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What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence, family violence or domestic violence encompasses all acts of violence, from the use of physical force, to bullying, harassment or intimidation, occurring within a home and perpetrated, at least, to one family member against another family member. Other terms relating to domestic violence include those relating specifically to domestic violence or intimate partner and thus obviating that exercised over other vulnerable family members such as children and elderly. Within the intimate partner violence, most cases are man-made violence against women. Expressions such as violence against women and domestic violence are most often used. It was not until 1960, when it was recognized that violence and abuse in the family was a social problem. Previously, violence against women was considered as abnormal and were attributed to people with mental diseases or mental problems. The existence of this type of violence indicates a cultural lag in the presence of securities as consideration, tolerance, empathy and respect for others, regardless of gender. Domestic abuse includes physical, psychological or sexual abuse conducted in the home by a family that makes vulnerable the freedom of another person causing physical or psychological harm. The term violence is the translation of English gender-based Violence and Gender Violence, following widespread expression of Congress on Women held in Beijing in 1995 under the auspices of the UN. With the rise of feminist studies in the sixties of the twentieth century, was first used in Anglo-Saxon world the term gender in the sense of sex of a human being, from the standpoint of specific social and cultural differences, as opposed to biological ones, between men and women. The term has been criticized by the Royal Spanish Academy for misuse of the word gender, making it a mere carbon copy of the English gender that has no tradition in Spanish. It has also been criticized for being a more vague term that can refer to the violence perpetrated from both sexes, the absence of symmetry, since it is exercised by the common man to woman and also an underlying factor is machismo.

What cause Domestic Violence?

There is no factor that can, by itself, explain the violence committed against women. Increasingly, researches emphasize the interdependence between the various factors, which should improve our understanding of the problem within different cultural contexts. Several social and cultural factors, complex and interlinked, often institutionalized, have kept women in a position of particular vulnerability to violence directed against them, and they all are a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women. The factors that influence these unequal power relations include: socio-economic mechanisms, the institution of the family, which finds expression precisely those relations of power, fear of female sexuality and the control exercised over it; belief in the inherent superiority of the male, and legal and cultural sanctions traditionally denied to women and children a condition of legal and social independence. The lack of economic resources is the basis on which sit the vulnerability of women against violence and the difficulties in which they are to escape a violent relationship. The links between violence and lack of economic resources, which implies dependence, form a vicious circle. On the one hand, threats of violence and terror of suffering from preventing women from seeking employment or, in the best case, the task force to accept poorly paid and unwrapped at home, where they are exploited. And for another, without achieving economic independence, she has no chance to escape the abuse within the relationship

What are the Effects?

Perhaps the most dramatic consequence of violence against women and girls are denied their fundamental rights. The international legal instruments on human rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), adopted in 1948, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW, for its initials in English), adopted in 1979 and the Convention on the rights of the Child (CRC), adopted in 1989, affirming the principle of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all human beings. Both CEDAW and the CRC are based on a broad conception of human rights that goes far beyond civil and political rights, covering vital issues such as economic survival, health and education, which affect the quality of the daily lives of most women and children. Both Conventions invoke the right to protection from abuse and omissions due to gender difference. The force of these treaties lies in the international consensus on the notion that it is necessary to eradicate all practices that harm women and girls, however deep its roots in local culture. Because under the rules of international law these treaties are legally binding for governments that have ratified, its governments texts impose an obligation not only to protect women against violent crimes, but also to investigate violations when they occur and make the guilty to justice.

What are the Solutions?

This body may take the following measures: attacked immediately lead to the nearest medical center, although the lesions were not visible, accompany the assault to a safe place or to your home for the removal of personal belongings, if deemed necessary for safety, advise the attacked (a) in the preservation of evidence of acts of violence, provide information about their rights and the public and private services available for the assault (a).

Similarly, any person within their family context is the victim of physical or psychological harm, injury, insult or any other form of aggression by another household member may seek, without prejudice to any criminal charges instead, the Commissioner for Family of the place where the facts and lack thereof Municipal Civil Judge an immediate protective measure put an end to violence, abuse or assault or prevent this is done when he is imminent.

In this case, the offender will be referred to a conciliation hearing where the judge or conciliator, if the parties agree, may apply to the institutions or professional assistance to the aggressor, parties or family group.

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