................................................................................................3
 Pembangunan karakter................................................................................................3
 Rancangan Pendidikan Karakter.................................................................................4

C. TELAAH..........................................................................................................................5

 Kelebihan dan kekurangan dari tulisan artikel............................................................5

 Telaah tentang subtansi yang dibahas.........................................................................5

D. PENUTUP.........................................................................................................................6

 Kesimpulan...................................................................................................................6

DAFTAR PUSTAKA..................................................................................................................7


Dinamika pendidikan akhir-akhir ini ditandai dengan lahirnya UU No. 14 Tahun 2005
tentang Guru dan Dosen, yang dalam konsiderannya menyebutkan bahwa pendidikan
nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban
bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk
berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa
kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan
menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Oleh karena itu,
pengembangan pendidikan nilai moral atau karakter di kalangan peserta didik harus selalu
mendapatkan perhatian. Pendidikan di semua jenjang merupakan wadah yang sangat penting
untuk mempersiapkan sejak dini generasi penerus yang kelak akan menjadi pemimpin bangsa
di masa yang akan datang.
Artikel “Pendidikan Karakter dan Perilaku Sosial Siswa” oleh Syamsu A. Kamaruddin
bertujuan untuk membahas pentingnya pendidikan karakter dan perilaku sosial dalam
pembentukan kepribadian siswa. Artikel ini juga membahas manfaat pendidikan karakter dan
perilaku sosial bagi siswa, yaitu:
1) Membantu siswa mengembangkan sikap positif dan perilaku yang baik.
2) Membantu siswa memahami nilai-nilai moral dan etika yang penting dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
3) Membantu siswa keterampilan sosial yang diperlukan untuk berinteraksi dengan
orang lain secara efektif.
4) Membantu siswa memahami pentingnya kerja sama dan saling menghargai dalam
kehidupan bermasyarakat.
5) Membantu siswa rasa empati dan kepedulian terhadap pengembangan orang lain.
Dalam artikel ini, Syamsu A. Kamaruddin juga membahas beberapa strategi yang dapat
digunakan oleh guru untuk mengembangkan pendidikan karakter dan perilaku sosial siswa,
seperti pembelajaran kooperatif, pembelajaran berbasis masalah, dan pembelajaran berbasis

 Pendidikan karakter di negara lain
Pendidikan karakter di negara tersebut dimulai dari pendidikan dasar, seperti di
Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Cina, dan Korea. Beberapa bukti menunjukkan bahwa
pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter yang disusun secara sistematis benar-benar berpengaruh
positif terhadap prestasi akademik.
Pemerintah Amerika Serikat sangat mendukung program pendidikan karakter yang
diterapkan sejak pendidikan dasar. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kebijakan pendidikan di
setiap negara bagian yang memberikan porsi yang cukup besar dalam desain dan
implementasi pendidikan karakter. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya karakter dalam
sumber daya pendidikan di Amerika yang dapat diperoleh. Sebagian besar, program-
program dalam kurikulum pendidikan karakter menekankan pada studi pengalaman
sebagai sarana pengembangan karakter siswa.
Di negara Cina, program reformasi pendidikan yang diinginkan oleh Deng
Xiaoping pada tahun 1985, secara eksplisit menyatakan tentang pentingnya pendidikan
karakter: Sepanjang reformasi sistem pendidikan, sangat penting untuk diingat bahwa
reformasi mendasar adalah untuk tujuan mengubah setiap warga negara menjadi pria atau
wanita yang berkarakter dan membina anggota masyarakat yang lebih konstruktif (Li,
2005). Karena itu, program pendidikan karakter telah menjadi kegiatan yang menonjol di
Cina yang dijalankan dari tingkat prasekolah hingga universitas.
 Urgensi pendidikan karakter
Terminologi pendidikan karakter mulai diperkenalkan sejak tahun 1900-an
Thomas Lickona dianggap sebagai tokoh yang mengusung, terutama ketika ia menulis
buku berjudul The Return of Character Education dan kemudian disusul dengan bukunya
yang berjudul Educating for Character: How Our School Can Teach Respect and
Responsibility. Melalui buku-buku ini, dunia barat sadar akan pentingnya pendidikan
karakter. Pendidikan karakter menurut Ryan dan Bohlin, mengandung tiga unsur utama,
yaitu mengetahui kebaikan (knowing the good), mencintai kebaikan (loving the good),
dan melakukan kebaikan (doing the good) (Lickona, 1991:51). Pendidikan karakter
bukan sekedar mengajarkan mana yang benar dan mana yang salah kepada anak, tetapi
lebih dari itu pendidikan karakter menanamkan kebiasaan (habituation) tentang kebaikan
sehingga peserta didik menjadi paham, mampu merasakan, dan mau melakukan

