Anda di halaman 1dari 29


Nallhlas lrledrlch , Torslen Slernberg
1 Introduction ................................................. 3
1.1 Targel Croup .................................................. 3
1.2 Conlenl and Slruclure .................................... 3
2 1he Service Desk .......................................... 5
2.1 Cenera Defnlllon .......................................... 5
Servlce Desk and lhe lT lnraslruclure
Llbrary ...................................................... 5
The Servlce Desk ln lncldenl
Nanagemenl ............................................ 7
Concuslon ............................................... 8
2.2 lolnls o Conlacl o lhe Servlce Desk ............. 8
Technlca lolnls o Conlacl ....................... 8
lrocess-ased and Organlzallona
lolnls o Conlacl ...................................... 10
2.3 Summary ........................................................ 11
3 1he SAP Service Desk Concept ...................... 13
3.1 The SAl Servlce Desk as larl o
SAl Soullon Nanager .................................... 13
3.2 lrocess Descrlpllon and Usage
Scenarlos ........................................................ 1o
Nessage Crealors ..................................... 1o
Nessage lrocessors .................................. 17
Slmpe Servlce Desk lrocess ..................... 17
Nore Compex Scenarlos .......................... 18
3.3 Usage Scenarlo o Sampe Company
LOCOSYS ....................................................... 19
4 Getting Started and Setup ............................ 21
4.1 llems lo Conslder ........................................... 21
Lxampes o Technlca lssues ..................... 21
Lxampes o Organlzallona lssues ............ 21
Uslng lhe SAl Servlce Desk ln
SAl Syslem Landscapes ............................ 22
How are lrocesses Defned ln lhe
Servlce Desk? ........................................... 23
Slruclure o lhe Syslem Landscape ........... 23
4.2 \here Can You llnd lnormallon Aboul
SAl Soullon Nanager? .................................. 24
4.3 Concuslon ..................................................... 2o
5 Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk
Scenario ......................................................... 27
5.1 Nasler Dala ................................................... 28
lrolagonlsls ............................................. 29
Organlzallona Nanagemenl ..................... 30
lase ........................................................ 32
Concuslon ............................................... 34
5.2 luncllons and Selllngs ................................... 34
aslc Concepl and Archlleclure ................ 34
lnllla Selllngs .......................................... 35
5.3 Cuslomlzlng Selllngs ln Delal ........................ 38
asls Nessage (AA) ................................. 38
ClN Transacllon Type SLlN ..................... 39
Defnlng Calaogs, Codes, and lrofes
Subjecl lrofe .......................................... 47
Nalnlalnlng Calegorles and lrlorllles ........ 48
Bonn Boston
214_BOOK.indb 1 5/5/08 10:17:23 AM
' Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
' Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
uslness Transacllon Calegory .................. 48
Concuslon ............................................... 48
5.4 Cuslomer-Speclfc and Slandard
SAl Selllngs ................................................... 49
Copylng and Nodlylng a
Transacllon Type ....................................... 49
Creallng a Deveopmenl lackage ............. 50
5.5 Lmal luncllonally ......................................... 51
aslc Selllngs o SAlconnecl .................... 51
Cuslomer-Speclfc Lnhancemenl
Opllons .................................................... 51
5.o Soullon Dalabase .......................................... oo
aslc Selllngs ........................................... oo
lndlvldua Cuslomlzlng ............................. o8
lnslalng TlLX ......................................... 70
5.7 lnleraces ln lhe SAl Servlce Desk .................. 71
lnlerace lo SAl ...................................... 72
lnlerace lo olher larlners ........................ 75
5.8 Concuslon ..................................................... 79
6 1he Service Provider Scenario ........................ 81
o.1 luncllons ....................................................... 82
Nasler Dala ............................................. 82
lnlerace lo SAl ...................................... 82
Aulomallc Nessage lorwardlng
Aler Hours .............................................. 83
Nanua Seecllon o Aulomallc
Nessage lorwardlng ................................. 83
Subslllullon lolcy .................................... 83
Coslng Nessages Aulomallcay ............... 84
\eb-ased Access lo Supporl
Nessages ................................................. 84
o.2 Confgurallon ................................................. 84
Creallng Cuslomer-Speclfc
llC Connecllons ...................................... 84
Acllvallng C Sels .................................... 84
lnlerace lo SAl ...................................... 84
o.3 \eb-ased Access lo Supporl
Nessages ....................................................... 87
lmpemenlallon Opllons .......................... 87
Sl Applcallons or Nessage
Creallon ................................................... 88
\ork Cenler ............................................ 89
SAl CUl or HTNL ................................... 93
o.4 Conlracl Dala and Lscaallon
Nanagemenl .................................................. 94
Conlracls ................................................. 95
Servlce Leve Agreemenls ......................... 98
o.5 Cuslomlzlng lhe Layoul ln Transacllon
ClND_OlDLl .............................................. 101
Screen Sequence Conlro ......................... 101
Cuslom Tabs ............................................ 104
o.o Nonllorlng ..................................................... 108
Nonllors ln lhe SAl Servlce Desk ............. 108
Lnhanclng lhe Transacllon Nonllor .......... 110
o.7 Concuslon ..................................................... 111
7 1he SoItware Partner Scenario ....................... 113
7.1 Descrlpllon .................................................... 113
7.2 luncllons ....................................................... 113
lnlerace lo SAl ...................................... 113
Noles Creallon ......................................... 114
lemole Supporl ....................................... 114
Nonllorlng ............................................... 114
7.3 Confgurallon ................................................. 114
7.4 Concuslon ..................................................... 115
8 Summary and Outlook .................................. 117
A Actions .......................................................... 119
B Additional InIormation .................................. 127
.1 Llleralure ....................................................... 127
.2 Llnks .............................................................. 127
.3 Seecled SAl Noles ........................................ 127
Index ...................................................................... 129
214_BOOK.indb 2 5/5/08 10:17:23 AM
', ',
To use lhe SAl Servlce Desk uncllon ln SAl Soullon
Nanager, you musl enler a number o selllngs. lor exam-
pe, ln addlllon lo lhe baslc confgurallon, you musl aso
malnlaln masler dala and be abe lo ca uncllons wllhln
SAl Soullon Nanager. Ony l you can carry oul a o
lhese acllvllles, wl you be abe lo make use o a uy
uncllona servlce desk scenarlo.
ln lhe oowlng secllons, lhe necessary selllngs are
dlvlded lnlo lwo areas. Secllon 5.1 ocuses on masler
dala and on accuraley malnlalnlng lhe dala o a users
lnvoved wllh lhe scenarlo. Secllon 5.2 descrlbes lhe sel-
llngs and acllvllles requlred or acllvallng lhe SAl Servlce
Desk uncllon. A olher secllons dlscuss seecled unc-
llons ln grealer delal and provlde urlher lnormallon on
lndlvldua Cuslomlzlng opllons.
However, beore we gel slarled, you shoud conslder
uslng lhe lmpemenlallon Culde (lNC) ln SAl Soullon
Nanager. Thls lmpemenlallon Culde aows you lo con-
fgure dlerenl uncllons bolh cenlray and ln a docu-
menled manner. The lmpemenlallon Culde o SAl Sou-
llon Nanager, whlch can be caed uslng Transacllon

SAP ReIerence ING, provldes an overvlew o

avalabe confgurallons as we as addlllona selup lnor-
mallon (see llgure 5.1). ll aso conlalns hyperlnks lhal
enabe you lo navlgale dlrecly lnlo lhe reevanl Cuslom-
lzlng lransacllons.
lmpemenlallon Culde lNC ;^\jgZ*#&
The oowlng descrlpllons requlre lhal you have correcly
sel up SAl Soullon Nanager 4.0, lncudlng lhe mlnlmum
supporl package slalus 15.
You shoud copy Clenl 001 lnlo any olher clenl (e.g.,
100). Thls way you can reer lo a reerence clenl al any
llme wllhoul havlng lo change lhe lnllla selllngs made
by SAl.
You can fnd more lnormallon on lhls loplc al lhe o-
owlng ocallon:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Scenario-Specihc Settings

Cross-Scenario Settings

Client Copy
The lmpemenlallon Culde conlalns a ol o lnorma-
llon, rom lhe lnllla selup lo lhe dlerenl uncllons o
SAl Soullon Nanager. The lexl lcon lndlcales lhal
descrlpllve lnormallon aboul lhe dlerenl llems ls aval-
abe, whereas lhe cock lcon represenls a dlrecl lnk
lo lhe confgurallon selllngs. llgure 5.2 shows how lhe
lNC ls slruclured. lurlhermore, lhe Additional inIorma-
tion coumn on lhe rlghl o lhe screen lsls lhe lechnlca
names o lhe respecllve lNC acllvllles. l an lNC acllvlly
does nol dlspay, you can acllvale lhe dlspay by seecl-
lng Additional InIormation

Display Keys

ING Activ-
ity rom lhe menu.
Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario *
214_BOOK.indb 27 5/5/08 10:17:30 AM
'- Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
Slruclure o lhe lNC ;^\jgZ*#' ln Delal
Throughoul lhe course o lhls book we wl olen reer
lo lhe lNC wllh regard lo many lndlvldua confgurallon
llems. To hep you fnd your way lhrough lhe lNC and
ocale lhe reevanl lnormallon, we wl aways specly
lhe respecllve lNC palh. ased on lhe exampe shown ln
llgure 5.2, lhe palh woud ook as oows:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager: Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Basic Settings

Based Initial Conhguration oI Basic Settings


General Conhguration
ln some paces, we wl aso provlde reerences lo lhe
respecllve lNC acllvllles. These acllvllles are lhen specl-
fed ln parenlheses, whlch wl hep you fnd lhe rlghl
paces qulcky ln lhe lNC. To show lhe lNC acllvllles,
you musl seecl Additional InIormation

Display Keys

ING Activity rom lhe menu. lor exampe, or lhe

Initial Conhguration Part 1 llem lhe acllvlly woud be
SOLNAN_lAST_CONlUSLl. ecause lhe slruclure o
lhe lNC can change wllh lhe lnlroducllon o new sup-
porl packages, lhe reerence lo lhe lNC acllvlly heps
you fnd lhe respecllve acllvlly even l lhe lNC slruclure
has been modlfed.
eore we slarl descrlblng lhe selllngs or lhe servlce
desk scenarlo, you shoud nole lhal lhls book does nol
and cannol repace lhe lNC.
lnslead ll provldes addlllona expanallons and descrlp-
llons lo carly whlch selllngs are requlred and how
lhey shoud be enlered. ecause o lhe lmlled scope o
lhe book, and lo avold redundancles, we won'l provlde
a comprehenslve, delaled descrlpllon o a confgura-
llon sleps as lhey are conlalned ln lhe lNC.
Naster Data *#&
The accurale malnlenance o masler dala ls a prerequl-
slle or a proper operallon o lhe SAl Servlce Desk. Nas-
ler dala malnlenance can be dlvlded lnlo lhree dlerenl
areas, whlch wl be descrlbed ln delal ln lhls secllon.
llrsl we' descrlbe lhe dlerenl prolagonlsls lnvoved ln
lhe servlce desk scenarlo. Then we' dlscuss lhe loplc
o organlzallona managemenl, lncudlng lhe assoclaled
confgurallon opllons. And, fnay, we' lnlroduce lhe
|rt||eJ 3e (lase).
214_BOOK.indb 28 5/5/08 10:17:30 AM '.
*#& Naster Data
ln lhe servlce desk scenarlo, you use buslness parlners lo
ldenlly a o lhe parlles lnvoved. The SAl uslness larl-
ner componenl enabes you lo creale and manage busl-
ness parlners ln a cenlra ocallon. uslness parlners are
generay dlvlded lnlo lwo calegorles lndlvlduas and
o|gr|:t|or. These calegorles descrlbe lhe properlles o
a buslness parlner as a nalura person (lndlvldua) or as
an organlzallon (ega enllly or parl o a ega enllly, such
as a deparlmenl).
Nanaglng buslness parlners ln a cenlra ocallon ls
parllcuary useu l a buslness parlner assumes dler-
enl roes, or exampe, lhal o a sod-lo parly and lhal
o a shlp-lo parly. To ldenlly lhls approprlaley, you can
malnlaln dlerenl buslness parlner roes or one buslness
parlner. ased on lhe Cenera roe, whlch musl be cre-
aled or every buslness parlner, you can defne addlllona
varlanls (o|J-to p|ty, ||p-to p|ty). \hal ls lmporlanl
ln lhls conlexl ls lhal you musl asslgn a unlque lD lo lhe
buslness parlner (ba|re p|tre| ||).
Anolher advanlage o uslng buslness parlners ls lhal
you can eslablsh reallonshlps belween lndlvldua busl-
ness parlners. Uslng reallonshlp lypes (e.g., "| cortct
oj) you can lhus deplcl connecllons belween lwo busl-
ness parlners and use lhls lnormallon durlng lhe urlher
course o your work. Thls way, you can defne lhe mem-
bers o organlzallona leams, or exampe. y anayzlng
exlsllng reallonshlps belween a buslness parlner and a
speclfc organlzallona leam, you can lhen easly con-
cude whlch persons (e.g., ohn Doe) are assoclaled lo
lhal buslness parlner (e.g., SAl asls leam).
lor lhe servlce desk scenarlo, you musl creale lhe
lnvoved lndlvlduas and organlzallons as buslness parl-
ners ln dlerenl roes. The process o creallng buslness
parlners can be carrled oul aulomallcay (Transacllon
DS\l or l_CLN) or manuay (Transacllon l).
The lNC conlalns hepu lnormallon aboul how you
can creale lhe dlerenl buslness parlners. Nore lnorma-
llon on lhls loplc ls avalabe vla lhe oowlng palh:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager: Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Basic Settings

