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GRAP THE DEFINITION FOR PHYSICS TERMINOLOGY Specific heat capacity, latent heat, refraction, pressure, micro wave, work done, resultant force, resolution of force, forces in equilibrium, focal length, lens power, magnetic field, half life, beta ray, gamma ray, interference, logic gate, momentum, impulsive force, GM tube. 2. GRAP THE PHYSICS PRINCIPLE AND THEIR APPLICATION Principle of conservation of momentum Pascals Principle Principle of Conservation Of Energy Bernoullis Principle Principle of force in equilibrium Archimedes Princip Principle of Thermal equilibrium Superposition Pinciple. 3. GRAP THE PHYSICS LAW & APPLICATION Hookes Law Newton 1st law of Motion Boyles Law Newton 2nd law of Motion Charless Law Newton 3rd law of Motion Pressure Law Law Of Reflection Snells Law Law Of Refraction Ohms Law Faraday s Law Lenzs Law

4. GRAP THE PHYSICS RULE Right Hand Grip Rule Maxwell Cork Screw Rule Flemings Left Hand Rule Flemings Right Hand Rule 5. GRAP THE PHYSICS FORMULA 6. GRAP THE PHYSICS EXAMINATION FORMAT SCORE P1 (50Marks) SCORE P2 (37 Marks) SCORE P3 (40 Marks) Examination Mark Scheme 7. GRAP THE METHOD OF ANSWERING QUESTION P1 - Do the easier question first P2 - Observation skil, Point form, table form, Ranking method P3 - Get the Variables, Tabulation Of data, Draw the graph 8. GRAP THE METHOD OF ANSWERING QUATITAVE APPLICATION QUESTION Write all the information again. Use symbols. Choose the formula. Make subtitution Final answer with correct unit 9. GRAP ALL THE PHYSICS EXPERIMENT

10. GRAP THE PHYSICS CONTENT USING MIND MAP CHECK LIST 11. GRAP THE PAST YEARS SPM EXAM PAPERS Year Year Year Year Year Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

12. GRAP THE DRAWING SKILL Ray Diagram of Lenses Ray Diagram of plane and curve mirror Diagram of instruments Diagram of experiments 13. GRAP THE WORKING PRINCIPLE OF INSTRUMENT Hydrometer Astronomical Telescope Manometer Compound Microscope Barometer Nucler Reactor Bunsen Burner Fibre Optics Carburretor Electric Bell Electric Motor Electric Relay Electric Generator Loud speaker Hydraulic Brake Microphone Submarine Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) Periscope Semiconductor Diode Binocular Transistor 14. GRAP THE GRAPH SKILL DRAWING SKETCHING INTEPRETATION DETERMINING THE GRADIENT 15. GRAP THE UNIT CONVERSION SKILL Normal conversion Conversion involving derived quantities Conversion involving Area Conversion involving Volume 16. GRAP CALCULATION SKILL Use the calculator Use basic algebra Use the basic trigonometry Use the basic proportional method

17. GRAP THE QUESTIONS SKILL ANALYSIS Sketch / Draw Diagram Underline the important words Write all the information again using symbols Think for the topics, sub topics, principle, law, theory, rule and total marks 18. GRAP THE TECHNIQUES TO REMEMBER a). RTM ICU SXSG b). fofe // keko c). MAXIS d). PoPi e). CK 273 f). JAPAN g). FBI h). ACARR i). PAFA j). AT (ANTINOD) k. SP (ISOTOP) l) lajU m) SDA // DST PHYSICS ORAL TEST MODULE

Pengenalan Fizik merupakan satu subjek yang memerlukan kefahaman yang mendalam. Sebelum dapat memahami konsep dalam fizik para pelajar perlu mempunyai pengetahuan asas yang komprehensif tentang konsepkonsep fizik. Jadi untuk mempastikan setiap pelajar menguasai konsep asas fizik ini maka Oral Test diperkenalkan. Para guru akan terus dapat mengenalpasti pelajar-pelajar yang masih lagi lemah dan bermasalah dalam subjek Fizik.

Objektif: 1. Untuk 2. Untuk Fizik. 3. Untuk 4. Untuk Sasaran: Pelajar-pelajar yang diletakkan dalam kelas dulang emas (lemah) Kaedah Pelaksanaan: 1. Pemilihan Pelajar mempastikan para pelajar mempunyai pengetahuan asas dalam fizik. mempastikan para pelajar belajar dan menguasai aspek pengetahuan dalam mengetahui sejauh mana pengetahuan pelajar dalam subjek fizik. mengetahui tajuk manakah yang menjadi masalah kepada para pelajar.

