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2, MAY 2005 565

Deregulated Power Prices: Changes Over Time

Ying Li, Student Member, IEEE, and Peter. C. Flynn, Member, IEEE

Abstract—We examine price by season and by year in 14 dereg- TABLE I

ulated markets, by looking at diurnal price patterns and price POWER PRICE DATA FOR DEREGULATED MARKETS
volatility. Power price volatility is measured by price velocity,
the daily average of the absolute value of price change per hour,
which is broken into a component expected from the average
diurnal pattern, and an unexpected component. Deregulated
markets can be categorized into three groups: stable markets,
markets that experienced one bad period or season of high price
excursion, and chaotic markets. Britain, Spain and Scandinavia
show consistent price patterns and low unexpected price velocity;
a thoughtful consumer could reasonably implement demand side
management (DSM) by shaping consumption patterns to reflect
price. California, New Zealand and Alberta are examples of
markets that had a period of very high price excursion; we discuss
factors affecting public reaction to this. Australian power markets
have inconsistent price patterns from season to season and year
to year, and very high unexpected price velocity. Planned DSM
in these markets would be very difficult. We offer four policy
considerations for markets considering deregulation in the future.
Index Terms—Load management, power demand, power in-
dustry, power system economics, risk analysis.


E LECTRICAL power is not storable in significant quan-

tities, and supply must equal demand over very short
time intervals. Electrical power is generated from a variety
of sources, with different operating and cost characteristics.
The combination of these two factors gives a high degree of
volatility and intra and interday price change. Electrical power, in the northern hemisphere and summer period in the southern
unlike oil or natural gas, is also not transportable between hemisphere is attributed to the year in which January and Feb-
remote markets, which allows the price of this fundamental ruary occur, e.g., December 2000 and January and February of
energy commodity to vary independently. For example, a price 2001 are referred to as Winter 2001.) Other seasons are similarly
excursion in Australia cannot be influenced by a surplus of defined as three calendar month periods. Seasonal and yearly
power in other locations around the globe. changes are observed in diurnal power prices that are different
In previous work [1], [2] we have assessed long term average between markets. (Data are summarized in Table I. For details
diurnal patterns and price volatility in 14 deregulated power on the methodology of data “cleaning,” and for specific refer-
markets. Differences between deregulated power markets are ences to each market, see [1]; data cleaning is not a significant
significant. In this work, we look at patterns in power price and source of error.)
volatility on a season by season and year by year basis within Our focus is from the perspective of the power consumer: can
individual markets. Power price is normalized to the long term some thoughtful consumers reasonably respond to price infor-
overall average price in each market, in order to look at patterns mation in the market in order to implement demand side man-
independent of overall price. We then look at the diurnal pattern agement (DSM)? (For a general discussion of DSM and the
of average weekday price (AWDDP) and average weekend price value of having at least some power consumers respond to price
(AWEDP) on an hour by hour or half hour by half hour basis, signals, see, for example, [3]–[6]. Having some price respon-
by season and by year. We define winter as December 1 through sive demand to moderate price spikes is noted, and Borenstein
February 28 in northern hemisphere, and June 1 through Au- [6] cites low DSM as a factor in the power crisis in California.)
gust 31 in the southern hemisphere. (Note that the winter period DSM can be thought of as occurring in two stages. The first,
Manuscript received January 19, 2004; revised July 15, 2004. This work was which we call easy load, is power consumption that requires
supported in part by Alberta Electricity System Operator and Canada’s National little advanced notice, thought or planning to interrupt; when the
Sciences and Engineering Research Council. Paper no. TPWRS-00022-2004. price is high, this kind of load is shut off. This first stage of DSM
The authors are with the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2G8,
Canada (e-mail:; typically comes from large consumers and is available in any
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2005.846203 market. The greater the tendency of a market to experience high
0885-8950/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