Based Initial Conhguration oI Basic Settings


Service Desk and Issue 1racking.

Alernallvey, you can aso use lhls palh:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Basic Settings

Conhguration oI Basic Settings

Solution Nanager

Business Partners.
The slandard verslon o lhe servlce desk scenarlo con-
lalns dlerenl calegorles o buslness parlners lhal musl
be defned accordlng lo lhelr roes ln lhe process. The
mosl lmporlanl buslness parlners are lhose or key ae|
(nege c|eto|), nege p|oceo|, and lhe o|J-to
p|t|e (enlerprlses and organlzallons). ln addlllon, lhere
are olher buslness parlners lhal are asslgned lhe roes o
Jn|r|t|to| or appo|t ten.
The lNC llems prevlousy menlloned aso conlaln
delaled descrlpllons o how you can malnlaln lndlvldu-
as and organlzallons. lor exampe, you musl use specla
paramelers when creallng buslness parlners o lndlvldu-
as lhal are asslgned key user roes. The oowlng lypes o
buslness parlners are avalabe ln lhe SAl Servlce Desk:
Business partner

Ior sold-to parties

Typlcay, lhese are companles on whose beha lhe
servlce desk operales lhe syslems lo be servlced. Usu-
ay, a buslness parlner or lhe sod-lo parly has lhe
C|gr|:t|or lype. Aparl rom lhal, you can malnlaln
addlllona dala ln lhe sod-lo parly buslness parlner
roe, such as saes dala, or exampe.
Business partner

Ior message creators and message

processors (individuals within the company)
Lmpoyees lhal work as message crealors, key

users, or as message processors ln lhe SAl Servlce

Desk musl aso be crealed as buslness parlners.
lndlvlduas lhal work as key users or message cre-

alors merey need lo be asslgned lhe Gere|| busl-

ness parlner roe. Thls ls cosey realed lo lhe slor-
age o conlacl dala and lhe malnlenance o lhe
exlerna ldenlllcallon. The ldenlllcllon enabes
you lo ldenlly lhe user as a message crealor ln a
salelle syslem.
ln addlllon lo lhe

Gere|| buslness parlner roe,

lhe message processor musl aso be asslgned lhe
lnp|oyee roe. Thls roe slores lhe user lD o lhe
SAl Soullon Nanager syslem user. Thls way, a
lnk ls crealed ln lhe SAl Soullon Nanager syslem
belween lhe syslem user and lhe buslness parlner.
llgure 5.3 shows lhe correspondlng selllngs.
214_BOOK.indb 29 5/5/08 10:17:31 AM
(% Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
"Lmpoyee" loe and Nalnlalned Syslem User ;^\jgZ*#(
Additional business partners


Jn|r|t|to| ls a buslness parlner lhal unc-

llons as a syslem admlnlslralor or salelle sys-
lems. lndlvlduas lhal acl as admlnlslralors are
malnlalned ony ln lhe Gere|| roe (lke key users),
whle no exlerna ldenlllcallon ls malnlalned here.
The admlnlslralor can be asslgned lo lhe connecled
salelle syslems al a aler slage (see lhe "lnslaed
ase" secllon) and can be slored aulomallcay ln
a servlce desk message durlng lhe creallon o lhal
message. Consequenly, lhe message processors
aways know who lhe conlacl person or specllc
lechnlca lssues ls.
The supporl leams are buslness parlners lhal are

requlred or supporl leams and organlzallona unlls.

ln lhls conlexl, you don'l need lo creale lhe respec-
llve buslness parlner vla Transacllon l because
lhe buslness parlner ls crealed aulomallcay ln lhe
background durlng lhe malnlenance o lhe orga-
nlzallona mode (see lhe "Organlzallona Nanage-
menl" secllon lhal oows). Nole lhal you cannol
asslgn exlsllng buslness parlners relroacllvey lo an
organlzallona unll.
l lhe syslem dlspays an error message reerrlng lo pro-
gram ClN_NKTl_ZCAL_UlDATL_30 durlng lhe cre-
allon o a buslness parlner, lhen pease read SAl Nole
Organizational Nanagement
The C|gr|:t|or| /rgenert componenl ln SAl Cus-
lomer leallonshlp Nanagemenl (ClN) (componenl o
SAl Soullon Nanager) represenls a fexlbe loo lhal
enabes you lo map lhe lask-realed, uncllona organl-
zallona slruclure o your company.
The SAl ClN syslem ocuses on mapplng lhe servlce
and saes slruclure. Thereore, when uslng lhe SAl Ser-
vlce Desk, ll ls sufclenl lo map ony lhose organlzallona
unlls lhal are reevanl or lhe servlce-speclfc acllvllles.
You can access lhe Organlzallona Nanagemenl sel-
llngs ln lhe SAl Servlce Desk vla lhe oowlng palh:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Scenario-Specihc Settings

Service Desk

Service Desk

Organizational Nodel
You can fnd addlllona selllngs or lhe ClN area vla
lhe oowlng palh:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

Customer Rela-
tionship Nanagement

Naster Data

The slandard verslon o SAl Soullon Nanager 7.0
provlded by SAl aready conlalns a uy malnlalned
organlzallona mode as an exampe ln Clenl 001. llg-
ure 5.4 shows lhe organlzallona mode ln Transacllon
l you fnd lhal ln lhe Organlzallona Nanagemenl
componenl lhe organlzallona unlls are nol asslgned
any buslness parlners, lhe lnlegrallon o Hl masler
dala may nol have been confgured. ln lhal case, pease
read SAl Nole 550055 lo check lhe requlred confgu-
rallon and generale lhe mlsslng buslness parlners rel-
ln Organlzallona Nanagemenl, you can ellher use lhe
exlsllng mode dlrecly or cuslomlze ll accordlng lo your
requlremenls. ln lhls conlexl, you merey need lo map lhe
organlzallona unlls lhal are reevanl or processlng lhe
operallons ln lhe servlce desk. You can choose rom dler-
enl scenarlos (saes, servlce, or markellng). Lach scenarlo
represenls a dlerenl vlew o lhe organlzallona slruclure.
214_BOOK.indb 30 5/5/08 10:17:31 AM (&
*#& Naster Data
Slandard Organlzallona Node ;^\jgZ*#) or lhe SAl Servlce Desk
Seecl lhe Service scenarlo on lhe Function lab or lhe
organlzallona unlls. There, you can sel lhe Service Orga-
nization or Service 1eam opllon, dependlng on lhe eve.
The Service Organization opllon shoud be sel ony or
lhe servlce desk organlzallon, whereas lhe subordlnale
organlzallona unlls musl usuay be decared as Service
1eam. llgure 5.5 shows an exampe o lhe slruclure o a
servlce organlzallon.
Servlce Organlzallon ;^\jgZ*#* "Servlce Desk"
Co lo lhe Attributes lab and asslgn allrlbules lo lhe
organlzallona unlls. These lncude allrlbules lhal can
aler be used or delermlnallon and ldenllfcallon pur-
poses. lor exampe, l a leam ls responslbe or a speclfc
counlry, you can malnlaln lhe respecllve counlry allrl-
bule here. ln addlllon lo lhe aclua allrlbules lhal are
vald or lhe respecllve scenarlos, you musl declde or
each organlzallona objecl separaley whelher ll shoud
be laken lnlo accounl durlng a delermlnallon process
wllhln lhe scenarlo. Thereore, you shoud sel lhe Ob|.
Permitted in Determination fag al Service Desk eve on
lhe Attributes lab (see llgure 5.o). Nole lhal you shoud
sel lhls fag ony or one organlzallona unll lo ensure
lhal organlzallona unlls can be successuy delermlned.
l you sel lhe fag or mullpe organlzallona unlls, errors
may occur durlng lhe delermlnallon process, whlch may
enlal lncorrecl resuls.
Counlry Allrlbul ;^\jgZ*#+ es or an Organlzallona Unll
214_BOOK.indb 31 5/5/08 10:17:31 AM
(' Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
lurlhermore, you can asslgn empoyees lo lhe organl-
zallona unlls. To do lhls, you musl frsl creale a corre-
spondlng poslllon beow lhe organlzallona unll. Seecl
lhe organlzallona unll and clck on lhe Create lcon (see
llgure 5.7).
Creallng loslllons or an Organlzallona Unll ;^\jgZ*#,
Then seecl lhe Position opllon and asslgn a name lo
lhe poslllon. Aler lhal, you can asslgn empoyees lo
lhe poslllon. To do lhal, rlghl-clck on lhe poslllon. ln
lhe conlexl menu lhal appears, seecl Assign (see llg-
ure 5.8).
Asslgnlng Lmpoyees lo a loslllon ;^\jgZ*#-
Then you musl declde whal klnd o lnormallon you wanl
lo asslgn lo lhe poslllon. ln lhls conlexl, you can choose
belween asslgnlng lhe syslem user or a buslness parl-
ner. ll makes sense lo choose lhe buslness parlner here.
ecause o lhe acl lhal lhe buslness parlner and syslem
user (lnp|oyee roe ln lhe buslness parlner) are lnked
wllh each olher, lhls plece o lnormallon ls laken lnlo
accounl as we. Noreover, lhe conlexl lnormallon o a
buslness parlner ls much more comprehenslve lhan lhal
o a syslem user. The resul o lhls asslgnmenl ls shown
ln llgure 5.9.
uslness larlner ;^\jgZ*#. Asslgned lo Organlzallona Unll "1sl
Leve Supporl"
The asslgnmenl o lhe buslness parlner lo an organlza-
llona unll slmulaneousy crealed a reallonshlp belween
lhe organlzallona unll and lhe empoyee (buslness parl-
ner). You can check lhls ln lhe lransacllon or buslness
parlners Transacllon l. To do lhls, ca Transacllon l
and seecl lhe buslness parlner you prevlousy asslgned
lo lhe organlzallona unll, lhen clck on lhe Relation-
ships bullon ln lhe lop rlghl-hand area o lhe screen.
llgure 5.10 shows how lhe reallonshlps o our exam-
pe are dlspayed.
leallonshlps o lhe uslness larlner ;^\jgZ*#&%
Thls lnormallon can now be used as lhe basls or dler-
enl uncllons. lor exampe, delermlnallon processes can
use lhe lnormallon lo ldenlly empoyees, whle monl-
lors can use ll lo dlspay messages lhal are ony reevanl
lo lhe respecllve leam members. \e' descrlbe lhese
lwo uncllons ln grealer delal aler on ln lhls book.
The SAl Servlce Desk scenarlo uses lhe lase as a reer-
ence or lhe syslems lhal are servlced. The lase repre-
senls a lsl o lhe syslems lhal are servlced by lhe servlce
desk. lor lhls reason, lhe lase has a genera slruclure
lhal aows you lo malnlaln dala al dlerenl eves. llg-
214_BOOK.indb 32 5/5/08 10:17:31 AM ((
*#& Naster Data
ure 5.11 shows lhe genera slruclure o lhe lase. The
lase componenls aow you lo slore syslem lnormallon
wllhln lhe lase. ln addlllon lo syslem lnormallon, you
can aso slore olher lnormallon reallng lo lhe compo-
nenls, such as buslness parlner dala or documenls. Thls
enabes you lo dlrecly connecl buslness parlners and
syslems, or exampe, lo aulomallcay delermlne a sod-
lo parly or conlacl person, such as an admlnlslralor.
External ID
Status (System/User)
Authorization Group
1ext Items
Installed Base
Individual Objects
Customer-Specc 1ypes
Installed Base: Structure
Slruclure o lhe lnslaed ase ;^\jgZ*#&&
The lase componenls are ldenllfed by a unlque compo-
nenl number and are slored wllh lhal number ln lhe ser-
vlce desk message. You can change lhe slruclure o lhe
lase al any llme because lhe arrangemenl o syslems
wllhln lhe lase ls ony based on lexl lypes lhal can be
reocaled vla drag-and-drop whenever necessary. llgure
5.12 shows how an lase ls dlspayed ln Transacllon l52
(change) or l53 (dlspay). The el-hand pane shows lhe
slruclure o lhe lase, whle lhe upper ha on lhe rlghl
conlalns lhe componenl number o lhe seecled syslem
as we as addlllona ldenllfcallon dala. The ldenllfcallon
dala conslsls o lhe syslem lD, lhe lnslaallon number,
and lhe clenl. The lD can be used, or exampe, lo exler-
nay ldenlly buslness parlners.
The lase can be crealed aulomallcay, bul you can aso
edll ll al any llme. Nore lnormallon aboul lhls loplc ls
avalabe ln lhe lNC vla lhe oowlng palh:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Basic Settings