Sebelum program ini dimulakan para pelajar kelas dulang emas dipilih terlebih dahulu. 2. Persediaan awal Para pelajar yang terlibat akan diberi taklimat dan tarikh Oral Test yang akan dibuat. 3. Pelaksanaan Ujian Sejurus sebelum para pelajar menduduki ujian Mereka akan diminta memilih booklet soalan Oral test terlebih dahulu. Guru kemudiannya akan menggunakan booklet soalan tersebut untuk menyoal para pelajar. Markah akan diberikan sebaik sahaja pelajar selesai menjalani ujian tersebut. 4. Peperiksaan Ulangan Mana-mana pelajar yang tidak mencapai tahap akan diminta menduduki semula ujian tersebut lain kali.

POT 1 UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS, BASE QUANTITIES , DERIVED QUANTITIES, SCALAR AND VECTOR QUANTITIES. 1. What is physical quantities? 2. What is base quantities? 3. Give 5 examples of base quantities. 4. What is derived quantities? 5. Give the symbol for electric current & its unit. 6. Give the unit for Volume. 7. Arrange the prefixes nano , micro, milli, centi, deci,kilo,mega and giga in ascending order. 8. 1 MW = W 9. What is scalar quantities? 10.What is vector quantities? POT 2 UNDERSTANDING MEASUREMENT 1. What is precision? 2. What is accuracy? 3. What is sensitivity? 4. What is random error? 5. Give an example of random error. 6. What is systematic error. 7. Give an example of systematic error. 8. Name the scales in vernier calipers. 9. What is the use of rachet in micrometer screw gauge? 10.Which instrument is the most suitable to measure the internal and external diameter of a beaker?


ANALYSING SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION 1. What is inference? 2. Give an example of a hypothesis involving the length of pendulum and the period of oscillation. 3. What is manipulated variables? 4. What is responding variable? 5. Name another form of variable beside M.V and R.V. 6. In a table where the M.V is placed? 7. In a graph, what axis represents M.V 8. How to determine the gradient of a straight line graph? 9. What is the relationship between M.V and R.V of a graph is the graph is a straight line graph passing through origin. 10.List the process in a scientific investigation.

POT 4 ANALYSING LINEAR MOTION 1. What is distance? 2. What is displacement ? 3. What is speed? 4. What is velocity? 5. What is acceleration? 6. What is deceleration? 7. What is the use of a ticker timer? 8. What is the time for one ticks on ticker tape? 9. Give 2 equation of linear motion. 10.What is the acceleration of object which moves with constant velocity?

POT 5 ANALYSING MOTION GRAPHS 1. Name two types of motion graph that can be draw. 2. In a s-t graph, what physical quantities that represents the velocity of an object. 3. In an s-t graph, if the gradient is constant, what is the motion of the object. 4. In an s-t graph, if the gradient is zero, what is the motion of the object? 5. In an s-t graph, if the gradient is increasing, what is the motion of the graph? 6. In a v-t graph, what is the physical quantities that represent the acceleration of an object. 7. What represents the area under the velocity-time graph? 8. In v-t graph, if the gradient is constant,what is the motion of the object? 9. In v-t graph, if the gradient is zero, what is the motion of the object? 10.In v-t graph, if the gradient is increasing, what is the motion of the


POT 6 ANALYSING INERTIA AND MOMENTUM 1. What is inertia? 2. What is the relationship between mass and inertia? 3. What is Newtons First Law Of Motion? 4. What is Momentum? 5. State the Principle Of Conservation Of Momentum. 6. State two type of collision. 7 State the relationship between accceleration and force. 8. State the relationship between mass and acceleration. 9. What is the formula to calculate the resultant force,F. 10.Why a parachutists bend his knee when lands on the ground?

POT 7 UNDERSTANDING THE EFFECTS OF FORCE, IMPULSE AND IMPULSIVE FORCE, FORCES IN EQUILIBRIUM 1. What is the force? 2. What is frictional force? 3. State the formula to calculate impulsive force. 4. What is impulsive force? 5. What is weight? 6. What is the value of acceleration due to gravity ? 7. State the formula to calculate weight. 8. What happen to an object if the forces acting on it is in equilibrium? 9. State the differences between mass and weight. 10.What is meant by resolution of forces.