kebaikan. Pendidikan karakter merupakan misi yang mirip dengan pendidikan moral atau
pendidikan budi pekerti.
 Definisi karakter
Secara terminologi, arti karakter dikemukakan oleh Thomas Lickona. Ia
mengatakan bahwa karakter adalah "disposisi batin yang dapat diandalkan untuk
merespons situasi dengan cara yang baik secara moral." Kemudian ia menambahkan,
"jadi karakter memiliki tiga bagian yang saling berkaitan: pengetahuan moral (moral
knowing), perasaan moral (moral feeling), dan perilaku moral (moral behavior)"
(Lickona, 1991:51). Menurut Lickona, karakter mulia (karakter yang baik) mencakup
pengetahuan tentang kebaikan, dan menimbulkan komitmen (niat) akan kebaikan, dan
akhirnya benar- benar melakukan kebaikan. Dengan kata lain, karakter mengacu pada
seperangkat pengetahuan (cognitives), sikap (attitudes), dan motivasi (motivations), serta
perilaku (behaviors) dan keterampilan (skills).
Dari pengertian di atas dapat dipahami bahwa karakter identik dengan budi pekerti,
sehingga budi pekerti merupakan nilai-nilai perilaku manusia yang universal yang
meliputi seluruh aktivitas manusia, baik dalam rangka berhubungan dengan Tuhannya,
dengan dirinya sendiri, dengan sesama manusia, maupun dengan lingkungannya, yang
terwujud dalam pikiran, sikap, perasaan, perkataan, dan perbuatan berdasarkan norma-
norma agama, hukum, tata krama, budaya, dan adat istiadat.
 Pembangunan karakter
Pengalaman Nabi Muhammad membangun masyarakat Arab untuk menjadi
manusia yang mulia (masyarakat madani) membutuhkan waktu selama itu. Pembangunan
ini dimulai dengan membangun akidah mereka selama lebih dari tiga belas tahun, ketika
Nabi tinggal di Makkah. Selanjutnya, selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun Rasulullah
melanjutkan pembentukan karakter mereka dengan mengajarkan syariah (hukum Islam)
untuk membekali ibadah dan muamalah mereka sehari-hari. Dengan modal akidah Islam
dan didukung oleh keteladanan sikap dan perilaku Rasulullah, para masyarakat madani
(yang mulia) yang berhasil dibangun Nabi yang kemudian dilanjutkan pada periode
berikutnya setelah Nabi.
Michele Borba menawarkan sebuah pola atau model penanaman karakter mulia.
Michele Borba menggunakan istilah konstruk kecerdasan moral. Ia menulis sebuah buku
yang berjudul Building Moral Intelligence: The Seven Essential Vitues That Kids to Do
The Right Thing, 2001 (Membangun Kecerdasan Moral: Tujuh Kebajikan Moral yang

Tinggi Bagi Anak, 2008). Kecerdasan moral, menurut Michele Borba (2008:4), adalah
kemampuan untuk memahami apa yang benar dan salah, yang memiliki keyakinan etis
yang kuat dan bertindak berdasarkan keyakinan tersebut, sehingga ia menjadi benar dan
terhormat. adalah sifat utama yang dapat menuntun seseorang menjadi baik, berkarakter
kuat, dan menjadi warga negara yang baik.
 Rancangan Pendidikan Karakter
Proses pendidikan karakter selama ini sudah banyak menyentuh pembentukan
karakter siswa. Sayangnya pendidikan karakter di tingkat sekolah dasar hingga sekolah
menengah di Indonesia belum terlalu mendapat tempat dibandingkan dengan pendidikan
akademik. Masih banyak sekolah yang meskipun menyadari pentingnya karakter, namun
belum melakukan pembinaan yang serius untuk mengembangkan karakter positif. Hal ini
mengakibatkan input yang diterima mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi belum siap untuk
dididik berkarakter.
Di tengah segala kekurangan dan keterbatasan yang ada, sebuah institusi
pendidikan tetap berusaha membangun sistem pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk
meningkatkan kompetensi akademik dan karakter peserta didik. Pendidikan karakter di
berbagai institusi pendidikan lebih dikenal dengan sebutan pengembangan Soft Skill.
Berikut ini adalah garis besar proses desain sebuah institusi pendidikan. Input
adalah calon peserta didik di lembaga tersebut. Dengan latar belakang, motivasi, dan
kemampuan peserta didik yang beragam melalui proses pembelajaran yang berlandaskan
pada nilai-nilai budaya lokal. Sebagai output yang diharapkan adalah alumni yang
memiliki kompetensi dan karakter yang baik.






