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Dundes, Alan, Doku, Metin ve Konteks, ev.

Metin Ekici, Halkbiliminde Kuramlar ve Yaklamlar, Ankara, Milli Folklor Yaynlar, 2003, s. 6790.
8 eyll 1934'te doup; Dundes collapsed and died while giving a graduate seminar 30 mart 2005'te vefaat etmi olan; 12 adet yaymlanm kitab bulunan halkbilimciymi. 42 yl boyunca ld gne kadar, university of california'da antopoloji blmnde halkbilimi dersleri vermi. His work was said

to have been central to establishing the study of folklore as an academic discipline. Alan Dundes was an engaging lecturer, his Introduction to Folklore course attracting upwards of 400 students in some years. In this course, students were introduced to the many various forms of folklore, from myth, legend, and folktale to proverbs and riddles to jokes, games, and folkspeech (slang), to folk belief and foodways. The final project for this course required that each student collect, identify, and analyze 40 items of folklore. All of this material (about 500,000 items) is housed and cataloged in the Berkeley Folklore Archives. Dundes also taught undergraduate courses in American folklore, and psychoanalytic approaches to folklore (his favorite approach) in addition to graduate seminars on the history of folkloristics, from an international perspective, and the history and progression of folklore theory. Dundes was also a great supporter of the New Student Orientation Program at UC Berkeley(CalSO). He frequently gave the opening address during summer orientation programs, whetting students' appetites about the type of instruction they might receive at the University. These addresses were littered with jokes and stories which were a trademark of Dundes' lectures in his popular anthropology class and were a favorite of both in-coming students and the orientation staff alike.

Pagter, Carl R. (Co-author). Never Try to Teach a Pig to Sing. (1964)."The Morphology of North American Indian Folktales". (Ed.) (1965). The Study of Folklore. (1968). "The Number Three in American Culture." In Alan Dundes (ed.), Every Man His Way: Readings in Cultural Anthropology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

(1969). "Thinking Ahead: A Folkloristic Reflection of the Future Orientation in American Worldview".

(1971). "A Study of Ethnic Slurs". (1972). "Folk Ideas as Units of Worldview". (1975). "Slurs International: Folk Comparisons of Ethnicity and National Character". (1980). Interpreting Folklore. Indiana University Press. (1984). Life is Like a Chicken Coop Ladder: A Portrait of German Culture Through Folklore. (Ed.) (1984). Sacred Narrative: Readings in the Theory of Myth. University of California Press. (with C. Banc)(1986) "First Prize: Fifteen Years. An Annotated Collection of Political Jokes" ISBN 0-8386-3245-9

(1987). Cracking Jokes: Studies of Sick Humor Cycles & Stereotypes. Ten Speed Press. Pagter, Carl R. (Co-author) (1987). When You're Up to Your Ass in Alligators...: More Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire. Wayne State University Press.

(Ed.) (1989). Little Red Riding Hood: A Casebook. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press.

(Ed.) (1990). In Quest of the Hero. Princeton University Press. (Ed.) (1991). Mother Wit from the Laughing Barrel: Readings in the Interpretation of Afro-American Folklore. University Press of Mississippi.

(1991) The Blood Libel Legend: A Casebook in Anti-Semitic Folklore. University of Wisconsin Press

(Ed.) (1992). The Evil Eye: A Casebook. University of Wisconsin Press. (1993). Folklore Matters. University of Tennessee Press. (Ed.) (1994). The Cockfight: A Casebook. University of Wisconsin Press. Edmunds, Lowell (Co-ed.) (1995). Oedipus: A Folklore Casebook. University of Wisconsin Press. Pagter, Carl R. (Co-Author) (1996). Sometimes the Dragon Wins: Yet More Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire. Syracuse University Press.

(Ed.) (1996). The Walled-Up Wife: A Casebook. University of Wisconsin Press. (1997). From Game to War and Other Psychoanalytic Essays on Folklore. University of Kentucky Press.

(1997). Two Tales of Crow and Sparrow: A Freudian Folkloristic Essay on Caste and Untouchability. Rowman & Littlefield.

(Ed.) (1998). The Vampire: A Casebook. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press. Pagter, Carl R. (Co-author) (2000). Why Don't Sheep Shrink When It Rains?: A Further Collection of Photocopier Folklore. Syracuse University Press.