POT 8 UNDERSTANDING WORK, ENERGY,POWER AND EFFICIENCY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is meant by work? State the unit for elastic potential energy. What is meant by gravitaional energy? State the formula of Kinetic Energy. What is meant by power? What is the unit of power. State the Newtons Third Law Of Motion.

8. State The Principle Of Conservation Of Energy? 9. State the changes os energy of an object that falls from a building. 10.What is the energy possessed by a spring when it is compressed or stretched? POT 9 UNDERSTANDING ELASTICITY 1. Name two forces that acts between two particles in solid. 2. What is elasticity. 3. What is Hookes Law ? 4. What is spring constant, k ? 5. What is the unit of k? 6. State 5 factors that influences the spring constant, k . 7. What happen to value of k is the length of a spring is longer? 8. Which spring is more tougher, a spring with bigger diameter of coil or the spring with smaller diameter of coil? 9. Between Copper springs and steel spring, which one can extends more if same load is attached? 10.Which arrangement of spring gives more extension, the springs arrange in series or in parallel?

POT 10 UNDERSTANDING PRESSURE AND PRESSURE IN LIQUID 1. What is density? 2. State the S.I unit of density. 3. State in ascending order the density of solid,liquid and gas. 4. What is pressure? 5. What is the unit of pressure. 6. What is the relationship between surface area and pressure? 7. Why elephant did not sink in muddy area? 8. State the formula to calculate pressure in liquid. 9. Why the basement of a damp is built wider than the upper part? 10.Why the ear of a diver feels painful as he dive deeper in a river?

POT 11 UNDERSTANDING GAS PRESSURE AND ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is atmospheric pressure? Name an instrument to measure the atmospheric pressure. What is the value of atmospheric pressure. What happen to the atmospheric pressure when the altitude increases. Name two application of atmospheric pressure. What is gas pressure?

7. Name an instrument to measure the gas pressure. 8. What is Archimedes Principle? 9. State the Law Of Floatation? 10.Give 3 application of Archimedes Principle.

POT 12 PASCAL PRINCIPLE AND BERNOULLI PRINCIPLE 1. State the Pascal Principle. 2. State 2 application of Pascal Principle in everyday life. 3. What Principle is used in hydraulic jack? 4. Give a formula used in hydraulic system. 5. Why oil is used as the liquid in hydraulic system. 6. State the Bernoullis Principle. 7. State 3 applications of Bernoullis Principle. 8. Give the name of shape for the wing of an aeroplane. 9. What happen when 2 racing cars move parallel and close to each other in a tournament. 10.What principle is used in insectiside sprayer?

FORM 5 POT 13 THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM 1. What is temperature? 2. What is heat? 3. What are the differences between temperature and heat? 4. What is thermal equilibrium? 5. Give 3 applications of Thermal Equilibrium. 6. What is themometric properties? 7. Give two example of thermometric properties. 8. What is the thermometric properties for liquid in glass thermometer? 9. What are the temperatures to be considered to calibrate a thermometer? 10.Give another 2 types of thermometer

POT 14 SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY 1. 2. 3. 4. What What What What is is is is heat capacity? the unit of heat capacity? specific heat capacity? the unit of specific heat capacity?

5. What is the formula to calculate specific heat capacity? 6. Arrange in ascending order the specific heat capacity of solid,liquid and gases. 7. What is the relationship between specific heat capacity and the time for an object to become hot. 8. Explain the uses of specific heat capacity in sea breeze. 9. Explain the uses of specific heat capacity in cooking utensils. 10.Explain the uses of specific heat capacity in car cooling system.

POT 15 SPECIFIC LATENT HEAT 1. What is latent heat ? 2. What is the specific latent heat of fusion? 3. What is specific latent heat of vaporisation? 4. What is the unit of specific latent heat? 5. What is the formula to calculate specific latent heat ? 6. In an experiment to determine the specific latent heat of fusion of ice, why a control experiment is needed? 7. Why the value of specific latent heat obtained in the experiment is always larger the the standard value? 8. Draw a heating curve graph when a solid is heated uniformly and undergoes a change in state from solid to liquid. 9. Draw a cooling curve graph for a substance in gaseous state cools downs and undergoes a change in state from gas to liquid to solid. 10.Find the heat needed to change the state of matter of 200g of ice at 0C to water at 0C? (Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.36 x105 Jkg-1) POT 16 GAS LAW 1. What is Boyles Law? 2. State a formula that can be derived from Boyles Law. 3. What is the shape of graph pressure versus Volume? 4. What is Charles Law? 5. State a formula that can be derived from Charles Law. 6. What is absolute zero? 7. What is the value of 30C in Kelvin? 8. What is Pressure Law? 9. State a formula that can be derived from Pressure Law. 10.What is the shape of graph Pressure,P versus temperature,T (T in celcius).

