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NIM : 13320024
PRODI : D3 TK 2020

BAGIAN STRUCTURE 1-7 the late 1880s,hull house........united become the
b.became the
c.becoming one of the became the
2.........with the largest alphabet is cambodian,with 74 letters the language
b.the languange is
c.the language
d.about the language
3......given to the various types of microscopic plants and animals found in water
a.names plankton
b.the name of plankton
c.plankton's name
d.planktone is the name
4.charles babbage (1792-1871)drew up the first plans for a programmable digital
computer in 1834,but.......was never completed
a.his invention
b.he invited invent him
d.for him to invent
5.......,one the oldest forms of written communication,was used as early as 3000
a.cuneiform writing cuneiform writing
c.cuneiform writing was
d.when cuneiform writing a protection device,an octopus ejects black or purple ink to cloud the water
a.does it escape
b.its escape escapes
d.escapes it
7. ...........manipulate with their feet as well as with,their hands,it is difficult for
them to stand upright a.apes can,however
b.apes are able to
c.despite the abillity of apes
d.although apes can

1.Jawaban yang tepat adalah: b. became the
Kalimat tersebut adalah "In the late 1880s, Hull House... became the united."
Untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut, verb (kata kerja) yang hilang adalah "became"
Dalam konteks kalimat, "Hull House" menjadi subjek (subject) yang mengalami
perubahan atau transisi menjadi "the united" (yang bersatu).
Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang hilang adalah verb (kata kerja).
2.Jawaban yang tepat adalah: c. the language
Kalimat yang lengkap adalah "The language with the largest alphabet is
Cambodian, with 74 letters." Dalam kalimat tersebut, subject (subjek) yang hilang
adalah "the language" (bahasa).
Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang hilang adalah subject (subjek).

3.Jawaban yang tepat adalah: a. names plankton

Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang hilang adalah verb (kata kerja) dan subject (subjek).
Verb yang hilang adalah "names" dan subject yang hilang adalah "plankton".
Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang hilang adalah verb (kata kerja) dan subject (subjek)
yang merujuk pada tindakan memberikan nama (names) kepada plankton.

4.Jawaban yang tepat adalah: a. his invention

Kalimat yang lengkap adalah "Charles Babbage (1792-1871) drew up the first
plans for a programmable digital computer in 1834, but his invention was never
completed." Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang hilang adalah kepunyaan (possession)
atau milik.
Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang hilang adalah kepunyaan (possession)

5.Jawaban yang tepat adalah: c. cuneiform writing was

Kalimat yang lengkap adalah "Cuneiform writing, one of the oldest forms of
written communication, was used as early as 3000 B.C." Dalam kalimat tersebut,
verb (kata kerja) yang hilang adalah "was" (digunakan).
Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang hilang adalah verb (kata kerja).
6.Jawaban yang tepat adalah: c. it escapes
Kalimat yang lengkap adalah "As a protection device, an octopus ejects black or
purple ink to cloud the water when it escapes." Dalam kalimat tersebut, subject
(subjek) yang hilang adalah "it" (octopus).
Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang hilang adalah subject (subjek).

7.Jawaban yang tepat adalah: d. although apes can

Kalimat yang lengkap adalah "Although apes can manipulate with their feet as well
as with their hands, it is difficult for them to stand upright." Dalam kalimat
tersebut, connector (penghubung) yang hilang adalah "although" (meskipun).
Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang hilang adalah connector (penghubung).

16. The price of silver rose to 50.5 per troy ounce in january 1980 and then fell to
10.80 two month later
Penjelasan: kata "month" yang seharusnya dalam bentuk jamak yaitu "months"
untuk mengindikasikan periode dua bulan. Oleh karena itu, kalimat yang benar
seharusnya adalah "The price of silver rose to 50.5 per troy ounce in January 1980
and then fell to 10.80 two months later."
17.Most polar seals retreat to open water during the winter,but a few types have
learn to survive on and under the ice all year round
Dalam pernyataan tersebut, terdapat kata yang salah yaitu "learn". Kata yang tepat
yang harus digunakan adalah "learned".
Penjelasan: Kata "learn" digunakan dalam bentuk lampau sederhana (simple past
tense), sehingga dalam kalimat tersebut seharusnya digunakan kata kerja berbentuk
lampau yang tepat yaitu "learned". Oleh karena itu, kalimat yang benar seharusnya
adalah "Most polar seals retreat to open water during the winter, but a few types
have learned to survive on and under the ice all year round."

