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-- phpmyadmin sql dump

-- version 2.11.6
-- host: localhost
-- generation time: sep 22, 2008 at 09:25 am
-- server version: 5.0.51
-- php version: 5.2.6

set sql_mode="no_auto_value_on_zero";

-- database: `lifemel`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `aboutus`

create table `aboutus` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`city` varchar(255) default null,
`address` varchar(255) default null,
primary key (`id`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=4 ;

-- dumping data for table `aboutus`

insert into `aboutus` (`id`, `city`, `address`) values

(2, 'rawalpindi', 'commercial market'),
(3, 'islamabad', 'f-10 markaz');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `admin_users`

create table `admin_users` (

`pkid` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`username` varchar(255) not null,
`password` varchar(255) not null,
primary key (`pkid`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=3 ;

-- dumping data for table `admin_users`

insert into `admin_users` (`pkid`, `username`, `password`) values

(1, 'admin', 'admin'),
(2, 'naveed', 'naveed');

-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- table structure for table `home_text`

create table `home_text` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`text` text,
primary key (`id`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=6 ;

-- dumping data for table `home_text`

insert into `home_text` (`id`, `text`) values

(5, '<p align="justify">experience has shown that, for example, if a cancer
patient has chemotherapy, life mel is a honey that:\r\n <ul>\r\n
<li>prevents blood count from going down if taken before chemotherapy starts
for cancer patients</li>\r\n <li>raises blood count after it has gone
down if not taken before chemotherapy</li>\r\n <li>lowers and
stabilizes blood count if blood count has gone up for any reason.</li>\r\n
</ul></p>\r\n <p align="right"><strong>rs 8,600/-</strong></p>\r\n
<p align="justify">life mel also prevents blood count from going down or
stabilizes it in other instances, for example after childbirth (after doctor''s
consultation), an accident or for any other reason.<br />\r\n life mel can
be taken simply as a food, for it can raise vitality all round, like a
tonic.</p>\r\n <p align="justify"><strong>note:</strong> diabetic and
those with high blood sugar should consult their doctors before taking life mel or
any other honey.</p>');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `members`

create table `members` (

`userid` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`fname` varchar(40) not null,
`lname` varchar(255) not null,
`company` varchar(255) not null,
`phone` varchar(30) not null,
`email` varchar(30) not null,
`password` varchar(255) not null,
`ship_fname` varchar(15) not null,
`ship_lname` varchar(30) not null,
`ship_phone` varchar(255) not null,
`ship_address` varchar(255) not null,
`ship_city` varchar(255) not null,
`ship_country` varchar(255) not null,
`ship_state` varchar(255) not null,
`ship_zipcode` varchar(255) not null,
primary key (`userid`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=35 ;

-- dumping data for table `members`

insert into `members` (`userid`, `fname`, `lname`, `company`, `phone`, `email`,

`password`, `ship_fname`, `ship_lname`, `ship_phone`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`,
`ship_country`, `ship_state`, `ship_zipcode`) values
(19, 'naveed', 'ahmed', 'ir', '12345', '', '12345', 'n', 'a',
'12345', 'f-10', 'islamabad', 'pakistan', 'islamabad', '45000'),
(20, 'sajid', 'umar', 'ir', '098761', '', '123', 's', 'u', '12345',
'wah', 'isb', 'pakistan', 'isb', '44000'),
(31, 'naveed', 'ahmed', 'ir', '03337564114', '', 'mazugasub',
'naveed', 'ahmed', '0744042887', 'shahbaz colony', 'larkana', 'pakistan', 'sindh',
(33, 'sajid', 'umar', 'ir', '786', '', 'epyjezybe', 'naveed',
'ahmed', '0744042887', 'larkana', 'larkana', 'pakistan', 'sindh', '44000'),
(34, 'naveed', 'ahmed', 'ir', '09', '', 'yjedyvely', 'naveed',
'ahmed', '038', 'lrk', 'lrk', 'pakistan', 'sindh', '4500');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `orders`

create table `orders` (

`pkid` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`userid` int(11) not null,
`order_date` date not null,
`quantity` int(11) not null,
`price` int(11) not null,
`payment_method` int(11) not null,
`total` int(11) not null,
`status` int(11) default null,
primary key (`pkid`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=14 ;

-- dumping data for table `orders`

insert into `orders` (`pkid`, `userid`, `order_date`, `quantity`, `price`,

`payment_method`, `total`, `status`) values
(7, 20, '2008-09-16', 10, 8600, 2, 86000, 1),
(8, 19, '2008-09-16', 6, 8600, 1, 51600, 2),
(9, 0, '2008-09-16', 2, 8600, 15, 17200, 0),
(10, 20, '2008-09-16', 7, 8600, 15, 60200, 2),
(11, 20, '2008-09-16', 2, 8600, 15, 17200, 3),
(12, 0, '2008-09-16', 2, 8600, 3, 17200, 0),
(13, 0, '2008-09-16', 5, 8600, 3, 43000, 0);