POT 17

REFLECTION OF LIGHT 1. Give one characteristic of light. 2. What happen to the ray of light when it hit a plane mirror? 3. State the law of reflection. 4. What is angle of incidence, i ? 5. What is angle of reflection,r ? 6. What are the characteristics of image formed in plane mirror? 7. What can you say about the distance between object and the mirror and the distance between the image and the mirror? 8. Write down the image of word PHYSICS formed in plane mirror. 9. A light ray is incidently perpendicularly on a plane mirror. If the plane mirror is rotated 15, what is the angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray? 10.A boy stands 3m in front of a plane mirror. He walks 2m towards the mirror, reflected ray? POT 18 CURVED MIRROR 1. Name two types of curved mirror. 2. What is meant by centre of curvature,C? 3. What is meant by pole,P ? 4. What is meant by principal axis? 5. What is meant by principal focus, F? 6. What is meant by focal length,f? 7. What is meant by virtual image? 8. What are the characteristics of image formed by convex mirror? 9. What are the characteristics of image formed by concave mirror if the object is at C (2F)? 10.Give one application of convex mirror.

POT 19 REFRACTION 1. What is meant by refraction? 2. What is the angle of refraction,r? 3. What happen to the refracted ray if the incidence ray is from less dense medium to denser medium? 4. What is refractive index, ? 5. What happen to the refractive index of a substance if the density increases? 6. State the law of refraction. 7. What is real depth? 8. What is apparent depth? 9. State the refractive index, in term of real depth and apparent depth. 10.State the refractive index, in term of speed of light in vacuum and speed of light in the medium.

POT 20 TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION 1. What happen to the ray of light when it passs from glass to air? 2. When the ray of light is from glass to air, what what happen to the angle of refraction if the angle of refraction is increase? 3. What is critical angle? 4. What is total internal reflection? 5. State 2 conditions for total internal reflection to occur. 6. Give a formula involving the refractive index and critical angle. 7. What is fibre optic? 8. Why fibre optics cable are better than the the copper cables. 9. How many total internal reflection occur in a prismatic telescope. 10.State one phenomena involving Total Internal Reflecton.

POT 21 LENSES 1. Name two types of lenses. 2. What is meant by optical centre,C of a lens? 3. What is meant by principal axis? 4. What is meant by principal focus, F? 5. What is meant by focal length,f? 6. What are the characteristics of image formed by convex lens when the object is between F and 2F? 7. What are the characteristics of image formed by concave lens? 8. Give a formula to determine the magnification of image formed using convex lenses. 9. What is the Power of lens? 10.Give the the lens equation.

POT 22 OPTICAL DEVICES 1. Where must the object be placed to make a convex lens acts as a magnifying glass? 2. What is the use of e telescope? 3. Name the lenses used in telescope. 4. What are the characteristics of the first image formed in Telescope? 5. What are the characteristics of the final image formed in Telescope? 6. Give the formula to determine the magnification of a telescope. 7. At normal adjustment what is the distance between the two lenses in telescope? 8. What is the use of a compound microscope?

9. Which lens has the higher focal length in compound microscope? 10.What are the characteristics of the final image formed in compound microscope?

POT 23 OSCILLATING SYSTEM 1. What is an oscillating system? 2. What is meant by one complete oscillation? 3. What is meant by amplitude? 4. What is meant by period? 5. What is frequency? 6. Name two graphs that can be drawn form an oscillating system. 7. What is damping? 8. What is natural frequency? 9. What is Resonance? 10.Give one disadvantage of resonance.