18.More then half of all stars is in binary or multiple-star systems

Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "then". Kata yang benar yang
seharusnya digunakan adalah "than".
Penjelasan: Kata "then" digunakan untuk menyatakan urutan waktu atau
konsekuensi, sementara kata "than" digunakan untuk membandingkan dua hal.
Dalam kalimat tersebut, yang dimaksud adalah perbandingan jumlah bintang
dalam sistem bintang biner atau sistem bintang ganda dengan jumlah total bintang.
Oleh karena itu, kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah "More than half of all stars
are in binary or multiple-star systems."

19.The harpsichord is the most complex and most large of all the plucked keyboard
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "most large". Kata yang benar
yang seharusnya digunakan adalah "largest".
Penjelasan: Dalam perbandingan tingkat superlatif, kata "large" harus digunakan
dalam bentuk "largest" untuk membandingkan ukuran atau besarnya. Oleh karena
itu, kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah "The harpsichord is the most complex
and largest of all the plucked keyboard instruments."

20.United states forces won the city of los angeles in 1847 during the Mexican
War and gain all of Caliifornia in the same year
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "gain". Kata yang benar yang
seharusnya digunakan adalah "gained".
Penjelasan: Kata "gain" harus digunakan dalam bentuk lampau (past tense) yaitu
"gained" untuk mencerminkan tindakan yang terjadi di masa lampau. Oleh karena
itu, kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah "United States forces won the city of
Los Angeles in 1847 during the Mexican War and gained all of California in the
same year."

21.During fermentation,complex carbohydrates are converted to another chemicals

by the action of enzymes produced by molds,yeasts,or bacteria
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "another". Kata yang benar yang
seharusnya digunakan adalah "other".
Penjelasan: Dalam konteks kalimat tersebut, yang dimaksud adalah bahwa
karbohidrat kompleks diubah menjadi zat-zat kimia lainnya selama fermentasi.
Oleh karena itu, kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan hal ini adalah "other" yang
menunjukkan adanya perubahan menjadi zat-zat kimia yang berbeda. Oleh karena
itu, kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah "During fermentation, complex
carbohydrates are converted to other chemicals by the action of enzymes produced
by molds, yeasts, or bacteria."
22.The surface of Mars is very complex and consists of a mixture of flat deserts
,createres,volcanoes,and mountainous
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "mountainous". Kata yang benar
yang seharusnya digunakan adalah "mountains".
Penjelasan: Kata "mountainous" sebenarnya ada dalam kamus dan merujuk pada
daerah atau wilayah yang memiliki banyak gunung atau perbukitan yang tinggi.
Namun, dalam konteks kalimat tersebut, kata yang lebih tepat untuk
menggambarkan struktur geografis Mars adalah "mountains" yang merujuk pada
gunung atau pegunungan. Oleh karena itu, kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah
"The surface of Mars is very complex and consists of a mixture of flat deserts,
craters, volcanoes, and mountains."

23.Hardwood comes from broad-leaved decidous tress, those that lose theirs
leaves in winter
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "theirs". Kata yang benar yang
seharusnya digunakan adalah "their".
Penjelasan: Kata "theirs" digunakan sebagai kata kepemilikan untuk menunjukkan
bahwa daun-daun tersebut milik seseorang. Namun, dalam konteks kalimat
tersebut, kata yang tepat adalah "their" sebagai bentuk kata kepemilikan jamak
untuk menunjukkan bahwa daun-daun tersebut adalah kepemilikan dari pohon-
pohon tersebut. Oleh karena itu, kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah "Hardwood
comes from broad-leaved deciduous trees, those that lose their leaves in winter."

24. The washington quarter was first minting by th U.S government in 1932 on the
200th anniversary of George Washingtons's birsth

Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "minting". Kata yang benar yang
seharusnya digunakan adalah "minted".
Penjelasan: Kata "minting" adalah bentuk kata kerja dalam bentuk kontinu
(continuous tense), yang tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat tersebut. Dalam
konteks ini, perlu menggunakan kata kerja dalam bentuk lampau sederhana (simple
past tense), yaitu "minted", yang mengindikasikan bahwa Washington quarter telah
dicetak oleh pemerintah AS pada tahun 1932. Oleh karena itu, kalimat yang benar
seharusnya adalah "The Washington quarter was first minted by the U.S
government in 1932 on the 200th anniversary of George Washington's birth."