Conhguration oI Basic Settings

Solution Nanager

\e can cerlalny expecl more lechnlca lnnovallons
ln lhe masler dala area ln lhe ulure. lor ulure supporl
packages, or exampe, SAl pans lo lnlroduce lhe opllon
lo aulomallcay generale lhe lase on lhe basls o Trans-
acllon SNSY (syslem andscape malnlenance).
Lxcerpl rom lhe lnslaed ase ;^\jgZ*#&'
214_BOOK.indb 33 5/5/08 10:17:32 AM
() Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
Thls secllon descrlbed lhe loplc o buslness parlners and
dlerenl lypes o buslness parlners lhal are used ln lhe
slandard servlce desk scenarlo. lurlhermore, lhe secllon
conlalns lnormallon aboul lhe Organlzallona Nanage-
menl componenl, lncudlng posslbe selllngs. llnay, we
dlscussed lhe lase. Thus, you now know lhe baslc mas-
ler dala eemenls. Throughoul lhe course o lhe book,
we wl requenly reer lo lhose eemenls. The oowlng
secllon dlscusses lhe lechnlca selllngs or lhe SAl Ser-
vlce Desk uncllon.
Functions and Settings *#'
eore we go lnlo lhe delals o lhe lndlvldua lechnlca
confgurallons, you shoud frsl lake a ook al lhe baslc
archlleclure o lhe scenarlo lo beller undersland lhe
lechnlca lnlerreallons. Thls wl make ll easler or you lo
undersland why lhe selllngs need lo be made and aso,
lo beller undersland lhelr eecls.
Basic Concept and Architecture
The SAl Servlce Desk scenarlo ls conlroed by lwo dl-
erenl lypes o nollfcallon ln lhe servlce desk syslem: lhe
b| nege (3) and lhe c|/ e|v|ce p|oce.
olh nollfcallon lypes are necessary lo meel a lech-
nlca requlremenls ln lhe same way. The nollfcallons
are compared wllh each olher by means o conllnuous
updales. The updales are carrled oul bolh ways and are
aways lnlllaled by lhe eadlng (alesl) nollfcallon.
l a servlce nollfcallon ls opened ln a salelle sys-
lem, an AA message gels crealed ln SAl Soullon Nan-
ager. Thls basls message serves as a dala slore or lhe
dala rom lhe salelle syslems and represenls lhe pal-
orm or communlcallng wllh SAl Coba Supporl ack-
bone durlng lhe urlher course o lhe process. llgure
5.13 luslrales lhls process. The fgure aso conlalns lhe
name, SLl1. Thls name descrlbes lhe nollfcallon lype
lhal summarlzes lhe addlllona selllngs o lhe AA mes-
sage lechnlcay.
The second nollfcallon ls represenled by lhe ClN
lransacllon lype, SLlN. SLlN ls lhe lechnlca name o
lhe lransacllon lype lo whlch a olher confgurallons are
asslgned. Dlerenl acllons ensure a conllnuous comparl-
son belween lhe AA message and lhe ClN lransacllon,
SLlN, so lhal once a message changes, lhe correspond-
lng message ls lmmedlaley updaled.
Support Desk System
SAP Global
Components and Business Objects
Support Message SLF1
(ABA Message)
Service Desk Message
(CRM Service
Componenls ln lhe Servlce Desk ;^\jgZ*#&(
Users o lhe servlce desk uncllon do nol nollce lhls lnler-
acllon belween lhe lwo messages because lhe servlce
desk process ls edlled and conlroed wllhln lhe ClN
lransacllon and aso because lhe AA message never
appears on screen.
However, ln order or bolh nollfcallon lypes lo unc-
llon propery, you musl ellher confgure lhem or check
lhe respecllve selllngs or accuracy. \llh regard lo lhe
basls message (AA), lhls lask lnvoves lhe selllngs real-
lng lo lhe number range, prlorllles, lexls, and speclfed
acllon profe (see llgure 5.14).
Support Desk System
Components and Business Objects
Action Profiles
Number Range
Text Segment Types
Support Message SLF1
(ABA Message)
Service Desk Message
(CRM Service
Selllngs or lhe asls Nessage (AA) ;^\jgZ*#&)
214_BOOK.indb 34 5/5/08 10:17:32 AM (*
*#' Functions and Settings
The selllngs or lhe ClN lransacllon, SLlN, are much
more comprehenslve lhan lhose or lhe basls message
(AA), whlch ralher reales lo lhe baslc uncllonally.
lrofes and delermlnallon procedures can be used lo
defne, coecl, and asslgn confgurallons lhal characlerlze
lhe servlce desk lransacllon. The profes and delermlna-
llon procedures lncude slalus vaues lhal are comblned
ln a slalus profe or lhe defnlllon o acllons wllhln an
acllon profe lo provlde dlerenl uncllons. lor exampe,
one o lhose uncllons ls responslbe or communlcallng
wllh lhe AA message and lhereore makes sure lhal ll ls
conllnuousy updaled.
llgure 5.15 summarlzes lhe selllngs or lhe ClN
Support Desk System
Transaction Type
Components and Business Objects
Action Profiles
Text Det. Procedure
Partner Det. Procedure
Status Profile
Organizational Data
Date Profile
Number Range
Support Message SLF1
(ABA Message)
Service Desk Message
(CRM Service
Selllngs or ClN Servlce lrocess SLlN ;^\jgZ*#&*
Secllon 5.3, Cuslomlzlng Selllngs ln Delal, provldes
a delaled descrlpllon o lhe selllngs shown ln llgure
ul el us frsl lake a ook al lhe lndlvldua selllngs
needed lo ensure lhe SAl Servlce Desk uncllon.
Initial Settings
The oowlng secllons descrlbe lhe baslc selllngs or lhe
SAl Servlce Desk.
|enote |arct|or c|| (||c) correct|or
One o lhe advanlages o lhe SAl Servlce Desk unc-
llon ls lls lnlerace lo SAl Supporl. To ensure lhe proper
uncllonlng o lhls lnlerace, you musl confgure severa
connecllons. The lNC acllvlly, c|ec| S| Sappo|t |o|t|
correct|or to S| (SOLNAN_OSS_CONNLCT), conlalns
a o lhe lnormallon you need lo confgure lhe connec-
llons. You can fnd lhls acllvlly ln lhe lNC vla lhe oow-
lng palh:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Basic Settings

Conhguration oI Basic Settings

Solution Nanager

Connection to SAP
Once you have carrled oul lhese confgurallon sleps,
lhe oowlng lhree llC connecllons shoud be avalabe
and correcly confgured ln SAl Soullon Nanager:

SAl-OSS (sendlng nollfcallons lo SAl Supporl)

SAl-OSS-LlST-O01 (updallng nollfcallons)

ll ls advlsabe lo carry oul a connecllon and aulhorlzallon

check or lhese connecllons. You can do lhal ln Transac-
llon SN59 aler seecllng a connecllon (Nenu


/|rt|r|rg t|e S Je| jo| S| Sappo|t
Users o SAl Soullon Nanagers who communlcale wllh
lhe SAl Supporl lorla vla llC connecllon SAl-OSS
musl be asslgned a conlacl ln lhe S| Sappo|t |o|t| (S
User). Thls ls parllcuary lmporlanl or message proces-
sors ln lhe SAl Servlce Desk who musl orward nollfca-
llons lo SAl Supporl, l necessary. You can fnd addlllona
lnormallon aboul lhls loplc ln lhe correspondlng lNC
acllvlly (SOLNAN_llOllLL_lAlAN):
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Basic Settings

Conhguration oI Basic Settings

Solution Nanager

ct|vt|rg 3a|re corjga|t|or Set
lor lhe lnllla selup o lhe SAl Servlce Desk uncllon, you
musl use ba|re corjga|t|or et (C sels). Thls lech-
noogy enabes you lo bunde confgurallon selllngs and
dlslrlbule lhese bundes as packages. \hen you acllvale
a C sel, lhe confgurallons conlalned lhereln are enlered
ln lhe syslem and are lhen lmmedlaley avalabe. \arn-
214_BOOK.indb 35 5/5/08 10:17:33 AM
(+ Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
lng: Lxlsllng selllngs are overwrlllen durlng lhe acllvallon
o a C sel, whlch cannol be undone
Currenly, dlerenl C sels are avalabe or lhe SAl
Servlce Desk because, due lo lhe conllnuous advanced
deveopmenl o SAl Soullon Nanager, new uncllons
become avalabe ln lhe SAl Servlce Desk, whlch can be
acllvaled vla C sels. SAl delvers lhese C sels ln lhe
conlexl o SAl Noles and ln supporl packages. Transac-
llon SCll20 aows you lo vlew and acllvale exlsllng C
You can aways fnd lhe mosl up-lo-dale lnormallon
aboul lhe lnllla selup o lhe SAl Servlce Desk uncllon
ln SAl Nole 898o14, whlch ls aso reerenced by lhe
assoclaled lNC acllvlly (SOLNAN_SUl_C-SLTS):
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Basic Settings

Conhguration oI Basic Settings

Solution Nanager

Basic BC Sets IorConhguration
ll ls posslbe lhal lhe C sels or lhe SAl Servlce Desk
have aready been acllvaled ln your syslem, provlded
lhe lNC acllvlly, lnllla Confgurallon larl ll (SOLNAN_
lAST_CLNLlAL_) has been carrled oul. You can fnd lhls
llem vla lhe oowlng palh:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Basic Settings