POT 24 UNDERSTANDING WAVES 1. What is transverse wave? 2. What is longitudinal wave? 3. What is mechanical wave? 4. What is electromagnetic wave? 5. Give a formula to calculate the speed of wave. 6. What is trough? 7. What is Crest? 8. What is wavelength? 9. What is wavefront? 10.What is relationship between the amplitude of wave and the energy carried by waves? POT 25 ANALYSING REFLECTION OF WAVES 1. What is a ripple tank? 2. Why dark and bright patterns formed on the screen under the ripple tank? 3. What is used to observe wave pattern on the screen under the ripple tank? 4. What happens to the direction of the wave after being reflected? 5. What happens to the wavelength of the wave after being reflected? 6 What happens to the frequency of the wave after being reflected? 7. What happens to the speed of the wave after being reflected? 8. What can you say about the angle of incidence,i and the angle of relection,r in reflection of sound waves?

9. Why a softboard is used in an experiment of reflection of sound waves? 10.What is the pattern of reflected waves when a plane wave hits a concave reflector? POT 26 ANALYSING REFRACTION OF WAVES 1. What is refraction of water waves? 2. What happens to the direction of the wave when it propagates from deeper area to a shallow area ? 3. What happens to the wavelength of the wave when it propagates from deeper area to a shallow area ? 4. What happens to the frequency of the wave after being refracted? 5. What happens to the speed of the wave after being refracted? 6. What happens to the direction of refracted water waves when it propagates from deeper area and passes on to a convex shape perspex plate? 7. What happens to the direction of refracted water waves when it propagates from deeper area and passes on to a concave shape perspex plate? 8. In an experiment of refraction of sound waves, why carbon dioxide gas is used in the balloon. 9. What happen to the waves from the sea as it moves to the bay at the sea side? 10.What happen to the waves from the sea as it moves to the cape at the sea side?

POT 27 ANALYSING DIFFRACTION OF WAVES 1. What is diffraction of waves? 2. What happen to the wavelength of diffracted waves compare to the wavelength of incident waves? 3. What happen to the frequency of diffracted waves compare to the frequency of incident waves? 4. What happen to the speed of diffracted waves compare to the speed of incident waves? 5. What happen to the amplitude of diffracted waves compare to the amplitude of incident waves? 6. Compare the diffraction pattern between waves passing through small gap and bigger gap. 7. Suggest a way to make the waves calm and safer at the harbour. 8. Explain why a student at the other side of a building can still hear sound from the corner of a building. 9. Draw the fringes formed when light from a laser pointer passess through a single slit. 10.Draw the fringes formed when light from a laser pointer passess through a small hole.

POT 28

ANALYSING INTERFERENCE OF WAVES 1. What is coherent sources of waves? 2. What is the principle of superposition? 3. What is constructive interference? 4. What is destructive interference? 5. What is meant by interference? 6. Name the point where constructive interference occurs. 7. Name the point where destructive interference occurs. 8. Name an instrument that produces sound at certain frequency in experiment to determine the pattern of interference of sound waves. 9. Give an equation that relate the wavelength, a, x and D. 10.Draw fringes formed from interference of light waves.

POT 29 ANALYSING ELECTRIC FIELD AND CHARGE FLOW 1. Name two type of charges. 2. Name a machine used to produce and store charge. 3. What is electric current? 4. What is the S.I unit of electric current? 5. What is the S.I unit of electric charge? 6. What is an electric field? 7. What electric field lines of force? 8. What is the direction of electric field? 9. Why cooking oil is used in the experiment to observe the pattern of electric field? 10.What happens to a polysterene ball coated with Aluminium paint placed inside an electric field produced by two parallel plates of opposite charges?

POT 30 ANALYSING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ELECTRIC CURRENT AND POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE. 1. What is potential difference? 2. What is the unit of potential difference? 3. What is Ohms Law? 4. What is Resistance? 5. What are the factors that affect resistance of a wire? 6. What happen to the resistance of a wire when the temperature increases? 7. Between Constantan, Eureka and Copper, which has the lowest resistance? 8. What is the relationship between length of wire and the resistance? 9. The thicker the wire, the ...........the resistance. 10.What is s superconductor?

POT 31 ANALYSING SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUIT 1. What is a series circuit? 2. What is a parallel circuit? 3. Which circuit arrangement will produce less resistance? 4. Why household wiring circuit such as the lamp are connected in parallel? 5. In series circuit, the current passing through the resistor is the ............. 6. What can you say about the effective resistance in series cicuit? 7. What can you say about the total potential difference in series circuit? 8. In parallel circuit, the voltage across secah resistor is the .................... 9. What can you say about the current passing through each resistor connected in parallel. 10.Give the formula to calculate the effective resistance in parallel circuit.

