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AMINE i NASIONAL, SERTIFIKASI PROFESL INDONESIAN PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY SERTIFIKAT KOMPETENSI CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE No. 060001 8113 2 0000094 2022 Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa, This is to certify that, Mahmud Gunawan No. Reg. DRILL.1238.00049 2022 ‘Telah kompeten pada bidang: Is competent in the area of: Pengeboran Darat Industri Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan Panas Bumi Oil and Gas Industry and Geothermal Land Drilling Dengan Kualifikasi / Kompetensi: With Qualification / Competency: Pengeboran Lantai Bor Floor Drilling Sertifikat ini berlaku untuk: 3 (tiga) Tahun This certificate is valid for: 3 (three) Years Bogor, 18 April 2022 Atas nama (on Behalf of) BNSP Indonesia Professional Certification Authority Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Energi Mandiri Energi Mandiri Professional Certification Body ae into Andrianto, M.Si 8 Spiker Director Daftar Unit Kompetensi List of Unit(s) of Competency NO Kode Unit Kompetensi Code of Competency Unit Judul Unit Kompetensi: Title of Competency Unit B.060001.001.02 ‘Melaksanakan Persyaratan Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja dan Lindungan Lingkungan di Tempat Kerja Pengeboran. Implement condition of Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Protection at the drilling workplace. B.060001.002.02 Melaksanakan Kerja Sama di Tempat Kerja. Implementing cooperation in the workplace. B.060001.003.02 /Melaksanakan Pencegahan dan Pemadaman_ Kebakaran. Implementing Fire Prevention and Suppression. B,060001.004.02 Melaksanakan Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan, Implementing First Aid and Accidents B.060001.007.02 /Melaksanakan Peraturan Tambang Migas dan Panas Bumi. Implement of Regulation oil and gas industry and geothermal. B.060001.008.02 Mengerjakan Cabut Masuk Pipa. Working pulling round trip pipe. B.060001.009.02 /Membantu Pelaksanaan Penurunan Rangkaian Pipa /Selubung (Casing) dan Penyemenan. | Assisting the lowering of the sheathing and cementing pipe circuits. B.060001.010.02 Membantu Kegiatan Operasi Penyelesaian Sumur (Well Completion). Assisting with well completion operations. B,060001.011.02 -|Mengerjakan Mobilisasi/Demobilisasi, Moving, Rig-Up/Rig-Down. Doing mobilization/demobilization, moving, rigeup/rigedown. 10. B.060001.012.02 /Melaksanakan Bongkar Pasang Pencegah Semburan Liar, Carry out the disassembly of wild Blow Out Preventer. ul B,060001.013.02 Melaksanakan Pencegahan Semburan Liar. Carry out the Blow Out Preventer. 12, B.060001.014.02 Melaksanakan Perawatan Peralatan Putar. [Carry out the rotary equipment maintenance. 13. B.060001.048.02 Melaksanakan Pencegahan Gas Berbahaya/Beracun. Implementing Hazardous/Toxie Gas Prevention. J -Brse ENERGI MANDIRI Mahmud Gunawan Tanda tangan pemilik signature of holder Bogor, 18 April 2022 Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Energi Mandiri Energi Mandiri Professional Certification Body Manajer Sertifikasi Manager of Certification

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