price spikes, the more vigorous the search for easy load. Be- notice. Hence whether power price patterns are relatively stable
yond easy load is a second stage of DSM that requires more so- and whether price excursions can be related to comprehensible
phisticated planning, for example of production processes, dis- events such as weather excursions are important considerations
cussed by Kirchen [5]; we call this planned load. This second for consumers in assessing their benefit from DSM.
level of DSM is only realizable in markets where consumers be- An analysis of diurnal price patterns and price velocity in 14
lieve that planning can have an expected positive outcome. The deregulated markets season by season and year by year lead us
less comprehensible and consistent power price patterns are, the to categorize the markets into three groups: stable and consis-
less likely that second stage DSM will emerge. tent markets, markets with one bad period or season, and chaotic
We use the concept of price velocity to measure hourly markets. We discuss the implications of each, and in particular
volatility in power price. Some change in hourly power price we look further at why deregulation of power has caused such
will arise from the average diurnal pattern characteristic of that a backlash in some markets. We focus on the history of dereg-
market. In addition to this component of price change that is ex- ulation in three markets (California, Alberta and Ontario), and
pected from the average diurnal price pattern, some unexpected consider policy issues that reduce the likelihood of a consumer
change can occur due to a variety of factors, e.g., weather or backlash in markets considering deregulation in the future.
unit outages. For each day, we calculate hourly price movement
and subtract the “expected” component that would occur if
power price exactly followed the average diurnal pattern; we II. TIME PATTERNS IN STABLE MARKETS
call this residual component the unexpected price velocity. One
Fig. 1 shows the seasonal variation by year in Britain in
can then normalize the unexpected price velocity to either that
AWDDP, AWEDP, and the reverse cumulative distribution
day’s average price or to the long term average price in the
function (RCF) of UVDA. (Note that UVDA can have negative
market, and compute the daily average of unexpected price
values, when the price velocity is less than that expected from
velocity. The resulting value is the unexpected price velocity
the long term average diurnal pattern. All UVDA curves are
relative to the daily average price (UVDA) or long term overall
truncated at a value of 0.5, which eliminates a small number of
average price (UVOA). It measures the average hourly change
values in the tail of the distribution.)
in price on a given day relative to average power price. Each
From the perspective of a power consumer who is consid-
day will have a unique UVDA and UVOA; the distribution
ering planned DSM by modifying power consumption to reflect
characterizes the volatility of the price in a given market.
price, Britain is an example of a model market for deregulated
Details of the derivation of UVDA and UVOA are given in [2].
power. There is a seasonal impact on power price patterns that
Note that an unexpected average hourly price change of $30
is predictable and repeatable. Some price excursions occur, for
per MWh on a day with an average price of $300 per MWh and
example on weekdays in the winter of 1999, but these excur-
of $5 per MWh on a day with an average price of $50 per MWh
sions are low enough to avoid a major backlash against deregu-
would have the same value of UVDA.
lation by consumers. In previous work we showed there is a high
We choose price velocity rather than variance as a measure
correlation between price and load; load in turn usually reflects
of volatility because we believe a consumer can better relate to
weather extremes that can be forecast [1]. Spain and Scandi-
this: what is the price change, and how fast does it occur, are
navia (Nord Pool) have similar characteristics. Spain had a pe-
concepts that consumers apply to volatile commodities.
riod of slightly higher prices in the winter of 2002, and Nord
In this paper we focus on UVDA, because we are looking at
Pool had periods of higher prices in 2001, but as with Britain
periods of price abnormality in markets. UVDA gives a sense
in 1999, the deviation was not excessive, and volatility was low.
of the consumer’s perception of price volatility on a given day
These markets are ideal from the power consumer’s perspec-
in the market relative to price levels on that day. A high value
tive; a thoughtful consumer of electrical power can reasonably
of UVDA means that price is shifting rapidly over the course
manage demand by shaping consumption, because he can un-
of that day, while a low value means that price is following the
derstand and has confidence in the consistency of price patterns
pattern predicted from the history of diurnal prices within the
in the market. The average unexpected hourly price change is
market, regardless of the average price that day.
low, less than 10%, and very rarely exceeds 20%.
Unexpected price velocity in part indicates the ability of a
The Leipzig exchange, renamed the European Energy Ex-
power consumer to manage power consumption. Most residen-
change in 2002, serves as more of a wholesale clearing market,
tial and small commercial consumers cannot implement DSM
and does not have enough history to draw comparable observa-
today because they do not have real time meters and a prac-
tical indication of real time price, and consequently cannot face
the power market through spot (real time) pricing. Larger size
commercial and industrial consumers can, if they choose, buy III. TIME PATTERNS IN MARKETS WITH ONE OR OCCASIONAL
power at spot wholesale prices plus a premium for transmission BAD PRICE PERIODS
and distribution; in this work, we focus on this aspect of DSM,
i.e. real time pricing of power through direct purchase from the Fig. 2 shows the seasonal variation by year of AWDDP and
power pool. However, these consumers have very limited capa- AWEDP, and the reverse cumulative distribution of UVDA for
bility to respond on an hour by hour basis. Most industrial work Northern California. With the exception of a nine month period
is scheduled one or more days in advance, and legislation pre- from the summer of 2000 through the winter of 2001, California
vents sending a workforce home without pay on a few minutes has had a stable and consistent power price. (For a discussion