POT 32 ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE ,INTERNAL RESISTANCE, ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND ELECTRICAL POWER. 1. What is e.m.f? 2. What is internal resistance? 3. State the formula involving e.m.f, potential difference,V and internal resistance,r. 4. What is the shape of graph V against I in the experiment to determine the e.m.f and internal resistance. 5. What is electrical power? 6. Give 2 formula to calculate electric power. 7. What is the relationship between electrical Energy and electrical Power 8. Give 3 formula to calculate electrical energy. 9. 1 kwh= ...........J 10.Give the formula to calculate the amount of electrical energy consumed.

POT 33 ELECTROMAGNETISM -ANALYSING THE MAGNETIC EFFECT OF A CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTOR 1. What is magnetic field? 2. What is the pattern of magnetic field due to a current in a straight wire. 3. What is the rule used to determine the direction of magnetic field in a straight wire carrying current? 4. What is the pattern of magnetic field due to a current in a coil. 5. What is the factors that will increases the strength of magnetic field due toa current in a coil?

6. What is the pattern of magnetic field due to a current in a solenoid. 7. Explain how to determine the direction of magnetic field in a solenoid. 8. What is an electromagnet? 9. What are the factors affecting the stregth of an electromagnet? 10.Name two application of electromagnet. POT 34 UNDERSTANDING THE FORCE ON A CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTOR IN A MAGNETIC FIELD 1. What happen to a a conductor carrying current placed in magnetic field? 2. What is catapult field? 3. What rule can be used to determined the motion of a conductor in a magnetic field? 4. Explain Flemings left hand rule. 5. What are the factors that influences the magnitude of force on a cuurent carrying conductor in a magnetic field? 6. What happen when a coil carrying current is placed in a magnetic field? 7. What are factors that can increase the turning effect of current carrying coil? 8. Name two applications of the turning effect of a current carrying coil in a magnetic field. 9. In a moving coil voltmeter why curved permanent magnet are used? 10 What is the used of commutator in a d.c. motor?

POT 35 ANALYSING ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION 1. What happen when a straight wire connected to centre zero galvanometer is moved between a pair of magnadur magnets? 2. What happen when bar magnet is pushed in and out of a solenoid connected to a centre zero galvanometer? 3. What is electromagnetic induction? 4. What rule can be used to determine the direction of induced current produced when a wire moves and cut the magnetic field lines? 5. Explain the Flemings right hand rule. 6. States lenz law. 7. States Faradays law. 8. What are the factors that influences the magnitude of induced current produced? 9. Name one application of electromagnet induction. 10.Give the differences between direct current and alternating current. POT 36 ANALYSING TRANSFORMER 1. What is a transformer? 2. Name two type of transformer. 3. What is a step up transformer?

4. Why does the transformer not work with a d.c power supply? 5. Give the formula involving Vp,Vs,Np and Ns. 6. What is an ideal transformer? 7. Why in a trans former the efficiency is not 100%? 8. What are the factors that affect the efficiency of a transformer? 9. How to overcome the energy loss due to Eddy Current? 10.How to overcome the energy loss due to the magnetization and demagnetization of the core?

POT 37 UNDERSTANDING THE GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY. 1. Name two resources of energy to generate electricity. 2. What the factors that cause the power loss in the transmission of electricity? 3. Give two method to reduce the power loss during the transmission of electricity. 4. Why the electrical power is transmitted at very high voltage? 5. What is the National grid Network? 6. What is used to increase an d decrease the voltage during the transmission of electricity? 7. Give the formula to calculate the heat loss during transmission of electricity. 8. Why hydro is normally chosen as a method of generation of electricity? 9. Give a disadvantage of using hydro as the source of generating electricity/ 10.Give 2 disadvantages of using oil and natural as the source of generating electricity. POT 38 UNDERSTANDING THE USES OF CRO 1. What is thermionic emission? 2. What is Cathode Ray? 3. What is the use of Maltese Cross Tube? 4. What are the properties of Cathode Ray? 5. Give 3 main component of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. 6. What is electron gun? 7. Why Fluorescent Screen is used in CRO? 8. Give 3 uses of CRO. 9. Which knob on CRO is used to control the sharpness of bright spot. 10.What is the use of Y gain knob?