 Kelemahan dan Kelebihan
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Artikel "Pendidikan Karakter dan Perilaku Sosial Siswa
Syamsu A. Kamaruddin"
 Kelebihan
1) Pengaruh Pendidikan Karakter Terhadap Perilaku Siswa : Artikel yang menyoroti
pengaruh pendidikan karakter terhadap perilaku siswa, dengan penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap
perilaku siswa.
2) Hubungan Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter dengan Perilaku Sosial Siswa : Artikel
lain menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara penerapan karakter pendidikan dengan
perilaku sosial siswa, menunjukkan korelasi antara implementasi pendidikan
karakter dengan perilaku sosial siswa.
3) Pentingnya Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah : Artikel juga menyoroti pentingnya
pendidikan karakter di sekolah, baik dalam pembentukan sikap, perilaku, maupun
sikap mental siswa, serta peran guru dan orang tua sebagai role model dalam
membantu pembentukan karakter siswa.

 Kekurangan
Keterbatasan Informasi : Artikel yang ditemukan cenderung lebih fokus pada pentingnya
pendidikan karakter dan pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku siswa, namun kurang
memberikan informasi konkret mengenai kekurangan dari artikel "Pendidikan Karakter
dan Perilaku Sosial Siswa Syamsu A. Kamaruddin".
Oleh karena itu, sementara artikel-artikel tersebut memberikan wawasan yang baik
mengenai pentingnya karakter pendidikan dan pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku siswa,
informasi mengenai kekurangan dari artikel "Pendidikan Karakter dan Perilaku Sosial
Siswa Syamsu A. Kamaruddin" tidak tersedia dalam sumber yang diberikan.
 Telaah Tentang Substansi Yang Dibahas
Artikel "Pendidikan Karakter dan Perilaku Sosial Siswa" membahas pentingnya
pendidikan karakter dalam pembentukan perilaku sosial siswa. Pendidikan karakter
merupakan upaya pengembangan diri siswa dalam interaksi belajar, yang diorientasikan
untuk membentuk karakter peserta didik. Artikel tersebut juga menyoroti perbandingan
situasi pendidikan masa kini dengan masa lalu, di mana beberapa orang tua merasakan

kemerosotan atau degradasi sikap dan nilai-nilai budaya bangsa. Mereka menginginkan
anak-anak yang lebih berkarakter, jujur, memiliki integritas, santun, dan memiliki sikap
mental serta semangat juang yang menjunjung tinggi etika, moral, dan ajaran agama.
Selain itu, artikel juga menyoroti berbagai perilaku negatif yang terjadi saat ini, seperti
ketidakjujuran, korupsi, pelanggaran norma masyarakat, dan rendahnya disiplin berlalu-
lintas di jalanan.
 Kesimpulan
Pendidikan karakter merupakan hal yang penting bagi pertumbuhan individu manusia
secara utuh dan harus dilakukan sejak dini. Namun bukan berarti jika tidak mengakomodir
pendidikan dasar pembentukan karakter, institusi pendidikan juga merasa tidak perlu
melakukannya. Penting bagi sebuah institusi pendidikan untuk tidak hanya memperhatikan
kebutuhan kompetensi akademik peserta didik, tetapi juga pengembangan karakter agar
lulusannya menjadi lulusan yang siap secara akademis dan berkarakter baik.
Keinginan untuk membangun karakter siswa telah dituangkan dalam perencanaan
strategis dan desain program secara sistematis dan terintegrasi.
Hasil dari program ini memang tidak secara langsung mengubah karakter siswa,
namun diharapkan dapat memberikan warna positif dalam suasana pembelajaran. Untuk ke
depannya, desain pendidikan karakter harus dilakukan dengan komitmen yang tinggi dan
perbaikan yang terus menerus terhadap usaha yang dilakukan.
Pembiasaan karakter (budi pekerti) perlu dilakukan dan perwujudan budi pekerti
(karakter) luhur merupakan tujuan akhir dari sebuah proses pendidikan yang sangat
didambakan oleh setiap institusi yang menyelenggarakan proses pendidikan. Kultur atau
budaya yang ada di lembaga, sekolah, perguruan tinggi, dan lainnya, sangat berperan dalam
pembentukan nilai-nilai moral yang baik di kalangan civitas akademika dan para
pegawainya. Oleh karena itu, lembaga pendidikan memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk
melakukan pendidikan moral (moral education) bagi para peserta didik dan juga membangun
kultur masyarakat untuk nilai-nilai moral.