Based Initial Conhguration oI Basic Settings


General Settings
To check lhls, slarl Transacllon SCll20 and seecl
Goto and Activation Logs.
l you do nol know exacly whlch confgurallons have
been made and you wanl lo make sure you have an accu-
rale baslc confgurallon ln your syslem, you shoud per-
orm lhe acllvllles descrlbed ln SAl Nole 898o14 once
Sett|rg Jp Nanbe| |rge
You need number ranges lo creale a lransacllon. The SAl
Servlce Desk uses lhe AA message SLl1, and lhe servlce
desk message (ClN lransacllon SLlN).
lor bolh lypes o nollfcallon, you musl malnlaln lhe
correspondlng number ranges. Agaln, you can fnd lhe re-
evanl lnslrucllons aboul how you can do lhal ln lhe cor-
respondlng lNC acllvlly (SOLNAN_Nl_lNlOlNATlO):
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Basic Settings

Conhguration oI Basic Settings

Solution Nanager

Number Ranges
lor lhe basls message (AA) , you musl frsl check
lhe avalabe number ranges ln Transacllon DNO_NOTll
beore you check lhe correspondlng asslgnmenl lo lhe
AA message ln Transacllon DNO_CUST01 (see llgure
asls Nessage (AA) SLl1 ;^\jgZ*#&+
To do lhls, seecl nollfcallon lype SLF1 and lhen Detail
View. llgure 5.17 shows lhe selllngs delals, lncudlng
lhe asslgned number range.
The lNC acllvlly prevlousy menlloned aso conlalns
lhe opllon (SOLNAN_SUl_Nl_SLlVN) lo check lhe
number ranges enlered or lhe ClN servlce desk mes-
sage, SLlN. l no number ranges are avalabe lhal can be
asslgned lhe ClN servlce process, you can creale new
number ranges ln Transacllon SNlO. To do so, you musl
seecl lhe number range objecl, CRN_SERVIC, and clck
on lhe Number ranges lcon. Aler lhal you can change
exlsllng number ranges and creale new ones.
The asl llem ln lhe lNC acllvlly or number ranges,
Conhgure ABA Nessage (SOLNAN_SUl_Nl_AA_CU),
descrlbes fna confgurallon llems or lhe AA mes-
sage. These lncude a check o lhe acllon profe or lhe
AA message. Thls check ls aso carrled oul ln Trans-
acllon DNO_CUST01 (see llgure 5.17). Nole lhal lhe
acllon profe S||N0001_S!N|||_|NC shoud have
been asslgned. Thls acllon profe ls crlllca because ll ls
responslbe or lhe conllnuous updale wllh ClN ser-
vlce desk message SLlN. Olher llems or confgurlng
lhe AA message reer lo posslbe selllngs ln Transacllon
DNO_CUST04. Thls Cuslomlzlng lransacllon aows you
lo enler varlous genera selllngs. ll ls advlsabe lo sel lhe
NO_USER_CHECK parameler. Thls parameler avolds carry-
214_BOOK.indb 36 5/5/08 10:17:33 AM (,
*#' Functions and Settings
lng oul a check as lo whelher a message crealor rom a
salelle syslem exlsls as a syslem user ln lhe SAl Sou-
llon Nanager syslem.
asls Nessage (AA) SLl1 ln Delal ;^\jgZ*#&,
The oowlng lsl conlalns paramelers lhal are currenly
avalabe or Transacllon DNO_CUST04 and lhe SAl Ser-
vlce Desk uncllon (SAl Nole 824o40), pease nole lhal
lhe lransacllon aso aows or malnlalnlng paramelers or
olher uncllons.

: servlce desk nollfcallon lype


: no check as lo whelher lhe user

exlsls ln lhe syslem

: addlllona lase hep (>,!)


: separale parlner uncllon

or lhe message crealor (ClLA)

: separale parlner uncllon

or lhe message processor (llOC)

: exlerna lase lD

: deaul profe or lC \eb


: llC connecllon rom ClN

lo Soullon Nanager

: number o days lo be deducled rom

currenl dale (seecllon dale or buslness parlner cre-
Once you have compeled a o lhe sleps up lo lhls polnl,
lhe slandard SAl Servlce Desk uncllon ls acllvaled and
ready or use ln lhe SAl Soullon Nanager syslem. How-
ever, l you aso wanl lo have lhe opllon lo creale mes-
sages ln lhe SAl Servlce Desk rom salelle syslems, you
aso need lo make some selllngs ln lhe salelle syslems,
whlch enabe lhe use o a hep eedback uncllon ln lhose
syslems. The sleps requlred or lhal are descrlbed ln lhe
oowlng lNC acllvlly:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager


Basic Settings

dard Conhguration oI Basic Settings

SpeciIy Satellite
The |ejre Se|v|ce |e| |et|rt|or |r Ste|||te Sy-
ten (SOLNAN_SUll_DLST_SAT) llem conlalns a reer-
ence lo lhe labe enlry you need lo make ln lhe salelle
syslem. lurlhermore, lhe prevlousy menlloned acllv-
lly descrlbes lhe necessary aulhorlzallons or lhe user
lhal musl be speclfed ln lhe llC connecllon lhal reer-
ences lhe SAl Soullon Nanager. Nlsslng or lnsufclenl
user aulhorlzallons ln lhls llC connecllon are a requenl
cause o probems lhal occur durlng lhe creallon o mes-
sages rom salelle syslems.
llnay, you can one agaln check a selllngs on lhe
basls o a checklsl (see llgure 5.18). You can fnd lhe
checklsl ln lNC acllvlly SOLNAN_SUll_llOLLNA or
vla lhe oowlng palh:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Scenario-Specihc Settings

Service Desk

Service Desk
Al lhls polnl, you have perormed a o lhe sleps
requlred lo acllvale lhe slandard SAl Servlce Desk unc-
llon. Consequenly, you can now make use o a precon-
fgured servlce desk process lhal enabes you lo creale
servlce desk messages. Here, severa dlerenl opllons
are avalabe. You can fnd some exampes ln Secllon 4.1,
under "Uslng lhe SAl Servlce Desk ln SAl Syslem Land-
scapes." Once a message has been crealed, you can pro-
cess ll. lor more lnormallon on lhls loplc, pease reer lo
Secllon 4.2, Demo lrocess.
ln prlnclpe, dlerenl monllors (e.g., Transacllon
ClN_DNO_NONlTOl) enabe message processors lo
seecl crealed messages or urlher processlng. The pro-
cesslng o servlce desk messages, as we as lhe access lo
a uncllons o lhe SAl Servlce Desk, ls made posslbe by
Transacllon ClND_OlDLl. \hen a servlce desk mes-
sage has been successuy processed, ll can be cosed,
whlch ls lndlcaled by lhe "confrmed" slalus.
You shoud now lesl lhe process by creallng a mes-
sage and processlng ll ln lhe SAl Servlce Desk.
214_BOOK.indb 37 5/5/08 10:17:33 AM
(- Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
Checklsl or Selllng Up ;^\jgZ*#&- lhe Slandard Servlce Desk
Custom *#( izing Settings in Detail
Those o you who are lnleresled ln lhe lndlvldua confgu-
rallons ln lhe slandard SAl Servlce Desk wl fnd delaled
lnormallon ln lhe oowlng secllons. \e' begln wllh
lhe selllngs or lhe AA message and lhen descrlbe lhe
ClN servlce process, SLlN.
Basis Nessage (ABA)
As descrlbed ln lhe "aslc Concepl and Archlleclure"
secllon ln lhls chapler, lhe basls message (AA) requlres
lhe accurale selllng o a number range, prlorllles, lexl
lypes, and o lhe acllon profe lo uncllon propery. Usu-
ay, lhere's no need or any urlher modlfcallon once
lhe slandard servlce desk uncllon has been acllvaled.
However, l you do wanl lo lmpemenl a change or carry
oul a check, you can access lhe delaled selllngs by slarl-
lng Transacllon DNO_CUST01 and seecllng nollfcallon
lype SLl1, Servlce asls Nessage (see llgure 5.19).
Seecllng lhe asls Nessage (AA) ;^\jgZ*#&.
Aler lhal you can reach lhe dlerenl selllngs by doube-
clcklng on lhe respecllve llems ln lhe dlaog slruclure on
lhe el o lhe screen. lease nole lhal you musl nol change
any exlsllng selllngs as lhe uncllonally may be aecled.
Thls hods parllcuary lrue or lhe prlorllles and lexls lhal
were preconfgured or lhe dala exchange wllh SAl.
You can dlspay lhe acllon profe or lhe basls message
(AA) by seecllng nollfcallon lype SLl1 and clcklng on
lhe Detail bullon (see llgure 5.17). However, nole lhal
lhe syslem dlspays ony lhe asslgned acllon profe. To
oblaln addlllona lnormallon, you musl go lo lhe acllon
profes ln Transacllon SlllCADN. lor urlher delals on
lhls loplc, you shoud reer lo lhe "lll Acllons" secllon
ln lhls chapler.
214_BOOK.indb 38 5/5/08 10:17:33 AM (.
*#( Customizing Settings in Detail
CRN 1ransaction 1ype SLFN
Compared lo lhe basls message, lhe second nollfca-
llon lype, lhe ClN lransacllon lype SLlN, ls much
more compex. The oowlng secllons descrlbe lhe dl-
erenl profes and delermlnallon procedures lhal can
be edlled (see llgure 5.15) as we as lhe selllngs lhey
conlaln ln grealer delal. l, ln addlllon lo lhls, you wanl
lo earn more aboul lhe posslbe confgurallons o lhe
ClN lransacllon lype, ll ls advlsabe lo allend a ClN
lralnlng course (e.g., Cl100). ecause lhese confgura-
llons lnvove ClN uncllons ralher lhan speclfc SAl Ser-
vlce Desk uncllons, we cannol go lnlo greal delal aboul
lhem al lhls polnl. ul ll heps l you have some baslc
knowedge o ClN.
|ejr|t|or oj t|e !|rct|or !ype
The ClN servlce process maps servlces ln lhe syslem.
lrom a buslness polnl o vlew, a servlce process can
ellher be regarded as an order or be used lo creale a
requesl or message.
ased on ClN lransacllon SLlN (servlce desk mes-
sage) lhe oowlng secllons descrlbe how lhe servlce
desk message ls mapped ln SAl Soullon Nanager and
whlch llems may be cuslomlzed. The oowlng lNC palh
reers lo a llems descrlbed ln lhe oowlng secllons:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Scenario-Specihc Settings

