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TECHNICAL INSPECTION REPORT OF PRESSURE VESSEL CERTIFICATE NO : 092 TSI-COI-N/PV/263-09.23 OWNER : PT PLN GAS DAN GEOTHERMAL UNIT IDENTIFICATION : INSTRUMENT AIR RECEIVER TAG / SERIAL NO. : NBA-001 / PV-GSB-607 LOCATION : PLTGU TANJUNG BATU KALIMANTAN TIMUR AT, Sav titis sampurna inspectior Cffce: Wisma MRA, I, Simatupang Kav. 19, Lantal 11 RT 7/RW 8, Kel Clandak Barat, Kec. Cllandak Kota Jakarta Selatan-DKI Jakarta 12430 7, e a Sav titis sampurna inst CONTENT 15. 16. 17, Lembar Persetujuan Perusahaan Tabel Umum Keseluruhan Pemeriksaan Surat Persetujuan Penunjukan dan ITP COI yang telah Habis Masa Berlakunya Sertifikat Inspeksi Executive Summary Log Book Inspektur (Inspection Report) Checklist Pemeriksaan Teknis Catatan Ketidaksesuaian (NCR) Datasheet, P&ID, dan SKPP Katup Pengaman Catatan Riwayat Inspeksi dan Penggunaan Peralatan . Salinan Plat Nama atau Marka Keras Lainnya . Rekaman Catatan Pekerjaan Reparasi / Alterasi / Modifikasi (jika dilaksanakan) Prosedur, Laporan dan Kualifikasi Personil Pengukuran Ketebalan Perhitungan MAWP dan Remaining Life Laporan Resertifikasi Sebelumnya As Built Drawing AT: ee “av titis sampurna inspection 1. LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN PERUSAHAAN ATs Sw 2v titis sampurna inspection CERTIFICATE NO OWNER / USER TECHNICAL INSPECTION REPORT OF PRESSURE VESSEL : 092 TSI-COI-N/PV/263-09.23 : PT PLN GAS DAN GEOTHERMAL DESCRIPTION : INSTRUMENT AIR RECEIVER ITEM /SERIALNO : NBA-001/PV-GSB-607 LOCATION : PLTGU TANJUNG BATU KALIMANTAN TIMUR PREPARED BY: ZAENAL ARIFIN PTTITIS SAMPURNA INSPECTION APPROVED BY: PT PLN GAS DAN GEOTHERMAL Office : Wisma MRA, J TB Simatupang Kav. 19, Lantal 11 RT 7/RW 8, Kel Cllandak Barat, Kec. Cilandak Kota Jakarta Selatan-DKI Jakarta 12430 * “ 3 “av titis sampurna inspection 2. TABEL UMUM KESELURUHAN PEMERIKSAAN 2 ok “ev titis sampurna inspec 3. SURAT PERSETUJUAN PENUNJUKAN DAN ITP PROJECT TAG / SER. NO OWNER / USER LOCATION INSPECTION COMPANY Prepared by : PT PLN Gas & Geothermal Ap INSPECTION OF TEST PLAN PRESSURE VESSEL EQUIPMENT DOCUMENT NO. 001/PLNGG/ITP-BT/VIII/023 MIGAS RECERTIFICATION OF PRESSURE VESSEL (List Attached ) + 6 ( enam ) Unit Bejana Tekan : Terlampir : PT PLN Gas & Geothermal : PKS52 dan Tanjung Batu - Kalimantan Timur : PT Titis Sampuma Inspection Reviewed by: PT Titis Sampurna Inspection £707 das - Bny wud vi 400-VEN- £202 das Bay RIG Om I 00a £7202 das - 3ny wing ayBsuepUoD ZOO-vEW €t0z dos Bay JeusieD Bis 7eNjs8u Big seypuney Big 1syedsuy jemper uondinsed pros 9 9909 wont Sy imuRACD ua esunaanoy pocnarsam | | peeerie © vernsyivestomepovaccceey ; nanan f on Teor une 26 MOSH Va uogpadsr jo ayn iueasey vorseea, voredma oem pen] 9 | 2 [we | taemarrer ona ora | — seamen naa eae ~/Le So are a tla sapenag aceon guna eee a|a «| orsiey ei feria 7: a“ nosey / vedey vonredsuy brad a | 4 cr aM- my on ii 1 25 La apa 205 UD a | toa