Borba, Michele. 2008. Membangun Kecerdasan Moral: Tujuh Kebajikan Utama Agar Anak
Bermoral Tinggi. Terjemahan. oleh Lina Jusuf. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Brooks, D., 2005. Meningkatkan Nilai Ujian dan Pendidikan Karakter Hubungan yang Alami,

Fitriasari, Susan. 2011. Memanusiakan Manusia Melalui Pendidikan Karakter. Dalam:

Pendidikan Karakter: Nilai Inti Bagi Upaya Pembinaan Kepribadian Bangsa, Editor:
Dasim Budimansyah & Kokom Komalasari. Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung Press.

Hendra, M. Fransisca, 2003. "Identifikasi Karakter Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas

Kristen Petra dan Harapan Industri Terhadap Karakter dan Non-Technical Skill Lulusan"
Skripsi Jurusan Teknik Industri, No: 01/0754/IND/2003, Universitas Kristen Petra,


Kamaruddin SA. (2012). Character Education and Students Social Behavior. Journal
of Education and Learning. Vol.6 (4) pp. 223-230.

Character Education and Students Social Behavior

Syamsu A. Kamaruddin1

University Veteran at Makassar City

In an educational environment, in the form of character education program has been
done both formally and informally. It's intended as one of the supporting ideas for
follow-up in the form of design activities.
Character education should basically refers to the vision and mission of the institution
concerned. It shows the orientation of the two things in the character of the students
are: aspects of human character and individual learners hallmark institution.
In this paper, these two aspects is the author trying to ideas by referring to some other
writings. The end result, the authors expect the birth of a design patent as early referral
to spearhead a character development program learners.

Keywords: character education, social behavior, students, program.

Syamsu A. Kamaruddin, Veteran University at Makassar City, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, South Sulawesi, Indonesia,
The dynamics of education have recently been marked by the birth of the Law
No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, its introduction to the conclusion that the
development of education is the intellectual life of disabled people who believe, fear
Allah, and honorable based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Accordingly,
developing education moral values or character among the learners should always get
attention. Education at all levels is a very important platform to prepare since the dawn
of the next generation that later would become the leader of our nation in the future.
There is a strong indication of the loss of the noble values inherent in our
nation, such as honesty, politeness, and togetherness, enough to make our common
concerns. There should be an effort to make those values back to characters we feel
proud in front of other people. One effort in that direction is to improve our education
system should emphasize on character education.
Building a nation's character takes a long time and should be done
continuously. Our government, represented by the Ministry of National Education
uncreasingly making efforts to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, but not
everything works out, especially Indonesia produces human character. One of the
efforts to achieve education as above, the learners must be provided with special
education that brings the core mission of the coaching character or moral values.
Character building is an important part of education performance. Character is
the personality inherent in a person. Confucius said that people basically have the
potential love of virtue, but if it is not accompanied by the potential for education and
socialization after humans are born, then people can turn into animals, even worse.
This is supported by the hadith of the Messenger of Allah that: “Every child is born in
a state of nature, because of its parents make him Jewish, Christian or Zoroastrian.”
This indicates that the potential can not be left alone but need to be grown. Likewise,
the characters that are part of the child's potential, must be nurtured and well educated,
I'll be a pious child and rewarding.
School as an educational institution is one of the important resource. While
evaluating your educational institution concerned, it is important to develop a
curriculum that explicitly includes character education.
Recognizing that individual characters can not be formed only through one or
two activities only, then prepared a draft program of sustainable development and
integrated character in learning, wherein the process also involves all teachers, staff,
and other agencies in educational institutions, so that the benefits of character building
can be felt.