Service Desk

Service Desk
llgure 5.18 shows lhe palh, lncudlng lls subllems.
You can oblaln an overvlew o lhe currenl selllngs
or lhe SLlN lransacllon lype vla lNC acllvlly "|ejre
!|rct|or !ype (ClN_VOlCANC_001). To do lhls,
seecl lransacllon lype SLFN ln lhe overvlew, and lhen
As shown ln llgure 5.20, lhls wl dlspay a o lhe
profes asslgned lo lhe lransacllon lype. ased on lhls
lnormallon you can vlew lhe lndlvldua profes, lncud-
lng lhelr selllngs.
Transacllon Type SLlN ln Delal ;^\jgZ*#'%
214_BOOK.indb 39 5/5/08 10:17:33 AM
)% Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
The oowlng profes are consldered:
Texl Delermlnallon lrocedure SLlN0001

larlner Delermlnallon lrocedure SLlN0001

Slalus lrofe SLlN0001

Dale lrofe SLlN_HLADLl

Acllon lrofe SLlN0001_ADVANCLD

!ext |ete|n|rt|or ||oceJa|e S||N0001

The lexl delermlnallon procedure ls a conlalner or lhe
lndlvldua lexl lypes, such as syslem dala, ll ls asslgned lo
a lexl objecl, ClN_OlDLlH ln lhls case.
The lransacllon lype ls asslgned lhe lexl delermlnallon
procedure. Thls ensures lhal lhe respecllve lexl lypes can
be dlspayed ln lhe nollfcallons. To edll lhe lexl deler-
mlnallon procedure, you musl ca lNC acllvlly "Defne
Texl Delermlnallon ||oceJa|e (ClNC_TLXT_001)" (see
llgure 5.21).
Defnlng a Texl Delermlnallon lrocedure ;^\jgZ*#'&
Hlghlghl lexl objecl ClN_OlDLlH and seecl lhe Pro-
cedure llem ln lhe dlaog slruclure on lhe el. The sys-
lem dlspays a lsl o a lexl delermlnallon procedures.
Nark lhe SLlN0001 lexl delermlnallon procedure ln lhal
lsl. Then seecl lhe Dehnition oI Procedure llem ln lhe
dlaog slruclure. The syslem now dlspays lhe conlenls
o lhe lexl delermlnallon procedure on lhe rlghl o lhe
screen. llgure 5.22 shows lhe defnlllon o lexl delerml-
nallon procedure SLlN0001 or lhe servlce desk mes-
sage, lncudlng lhe lexl lypes conlalned lhereln.
The lexl lypes have a our-dlgll key lhal slarls wllh
SUxx. These lexl lypes are synchronlzed wllh lhe basls
message (AA) and musl nol be changed, however, you
may add olher lexl lypes l you wanl. \hen dolng so,
you shoud lake lnlo accounl lhal new lexls shoud be
based on lhe pallern ZUxx and lhal lhey requlre corre-
spondlng enlrles ln lhe lexl delermlnallon procedure o
lhe AA message. There, lhe lexl lype ls ldenllfed on lhe
basls o a lwo-dlgll key. The lexl shoud lhen correspond
lo lhe xx key o lhe ClN lexls.
Texl Delermlnallon lrocedure ;^\jgZ*#'' SLlN0001 ln Delal
You can defne addlllona paramelers ln lhe delal slruc-
lure o lhe lexl lype. lor exampe, you can specly
whelher or nol a lexl may be modlfed. ln addlllon, lhe
delal slruclure aows you lo decare a lexl as oblgalory
(see llgure 5.23). The eecl o selllng lhls fag ls lhal lhe
servlce message woud lrlgger an error l you don'l maln-
laln lhls lexl. You musl make a lhese selllngs separaley
or each lexl lype ln lhe lexl delermlnallon procedure.
To enabe aulhorlzed access lo lexls, you can use
aulhorlzallon objecl ClN_TXT_lD. lease reer lo lNC
acllvlly SOLNAN_SUl_ACTlV_TLX or more lnormallon
aboul lhls loplc.
Texl Types ;^\jgZ*#'( ln Delal
214_BOOK.indb 40 5/5/08 10:17:34 AM )&
*#( Customizing Settings in Detail
||tre| |ete|n|rt|or ||oceJa|e S||N0001
Lach lransacllon lype musl be asslgned a parlner deler-
mlnallon procedure ln whlch you musl defne lhe parlner
uncllons lnvoved ln lhe buslness process.
lor lhe servlce desk process, lhe parlner delermlna-
llon procedure SLlN0001 musl be defned as descrlbed
ln lhe oowlng secllons. llrsl, you musl ca lNC acllvlly
"|ejre ||tre| |ete|n|rt|or ||oceJa|e (ClNC_lAlT-
NLl_lDl)" (see llgure 5.24).
Defnlng a larlner Delermlnallon lrocedure ;^\jgZ*#')
Then mark parlner delermlnallon procedure SLlN0001
and seecl lhe Partner Functions in Procedure menu
llem ln lhe dlaog slruclure on lhe el. The syslem dls-
pays a lsl o parlner uncllons o lhe Sold-to party, Sys-
tem Administrator, key user (Reported by) o lhe Sup-
port 1eam, and o Nessage Processor (see llgure 5.25).
larlner Delermlnallon lrocedure ;^\jgZ*#'* SLlN0001 ln Delal
The parlner uncllon Sold-1o Party slores lhe lnormallon
realed lo lhe sod-lo parly o lhe servlce process and
answers lhe oowlng quesllon: \hlch cuslomer ls golng
lo pay or lhe servlce?
llgure 5.2o uses lhe Sold-1o Party parlner uncllon
as an exampe o lhe dlspay o delal selllngs or parlner
larlner luncllon ;^\jgZ*#'+ "Sod-To larly"
losslbe selllngs or a parlner uncllon lncude lhe def-
nlllon o mlnlmum and maxlmum numbers o enlrles as
we as lhe opllon lo change an enlry ln lhe servlce desk
message. lurlhermore, you can asslgn a parlner deler-
mlnallon (access sequence) lo lhe parlner uncllon. ln
lhls conlexl, a defned access sequence ls used lo deler-
mlne where and how exlsllng parlner lnormallon can
be searched or. lor exampe, lhe Sold-1o Party parlner
uncllon ls asslgned a parlner delermlnallon lhal's based
on enlrles ln lhe lase. Secllon 5.1 aready menlloned
lhal lhe parlner uncllon can be connecled lo an lase
componenl. To do lhal, ca Transacllon l52 and seecl
lhe lase lhal has lhe exlerna lD SOL_NAN DA1A_REP.
Then seecl lhe reevanl lase componenl (e.g., a sale-
lle syslem) and choose Goto

Partner rom lhe menu.

llnay, you musl seecl lhe parlner uncllon (e.g., Sold-
1o Party) and lhe buslness parlner you wanl lo asslgn lo
lhe lase componenl. Aler lhal, lhe Sold-1o Party parl-
ner uncllon ls aulomallcay fed wllh lhe vaue you jusl
malnlalned, provlded a servlce desk message ls crealed
wllh lhe lase componenl.
The oowlng secllons descrlbe olher parlner unc-
llons lhal are avalabe ln parlner delermlnallon proce-
dure SLlN0001:
214_BOOK.indb 41 5/5/08 10:17:34 AM
)' Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario

The Administrator slores lhe buslness parlner lD o
lhe syslem admlnlslralor and answers lhe oowlng
quesllon: W|o | t|e |epor|b|e yten Jn|r|t|to|
|r n|rterrce ce?
l lhe servlce desk message ls crealed vla menu llem


Create Support Nessage, lhe admlnlslralor

can be delermlned aulomallcay.
The oowlng prerequlslles musl be uled:

A buslness parlner has been crealed or lhe admlnls-

lralor (lype: pe|or, roe: gere|| ba|re p|tre|).

An lase componenl has been crealed or lhe sale-

lle syslem rom whlch lhe message ls senl (ldenlll-

callon vla syslem lD lnslaallon number).

Administrator parlner uncllon has been

asslgned ellher lo lhe lase componenl or lo lhe
lase llse (Transacllon l52, seecl |3e conpo-
rert, lhen seecl Goto

Partner, lhen Function and

Assign Partner).
Reported by

(Key User)
The Key User parlner uncllon slores lhe buslness
parlner lD o lhe key user and answers lhe oowlng
quesllon: \hlch user reporled lhe probem?
l lhe servlce desk message ls crealed vla menu llem


Create Support Nessage, lhe key user can

be delermlned aulomallcay.
The oowlng prerequlslles musl be uled:

A buslness parlner has been crealed or lhe key

The buslness parlner can be delermlned ln lhe sal-

elle syslem vla lhe syslem lD, lnslaallon number,

clenl, and syslem user. Thls ls ensured by malnlaln-
lng lhe exlerna lD ln lhe buslness parlner.

The Support 1eam parlner uncllon slores lhe busl-
ness parlner lD o lhe responslbe organlzallona unll
and answers lhe oowlng quesllon: W||c| appo|t
ten | |epor|b|e jo| p|oce|rg t|e nege w|t||r
t|e e|v|ce o|gr|:t|or?
l lhe servlce desk message ls crealed vla menu llem


Create Support Nessage, lhe supporl leam

can be delermlned aulomallcay.
The oowlng prerequlslles musl be uled:

The organlzallona mode or lhe supporl leam has

been malnlalned.
Opllon 1: The supporl leam has lhe same counlry-

specllc allrlbule as lhe sod-lo parly (e.g., U.S.).

The Support 1eam parlner uncllon has access
sequence 0o00 Organlzallon Dala: Supporl Team
vla Org. mode.
Opllon 2 (more exlbe varlanl): l you wanl lo

delermlne lhe supporl leam based on SAl com-

ponenls, or exampe, you musl make sure lhal lhe
access sequence o lhe parlner uncllon remalns
bank. Then, you can use a lll acllon lo carry oul a
delermlnallon on lhe basls o lhe reevanl SAl com-
ponenl. lurlher lnormallon on lhls loplc ls provlded
ln lhe gray box: "Lxcursus: larlner Delermlnallon."
Nessage Processor

The Nessage Processor parlner uncllon slores lhe
buslness parlner lD o lhe asslgned servlce desk
empoyee and answers lhe oowlng quesllon: W||c|
nenbe| oj t|e appo|t ten | beer |greJ t|e
nege p|oceo|?
Nessage processors can asslgn lhemseves and

olher members o lhe supporl leam lo messages.

The oowlng prerequlslles musl be uled:

A buslness parlner has been crealed or lhe mes-

sage processor (lype: pe|or, roe: enp|oyee).

The buslness parlner can be ldenllled vla lhe user

lD ln lhe empoyee roe.

Partner Determination
ecause lhe loplc o parlner delermlnallon ls olen re-
erred lo ln lhls book, and because ll lnvoves dler-
enl lechnlques, we wl provlde a brle summary o ll
al lhls polnl.
larlner delermlnallons are carrled oul separaley or
each parlner uncllon.
The delermlnallon o lhe sod-lo parly ls perormed on
lhe basls o lhe lnslaallon componenl (lase compo-
nenls) o lhe lransacllon, lhal ls, lhe sod-lo parly musl
be asslgned lo lhe respecllve lase componenls. Slml-
ary, lhe sod-lo parly musl aso be malnlalned ln lhe
lase header (SOL_NAN_DATA_lLl) and musl conse-
quenly be vald or lhe enllre lase.
The key user musl be delermlned vla lhe user lhal cre-
ales lhe message ln lhe syslem because lhal user can be
ldenllfed on lhe basls o lhe exlerna lD lhal ls slored
ln lhe buslness parlner.
214_BOOK.indb 42 5/5/08 10:17:34 AM )(
*#( Customizing Settings in Detail
The nege p|oceo| ls lhe person who currenly pro-
cesses lhe message. No delermlnallon ls acllvaled by
deaul here. However, you can aulomallcay slore lhe
currenl processor o a message ln lhal message. ln lhal
case, lhe delermlnallon ls based on lhe currenl syslem
user (empoyee roe ln lhe buslness parlner) and ls car-
rled oul aulomallcay durlng savlng (access sequence
The appo|t ten can be delermlned vla an access se-
quence based on lhe counlry-speclfc ldenllfer. ln lhls
conlexl, a more fexlbe alernallve conslsls o uslng a
delermlnallon rue. lor exampe, lhe supporl leam can
be delermlned vla delermlnallon rue 13200137 ClN_
Thls rue ls appled by means o an acllon, whlch ls lrlg-
gered when lhe message ls saved. The delermlnallon
mechanlsms wllhln lhe delermlnallon rue are based on
predefned responslblllles. The asslgnmenl can be car-
rled oul vla lhe SAl componenl, or exampe. There are
aways olher paramelers avalabe as we, such as lhe
lnslaallon number, prlorlly, or subjecl maller. llgure
5.27 shows lhe conlenls o lhe rue. You can edll lhe
rue uslng Transacllon llAC. Alernallvey, you can use
lhe oowlng lNC palh:
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