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `payment_methods`

create table `payment_methods` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`method` varchar(255) not null,
primary key (`id`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=16 ;

-- dumping data for table `payment_methods`

insert into `payment_methods` (`id`, `method`) values

(1, 'cheque'),
(2, 'credit card'),
(3, 'ttno'),
(15, 'visa card');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `resellers`

create table `resellers` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) not null,
`city` varchar(255) not null,
`address` varchar(255) not null,
`phone` varchar(15) not null,
primary key (`id`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=4 ;

-- dumping data for table `resellers`

insert into `resellers` (`id`, `name`, `city`, `address`, `phone`) values

(2, 'd-watson', 'rawalpindi', 'rwp', '1234'),
(3, 'pak', 'islamabad', 'jinah super', '03337564114');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `status`

create table `status` (

`statusid` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`status` varchar(255) not null,
primary key (`statusid`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=4 ;

-- dumping data for table `status`

insert into `status` (`statusid`, `status`) values

(1, 'processed'),
(2, 'dispatch'),
(3, 'delay');

-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- table structure for table `tbl_basket`

create table `tbl_basket` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`userid` int(11) not null,
`price` int(11) default null,
`quantity` int(11) default null,
`total` int(11) default null,
`method` varchar(11) default null,
`order_date` date not null,
`sessionid` varchar(255) default null,
primary key (`id`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=174 ;

-- dumping data for table `tbl_basket`

insert into `tbl_basket` (`id`, `userid`, `price`, `quantity`, `total`, `method`,

`order_date`, `sessionid`) values
(160, 19, 8600, 7, 60200, '3', '0000-00-00', '721d35840b17b2a9f44955002c0369b2'),
(161, 19, 8600, 12, 103200, '1', '0000-00-00',
(162, 19, 8600, 12, 103200, '1', '0000-00-00',
(163, 19, 8600, 12, 103200, '1', '0000-00-00',
(164, 0, 8600, 3, 25800, '2', '0000-00-00', '7105bedbf15cab86f95dd13cb9fcd458'),
(165, 20, 8600, 4, 34400, '2', '0000-00-00', '7105bedbf15cab86f95dd13cb9fcd458'),
(166, 20, 8600, 22, 189200, '3', '2008-09-16',
(167, 20, 8600, 10, 86000, '2', '2008-09-16', '7105bedbf15cab86f95dd13cb9fcd458'),
(168, 19, 8600, 6, 51600, '1', '2008-09-16', '5f9d0788c5fe9ab4e2b2790788cb4e46'),
(169, 0, 8600, 2, 17200, '15', '2008-09-16', 'f9933b18e096d8bf25c98850a4046547'),
(170, 20, 8600, 7, 60200, '15', '2008-09-16', 'f9933b18e096d8bf25c98850a4046547'),
(171, 20, 8600, 2, 17200, '15', '2008-09-16', 'f9933b18e096d8bf25c98850a4046547'),
(172, 0, 8600, 2, 17200, '3', '2008-09-16', '54f86bf007fdf0731964ce47c6e7e0d3'),
(173, 0, 8600, 5, 43000, '3', '2008-09-16', '0907dfb5d71c2ff90daf3976f0227280');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `tbl_chemo`

create table `tbl_chemo` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`chemo_text` text not null,
primary key (`id`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=2 ;

-- dumping data for table `tbl_chemo`
insert into `tbl_chemo` (`id`, `chemo_text`) values
(1, ' <p align="justify">this unique honey is an innovative groundbreaking
product for the support of patients suffering from the side effects of
chemotherapy and radiation treatment. life mel honey is produced by bees fed on a
special nectar derived from therapeutic herbs including siberian ginseng,
echinacea and uncaria tomentosa, combined with a selection of natural ingredients
including iron, protein and vitamins. this makes a unique honey with all the
beneficial properties of the therapeutic herbs and natural ingredients.</p> \r\n<p
align="justify">\r\nsiberian ginseng has traditionally been used as a tonic,
whilst echinacea is a traditional herbal remedy and well regarded for its ability
to help support the immune system. � uncaria tomentosa is believed to have
antioxidant properties and has also been traditionally used to benefit the immune
system.</p>\r\n<p align="justify">\r\nlife mel honey is not artificially treated
in any way and no ingredients are added after extraction of honey from the hive.
you get 100% pure bee honey created with the natural herbs that are fed to the
bees. our honey is specially produced in a controlled environment which guarantees
a pollution-free pollination process. other than collecting the honey from the
hive and packing it, the honey is not artificially treated in any way and no
ingredients are added after extraction of honey from the hive.</p>\r\n<p
align="justify">\r\na recent clinical study has shown life mel honey to be
effective in decreasing the incidence of anemia in 64% of the patients, decreasing
the incidence of severe neutropenia and lowering the incidence of potentially
fatal thrombocytopenia (low platelets). medical oncology, vol. 23, no. 4, 549-552,
2006 . this clinical study was conducted by professor jamal ziden, head of the
oncology department in sieff hospital, dr. moshe stein, oncology department rambam
hospital, and professor eitan friedman of sheba medical center. the results are
conclusive: lifemel is effective and safe and improvement in general feeling and
quality of life.</p>\r\n<p
align="justify">\r\n<strong>instructions:</strong>\r\nrecommended use: two
teaspoons of life mel honey a day, one in the morning on an empty stomach and one
in the evening. the honey should be sucked slowly.</p>\r\n<p
align="justify">\r\nlife mel has a distinctive and pleasant flavor.</p>\r\n');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `tbl_immune`