Character education in other countries

Character education in the country starting from basic education, as in the
United States, Japan, China, and Korea. Some evidence that the implementation of
character education are arranged systematically truly have a positive effect on
academic achievement.
U.S. government strongly supports character education program implemented
since basic education. This can be seen in the educational policy of each state that
giving sizable portion in the design and implementation of character education. This
can be seen in the number of characters in the American educational resource that can
be obtained. Most, programs in character education curriculum emphasizes
experiential study as a means of developing the character of students.
In his research, Mr.. Doug Monk from Kingwood Middle School in Humble,
Texas, compared the evaluations of teachers to the students before and after the
implementation of the curriculum Lessons in Character. In the curriculum more
invites students to interact in social activities and develop their sensitivity, the positive
impact on the change of learning, care and respect for the school staff, and the
increasing involvement of the students volunteer in humanitarian projects (Brooks,
In the Chinese state, the education reform program desired by Deng Xiaoping
in 1985, explicitly expressed about the importance of character education: Throughout
the reform of the education system, it is imperative to bear in mind that fundamental
reform is for the purpose of turning every citizen into a man or woman of character
and Cultivating more constructive members of society (Li, 2005). Because of the
character education program has become a prominent activity in China run from
preschool to university.
Li Lanqing, a Chinese bureaucrats who have a comprehensive understanding
and in-depth education about the dangers of the education system emphasized too
stressed memorizing, drilling and rigid ways of teaching, including the education
system is oriented only to pass the exam. As a result, China's relatively recent rise of
economic adversity, social, and cultural rights carried by the Cultural Revolution by
Mao, can be so fast to catch up and become a developed country. President Jiang
Zemin himself had collected all Politburo members to discuss how to reduce the
burden of student learning through the adoption of a system of education that
deserves life and fun, and the development of all aspects of the human dimension;
aspects of cognitive (intellectual), character, aestetika, and physical (athletic) (Li,

The urgency of character education

The terminology character education began to be introduced since the 1900's
Thomas Lickona considered who carried, especially when he wrote a book entitled
The Return of Character Education and then followed his book, Educating for
Character: How Our School Can Teach Respect and Responsibility. Through these
books, he western world aware of the importance of character education. According to
character education, Ryan and Bohlin, contains three main elements, namely knowing
the good (knowing the good), loving kindness (loving the good), and do good (doing
the good) (Lickona, 1991: 51). Character education is not merely to teach what is right
and what is wrong to the child, but more than that character education inculcate the
habit (habituation) of the good that students understand, able to feel, and want to do
good. Character education is a mission similar to moral education or moral education.
Definition of character
In terminology, meaning the character forward by Thomas Lickona. He said
the character is "a reliable inner disposition to respond to situations in a morally good
way." Then he added, "so conceived Character has three interrelated parts: moral
knowing, moral feeling, and moral behavior" (Lickona, 1991: 51). According to
Lickona, noble character (good character) includes knowledge of goodness, and cause
commitment (intention) of goodness, and finally actually doing good. In other words,
the characters refer to a set of knowledge (cognitives), attitudes (attitudes), and
motivations (motivations), and behavior (behaviors) and skills (skills).
From the above it is understood that the character is identical to the character,
so the character of the values of universal human behavior that covers all human
activities, both in order to relate with God, with himself, with others, as well as with
the environment, which manifests itself in the mind, attitudes, feelings, words, and
actions based on religious norms, laws, manners, culture, and customs. From this
emerged the concept of character education concept character (character education).
The next, Hill (2002) said: “Character determines someone’s private thoughts
and someone’s actions done. Good character is the inward motivation to do what is
right, according to the highest standard of behaviour, in every situation”.
Character education teaches habitual ways of thinking and behaviors that help
individuals to live and work together as a family, community, and state and help them
to make decisions that can be accounted for.
Characters that become mold as in The Six Pillars of Character issued by the
Character Counts! Coalition (a project of The Joseph Institute of Ethics).
Six types of characters are as follows:
a. Trustworthiness, the shape of the character that makes a person:
integrity, honesty, and loyalty
b. Fairness, shape the character that makes a person have an open mind
and do not like to take advantage of others.
c. Caring, the shape of the character that makes a person have a caring
attitude and concern for others and the social conditions of the
d. Respect, the shape of the character that makes a person always
appreciate and respect others.
e. Citizenship, the shape of the character that makes a person aware of the
laws and regulations as well as care for the natural environment.
f. Responsibility, the form of the character that makes a person
responsible, disciplined, and always do things as good as possible.