(1999). Holy Writ as Oral Lit: The Bible as Folklore. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (2002). Bloody Mary in the Mirror: Essays in Psychoanalytic Folkloristics. University Press of Mississippi.

(2003). The Shabbat Elevator and Other Sabbath Subterfuges. Rowman & Littlefield. (2003). Fables of the Ancients?: Folklore in the Qur'an. Rowman & Littlefield. (2003). Parsing Through Customs: Essays by a Freudian Folklorist. The University of Wisconsin Press.

(2004). "As the Crow Flies: A Straightforward Study of Lineal Worldview in American Folk Speech".

(Ed.) (2005). Recollecting Freud. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press.

Alan Dundes makalesinin giriinde ncelikle halkbilgisine ait trlerin ve dolaysyla da halkbilgisinin tam manasyla tanmlanamamas sorunu zerinde durmutur. Ona gre halkbilgisinin tanmszlnn sebepleri arasnda giriilen tanmlama denemelerinde pek ok farkl alanda da nemli unsurlar olarak karmza kabilen yahut halkbilgisi olarak kabul ettiimiz rnlerin tmn karlamaktan yoksun maddelerin bir eyin halkbilgisi olup olmadn belirtmesi konusundaki yetersizlikleridir. Bunlarn banda, pek ok kimsenin zellikle szl aktarm zerinde srarla durmalar sebebiyle, halkbilgisinin gelenee dayal olarak szl ekilde nakledilmesi gereklilii konusunu tartr ve buna gre gsterim esasna dayal rnlerin szl aktarmnn yaplamayacan belirtir ve bu halde bu rnleri halkbilgisi olarak kabul edip edemeyeceimizi sorgular. Halkbilgisinin ne olup olmad konusundaki tanmszlk problemi konusunda ksaca gr belirttikten sonra herhangi bir tanmlama veya tarifte kullanlmas gereken esas lnn, muhakkak ki malzeme olarak halkbilgisine katk salayan, dhili bir l olmas gerektiini, harici llerin kltrn benzer ekilde nakledilen farkl elerinden halkbilimini ayrmamza imkn vermemesi dolaysyla pratik fayda salayamayabileceklerini belirtir. Bunun yannda halkbilgisini tarif edememe probleminin temelinde yatan nemli unsurlardan birinin de o bilgiyi oluturan malzemelerden yazl trlerin tarifsizlii olduunu belirterek bir trn u veya bu zellikte olmas durumunun genel geer yarg eklinde sunulamamakla birlikte adeta yazl olmayan kurallarla belirlendiini, belki ifade etmenin g olduunu fakat hissedilebildiini syler. Adeta sorun tespitine ynelik bu giriin ardndan halkbilgisi trleri ve halkbilgisinin tanmlanmasn kolaylatrmak amacyla aamal bir sistem nerir: Doku (texture) Metin (text) Balam (context)

Buna gre bir halkbilimi rn metin, metne ait muhtelif dil zellikleri ve metnin oluturulduu ve icra edildii ortam gz nnde bulundurularak tahlil edilebilecek, anlalabilecek hatta oluan e metinler aklanabilecektir. Bu dorultuda herhangi bir halkbilimi rnnn derlenmesi esnasnda, eer rn anadilinde derleme imkn mevcut deilse otomatik olarak dil zelliklerini yani dokuyu derlemenin mmkn olmadn belirtir (tercme esnasnda metnin yalnzca anlamnn aktarlabildiini, dil ve kafiye zelliklerini dolaysyla da dokuyu aktarmann mmkn olmadn vurgular) ve bu eksiin kapatlmasnn mmkn olmamakla beraber metnin iinde olutuu benzersiz ve tekrar edilemez sosyal ortam olan balamn derlenmesi halinde en azndan rnn gemii, oluum aamas, anlam vb. konularn daha da aklk kazanacan, daha nce de belirtildii gibi e metinlerin oluum artlarn etkileyen unsurlarn ortaya konulabileceini syler. Yazar grlerini bu ekilde belirttikten sonra konunun daha iyi anlalmasn salamak amacyla fkra ve ataszleriyle ilgili rnekler vererek dncesini pekitirme yoluna gitmektedir.

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