25. W.Somerset Maugham's best-known novel, Of Human Bondage, is a partially

fictionalized account of a unhappy youth
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "a". Kata yang benar yang
seharusnya digunakan adalah "an".
Penjelasan: Ketika kata yang mengikuti huruf "a" diucapkan dengan bunyi awal
vokal (seperti "unhappy"), maka seharusnya menggunakan kata "an" sebagai
artikel takrif yang benar. Oleh karena itu, kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah
"W. Somerset Maugham's best-known novel, Of Human Bondage, is a partially
fictionalized account of an unhappy youth.

26. The Congressional Medal of Honor , institued at the heigh of the Civil War,is
today a highest decoration for gallantry in the United States
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "heigh". Kata yang benar yang
seharusnya digunakan adalah "height".
Penjelasan: Kata "heigh" adalah kesalahan pengejaan yang seharusnya adalah
"height". Kata "height" berarti tinggi atau ketinggian, yang lebih sesuai dalam
konteks kalimat tersebut yang merujuk pada periode puncak atau masa kejayaan
dari Perang Saudara. Oleh karena itu, kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah "The
Congressional Medal of Honor, instituted at the height of the Civil War, is today
the highest decoration for gallantry in the United States
27.High blood pressure result from either an increased output of blood from the
heart and an increased resistance to its flow through tiny branches of the arteries
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "result". Kata yang benar yang
seharusnya digunakan adalah "results".
Penjelasan: Dalam konteks kalimat tersebut, pernyataan tersebut merujuk pada
fakta bahwa tekanan darah tinggi disebabkan oleh dua hal, yaitu peningkatan aliran
darah dari jantung dan peningkatan resistensi aliran darah melalui cabang-cabang
kecil arteri. Oleh karena itu, kata kerja yang benar yang mengikuti subjek tunggal
"High blood pressure" adalah "results" (berbentuk kata kerja jamak) dan bukan
"result". Kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah "High blood pressure results from
either an increased output of blood from the heart and an increased resistance to its
flow through tiny branches of the arteries."

28. When the U.S government's library was burned by the British in 1814, former
President Thomas Jefferson donated 6,487 of their own books to start the present
day Library of Congress
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "their". Kata yang benar yang
seharusnya digunakan adalah "his".
Penjelasan: Pada kalimat tersebut, "former President Thomas Jefferson" adalah
satu orang (tunggal), sehingga kata ganti yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan kata
benda tunggal tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan "their" (kata ganti jamak)
tidak tepat. Seharusnya menggunakan "his" untuk merujuk pada Thomas Jefferson
sebagai orang yang memiliki buku-buku tersebut. Kalimat yang benar seharusnya
adalah "When the U.S government's library was burned by the British in 1814,
former President Thomas Jefferson donated 6,487 of his own books to start the
present day Library of Congress."

29. James A.Garfield has become the twentieth president of the United States in
1881 and was assassinated later in that year
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "has become". Kata yang benar
yang seharusnya digunakan adalah "became".
Penjelasan: Pada kalimat tersebut, penjelasan tentang James A. Garfield menjadi
presiden ke-20 Amerika Serikat dan pembunuhannya terjadi pada tahun yang sama.
Karena peristiwa ini terjadi pada masa lalu dan sudah selesai, penggunaan kata
kerja "has become" (present perfect tense) tidak sesuai. Seharusnya digunakan kata
kerja "became" (simple past tense) untuk menunjukkan bahwa Garfield menjadi
presiden dan dibunuh pada tahun 1881. Kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah
"James A. Garfield became the twentieth president of the United States in 1881 and
was assassinated later in that year."