create table `tbl_immune` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`immune_text` text not null,
primary key (`id`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=2 ;

-- dumping data for table `tbl_immune`

insert into `tbl_immune` (`id`, `immune_text`) values

(1, '<p align="justify">do you need to strengthen your immune system?</p>\r\n<p
align="justify">\r\nthe immune system is the body�s first line of defense in
maintaining health, preventing illness, and hastening recovery. many people
experience a weakened immune system due to poor sleep habits, unhealthy diets,
post chemotherapy treatment, or other illnesses or medical conditions such as hiv.
also, with age our immune system weakens, leaving us vulnerable to chronic
diseases.with a strong healthy immune response our bodies not only become more
resistant to colds, flu, allergies and disease but our quality of life
improves.</p> \r\n<p align="justify">\r\nresearch has shown that supplementing the
immune system can help us resist some illnesses.</p>\r\n<p align="justify">\r\nif
you are currently feeling the effects of a weakened immune system, no matter what
the cause, we have a natural solution. zuf globus laboratories in israel, has gone
beyond the call of duty in helping people improve the quality of their lives.
thirty years of research with an all natural approach of feeding special nectars
to bees, thereby producing different types of honey, led to this development of
clinically tested lifemel chemo support.</p>\r\n<p align="justify">\r\nlife mel
immune support was developed to work specifically on the immune system. for those
who have completed chemotherapy treatments and no longer use chemo support, yet
wish to continue with a an immune support regime, lifemel immune support is your
answer. having less <strong>natural ingredients</strong> than life mel chemo
support it is less potent and costs less. yet it does what you are looking
for�supports your immune system.</p>\r\n<p align="justify">\r\nlong term usage of
lifemel immune (one teaspoon in the morning and one teaspoon in the evening) can
result in an improvement in the functionality of the immune system and in the
body�s ability to resist infections and disease.</p>\r\n<p
align="justify">\r\n<strong>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>assist the body in recuperation and
convalescence</li>\r\n<li>support the natural ability of the immune system to
maintain energy levels and fight fatigue</li>\r\n<li>an immune system
boost</li>\r\n<li>100% natural</li>\r\n<li>easy to take</li></ul></strong>\r\n');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `tbl_messages`

create table `tbl_messages` (

`pkid` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`statement` varchar(255) not null,
primary key (`pkid`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=23 ;

-- dumping data for table `tbl_messages`

insert into `tbl_messages` (`pkid`, `statement`) values

(1, 'admin not verified'),
(2, 'admin verified successfully'),
(3, 'record added successfully'),
(4, 'record not added or already exists'),
(5, 'record deleted successfully'),
(6, 'record not deleted. try again'),
(7, 'record updated successfully'),
(8, 'record not updated or already exists'),
(9, 'password changed successfully'),
(10, 'unable to change password. try again'),
(11, 'old password not correct'),
(12, 'new and confirm new password not same'),
(13, 'picture uploaded successfully'),
(14, 'picture not uploaded. try again'),
(15, 'picture deleted successfully'),
(16, 'please not deleted. try again'),
(17, 'item successfully added to cart'),
(18, 'item not added to cart or already in cart. try again'),
(19, 'member login successfully'),
(20, 'member with this username/password not exists or blocked'),
(21, 'member created successfully'),
(22, 'member not created or member with this username/password already exists');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- table structure for table `testimonials`

create table `testimonials` (

`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) not null,
`details` text not null,
`date` date not null,
primary key (`id`)
) engine=innodb default charset=latin1 auto_increment=45 ;

-- dumping data for table `testimonials`

insert into `testimonials` (`id`, `name`, `details`, `date`) values

(41, 'muhammad akram', 'details here', '2008-09-04'),
(43, 'badi u zaman', 'details here', '2008-09-04'),
(44, 'ali', 'details here', '2008-09-05');

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