Character building
Character building of students in each educational environment means the
efforts made by the institution in the context of the formation of the character of
students. The term is synonymous with coaching is the formation or development.
Associated with educational institutions, now more encouraged the formation of the
school culture. One of the chosen school culture is a culture of noble character. From
this came the term the formation of moral values in the school culture.
Experience of Muhammad Arab community building to be human noble (civil
society) takes that long. This construction is starting to build their beliefs for more
than thirteen years, when the Prophet was living in Makkah. Furthermore, for more
than ten years of Prophet continued formation of their character by teaching sharia
(Islamic law) to equip worship and their daily muamalah. With the capital and the
Islamic Aqeedah and supported by exemplary attitude and behavior of the Prophet, the
civil society (which is noble) successfully built the Prophet who then continue in the
next period after the Prophet.
Michele Borba offers a pattern or model for the cultivation of noble character.
Michele Borba use the term moral intelligence construct. He wrote a book entitled
Building Moral Intelligence: The Seven Essential Vitues That Kids to Do The Right
Thing, 2001 (Building Moral Intelligence: The Seven Virtues Moral High Home For
Children, 2008). Moral intelligence, according to Michele Borba (2008: 4), is the
ability to understand what is right and wrong, which has a strong ethical beliefs and act
on that belief, so that he be true and honorable. are the main properties that can lead
someone to be kind, strong character, and become good citizens.
How to develop good character in children's self-concludes a seven ways to do
the child to foster virtues (good character), empathy, conscience, self-control, respect,
kindness, tolerance, and justice. The seven kinds of virtue is a quality human being can
form anywhere and anytime. Although the intended audience is children, but not
necessarily true for adults. In other words, the seven virtues offered by Michele Borba
is applicable to anyone in order to establish moral intelligence.
Howard Kirschenbaum in one book, 100 Ways to Enhance Values and
Morality in Schools and Youth Settings (1995), outlining 100 ways to be able to
increase the value and morality (character or moral values) in schools can be grouped
into five methods: 1) inculcating values and morality (cultivation of values and
morality), 2) modeling values and morality (modeling the values and morality), and 3)
facilitating values and morality (to facilitate the values and morality), 4) skills for
value moral development and literacy (skills for literacy development and moral
values, and 5) developing a values education program (develop value education
program). Kirschenbaum is of the opinion that all the teachers or lecturers together
with the school needs to improve the quality of learning. One effort that can be done is
building character of students through maximizing the role of teachers.
Meanwhile, Darmiyati Zuchdi emphasize four things in order to value teaching
that leads to the formation of character (moral) noble, namely inkulkasi values,
exemplary values, facilitation, and the development of academic and social skills
(Zuchdi, 2008: 46-50). Darmiyati added, to the achievement of program educational
value or character building to be followed by an evaluation value. The evaluation must
be done accurately with the observation of relatively long and continuous (Zuchdi,
2008: 55).

Social Behavior
Social behaviors such as helping, helping, giving, donate, or can be viewed as
an act of charity that has a positive social consequences. Every kindness to others
without expecting anything gift called prosocial behavior. According Wispe (Hakam,
2011:385) used the term prosocial behavior "to describe the antithesis of aggressive
behavior, the sympathy, altruism (altruistic nature), charity (charity), assists (sharing),
social behavior implies that aid or assistance must be made voluntarily, not
because of external encouragement. Prosocial behavior only occurs when an individual
has the freedom to choose whether to help or not. Although, maybe the inner impulse
that requires individual prosocial behavior.

The process of character building

In the process of education should know the purpose of education is Human
Excellence (human virtue). So far, only one teacher to teach the subject matter, but this
time the teacher had to teach character in their subject area. Thus, learners experience
the learning process itself. Centered learning students means students participated in
the learning process as much as possible. Learners are not only intelligent, but they
also have good qualities.

Integration of Personality and Social Value In Subject

One technique combines subjects such as character values through the game.
For example, when children play ball, educators can ask the following question: "To
put the ball into the goal, what are you doing?" Did you bring the ball itself or pass the
ball to another friend to go to the net? "Learners themselves knows that to win the
game needed unity in the team.