30.Mambas,poisonous African snakesthat come from the same family as cobras,

possess an extreme potent venom
Kata yang salah dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah "extreme". Kata yang benar
yang seharusnya digunakan adalah "extremely".
Penjelasan: Pada kalimat tersebut, kata yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan
kekuatan racun dari mambas adalah "potent" yang berarti kuat atau beracun. Untuk
memberikan penekanan yang lebih kuat, seharusnya menggunakan kata keterangan
"extremely" sebelum kata sifat "potent". Oleh karena itu, kata "extreme" yang
digunakan dalam pernyataan tersebut adalah salah. Kalimat yang benar seharusnya
adalah "Mambas, poisonous African snakes that come from the same family as
cobras, possess an extremely potent venom."
Ouestions 1-10

The final barile of the War of 1812 was the Battle of New Orleans. This battle gave
a clear
demonstration of tho need for effective communication during wartime: it also
showed the disastrous
results that can come to pass when communication is inadeguate.

The War of 1812 was fought berwcen Great Britain and the very young country of
the United
States Only a relatively few years after the United States had won its independence
from Britain. The
United States had declared war against Britain in June of 1812, mostly because of
interference with
U.S. shipping by the British and because of the shanghaling of U.S. salors for
enforced service on
British vessels. The war lasted for a little more than two years, when a peace treaty
was signed at
Ghent, in Belgium, On the 24th of December, 1814.

Unfortunately, the news that the Treaty of Ghent had been signed and that the war
was officizlly
over was not communicated in a timely manner over the wide distance to where
the war was being
ontested. Negotiationis for the treaty and ihe actual signing of the treaty took place
in Europe, and
news of the ireaty had 10 be carried across the Atlantic to the war front by ship. A
totally unnecessary
loss of life was incurred as a result of the amount of time that it took to inform the
combatants of the.

Early in January of 1815, Some two weeks after ihe peace treaty had been signed,
British troops
in the Southern part of the United States were unaware ihat the war had officially
ended. Over 5.000
British troops attacked U.S. troops. During the ensuing battle, known as the Battle
of New Orleans,
the British suffered a huge number of casualties, around 2.000, and the Americans
lost 71, all in.
battle foughr only because news of the peace treaty that had already been signed in
Ghent had not yet

reached ihe batrlefield.

1. Themain idea of this passage is that

CA) the War of Independence was


(B) the War of 1812 was unnecessary

(C) the Treaty of Ghent was unnecessary

(D) the Battle of New Orleans was


2. The pronoun “it” in line 2 refers to

(A) batde
(B) demonstration
(C) communication
(D) wartime

3. The expression “come t0 pass" in line 3

could best be replaced by

(A) happen
(B) overthrow

(C) self-destruct
(D) circumvent

4. Aceording to the passage, when did the

United States win its Independence from

(A) Shortiy before the War of 1812

(B) During the War of 1812
(C) Just after the War of 1812

(D) Longafter the War of 1812

5. According to the passage, some U.S. sailors

(A) taken forcibly to Shanghai

(B) made 10 go to Ghent

(CO) forced to work on British ships

(D) responsible for causing the War of


6. Itis NOT stated in the passage that Ghent


(A) where negotiations took place

(B) the site of the final batile

(C) where the treaty was signed

(D) far from the baitlefield
7. The word “contested” in line 12 is closest
in meaning to
(A) played
@ out

(C) discussed
1D) examined

8. Itcan be determined from the passage

that, of the following Gates, the Battle of
New Orlcans was most probably fough?

(A) on December 10, 1814

(B) on December 24, 1814
(C) on January 1, 1815
(D) on January 8, 1815


Where in the passage does the author

indicate when the War of 1812 officially

(A) Lines 13
(B) Lines 4-5
(C) Lines 8-9
D) Lines 10-12

Which paragraph describes the battle that

took place after the signing of the treaty?

(A) The first paragraph

(B) The second paragraph
(C) The third paragraph
1D) Thelast paragraph

1.The main idea of this passage is that (B) the War of 1812 was unnecessary.
Penjelasan: Teks menyampaikan informasi tentang perang tersebut dan
menunjukkan bahwa perang tersebut tidak perlu terjadi.

2.The pronoun "it" in line 2 refers to (C) communication.

Penjelasan: Kata ganti "it" merujuk pada "communication" yang disebutkan
sebelumnya dalam kalimat.

3.The expression "come to pass" in line 3 could best be replaced by (A) happen.
Penjelasan: Ungkapan "come to pass" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "happen"
dalam konteks ini.