Fig. 1. Seasonal variations in Britain.

Fig. 2. Seasonal variations in Northeast California.

of the crisis in California, see, for example, [6] and [7].) How- required power retailers to sell at fixed retail prices while buying
ever, the “one bad period” was so bad that it significantly re- wholesale from a market with no effective price cap, bringing
duced public support for deregulation; California’s price spike several utilities into or near bankruptcy. It then reentered the
got such prolonged media attention that the erosion of public power market at the height of its price crisis, buying long term
support for deregulation extended far beyond California. By the power at very high prices. Many of these contracts were mod-
winter of 2001 the average power price on weekdays in Cali- ified later based on the counterparty being judged to have in-
fornia was five times the long term average price after deregula- appropriately influenced the power market. California reduced
tion, and ten times higher than previous winter prices. This kind the appetite for deregulation in other states; various groups fre-
of price excursion overloaded the tolerance of consumers, and quently propose a return to regulation.
perhaps understandably so, since it is far higher than any price It is interesting to note that during the period of very high
escalation in a basic energy commodity seen in the last 20 years. prices in the summer and fall of 2000, California did not have
Political intervention in the power market was swift: California high volatility in price, relative to the average price of the day. In

Fig. 3. Seasonal variations in New Zealand.

the winter of 2001 unexpected price velocity was higher than in vere period of high prices that were typically four or more times
previous years, but not excessive compared to markets in Aus- long term average price during peak usage hours on weekdays;
tralia, discussed below. The problem in California was primarily the impact was felt on weekends as well. Power price was high
high price, not high volatility. but not highly variable relative to the average daily price, so un-
Virtually the same observation can be made about the expected volatility is actually lower in the winter of 2001 than
Province of Alberta, Canada, which experienced high prices 2000. As with other jurisdictions, the “one bad period” reopened
in the same time period as California. Alberta’s highest prices debate about the merits of deregulation, although the duration
occurred in the fall of 2000, just before the residential and and intensity of this has been less than in California.
commercial markets experienced full deregulation. As a result, PJM in the eastern United States has a repeating bad season
customers trying to buy power for the first time saw wholesale rather than “one bad period,” as illustrated in Fig. 4: power
prices that were more than four times higher than long term prices peak in the summer. Although the price spikes only occur
average prices. The consequences were similar, in that one on weekdays, they are presumably aggravated by the high power
period of very high prices has had a lingering impact on con- demand for air conditioning during this season. Volatility is also
sumer resentment. As with California, there was an immediate significantly higher in the summer. For the balance of seasons,
political response: Alberta deferred a portion of power cost PJM has been a fairly consistent market, with higher prices in
during the first year of deregulation into subsequent years, the winter and spring of 2001 but not excessively so. The worst
which had the impact of postponing the benefit to consumers time of price excursion in PJM was in the summer of 1999, with
when prices later retreated to more normal levels. While the prices peaking at more than six times average price, but only for
current government in Alberta is committed to deregulation, a few hours per day. Lower spikes in subsequent years have not
reregulation is proposed by opposition parties. More recently, generated the fierce reaction to deregulation that is observed in
the Province of Ontario, Canada, first backed away from full California.
deregulation of power because a pattern similar to Alberta had Why have one or occasional bad periods stirred up strong
emerged: as the date of deregulation approached, power prices public reaction in some markets while concern in other mar-
were spiking, and voter resistance became increasingly vocal. kets has been relatively muted? Table II shows the highest sea-
The first response was to cap residential and small consumer sonal average weekday power price during a period of high