Character Learning Method

In every student there are three stages to go through and accomplished
(Fitriasari, 2011; 594):
a. Moral Knowing. The objectives are: students are able to distinguish the noble
moral values and moral character; understand logically and rationally (not
doctrinal or dogmatic) the importance
of moral values and the danger of logical character; students familiar figure of
the Prophet Muhammad as an exemplary figure through his sayings.
b. Moral Loving. Intended to foster a sense of love and takes the value of noble
character. Target student teacher is an emotional dimension, the heart, the soul,
not the ratio or logic. Teachers touch the emotions of students that growing
awareness, noble desires and needs.
c. Moral Doing. Students practice the noble moral values in everyday behavior
such as, polite, friendly, honest, compassionate, and so on.

Draft of Character Education

Character education process so far has been a lot of touching character building
of students. Unfortunately the character education at the primary level to the secondary
schools in Indonesia have not really got a place than academic education. There are
many schools which, although it is important to realize that the character, has not made
a serious coaching to develop positive character. This resulted in the input received
college students are not ready to be educated character.
In the midst of all the shortcomings and constraints, an institution still trying to
construct a system of education which aims to improve academic competence and
character of students. Character education in various educational institutions better
known as Soft Skill development.
Here is an outline of the design process of an educational institution. Input is a
prospective student at the institution. With a diverse background, motivation, and
ability of learners through the learning process based on the values of the local culture.
As expected outputs are alumni who have the competence and good character.




Peserta MENGAJAR Alumni



Figure 1. Teaching and Learning

In general, the character of the development plan can be divided into three
stages, namely:
1. Early Stage. Emphasizes character development in students' awareness
of the lives that have a series of consequences and responsibility.
2. Stage Associate. This stage emphasizes the independent learning
process, trained to socialize with others and develop their sensitivity.
3. End Stage. At this stage of the development process focused on
graduate profile expected by educational standards.
4. Both the initial stage, middle, or late stage, character development is
done always refer to 6 characters that have been mentioned and its
implementation will involve elements of the above systems.

Character Identification of Students

The material development of the characters that will be the purpose of this
program are determined based on the identification of the character of students.
Character is a variable that is very difficult to measure, even with a psycho though.
However to be able to design a program with the proper character building, must be
measured against the character. A psycho-test device for measuring characteristics
according Six Pillars of Characters have been designed (Hendra and Fransisca, 2003),
and a device that will be used to take measurements. This tool has been designed to
give an overview by Six Pillar individual character: trustworthiness, Fairness, Caring,
Respect, Citizenship and Responsibility.
The output value of the test is low, medium, and high for each character
learners. These results will be weighted and obtained a total score of each character for
the entirety of learners who are tested.
From the results of these tests are known generally for students who were
tested had a low propensity for character values Caring, Respect, and Citizenship.
Thus, the third point is the character that made reference in compiling the material in
the program the students character building.

Implementation and Evaluation

Preparation courses for the curriculum development of the character of a
systematic and integrated in every aspect of education and the process takes a long
Once the program is implemented, it must be carried out evaluation and
measurement to assess the effectiveness of the program was done. The difficulties
encountered in this case is, as already mentioned above that the characters develop
through a process, not just the events that affect moment. Therefore, it is certainly not
valid if the test code re-applied shortly after the program is finished running.
In the long term, the parameters that can be an indicator of the benefits of
character development for students with strategies tailored to the needs of existing

Character education is important for the growth of a human individual as a
whole and should be done early. But that does not mean if you do not accommodate
basic education of character building, educational institutions also felt no need to
conduct it. It is important for an educational institution to not only pay attention to the
needs of the academic competence of students, but also the character development so
that graduates become graduates who are prepared academically and good character.
The desire to build the character of students have poured into the strategic
planning and program design in a systematic and integrated.
Results from this program does not directly alter the character of the students,
but it is expected to give a positive color in an atmosphere of learning. For the future,
the design of character education should be done with high commitment and
continuous improvement of business done.
Familiarization character (character) needs to be done and the realization of
noble character (character) noble ultimate goal of an educational process so coveted by
every institution that organizes the educational process. Culture or cultures that exist in
institutions, schools, colleges, and others, was instrumental in establishing good moral
values among the academic community and its employees. Therefore, educational
institutions have a duty and responsibility to conduct moral education (moral
education) for the students and also build community culture for moral values.


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