4.According to the passage, when did the United States win its Independence from
Britain? (D) Long after the War of 1812.
Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa Amerika Serikat memperoleh
kemerdekaannya dari Britania Raya "Long after the War of 1812" (Jauh setelah
Perang 1812).

5.According to the passage, some U.S. sailors (C) forced to work on British ships.
Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa pelaut Amerika Serikat dipaksa untuk
bekerja di kapal-kapal Britania.

6.It is NOT stated in the passage that Ghent was (B) the site of the final battle.
Penjelasan: Teks tidak menyebutkan bahwa Ghent merupakan lokasi pertempuran

7.The word "contested" in line 12 is closest in meaning to (B) fought.

Penjelasan: Kata "contested" memiliki arti yang mirip dengan "fought" dalam
konteks ini.

8.It can be determined from the passage that, of the following dates, the Battle of
New Orleans was most probably fought on (D) January 8, 1815.
Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa pertempuran Battle of New Orleans terjadi
pada awal Januari 1815, dan pilihan yang paling dekat adalah tanggal 8 Januari

9.Where in the passage does the author indicate when the War of 1812 officially
ended? (C) Lines 8-9.
Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa perang berakhir ketika perjanjian
perdamaian ditandatangani di Ghent pada tanggal 24 Desember 1814, dan
informasi ini ditemukan pada baris 8-9.
10.Which paragraph describes the battle that took place after the signing of the
treaty? (D) The last paragraph.
Penjelasan: Paragraf terakhir menjelaskan pertempuran yang terjadi setelah
penandatanganan perjanjian perdamaian, yaitu pertempuran Battle of New Orleans.

Ouestions 11-21
Mouni Ruehmore ix 2 well.enown monument in the Black Hills 0? Souih Dakota
that fearures he coumenances 0? So? United Stares presidenta: Weshingian,
Jefleron, Rooseveli and Lincoln. What ie met za meli kn ie hat te procese Of
creating this na tonal treasure was Ot ac an neventul one.
Mouni Kushmore was ihe project of ihe sisionary seulptor John Gutzen de la
Mothe Borglum,eh was bom in Idahe but studied sculpture in Parie in is yOuih and
belriended ihe famous French:Septor Asguste Rodin. In 1827 Borglam was anto a
comeniselon Dy Ie federal poverment to seulptare 00 Mount Ruskmere. Though he
Was acarty 251y Yeare Old when he dare, he Toar at ihe project mas Ihe Basre—or
large crack hat dewelaped in ine granite here Jeterean as being carved. Jelersom
had to be moved 10 the Giher Side Of Washington, next 0 Kode becnuse cl the
Secak in the stone. The work Uhat had been started ox Gac Liat Teller had to be
Sasmiiad may.
"Mount Fusslamore was not completed widhin the Ave years predicted by Borglum
and was in factor aeraally completed within Boogkam Ilerime. aihough & was
almost finlehed: Borglar died on.Maseh 6, 1981, al the ago ot seventytour, her
tourtoen years cf work oz Ge presidants. His 200.Lincoln org. who kd orkes wa his
faher duroughou: he peokeet. completed te monumen?Within et mamih of his
father 3 death.

11.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
(A) Mount Rushmore was a huge project filled with numerous obstacles
(B)Mount Rushmore is a famous American monument
(C)Moun Rushmore has sculptures of four united states presidents on it
D. John Gutzen de la Mothe Borglum created Mount Rushmore
12.While. of the following best describes die elaclonehip berween Borglum ang
Rodin in Borglums cariy year?
A. Borghum sdiod about Rodin inParis.
B.Borglum was far more famous han Redi an 2 aculpeor.
C. Borglum and Rodin were born and Telaedin te same place.
D. Borglum and Rodin were friend.

13. The word "nearly" in line 8 could best be replaced by which of he following.
A. Or

14.Wiich af che following Is NOT me about

A. He began Mount Rushmore arand The age olahan.
B. He pendiciad that Mouni Rushmore"Would be Anished around 1922.
C.Mount Rushumore was Gnlahed when Borghum peedicted it would de.
D.Borgum worked an Mount Rushmore Tor more than 8 decade.

