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Livros astrologia Astrologia Racional, Adolfo Weiss; Astrologia -Trattato Completo Terico-Prtico, Nicola Sementovsky-Kurilo; O Grande Livro da Astrologia,

a, Derek & Julia Parker; Manuel Pratique d'Astrologie, Georges Antars; L'Astrologie selon Morin de Villefranche, Jean Hieroz; L'Art de l'Interpretation en Astrologie, Georges Antars; The Principles of Astrology, Los Aspectos Astrolgicos e Enciclopdia de Astrologia Psicolgica, de Charles E-O. Carter; The Modern Text Book of Astrology, M.E. Hone; Astrologa, da coleo Cincias Hermticas; Trait Pratique d'Astrologie de Andr Barbault; Trat Pratique d'Astrologie Judiciaire en Images, Georges Muchry; Mthode d'Astrologie, Marcie Vinal; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology, H.L. Comell; Transits Planetaires et Destine, G. Antars; L'Avenire non un Mistero, Angelo Brunini; Teaching and Study Guide, Noel Tyl; Complet Method of Prediction, R. de Luce; Times to Come, Noel Tyl; A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator, Llewelyn George; Teoria Cientfica de la Cosmobiologa e Eu Realizei a Deus Atravs da Matemtica, D. Ferriz; Bases Scientifiques de l'Astrologie, e Les toiles Fixes, de Andr Boudineau; The Manual of Astrology, de Sepharial; La Combustion, Edouard Symours; La Mthode Statistique et le Bon Sens en Astrologie Scientifique, Paul Choisnard; Saint Thomas d'Aquin et l'Influence des Astres; Le Calcul des Probabilits Appliqu la Astrologie e Les Directions en Astrologie, de Paul Choisnard; L'Hredit Planetaire, de Michel de Gauquelin; Defensa e Ilustracin de la Astrologa, Andr Barbault; The Study of Astrology e A Modern Introduction to Astrology, Henry Weingarten; Synchronicity, Karl Jung; Astrology of Personality, Dane Rudhyar; Teach yourself Astrology, Jeff Mayo; El Simbolismo Astrolgico, O. Wirth; La Astrologia en la Atualidad, Marcia Moore; Usted y la Astrologa, Louis de Wohl; Los Encuadramientos, La Tcnica de las Revoluciones Solares, de A. Volguine; The Guide to Astroloey, de Raphael; Tools of Astrology: Houses, D.M. Lorenz; The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology, V.E. Robson; Del Psicoanlisis a la Astrologa, A.Barbault; The Rulership Book, Rex E. Bills; Astrologia Cientfica - 1 e 2 por Altair; A B C de la Astrologa e Nouveau Trait d'Astrologie Pratique - 1 e 2 por Julevno; El Sistema Topocntrico, W. Polich e N. Page; Planets in Transit. Hand;

Text-Book of Astrology, A.J. Pearce; Secondary Progressions, Laurel Lowel; Retification, de Schwickert; L'Astrologie Scientifique, Maurice Privat; Synastry, por Davidson; Lecciones de Astronomia Elemental, Febrer e Cabal; Astronomia, J. Comas Sola; Da Terra s Galxias, Ronaldo R.F. Mouro; Atlante di Astronomia, Herrmann; Astronomie, les Astres, L'Univers, Larousse; Dictionnaire Astrologique, Henri J. Gouchon; Dictionary of Astrology, Wilson; Diccionrio ou Enciclopdia Astrolgica, por Nicholas De Vore; New Dictionary of Astrology, por Sepharial's; Dictionnaire de L'Astrologie, Larousse; Anurios do Observatrio de So Paulo-IAG-USP e Almanaque Nutico da Marinha Brasileira; American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac - United Kingdom and The United States of America; Raphael's Astronomcal Ephemeris of the Planets Places; The American Ephemeris, com Book of Tables; The Complete Planetary Ephemeris; The 200 year Ephemeris, Hugh Mac Craig - Geocntricas e Heliocntricas; Positons Planetaires de J. Reverchon; Positions Planetaires de Paul Choisnard; Pluto Ephemeris de Lynne Palmer; Die Deutsche Ephemeride, Barth-Verlag; Golgge Ephemeride; Raphael's Tables of Houses for Northern Latitudes: Ephemerides of the Asteroids Ceres, Pallas, Juno & Vesta por Eleanor Bach e George Climlas; Tables of Houses - Aries Press Oo a 66o; Rosacrucian Tables of Houses - Oo a 66o: Manuel Complet D'Astrologie Mondiale, Hads; Les Astres et L'Histoire, Andr Barbault; Mundane Astrology, Noel Tyl; An Introduction to Political Astrology, C. Carter; Astrologie Mondiale et Mtheorologique, Morin de Vllefranche; Fondements et Avenir de L'Astrologie, pesquisa avanada por Daniel Verney.

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