rates and support these from tax revenue. Then an election led price, and hence gives a sense of the sustained impact on the
to a change of government that announced it will re-regulate consumer over a three month period. We speculate that two fac-
power. tors must exist for prolonged widespread public frustration with
New Zealand had one minor and one major bad period, as deregulation of power: a period of very high price, and a cause
shown in Fig. 3. The minor bad period occurred in the winter that is not easily identified and attributable to an external “one
and spring of 2000, when weekday power prices showed high time” event. Thus California and Alberta both had periods of
price spikes at two peak periods in the day. As expected, price very high price without a clearly identifiable weather related
velocity is higher during this time, arising from the rapid change cause. New Zealand had the period of high price, but consumers
in price over the course of the day. The major bad period oc- could identify a “one time” cause and hence perhaps link high
curred in the winter of 2001 and was caused by abnormally low price to the need to conserve through an unusual and infrequent
rainfall that created a water shortage. This caused a long and se- event. Because the period of high price in Alberta and Cali-

Fig. 4. Seasonal variations in PJM.

TABLE II plex rules and transition arrangements. In the case of Alberta,

AVERAGE PRICE DURING EXCURSION existing investors in regulated generation units received an on-
going stream of payments that kept them “whole” as if deregu-
lation had not occurred, but the right to bid and dispatch power
from these units was sold in an auction. The complexity of these
arrangements took years to implement. During this period, in-
vestors were more hesitant than normal to invest in new gener-
ation assets until the rules were clarified. In California, existing
generators were forced to sell generation units, which again had
the impact of reducing new investment in power generation;
California’s formidable environmental hurdles also contributed
to a long process for commissioning new generation [7]. In On-
tario, a single crown corporation owned the vast majority of gen-
fornia could not be related to an external weather event, fears eration and transmission and most rural distribution; breaking
of ongoing high price were more difficult to dispel, and there up this large entity and selling off some of the generation assets
was a greater tendency to blame the market and greedy partici- again took time. In these cases, the long process to deregulate
pants. Subsequent events in California, where a number of com- helped ensure that after deregulation the markets would be vul-
panies reached agreements with the US Federal Energy Regula- nerable to price excursions because generation investment was
tory Commission (FERC) to make payments to settle claims of retarded.
market manipulation, have only served to solidify consumers’
Why have markets faced “one bad period”? One key reason Fig. 5 shows the seasonal variation by year of AWDDP and
is a shortage of supply. Markets that had abundant generation AWEDP, and the reverse cumulative distribution of UVDA for
capacity at the time of deregulation and adequately functioning South Australia; the patterns in Fig. 5 are typical of all mar-
means to prevent strategic withholding fared well through kets in Australia. Australian power markets have price patterns
deregulation, despite other issues of market design. Spain, that are unlike any others in this study. Average prices show
Britain and Scandinavia are examples of this. Where there is a number of price spikes in the diurnal pattern; in a previous
adequate generation capacity and a well functioning market, no work we showed that these spikes are often created by prices
special measures appear to be required during deregulation to on less than 5% of the total days [1]. From Fig. 5 we can see
prevent periods of unusually high price. that many of these spikes are inconsistent from year to year
One cause of a supply shortfall in some deregulating mar- and from season to season. We can also see vast shifts in price
kets is that a period of low or no investment in new generation volatility that again are inconsistent from year to year and season
assets preceded the onset of deregulation. In both Alberta and to season. For example, the spring and summer of 2001 (ending
Ontario there was a long gap between the announcement of a in February 2001) and the fall and winter of 2002 show very
commitment to deregulation and the resolution of all of the com- high price velocity relative to other years. There is no evidence