Relationship Nanagement

Naster Data

tional Nanagement

Organizational Data Determi-


Nalnlaln Determination Rules

On lhe Responsibilities lab, you can creale flers and
lnk lhem wllh exlsllng organlzallona unlls. Uslng prlor-
llles enabes you lo defne ranklng orders or lhe rues.
lor exampe, you can frsl use specla flers (such as
componenl SV-SNC-SUl) beore generay vald flers,
such as SV, become acllve. lllers lhal have a hlgher
prlorlly are querled frsl.
ln lhe conlexl o lhe parlner delermlnallon procedure
selllngs, we shoud nol orgel lo menllon lhe User Inter-
Iace Settings opllon. Thls opllon enabes you lo manlp-
uale lhe appearance o parlner uncllons durlng mes-
sage processlng. Transacllon ClND_OlDLl, whlch ls
used or lransacllon processlng, provldes our parlner
uncllons or asl enlry: lhe sod-lo-parly, lhe reporllng
parly, lhe supporl leam, and lhe responslbe processor.
l you wanl lo manlpuale lhe order o lhal presenla-
llon, remove parlner uncllons or add new parlner unc-
llons, you can do so vla lhe lnlerace selllng opllon. To
do lhal, go lo lNC acllvlly "|ejre ||tre| |ete|n|rt|or
||oceJa|e" (ClNC_lAlTNLl_lDl) and mark lhe parl-
ner delermlnallon procedure SLlN0001. Then seecl lhe
User InterIace Settings opllon ln lhe dlaog slruclure
(see llgure 5.28).
Delermlnallon lue ;^\jgZ*#', or lhe Supporl Team
User lnlerace Selllngs or a larlner Delermlnallon ;^\jgZ*#'-
Stta ||oj|e S||N0001
The slalus profe or lhe slandard Servlce Desk ls
SLlN0001 (Servlce Desk Slalus Header).
The ClN syslem conlalns lwo slalus lypes: lhe yten
tta and lhe ae| tta.
214_BOOK.indb 43 5/5/08 10:17:34 AM
)) Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
System status

Thls slalus ls sel by lhe syslem, ll lnorms lhe user lhal
lhe syslem has carrled oul a speclfc buslness lransac-
llon or an objecl. The user can manlpuale lhls slalus
ony by execullng a buslness lransacllon lhal changes
lhe syslem slalus.
User status

Thls slalus musl be sel by lhe user and compemenls
lhe syslem slalus. User slaluses are defned ln a sla-
lus profe. You can defne and acllvale any number
o user slaluses ln lhe slalus profe. Slalus profes
can be asslgned lo lransacllon lypes (|eJe| tta) or
llem calegorles (|ten tta).
lNC acllvlly "c|rge Stta ||oj|e jo| Je| Stta (ClN_
STATUS_001) enabes you lo edll lhe slalus profes (see
llgure 5.29).
Changlng a Slalus lrofe ;^\jgZ*#'.
llgure 5.30 shows lhe defnlllon o lhe user slalus ln lhe
servlce desk process. The order o lhe slalus vaues ls
defned by means o a slalus number. lurlhermore, you
can defne vaues such as lhe Lowest Status Number or
Highest Status Number or each slalus vaue. Thls way
you can defne whlch slalus vaue can be sel or musl nol
be sel wllh regard lo lhe currenl vaue.
ln addlllon, you can asslgn aulhorlzallon codes lo
each slalus vaue. Thls, ln lurn, enabes you lo use lhe
_USLlSTAT aulhorlzallon objecl lo asslgn aulhorlza-
llons or lhose aulhorlzallon codes.
Slalus lrofe ;^\jgZ*#(% SLlN0001
The 1ransaction coumn on lhe rlghl ln llgure 5.30 lndl-
cales lhe syslem slalus lhal ls aecled by selllng lhe cor-
respondlng user slalus. l you doube-clck on lhe row
o a slalus vaue, lhe syslem dlspays lhe delal vlew or
lhose buslness lransacllons whlch can be lrlggered.
l you process servlce desk messages and lhe syslem
dlspays lhe error message, "Dlslrlbullng documenl,
no changes posslbe." you shoud reer lo SAl Nole
o95085, whlch wl hep you sove lhls probem.
|te ||oj|e S||N_|l|l|
The slandard SAl Servlce Desk uses lhe dale profe SLlN_
HLADLl (SAl Slandard Servlce Transacllon Header). Thls
profe ls aso slored ln lhe correspondlng acllon profe
o lhe slandard SAl Servlce Desk. The lNC acllvlly |ejre
|te ||oj|e (SOLNAN_SUl_DATLllOll) enabes you lo
edll lhe dale profe (see llgure 5.31).
Dale lrofe SLlN_HLADLl ;^\jgZ*#(&
Dale lrofe ;^\jgZ*#(' SLlN_HLADLl
The dale profe conlros whlch dale lypes, durallon
lypes, reerence objecls, and dale rues may be used ln a
speclfc lransacllon lype or llem lype. ased on lhe dale
profe you can aso defne lhe properlles o dale lypes
and durallons, such as lhe llme unll, reerence objecl,
durallon, and dale rue ln lhal lNC acllvlly. To do lhal,
you musl frsl hlghlghl lhe dale profe and lhen seecl
one o lhe opllons rom lhe dlaog slruclure (see llgure
214_BOOK.indb 44 5/5/08 10:17:34 AM )*
*#( Customizing Settings in Detail
Acllon lrofe SLlN0001_ADVANCLD wllh Acllon Defnlllons ;^\jgZ*#((
Acllons ln lhe lNC ;^\jgZ*#()
The acllon defnlllons conlalned ln lhe acllon profe
represenl dlerenl uncllons and are carrled oul ln dl-
erenl ways. lor exampe, some acllons are execuled ln
lhe background and cannol be dlrecly seecled by lhe
user. The acllons lncude acllon defnlllon SLlN0001_
ADVANCLD_UlDATL_DNO (c|etec|rge 3| /e-
ge j|on c|/ !|rct|or). Thls acllon ls responslbe
or lhe conllnuous dala synchronlzallon belween lhe
basls message (AA) and lhe ClN message (SLlN).
Anolher exampe ls lhe acllon defnlllon or delermln-
lng lhe supporl leam, SLlN0001_ADVANCLD_llND_
lAlTNLl (W|er nege | c|eteJ, jrJ appo|t ten
|ot ||oce|rg ||newo|| (|||) ct|or
ct|or ||oj|e S||N0001_|\Ncl|
Acllons ln lhe ClN syslem use lhe |ot ||oce|rg ||ne-
wo|| (|||). The lll ls a asls componenl lhal generales
acllons, such as a melhod ca or workfow, based on lhe
dala o an applcallon and accordlng lo an acllon defnl-
llon. The acllons are processed al a speclfc polnl ln llme.
ln lhls conlexl, lhe lll provldes lhe loos requlred or
schedulng, slarllng, and monllorlng acllons.
To edll acllons, you musl use lhe lNC acllvlly |ejre
ct|or ||oj|e rJ ct|or (ClNC_ACTlO_001), as shown
ln llgure 5.33. Alernallvey, you can use Slandard Trans-
acllon SlllCADN or lhe losl lrocesslng lramework.
Aler slarllng lhe lransacllon, you musl seecl lhe ClN_
OlDLl applcallon and lhen clck on Dehne Action Pro-
hles and Actions.
The slandard servlce desk process uses acllon profe
SLlN0001_ADVANCLD. llrsl, hlghlghl lhls acllon pro-
fe and lhen seecl lhe Action Dehnition llem ln lhe dla-
og slruclure. The syslem dlspays lhe screen shown ln
llgure 5.34.
214_BOOK.indb 45 5/5/08 10:17:35 AM
)+ Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
|epor|b|e). The excursus on parlner delermlnallon
earler aready descrlbed lhe use o acllons ln lhe parl-
ner delermlnallon process. ln lhe slandard SAl Servlce
Desk, lhe acllon SLlN0001_ADVANCLD_llND_lAlT-
NLl ls responslbe or fndlng a supporl leam on lhe
basls o lhe SAl componenl lhal has been enlered ln
lhe servlce desk message. The addlllona use o lhe
CRM_DNO_PARTNER_1 melhod and lhe RULE and PART-
NER_FCT processlng paramelers lhen enabes you lo f
lhe parlner uncllon (PARTNER_FCT) wllh an enlry by
means o a delermlnallon rue (RULE) when creallng a
servlce desk message.
Olher acllon defnlllons rom acllon profe S||N0001_
|\Ncl|, on lhe olher hand, can be lnleracllvey
seecled and used by lhe user. These lncude lhe acllon
SLlN0001_ADVANCLD_SLND_SAl (SerJ /ege to
S|), whlch ls responslbe or dlspalchlng lhe servlce
desk message lo SAl Supporl.
The opllon lo seecl an acllon durlng message pro-
cesslng becomes avalabe aler calng lhe loobox, pro-
vlded lhe message ls ln change mode. l you clck on lhe
Actions bullon, lhe syslem dlspays an overvlew o a
acllons lhal have been confgured or manua seecllon
(see llgure 5.35).
Toobox wllh Acllons ;^\jgZ*#(*
The acllon SLlN0001_ADVANCLD_SD_ClLATL (c|ete
So|at|or |r So|at|or |tbe) represenls anolher exam-
pe o an acllon lhal can be seecled manuay. Thls acllon
aows you lo copy lexl lnormallon rom lhe servlce desk
message lnlo lhe cuslomer-speclfc soullon dalabase
(see Secllon 5.o).
To make acllons avalabe, you musl confgure lhem
accordlngy. Two baslc prelmlnary sleps are necessary
lo successuy defne and use an acllon. llrsl, you musl
creale an acllon defnlllon. ln lhe acllon defnlllon, you
musl defne whal exacly an acllon ls supposed lo do and
how. Thls lncudes selllngs such as processlng llmes, dls-
pay crllerla, and processlng melhods. Thls means lhal
lhe frsl slep defnes whal's golng lo happen.
ln lhe second slep, you musl schedue lhe acllon
you crealed. Thls means lhal you musl use condlllons lo
defne when an acllon becomes avalabe ln a process or
when ll ls supposed lo be execuled. The posslbe selllngs
ln lhls slep reer lo lhe schedulng and t|t corJ|t|or.
Consequenly, lhls slep defnes when somelhlng ls golng
lo happen. You can access lhese selllngs by calng Trans-
acllon SlllCADN and clcklng on lhe Condition Conhg-
uration bullon. Then you musl seecl lhe acllon profe
SLlN0001_ADVANCLD and confgure lhe condlllons.
llgure 5.3o shows a genera overvlew o lhe acllons
and lhelr processlng.
214_BOOK.indb 46 5/5/08 10:17:35 AM ),
*#( Customizing Settings in Detail
Action List
AcIns can n n an) way
accorng I I rqurmnIs
)ur usnss prcsss.
CnIns can Im-pnnI
an us aIs an aI ruls (aI prl).
TransacIn 1)p IIm CaIgr)
AcIn Prl
SIarI CnIn
Prcssng 1m
urng Savng
SlcIn prI
Prcssng 1)ps
SmarI Iorm
Acllon lrocesslng lrocess Overvlew ;^\jgZ*#(+
ries llem ln lhe dlaog slruclure and mark buslness lrans-
acllon calegory BUS2000116 Service Process. Once you
have seecled lhe Customizing header llem ln lhe dlaog
slruclure, lhe syslem dlspays lhe asslgned subjecl profe
(see llgure 5.37). You can fnd more lnormallon aboul
lhe buslness lransacllon calegory ln lhe secllon o lhe
same name ln lhls chapler.
Subjecl lrofe SLlN0001 o lhe Servlce Desk Nessage ;^\jgZ*#(,
The subjecl profe SLlN0001 conlalns a calaog (l1)
whlch, ln lurn, conlalns code groups. The respecllve
code groups conlaln dlerenl codes lhal can be seecled
ln lhe asl enlry screen.
The reallonshlps belween calaogs, code groups,
code group profes, and subjecl profes are nol aways
slralghlorward, lhereore, we have lrled lo luslrale lhls
nelwork o reallonshlps ln llgure 5.38. Accordlng lo lhe
fgure, codes are coecled ln code groups. Code groups,
ln lurn, can be grouped by dlerenl subjecls ln a calaog.
The subjecl profe conslsls o a seecllon o one or sev-
era code groups. \hen you asslgn a subjecl profe lo a
A demonslrallon o an acllon creallon, ln lhe case o an
acllon lo dlspalch emals aulomallcay, ls provlded by
an SAl Tulor ln SAl Nole o91303. Alhough lhls SAl
Nole reers lo SAl Soullon Nanager 3.1, ll can aso be
appled lo Verslon 7.0.
You can fnd a lsl o a acllons conlalned ln acllon pro-
fe SLlN0001_ADVANCLD, lncudlng lhe assoclaled
descrlpllons, ln lhe Appendlx.
Dehning Catalogs, Codes, and Prohles
Sub|ect Prohle
ln lhe servlce desk message, you can cassly messages
accordlng lo predefned subjecls. Thls ls parllcuary
lmporlanl when lhe messages are evaualed on lhe basls
o lhese crllerla. Thls enabes you, or exampe, lo deler-
mlne whelher mullpe servlce messages were crealed
because o an lncorrecl operallon by lhe users. Thls coud
lndlcale an lncreased need or lralnlng among lhe users.
The asslgnmenl o lhe subjecl profe ls based on lhe
buslness lransacllon calegory. To asslgn a subjecl profe,
you musl ca lransacllon lype SLlN (lNC acllvlly ClN_
VOlCANC_001). Hlghlghl lransacllon lype SLlN. Then
seecl lhe Assignment oI Business 1ransaction Catego-
214_BOOK.indb 47 5/5/08 10:17:35 AM
)- Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
* Settings Ior the Standard Service Desk Scenario
lransacllon lype, lhe code groups conlalned ln lhe sub-
jecl profe become aulomallcay avalabe or seecllon.