POT 39 UNDERSTANDING SEMICONDUCTOR DIODES 1. What is a semiconductor? 2. Give two examples of pure semiconductors.

3. What is doping process? 4. What is hole? 5. Name two types of artificial semiconductors. 6. How p-n junction is formed? 7. What is a diode? 8. Explain what happen to the flow of current if the diode is connected in forward bias. 9. What is a rectifier? 10.Name two types of Rectification.

POT 40 UNDERSTANDING TRANSISTOR 1. What is a transistor? 2. Give 2 types of transistor. 3. What is the difference between npn transistor and and pnp transistor. 4. What are the uses of Transistor? 5. What is the function of LDR in a transistor switching circuit? 6. What is a potential divider circuit? 7. Give a formula to calculate the voltage across LDR in a voltage divider circuit. 8. What is the function of thermistor in heat controlled automatic switch circuit? 9. What is the function of a relay switch? 10.Why a resistor is always connected to the base of a transistor?

POT 41 ANALYSING LOGIC GATES 1. What is logic gates 2. Name 3 types of logic gate. 3. The diagram above represents which logic gates? 4. The symbol above represents which logic gates? 5. The symbol above represents which logic gates? 6. Name a gate that is produced from combination of a AND gate and a NOT gate. 7. Name a gate that is produced from combination of a OR gate and a NOT gate. 8. What is a truth table? 9. Give the Boolean Ajebra for AND gate. 10. INPUT OUTPUT ABY 000 010 100 111 Which gate represented the truth table above?

POT 42 UNDERSTANDING THE NUCLEUS OF AN ATOM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What What What What What is is is is is a nucleus? proton? an atom? proton number,Z? mass number, A?

Given a symbol of an atom

6. What is the proton number, Z of U? 7. What is the mass number, A of U? 8. What is the number of neutron in U? 9. What is an isotope? 10.How many isotopes does Hydrogen has?

POT 43 ANALYSING RADIOACTIVE DECAY 1. What is radioactivity? 2. Name 3 types of radioactive emissions. 3. Name 3 type of detectors. 4. Name a detector which is most suitable to detect beta emission. 5. What is ray? 6. Which ray has the highest penetrating power? 7. Which ray has the highest ionizing power? 8. Which ray is not affected in magnetic field? 9. What is hal life? 10.Give 3 types of radioactive decay.

POT 44 UNDERSTANDING THE USES OF RADIOACTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is radioisotopes? Name 3 fields that uses radioisotope in the operation. Give one application of radioisotopes in medicine. Give one application of radioisotopes in agriculture. Give one application of radioisotopes in industry. Given 3 radioisotope of different half life, 25 years, 5 hours and 2 minutes.

Which radioisotope is the most suitable to be used to detect water leakage in the

underground pipes. 7. 3 radioisotope of different state,solid,liquid and gases. Which state of radioisotope is the most suitable to be the source in controlling the thickness of a sheet of paper? 8. Explain why solid state of radioisotope is chosen to be the source of radioisotope in controlling the thickness of a piece of paper. 9. What is the radioisotope that can be used to determine the age of a dead plant? 10.Explain how radioisotope was used to control the insect pest from destroying the crops?

POT 45 UNDERSTANDING NUCLEAR ENERGY 1. What is nuclear Fission? 2. What is chain reaction? 3. What is release after fission process? 4. What is nuclear Fusion ? 5. What is the equation that relate between mass and energy. 6. What is mass defect? 7. What is a nuclear reactor? 8. What is the use of Boron in the nuclear reactor? 9. What is the use of Graphite core in the nuclear reactor? 10. What is the use of concrete shield in the nuclear reactor?

Kaedah Mencipta: 1. Akronim Ini merupakan satu kaedah mengingat yang menggunakan singkatan huruf pertama sesuatu perkataan. Contohnya untuk mengingat peraturan tangan kanan atau kiri fleming . Ibu jari merujuk kepada arah daya, jari pertama untuk arah medan dan jari tengah untuk arah arus. Bagi meningati perkara ini bolehlah digunakan akronim iaitu DMA di mana D untuk daya, M untuk medan dan A untuk arus. Untuk lebih menarik lagi DMA itu boleh mewakili Dia Minat Aku. 2. Bentuk cerita Kaedah ini adalah satu kaedah yang menarik kerana kaedah mengingat ini menggunakan cerita. Pelajar boleh mereka cerita tertentu yang relevan supaya mereka dapat mengingati sesuatu fakta dengan lebih mudah lagi. Contohnya Ali seorang kakitangan RTM masuk hospital kerana menonton filem bertaraf Sx dan Sg. 3. Nama-nama khas di persekitaran. Kaedah ini menggunakan perkara-perkara yang berada di persekitaran untuk mewakili sesuatu kaedah mengingat. Contohnya MAXIS digunakan untuk mengingati apakah