Fig. 5. Seasonal variations in South Australia.

of short term price fluctuations damping out as the market ma- vanished in the face of understandable consumer fears. Rereg-
tures. In an earlier work we noted that price and load show a ulation of the power market has been a political issue in each
low correlation in Australian markets, so price cannot be linked of Alberta and California, and deregulation was interrupted
back to high consumption related to weather extremes [2]. mid-stream in Ontario. The cause in each case was one “bad”
This pattern of price has created a ready market for “easy period of very high price. Each of these markets has provided
load” DSM; the severity of the price spikes has led to a vigorous signals to the generation side, but the potential for reregulation
search for load that can be turned off without planning. How- has reduced the effectiveness of those signals, very notably
ever, the same price pattern would make it virtually impossible in Ontario. For signals to the demand side, there is a wide
for a consumer to implement a second stage of planned DSM as variation between deregulated markets. At one extreme, Britain
a price responsive strategy, since price changes cannot be asso- would appear to have reaped all of the benefits of deregulation:
ciated with understandable causes. We speculate that a signifi- a British power consumer who chooses to face the market
cant power consumer in Australia would be far more likely to through DSM can reasonably expect a reward, and there is no
avoid price risk through hedging relative to the same consumer strong political backing to revert back to a regulated power
in Britain, Spain or Scandinavia. industry. (Note that in all markets, including Britain, the actual
amount of power subject to DSM is limited to date. At the resi-
dential and small commercial level, the unavailability of time of
use meters is a key factor. The relative newness of deregulated
Several benefits can be attributed to deregulation of electrical power and the ongoing changes in market design, for example
power. the conversion to a bilateral market in Britain, may be critical
• Costs arising from the regulatory process are avoided. factors for large industrial and commercial consumers.) At the
• Competition occurs in new generation. other extreme, Australia has price patterns that are so erratic
• Smaller power generation projects can be built that that a consumer has little prospect of making sense of them.
could not support the burden of the regulatory process One lesson from an analysis of power price patterns is that
but are economical without it. “one bad period” early in deregulation can damage public sup-
• Price signals to consumers enable power consumption port for deregulation, sometimes fatally. From the analysis of
patterns to reflect the true cost of power, which varies markets that display “one bad period” in Section III, we think
over the course of the day, week and season. there are some practical policy considerations that can minimize
The first three act on generation and the last three on demand. the likelihood of “one bad period.”
All of these benefits can only be realized if political support re- A) Focus on the surplus of generation capacity when con-
mains in place for deregulation. In addition, the fourth benefit templating deregulation. Jurisdictions that have record
arises from DSM. DSM that proceeds beyond easy load is only low generation reserve when they reach the point at
realizable if price signals from the deregulate market are com- which the small power consumer faces deregulated
prehensible to the consumer. power price are inviting price spikes with the potential
The history of public/political support for deregulation to create a political backlash against deregulation.
is mixed. California’s experience put deregulation on hold Governments contemplating deregulation should care-
in many jurisdictions around the world, as political support fully map out a timeline, including contingency for