15. Itcan be inferred from the passage that Borglum was someone who
(A) expected the best to happen
(B) setrealistic goals
(C) never tried anything too challenging
(D) was always afraid that bad things were going to happen
16. A fissure” inline 13 isa
(A) discoloration
(B) break
(C) unevenness
(D) softness

17. Why does the author mention the fact that the carving of Thomas Jefferson was
(A) It shows what a perfectionist Borglum was.
(B) It demonstrates Borglum's artistic style.
(C) It gives insight into Jefferson's character.
(D) Itis an example of a problem caused by nature.

18. The pronoun “it" in line 18 refers to which of the following?

(A) The firsi Jefferson
(B) Mount Rushmore
(C) Borglum' lifetime
(D) Fourteen years of work

19. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the expression “within eight
months of his father's death" in line 212
(A) More than cight months before his father's death
(B) Less than eight months before his father's death
(C) Less than eight months after his fathers death
(D) More than eight months after his father's death
20. Where in the passage does the authormention when the Mount Rushmore
project got started?
(A) Lines 14
(B) Lines 7-8
(C) Lines 9-12
(D) Lines 17-18

21. This passage would most likely be assigned reading in a course on

(A) art history
(B) geography
(C) management
(D) government

11.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage? (D) John
Gutzen de la Mothe Borglum created Mount Rushmore.
Penjelasan: Teks menjelaskan tentang John Gutzen de la Mothe Borglum dan
penciptaan Mount Rushmore olehnya.

12.Which of the following best describes the relationship between Borglum and
Rodin in Borglum's early years? (D) Borglum and Rodin were friends.
Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa Borglum berkenalan dengan seniman
Prancis terkenal Auguste Rodin dan menjadi temannya.

13.The word "nearly" in line 8 could best be replaced by which of the following?
(C) Almost. Penjelasan: Kata "nearly" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "almost"
dalam konteks ini.
14.Which of the following is NOT true about Borglum? (B) He predicted that
Mount Rushmore would be finished around 1922.
Penjelasan: Teks tidak menyebutkan bahwa Borglum memprediksi Mount
Rushmore akan selesai pada tahun 1922.

15.It can be inferred from the passage that Borglum was someone who (A)
expected the best to happen.
Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa Borglum bekerja dengan tekad dan berharap
yang terbaik akan terjadi.

16.A "fissure" in line 13 is a (B) break.

Penjelasan: Kata "fissure" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "break" dalam konteks

17.Why does the author mention the fact that the carving of Thomas Jefferson was
moved? (D) It is an example of a problem caused by nature.
Penjelasan: Penyebutan pemindahan patung Thomas Jefferson dimaksudkan untuk
menunjukkan masalah yang disebabkan oleh alam.

18.The pronoun "it" in line 18 refers to which of the following? (B) Mount
Penjelasan: Kata ganti "it" merujuk pada "Mount Rushmore" yang disebutkan
sebelumnya dalam kalimat.

19.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the expression "within eight

months of his father's death" in line 21? (C) Less than eight months after his
father's death.
Penjelasan: Ungkapan "within eight months of his father's death" memiliki arti
yang sama dengan "Less than eight months after his father's death" dalam konteks

20.Where in the passage does the author mention when the Mount Rushmore
project got started? (B) Lines 7-8.
Penjelasan: Pada baris 7-8, teks menyebutkan bahwa Mount Rushmore adalah
proyek dari John Gutzen de la Mothe Borglum.

21.This passage would most likely be assigned reading in a course on (A) art
Penjelasan: Teks ini menyampaikan informasi tentang pembuatan patung-patung di
Mount Rushmore dan karya seniman, sehingga lebih cocok sebagai bahan bacaan
dalam mata kuliah sejarah seni.

Ouestions 22-31
Carbon dating can be used to estimate the age of any organic natural materiak it
has been used successfully in archeology to determine the age of ancient artifacts
or fossils as well as in a variety of other fields. the principle underiying the use of
carbon dating is that carbon is a part of all living things on Earth. Since a
radioactive substance such as carbon-14 has a known half-life, the amount of
carbon-14 remaining in an object can be used to date that object.
Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,570 years, which means that after that number of
years half of the carbon-14 atoms have decayed into nitrogen-14. It is the ratio of
carbon-14 to nitrogen-14 in that substance that indicates the age of the substance.
If, for example, in a particular sample the amount of carbon-14 is roughly
eguivalent to the amount of nitrogen-14, this indicates that around half of the
carbon-14 has decayed into nitrogen-14, and the sample is approximately 5,570
years old.
Carbon dating cannot be used effectively in dating objects that are older than
80,000 years.When objects are that old, much of the carbon-14 has already
decayed into nitrogen-14, and the minuscule amouni that is left does not provide a
reliable measurement of age. In the case of older Objects, other age-dating
methods are available, methods which use radioactive atoms with longer
half-lives than carbon has.