Code C4
Code C3
Code C2 Code B2
Code A3
Code A2
Code C1 Code B1
Code A1
Catalog I1
Transaction Type
Subject Profile
Code Group C Code Group B Code Group A
leallonshlps belween Calaog ;^\jgZ*#(- , Code Croup, Code
Croup lrofe, and Subjecl lrofe
llgure 5.39 shows lhe lNC palh lhal enabes you lo
vlew lhe selllngs o lhe subjecl profe and lmpemenl
Defnlng lhe Subjecl lrofe ;^\jgZ*#(.
Naintaining Categories and Priorities
ctego||e represenl anolher opllon lo cassly lransac-
llons, however, compared lo lhe subjecl, lhere ls one
dlsadvanlage. \hereas lhe subjecl profe can be lndl-
vlduay asslgned lo and lhus speclfcay delermlned or
each lransacllon, lhe calegory ls lhe same or a ClN
Usuay, you don'l change lhe confgurallon o prlorl-
lles. Alhough you may creale more lhan lhe our deaul
prlorllles, you musl nol modly lhe deaul enlrles (lrl-
orlly 14). The reason or lhal ls lhe conslanl synchronl-
zallon o ClN Transacllon SLlN and lhe basls message
You can fnd lhe selllngs or calegorles and prlorllles
ln lNC acllvllles ClN_AKT_001 and ClN_AKT_003
(see llgure 5.40). The correspondlng lNC palh ls as
1ransaction SPRO