unexpected events, and use load forecasting tools to kets have functioned well without price caps, while
determine if there will be adequate generation reserve others have had price swings that were beyond the tol-
at the end of the process. If not, the government should erance of the voter. Price caps are strongly resisted by
contemplate steps to ensure that some generation ca- economic purists, who argue that the market should re-
pacity is built in the interim. There is clear evidence main unfettered by artificial limits in order to give a
that generation investment will occur in a timely proper economic signal to trigger new investment. In
manner once deregulation is fully implemented; the practice, we believe this view runs the risk of doing
shortfall in generation is a transitional effect. We substantial damage to deregulation. Power is unique
note two further observations: generation capacity from other energy commodities in that it cannot practi-
may not in itself ward off price spikes: in an earlier cally be stored and most consumers are unaware of its
work we noted a low correlation between price and price at time of consumption. The first of these fac-
load, particularly in Australia and Alberta which have tors prevents inventory management of power price,
relatively high price volatility [1]. There is not yet and the second impairs DSM. Given these two factors,
sufficient knowledge of market behavior to separate governments contemplating deregulation could at least
physical issues from market design and market gaming test the support for a price ceiling, to limit public resis-
issues. However, there is also some evidence that if a tance.
surplus of generation capacity exists at the time of full We believe that the argument that unfettered price
deregulation, then in some markets no further steps excursions are necessary to trigger investment is some-
may need to be taken; Spain, Britain and Scandinavia what dubious for extremely high price spikes. Most
illustrate this. companies will, in looking to the expected future re-
B) Reduce the time between the announcement of deregu- turn on generation investment, discount extreme price
lation and its implementation to a minimum. Deregula- spikes, since the spikes are presumed to be infrequent
tion has often been associated with early announcement and construction of new generation units by them-
of intent accompanied by sweeping initial statements of selves and others will further reduce the frequency.
its benefits that often reflect the political orientation of Hence, we believe that a power price spike to 200 to
the governing body implementing it. In reality, deregu- 300 times normal value, as occurs in Australia, does
lation is profoundly complex to implement, because is- not provide much of an incremental generation side
sues of how to fairly deal with formerly regulated units investment signal relative to a lower cap (about 30
that were built in good faith by owners are complex to times in Alberta, for example), but is highly effective
resolve. In addition, the issue of market power must be in creating demand side resistance to deregulation.
addressed, since frequently in a regulated market there is D) Avoid retail price caps, or link them to wholesale price
one or a few dominant players. Solutions have varied, as caps. Retail price caps, which were instituted in each of
noted above. For example, California and Ontario man- California, Alberta and Ontario, create a key problem:
dated the sale of generation assets, while Alberta created who will pay the difference between a set retail and un-
a complex instrument called a Power Purchase Agree- restrained wholesale price. Although the answers were
mentthatlefttitletoformerlyregulatedunitsinthehands different for the three markets (shareholders in Cal-
of their original owners, but gave the right to bid and dis- ifornia, consumers in Alberta, and taxpayers in On-
patch power to a third party purchasers for the duration tario), each created problems. Wholesale price caps
that each unit would have been regulated under the old can moderate the impact of price excursions on con-
regime. Even when a broad solution is identified, details sumers, but ultimately the consumer needs to pay the
take time to resolve. deregulated price.
During the delay between announcement and imple-
mentation of deregulation virtually no new generation
is built, due to market uncertainty. Continued growth
in power demand during the period reduces the gener- Deregulated power markets have had different patterns of
ation surplus that existed at the time of the announce- price history over time. The 14 markets in this study can be
ment of deregulation. Long delay increases the risk classified into stable, “one bad period” or season, and chaotic
of a generation shortfall. Achieving rapid implemen- markets. Stable markets, as exemplified by Britain, Spain, and
tation is difficult because of the complexity of the is- Scandinavia, have consistent seasonal price patterns and low
sues that must be addressed in deregulation, and the de- levels of volatility in power price. Price excursions can be re-
sirability of consultation with industry and consumer lated to load, which in turn usually reflects extreme weather
groups. However, a government contemplating dereg- events. Consumers in such a market could reasonable face the
ulation could take steps to inform itself of the history power market through DSM. There is little backlash against
of deregulation in other jurisdictions, the decisions that deregulation in stable markets.
will be required, and its own approach to deregulation “One bad period” markets, as exemplified by California, Al-
so that the consultation process is expedited. berta and New Zealand, generally have the characteristics of
C) Contemplate wholesale price caps either throughout stable markets except for a period of high price. Alberta and
deregulation or during a transition period. Some mar- California had extended periods of high price (more than 2.5