22. This passage is mainly about

(A) the differences between carbon-14 and nitrogen-14
(B) one method of dating old pbjecis
(C) archeology and the study of ancient artifacts
(D) various uses for carbon

23. The word “estimate” in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) understand
(B) hide
(C) rate
(D) approximate

24. The pronoun "it" in line 1 refers to

(A) carbon dating
(B) theage
(C) any organic natural material
(D) archeology
25.Which of the following is NOT true about carbon-14?
(A) It is radioactive.
(B) Its half-life is more than 5,000 years.
(C) It and nitrogen always exist in equal amounts in any substance.
(D) It can decay into nitrogen-14.

26.The word “underlying” in line 3 could best be replaced by

(A) below
(B) reguiring
(C) being studied through
(D) serving as a basis for

27.It can be inferred from the passage that if an item contains more carbon-14 than
nitrogen-14, then the item is
(A) too old to be age-dated with carbon-14
(B) notas much as 5,570 years old
(C) too radioactive to be used by archeologists
(D) more than 5,570 years old
28.The word “roughly” in line 9 could best be
replaced by
(A) harshiy
(B) precisely
(C) coarsely
(D) approximately
29. The expression "is left" in line 13 could
best be replaced by
(A) remains
(B) hasturned
(C) changes
(D) is gone

30. Itisimplied in the passage that

(A) carbon dating could not be used on an item containing nitrogen
(B) fossils cannot be age-dated using carbon-14
(C) carbon-14 does not have the longest known halflife .
(D) carbon dating has no known uses outside of archeology

31. Theparagraph following the passage most probably discusses

(A) how carbon-14 decays into nitrogen-1
(B) various other age-dating methods
(C) why carbon-14 has such a long half- life
(D) what substances are part of all living things
22.This passage is mainly about (B) one method of dating old objects.
Penjelasan: Teks ini menjelaskan tentang metode karbon dating sebagai salah satu
cara untuk menentukan usia benda-benda kuno.
23.The word "estimate" in line 1 is closest in meaning to (D) approximate.
Penjelasan: Kata "estimate" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "approximate" dalam
konteks ini.
24.The pronoun "it" in line 1 refers to (A) carbon dating.
Penjelasan: Kata ganti "it" merujuk pada "carbon dating" yang disebutkan
sebelumnya dalam kalimat.
25.Which of the following is NOT true about carbon-14? (B) Its half-life is more
than 5,000 years.
Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa setengah masa hidup (half-life) karbon-14
adalah 5.570 tahun, sehingga pernyataan (B) tidak benar.
26.The word "underlying" in line 3 could best be replaced by (D) serving as a basis
Penjelasan: Kata "underlying" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "serving as a basis
for" dalam konteks ini.
27.It can be inferred from the passage that if an item contains more carbon-14 than
nitrogen-14, then the item is (B) not as much as 5,570 years old.
Penjelasan: Jika suatu objek mengandung lebih banyak karbon-14 daripada
nitrogen-14, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa objek tersebut tidak lebih dari 5.570
28.The word "roughly" in line 9 could best be replaced by (D) approximately.
Penjelasan: Kata "roughly" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "approximately"
dalam konteks ini.
29.The expression "is left" in line 13 could best be replaced by (A) remains.
Penjelasan: Ungkapan "is left" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "remains" dalam
konteks ini.
30.It Is implied in the passage that (C) carbon-14 does not have the longest known
Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa ada metode penentuan usia lain yang
menggunakan atom radioaktif dengan setengah masa hidup yang lebih panjang
daripada karbon.
31.The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses (B) various other
age-dating methods.
Penjelasan: Kalimat terakhir dalam teks menyebutkan bahwa metode penentuan
usia lain yang menggunakan setengah masa hidup yang lebih panjang tersedia
untuk benda-benda yang lebih tua.

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