SAP ReIerence ING

SAP Solu-
tion Nanager Implementation Guide

SAP Solution


Scenario-Specihc Settings

Service Desk

Service Desk

Naintain Categories and

Confgurlng Calegorles ;^\jgZ*#)% and lrlorllles
Business 1ransaction Category
The overvlew o lhe ClN lransacllon lype (see llg-
ure 5.20) conlalns an llem caed Assignment oI Busi-
ness 1ransaction Categories ln lhe dlaog slruclure. A
lransacllon lype can be asslgned lo one or severa busl-
ness lransacllon calegorles. A buslness lransacllon cal-
egory delermlnes lhe buslness conlexl ln whlch you can
use a speclfc lransacllon lype (e.g., servlce, sae, acllv-
lly). There musl aways be one buslness lransacllon cal-
egory lhal ls lhe eadlng buslness lransacllon calegory.
Nole, however, lhal lhls ls nol a hlerarchlca reallonshlp,
ralher, lhe eadlng buslness lransacllon calegory merey
represenls a preerence.
A servlce process musl be asslgned lhe buslness lrans-
acllon calegorles, conlacl, and servlce. The sae calegory
ls opllona, bul ll becomes necessary l you wanl lo carry
oul a prlce delermlnallon.
Up lo lhls polnl we have descrlbed lhe archlleclure o lhe
slandard servlce desk uncllon ln SAl Soullon Nanager.
ln addlllon, lhe prevlous secllons provlded lnormallon
aboul lhe confgurallon. The lndlvldua componenls o
lhe confgurallon were dlscussed and descrlbed ln greal
delal. Thls means lhal lhe descrlpllon o lhe confgura-
llon and core uncllonally ln lhe SAl Slandard Servlce
Desk can be ended al lhls polnl.
214_BOOK.indb 48 5/5/08 10:17:36 AM
&'. &'.
AA message , 3o
Access sequence, 41
Acllon, 45
Delnlllon, 45
Nonllor, 100
lrole, 34, 3o, 38, 45, 100
Acllvallng lhe servlce provlder uncllon,
Addlng allachmenls, 90
Admlnlslralor, 42
ACS, 15, 17
AlSUSLl, 74
Applcallon managemenl palorm,
Delnlllon, 13
Archlleclure, conlgurallon, 34
Aulhorlzallon code, 44
Aulhorlzallon objecl, 44
Aulomallc coslng o messages, 84
Aulomallc orwardlng, 83, 8o
O messages, 8o
Aulomallc message orwardlng
Seecllng manuay, 83
Avalabllly llmes, 81, 83, 8o, 99
Delnlng, 8o
Adl, 97
Acllvallon, 84
lmpemenlallon, 111
asls message (AA), 34, 3o
Acllon prole, 34, 3o, 38
Number range, 34, 38
lrlorlly, 34, 38
SLl1, 34, 3o
Texl lypes, 38
C Sel, 35, 49, 92, 95, 9o, 114
Acllvallng, 84
lNC acllvlly, 3o
Sl applcallon, 22, 87, 88, 89
Conlgurallon, 88
lor message creallon, 88
uslness conlgurallon sel (C Sel), 35
uslness parlner, 29, 30, 32, 82, 97,
Addlllona, 30
Admlnlslralor, 29, 42
Asslgnlng lo organlzallona unll, 93
Calegory, 29
Lxlerna ldenlllcallon, 29
lD, 29
Key user, 29
Nessage crealor, 29
Nessage processor, 29
leallonshlps, 29, 32
leallonshlp lype, 29
loe, 29
Sod-lo parly, 29
Supporl leam, 29
uslness parlner calegory, 29
lndlvldua, 29
Organlzallon, 29
uslness process, 10
uslness lransacllon calegory, 47, 48
CA , 10
Calaog, 47, 48
Delnlng, o8
Calegory, 48
Change Advlsory oard (CA),
Delnlllon, 10
Change managemenl, o
Delnlllon, 11
lrocess, o
Change Nanager, 10
Change lequesl
Nanagemenl, 23, 90
Checklsl, 37
Cassllcallon, 7
Clenl, 27
Clpboard, o3
CND (conlgurallon managemenl
dalabase), o, 9
Delnlllon, o
luncllonally, o
Code group, 47, 48
lrole, 47, 48
Codes, 47
Communlcallon channes, 8
Componenl, 41
Number, 33
Condlllons, 4o
Clenl, 27
lNC acllvlly, 27
Conlgurallon llem, componenl, 7
Conlgurallon managemenl, o
Conlgurallon managemenl dalabase
(CND), 7
Conlgurallon Nanager, 10
Conlrm Nessage lo SAl, 73
Connecllons, 35
Conlexl dala, 75
Conlracl, 94, 95
Dala, 15, 94, 98
Delermlnallon, 9o, 97, 98
Copy conlro, 97
Copylng screen conlro proles, 102
Copy rues, 98
Counlry allrlbule, 31
ClN, 30, 39
Nonllor, 111
Transacllon, 35, 101
Cuslomer enhancemenl, 104
Cuslomer number, 81, 85
Cuslomer supporl organlzallon, 24
Cuslomlzlng, 38
Screen, 102
Dalabase, oo
214_BOOK.indb 129 5/5/08 10:17:50 AM
&(% Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
Dale prole, 44
Dale rues, 44, 94
Dale lypes, 44
Delnlng dala slruclures, 104
Delermlnallon, 31, 42, 45
Delermlnallon rue, 43
lesponslbllly, 43
Deveopmenl package, 50
Dynpro, 93, 10o, 108
Creallng, 10o
L-earnlng, 14
Lmal dlspalch, 47
Lmal uncllon, 51
Lmal nolllcallon, aulomallc, 51
Lmal subjecl, o2
Lrror message, 9
Lscaallon, 19
Lscaallon managemenl, 94, 95, 99, 100
Lxlerna ldenlllcallon, 29, 33
Lxlerna lnlerace, 75
Conlexl dala, 75
Hep eedback uncllon, 79
Trace, 7o
Vaue mapplng, 77
\eb servlces, 75
Hl OpenVlew Servlce Desks, 7o
lelch SAl Componenls, 74
lled abe, 105
llrsl-eve supporl, 10
low oglc o lO and lAl, 107
Cenerallng a lDl, o4
Hep eedback uncllon, 18, 22, 37, 79
Hl OpenVlew Servlce Desks, 7o
lase, 28, 32, 33, 37, 41
Componenl, 33, 41
Componenl number, 33
Lxlerna ldenlllcallon, 33
larlner uncllon, 41
Slruclure, 33
lCSS (lnlernel Cuslomer
Se-Servlce), 21, 22
lCT lnraslruclure Nanagemenl, 5
lC \ebClenl, 21, 22, 87, 91, 92
Conlgurallon, 92
Key user scenarlo, 91
lrole, 93
lC \lnClenl, 91
ldenlllcallon, exlerna, 29
lNC, 27, 45, 114
Acllvlly, 27, 28, 3o, 39
Conlgurallon, 27
Slruclure, 28
lmpemenlallon, 14
lmpemenllng lhe Servlce Desk, 23
lncldenl, o, 7, 8
lncldenl managemenl, o, 7, 8, 89, 90
lncldenl Nanager, 10
lncldenl record, delnlllon, 7
lndexlng, oo
lnslaallon, 21
Descrlpllon, 21
Supporl package, 21
lnlegrallng a lab, 108
lnlegrallon servlce desk, 22
lnleracllve Soullon Agenl, oo
lnlerace, 1o, 72, 75
Conlgurallon, 7o
Lxlerna, 75
To SAl Coba Supporl ackbone, 72
lnlerace lo SAl, 82, 84, 113
Open Servlce Connecllon, 73
lemole connecllon, 73
Secure Area, 73
lnlernel communlcallon ramework, 91
lnlernel Cuslomer Se-Servlce (lCSS), 21
lssue managemenl, 90
lSV, 113
llem calegory, 100
llem dala, 103, 104
lT hollne, 5
lTlL, o
Areas, 5
Delnlllon, 5
lT lnraslruclure, o
lT servlce managemenl, 5
lT servlce organlzallon, 7
lTS (lnlernel Transacllon Server), 93
Key user, 29, 42
Concepl, 17
Scenarlo, 91
Known errors, 10
Cuslomlzlng, 101
Delnlng, 10o
Learnlng map, 24, 25
Llecyce, 14
Loop, 53
Nalnlaln SAl Logon Dala, 73
Nasler dala, 28, 82, 85, 114
Nasler dala exchange, 82
Nessage creallon, 11, 15, 18, 88
Varlanls, 87
Nessage crealor, 1o, 17
Nessage orwardlng, 78, 81
Nessage lDs and lexls, 107
Nessage processlng, 15, 108
Nessage processor, 1o, 17, 29, 42,
43, 90
Nonllor, 37, 108
Transacllon monllor, 109
Nonllorlng, 13, 100, 108, 114
Nole Asslslanl, 1o
Noles creallon, 114
Nolllcallon lype, 34
Number range, 34, 3o, 38
Objecl lsl, 97
Objecls, 9o
Olce hours, 81, 83
OKl, 24
214_BOOK.indb 130 5/5/08 10:17:50 AM &(&
Open Servlce Connecllon, 73
Open Syslem or SAl, 73
Operallons, 14, 15
Organlzallon, 82
Organlzallona managemenl,
28, 30
Delermlnallon, 31
Organlzallona mode, 30
Organlzallona slruclure, 30
Organlzallona unll, 30
loslllon, 32
Scenarlos, 30
Servlce organlzallon, 31
Organlzallona mode, 30, 31
Organlzallona slruclure, 30
Organlzallona unll, 30
Oulpul ayoul, 109
lAl, 105
low oglc, 107
Nodue, 107
Conlgurallon, 3o
Lxlendlng, o5
Oulpul paramelers, o5
larlner dala, 53, 54, 55
larlner delermlnallon
Access sequence, 41
Delnlng, 41
larlner uncllon, 41, 43
lrocedure, 41
lrole, 43
User lnlerace selllng, 43
larlner uncllon, 41, 43, 100
Admlnlslralor, 42
Calegory, 100
Delermlnallon, 42
Key user, 42
Nessage processor, 42
leporled by, 42
Sod-lo parly, 41
Supporl leam, 42
larlner number, 113
lO, 105
low oglc, 107
Nodue, 107
lDl prevlew, o5
lolnls o conlacl
Descrlpllon, 8
lrocess-based and organlzallona,
8, 10
Technlca, 8
lorla , 22
loslllon, 32
losl lrocesslng lramework (lll), 45
Acllon delnlllon, 45
Acllons, 45
Condlllons, 4o
Delermlnallon, 45
Schedulng condlllons, 4o
Slarl condlllons, 4o
Toobox, 4o
lreasslgnlng paramelers ln \eb
applcalons, 89
lreasslgnlng syslem allrlbules, 89
lrlorlly, 34, 38, 48
lrobem managemenl, o, 10
Delnlllon, 10
lrocess, o
lrocess Aler lnpul (lAl), 105
lrocess anaysls, 23
lrocess eore Oulpul (lO), 105
lrocess descrlpllon, 1o
lrocess ow, 17
lrocess lype
lNC acllvlly, 39
lroducl, 15, 95
lroducl hlerarchy, 95
lrole, 40
lublshlng lnlernel servlces, 94
leallonshlps, 29, 32
leallonshlp lype, 29
leease managemenl, o
leease Nanager, 10
lemole connecllon, 73
lemole supporl, 114
leporled by, 42
lesponse prole, 94, 99
lesponse llme, 94, 99
lesuls lsl, enhanced, 111
llC, 83
Conlgurallon, 35
Connecllon, 35, 73, 84, 114
lNOTllUlDATL01 job, 74
loadmap, 14
loe, 29
lool Cause Anaysls, 90
Saeguardlng, 13
Saes organlzallon, 97
SAl Acllve Coba Supporl (ACS), 15, 17
SAl Allrlbule, 72, 83
SAlconnecl, 51
aslc selllngs, 51
SCOT, 51
SAl ClN, 30, 91, 92
SAl cuslomer number, 82
SAl lorm ulder, 51, 52
SNAlTlOlNS, 51
SAl Coba Supporl ackbone, 78, 82,
83, 113
lnlerace, 114
SAl CUl or HTNL, 93, 94
Conlgurallon, 94
Usage, 93
SAl Nel\eaver lorla, 22
SAl Noles, 3o
SAl Noles dalabase, 87, 91
SAl Onlne Knowedge
lroducl (OKl), 24
SAl leerence lNC, 27
SAl Servlce Desk, 15
lulure deveopmenl, 117
SAl Servlce Narkelpace, 17, 73
SAl Soullon Nanager, 13, 14, 22, 25,
81, 109, 113, 114
Applcallon managemenl palorm, 13
Change requesl managemenl, 23
L-earnlng, 14
lmpemenlallon, 14
lnormallon, 24
Learnlng map, 24
Nonllorlng, 13
Nonllors, 108
Operallons, 15
loadmap, 14
Servlce Desk uncllon, 13
Slzlng, 23
Soullon Nanager Dlagnosllcs, 13
Tesl workbench, 14
SAl slandard, 49
SAl Supporl ackbone, 73
llC connecllon, 74
SAl Supporl lorla, 35
Salelle syslem, 15, 22, 30
Scenarlos, 30
Schedulng condlllon, 4o
214_BOOK.indb 131 5/5/08 10:17:50 AM
&(' Caleo lress 2008. A rlghls reserved.
SCOT, 51
Screen, 101
Screen conlro, 108
Screen conlro dala
Lnlry and malnlenance, 101
Seecllon al runllme, 101
Screen cuslomlzlng, 10o
Screen enhancemenl, 108
Screen palnler, 10o
Screen sequence conlro, 101
Search, oo, o7
Search englne, oo
Second-eve supporl, 10
Secure area, 73
Seecllon lexls, o9
Sendlng messages lo SAl, 72, 73
Servlce, 9o
Servlce and response prole, 95, 99, 100
Servlce conlracl, 95, 9o
uslness parlner, 97
Conlracl dala, 98
Conlracl delermlnallon, 9o
Copy conlro, 97
Objecl, 9o
Objecl lsl, 97
Saes organlzallon, 97
Servlce and response prole, 95, 100
Servlce conlracl llem, 95, 9o
Servlce dala, 99
Servlce organlzallon, 97
Servlce producl, 95
Slruclure, 9o
Valdlly, 97
Servlce dala, 99
Servlce delvery, 5
Servlce desk, 5, 8
lnlerace, 9
Servlce Desk, 9, 13, 1o, 22
Areas o use, 21
Communlcallon channes, 8
Componenls, 34
Conlracl dala, 15
llrsl-eve supporl, 10
luncllon, 37
luncllonally, 5, o
Cenera delnlllon, 5
lC \ebClenl, 21
lncldenl, o
lnllla selllngs, 35
lnlerace, 1o, 71
Nessage, 1o
Nessage creallon, 11
Nessage crealor, 1o
Nessage processlng, 15
Nessage processor, 1o
Nonllors, 108
Nole Asslslanl, 1o
lolnls o conlacl, 8
lrocess, 17, 18, 23
lrocess descrlpllon, 1o
lrocess ow, 17
Second-eve supporl, 10
Servlce eve, 17
Soullon dalabase, 9
Syslem andscape, 21
Thlrd-eve supporl, 10
\ork cenler, 21
Servlce desk message, 114
Coslng, 90
lrlnllng, 90
Servlce Desk selup
Checklsl, 37, 38
larameler, 3o
Servlce desk uncllon, 37
Servlce hours, 8o
Servlce eve, 17
Servlce Leve Agreemenl (SLA), 7, 95
Servlce message, 7, 9
Servlce organlzallon, 9, 31, 97
Servlce package, 9o
Servlce pan, 9o
Servlce producl, 95, 9o, 98, 99, 100
Sel lype, 95
Servlce provlder, 81
Conlgurallon, 84
Nasler dala, 82
Servlce Supporl, o, 11
Change managemenl, o, 11
Conlgurallon managemenl, o
Conlgurallon managemenl
dalabase, o
lncldenl managemenl, o
lT servlce organlzallon, 7
lrobem managemenl, o, 10
lrocess, o
leease managemenl, o
Servlce organlzallon, 9
\orkaround, 7
Sel lype, 95
Selup lnslaallon, 21
Slzlng, 23
SLA, 7, 9, 95
Acllon prole, 100
Aulomallc monllorlng, 100
Delnlllon, 9
Lscaallon, 19
Lscaallon managemenl, 7
Nonllorlng, 100
larlner uncllon, 100
larlner uncllon calegory, 100
Servlce producl, 98
SLl1, 34, 3o
SLlN, 34
Smarl orm, 51, 52, 53, o2, o4
As lDl, o5
Cenerallng a lDl, o4
lacehoder, o2
SAl lorm ulder, 51
Slandard, o4
Tesl reporl, 5o, 57, 58, 59, o0, o1
Solware Agenl lramework, oo, 71
Solware parlner scenarlo, 113
Conlgurallon, 114
luncllons, 113
lnlerace lo SAl, 113
Nonllorlng, 114
Noles creallon, 114
lemole supporl, 114
Solware vendor , 113
Texl lypes, 115
Solware vendor
lndependenl Solware Vendor , 113
Solware parlner, 113
Sod-lo parly, 29, 41, 8o
loe, 29
Soullon dalabase, 15, oo, o7, o9, 87,
91, 114
luncllonally, 9
lndexlng, oo
Search, oo, o7
Symplom cassllcallon, o8
TlLX, oo
Soullon Nanager, 82
Soullon Nanager Dlagnosllcs, 13
Soullon reporllng, 109
SOX (Sarbanes-Oxey-Acl), 14
SloC (Slnge lolnl o Conlacl), o
Slarl condlllons, 4o
Slalus number, 44
214_BOOK.indb 132 5/5/08 10:17:51 AM &((
Slalus prole, 43, 44
Aulhorlzallon code, 44
Aulhorlzallon objecl, 44
Changlng, 44
Slalus number, 44
Syslem slalus, 44
Transacllon lype, 44
User slalus, 44
Slalus vaue, 37
Creallng, 105
Creallng an append, 105
Subjecl calaog, o8
Subjecl lne, 51
Subjecl prole, 47, 48
uslness lransacllon calegory, 47
Calaogs, 47
Code group, 47
Code group prole, 47
Codes, 47
Delnlng, 48
Subslllullon polcy, 83
Supporl desk, 5
Supporl message
Servlce Desk, 7
\eb-based access, 84, 87
Supporl package, 15, 49, 114
Technlca requlremenls, 21
Supporl leam, 42
S User, 35, 74, 82, 83, 114
Symplom, o, oo, o8
Cassllcallon, o8
Syslem allrlbule, preasslgnmenl
paramelers, 89
Syslem house, 82
Syslem andscape
lnslaallon, 21
Slruclure, 23
Syslem slalus, 44
Syslem user, 29
Tabs, 108
Cuslom, 104
Cuslomlzlng, 108
Tesl workbench, 14, 22
Texl, addlllona, 8o
Texl delermlnallon procedure, 40
Delnlng, 40
Texl lype, 38, 40, 115
Conlgurallon, 40
Thlrd-eve supporl, 10
Thlrd parlles, 23
Toobox, 4o
Top lncude or dala lype delnlllon, 107
Trace, 7o
Transacllon dala, 103
Transacllon monllor, 94, 95, 109
Changlng lhe ayoul, 110
Lnhanclng, 110
Oulpul ayoul, 109
Transacllon lype, 34, 44, 49
Conlgurallon, 39
Lnhanclng, 104
llem calegory, 100
larlner delermlnallon procedure, 41
lroles, 40
SLlN, 34, 39
Texl delermlnallon procedure, 40
Texl lypes, 40
TlLX, oo, 70
Admlnlslralor, 70
lnslaallon, 70
Troube llckel, 8
Updale Llsl, 111
Updale SAl Nessage, 73
User lnlerace selllngs, 43
User slalus, 44
Vaue mapplng, 77
\eb applcallons, paramelers or
preasslgnmenl, 89
\eb-based access lo supporl
messages, 84, 87
\eb browser, 91
\eb servlces, 75, 93
\orkaround, 7
\ork cenler, 21, 22, 87, 89, 90, 91, 117
Conlgurallon, 91
lncldenl managemenl, 90
leporls, 91
Search, 90
Usage, 90
XNL lrace le, 77
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