times overall average price) that were not clearly attributable to REFERENCES
an external event such as drought or a major unit outage; in each [1] Y. Li and P. C. Flynn, “Deregulated power prices: comparison of diurnal
market, there has been a backlash against deregulation. A sim- patterns,” Energy Pol., vol. 32, pp. 657–672, 2004.
[2] Y. Li and P. C. Flynn, “Deregulated power prices: comparison of
ilar period in New Zealand could be attributed to a rare weather volatility,” Energy Pol., to be published.
event, and the backlash was not as severe. [3] D. Caves, D. Eakin, and K. Faruqui, “Mitigating price spikes in whole-
Australian power markets have erratic price patterns and very sale markets through market-based pricing in retail markets,” Energy J.,
high volatility that is not related to load or weather; the markets vol. 13, pp. 13–23, 2000.
[4] E. Hirst, “Price-responsive demand in wholesale markets: why is so little
show high variation from year to year and season to season. gappening?,” Elect. J., vol. 14, pp. 25–37, 2001.
Planned DSM would be difficult to impossible to achieve in [5] D. S. Kirschen, “Demand-side view of electricity markets,” IEEE Trans.
these markets. Power Systems, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 520–557, May 2003.
[6] S. Borenstein, “The trouble with electricity markets: understanding Cal-
Jurisdictions considering deregulation in the future can con- ifornia’s restructuring disaster,” J. Econ. Perspectives, vol. 16, no. 1, pp.
sider four steps to reduce a backlash against deregulation: 191–211, Winter 2002.
[7] C. K. Woo, “What went wrong in California’s electricity markets?,” En-
• Focus on the surplus of generation capacity through ergy, vol. 26, pp. 747–758, 2001.
the deregulation process, and if necessary take steps to
insure it does not reach critically low levels.
• Reduce the time between the announcement of deregu-
lation and its implementation, since in the interim there Ying Li (S’03) received the master’s degree from
Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, in 1994.
is a hesitancy to invest in generation. She is currently with the University of Alberta,
• Contemplate wholesale price caps either throughout Edmonton, AB, Canada. She was previously with
deregulation or during a transition period, to moderate Northeastern University, Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, and the City University of Hong Kong.
the impact of price for a commodity that cannot be Her fields of interest included electricity deregu-
stored and for which, for many consumers, the price lation, deregulated electricity markets, operation
is unknown at the time of consumption. research, production management and control,
MRP/JIT manufacturing systems, and evolutionary
• Avoid retail price caps, or link them to wholesale price computing.
caps, to avoid a catastrophic loss by players forced to
buy at a floating price and sell at a lower fixed price.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Peter C. Flynn (M’03) received the bachelor’s

degree from the University of Delaware, Newark,
The authors would like to thank E. Beeman and P. in 1967, the master’s degree from the University of
California, Berkeley, in 1968, and the Ph. D. degree
Moritzburke of Cambridge Energy Research Associates for from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
providing valuable data on California, Britain, and part of the Canada, in 1974, all in chemical engineering.
data from Scandinavia; Beeman also provided many valuable He holds the Poole Chair in Management for
Engineers at the University of Alberta. He spent 25
comments. Many of the markets provided data files without years in the energy and chemical industries before
assessing normal charges and responded to numerous enquiries. returning to university in 1999. He served on the
K. Andreassen of Scandinavia and J. Novak of Australia were Board of an integrated power company when the
Province of Alberta deregulated power and now serves on the Board of a
particularly helpful. S. Shah and W. Xu of the University of Provincial body that helps implement deregulation. His other research areas
Alberta provided valuable comments. include biomass power economics and GHG mitigation cost.

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