pembolehubah pada paksi X graf. Jadi MAXIS itu merujuk kepada Manipulated Variable is located at X axis. KAEDAH MENGINGAT FIZIK SUSUNAN WARNA SPEKTRUM 1.VIBGYOR -Kaedah ini untuk mengingat sususan dan jenis warna dalam spektrum warna iaitu warna violet, indigo,blue,green, yellow, orange and red. 2. MAK JUAL KACANG HIJAU BANYAK IA UNTUNG. - Ini adalah kaedah mereka cerita dan akronim iaitu MOKHBIU. M= MERAH O = ORANGE K = KUNING H = HIJAU B = BANYAK I = INDIGO U= UNGU SUSUNAN AHLI KELUARGA GELOMBANG ELEKTROMAGNET: RTM ICU SXSG Ali kakitangan RTM masuk wad ICU kerana menonton filem SXSG. Kaedah ini adalah untuk mengingat susunan ahli keluarga gelombang elektromagnet. RT = Gelombang radio & TV M = Gelombang mikro 1 = Infra merah C = Cahaya nampak U = Ultra violet SX= Klasifikasi rancangan Tv SG=Klasifikasi rancangan Tv ISOTOP: Same Proton Kaedah ini untuk mengingati maksud isotop iaitu unsur yang mempunyai bilangan proton yang sama. ANTINOD AT Amplitud Tinggi Kaedah ini adalah untuk mengingati maksud antinod iaitu dengan mengingati AT yang bermakna amplitud tinggi. BIASAN GELOMBANG AIR DCD( Dalam cetek Dekat)// DST (Deep shallow towards) Kaedah ini untuk mengingati arah perambatan gelombang apabila gelambang air merambat dari kawasan dalam ke cetek ia akan mendekati garis normal. BIASAN GELOMBANG AIR: CDJ (Cetek Dalam jauh) // SDA (Shallow deep away) Kaedah ini untuk mengingati arah perambatan gelombang apabila gelambang air merambat dari kawasan cetek ke dalam ia akan menjauhi garis normal. TUKAR C KE KELVIN: CK 273

Kaedah ini untuk mengingati kaedah menukar unit suhu dari Celcius kepada Kelvin. Caranya adalah dengan menambah 273 kepada suhu dalam celcius. Contohnya: 30C = 30 + 273 = 300 K PERATURAN TANGAN KIRI FLEMING : LM (L = left M= motor) -Kaedah ini adalah untuk mengingati tangan mana untuk digunakan bagi prinsip motor. PETUA TANGAN KIRI/KANAN FLEMING: DMA (D = Daya, M= Medan A = Arus) - kaedah ini adalah untuk mengingati jari mana yang mewakili daya, medan & arus. JISIM ATOM : JAPAN -Kaedah ini untuk mengingati maksud jsim atom. J= Jisim A= Atom P = Proton A = Add N = Neutron WARNA SPEKTRUM PARUTAN BELAUAN: MUUM Merah ungu, Ungu merah -Kaedah ini adalah untuk mengingati susunan warna spektrum daripada parutan belauan. OUTPUT GET - X ATAU : OSAMA ( Sama input output = 0) -Kaedah ini untuk mengingati output bagi get X-ATAU iaitu jika inpat sama outputnya = 0 dan jika input tidak sama outputnya 1. KAEDAH GRAF: MAXIS (Manipulated Variable at X axis.) -Kaedah ini adalah untuk mengingati paksi X adalah untuk Manipulated Variable. PEMBIASAN GELOMBANG CAHAYA: (LEBIH KURANG JA ) Jika sinar cahaya merambat dari medium lebih tumpat kepada medium kurang tumpat maka sinar itu akan dibiaskan menjauhi garis normal. KUANTITI ASAS FIZIK: (MASPJ) -Kaedah ini adalah untuk mengingati contoh bagi kuantiti asas fizikiaitu masa, arus, suhu,panjang dan jisim. M = masa A = arus S = suhu P= panjang J = Jisim

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