a] 4 se { a matoea wi shauaaree ris peunumtee ys stooarinergeea 3 | once iyi ‘ser tia ose sya carom ty pmonamad canoer nim, s | 3 vane worscereaaeeand tdi Enron geo sun won| wpe a aa ‘aoa samy ‘oy noua 503058 erst mama sonoma ours wcuser | wv ee ecvsraionion ie) ‘ASSIA JUNSSIUd ONLLSIXA HOS NVid 1S31 GNV NOLLD3dSNI ssa201g asuaan uoneDiysa29y] unsoday uonadsuy jeoruyra, uonsadsuy ous| quawins0g manag} ssa00Jq Uejd 359] Uon>adsuI Bunaay uonsadsuy - aig] €207 saquiaydas - ysnBny NOILWUNG 193fO¥d uuonoadsu ewindwes sai Ld ANYdINO9 NOMD34SNI snus, uewewsjey - meg Bunfuel uep 254d NOLLY201 JeUUaYIOI BSED NId 1d ‘Y3SN/INMO sidusey04 ow 435 /5¥1| ueyal euefag yun (weua) 9 13f0ud uoes!jW3a99y seaiw ~ JBSSIA BINSSaIg uejd ainpayss anijequay sanianoy teoz-Bnw-2z tzoz/SVOINNE-LaVSOE Nanay TwNAV2| NIVNBYINZ| ‘IEOUIED SIN ‘ve02-69W-1z Ozoz/SWOINRE-LaIrSP €Z02-AON-OF (0202-AON-OF ‘ereoUIeD SeBIN suewey reg peu ANSWdINDA TASS3A AYNSS3ud 4O NOILVOISILYIOIY ‘aieq peysiiang ‘ON UoNessiBoy TANNOSYAd LSI) AT. bea “ev titis sampurna inspectio 4. COI YANG TELAH HABIS MASA BERLAKUNYA Ce MOM Awe weuene Inspection & Ci Pemilik Pengguna Lokasi Unit instalasi/Digunakan Lokasi Pemeriksaan DATA BEJANA TEKAN » Jenis .. Nomor Item (Tag No.) }. Nomor Seri (Serial Number) }. Pabrik Pembuat Tahun dibuat / Digunakan Tipe - Dimensi a. Tebal (Shell, Head, Tube} b. Diameter dan Panjang Data Desain a, Tekanan Desain b, Temperatur Desain ¢. Tekanan Kerja Maksimum, d. Tebal Minimum Desain, e. Umur Layan Desain Data Operasi a. Tekanan Operasi b. Temperatur Operasi c. Kapasitas 10. Digunakan Untuk PEMERIKSAAN KESELAMATAN MAWP Perhitungan Laju Korosi Sisa Umur Layan Perhitungan Jenis Uji Tidak Merusak (NDT) Pr. PI-TEK MANDIRI Mi Cer ICA’ No. 646/PV.PTM.09.2020 PT. PLN GAS DAN GEOTHERMAL 2 PT. PLN GAS DAN GEOTHERMAL + PLTGU- TANJUNG BATU KALTIMRA Workshop PT.Surya Besindo Sakti : Pressure Vessel : MBA-003 : $BS-019-07 2 PT.Surya Besindo Sakti 2020 / 2020 : Horizontal : 12,7 mm (Shell) / 12,7 (Head) + 1025,4 mm (OD) / 2000 mm (S/S) 23,52 Kg/emtg 323,27 °C (Mawr) : 14,76 Kg/em?g Shell: 4,58 = mm Head : 458 mm be Tahun 1,05 kg/cm. 23,27 °c = Ton : Knockout Drum ee Ke/em?g . mm/tahun = Tahun + Radiographic Examination ‘Tanggal Pemeriksaan Keselamatan: 06 Maret 2020 (bila tidak ada menggunakan tanggal inspeksi) Standar Yang Digunakan ce OE SSe : + Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia No 18 Tahun 2018 ~ ASME Vill Division 1, 2017 PT. PI-TEK MANDIRI V KAN Technical Inspection & Certification Form No FMCITORO) CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION No. 646/PV.PTM.09.2020 Hal 272 TAN PEN N: [V]esv [EJeav [E]Jrupture disch KESIMPULAN HASIL INSPEKS! ; 1. Berdasarkan hasil lingkup inspeksi, item tersebut diatas memenuhi persyaratan regulasi pemerintah dan standar yang digunakan; 2. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan lapangan/observasi oleh Sadani dengan No. Sertifikat I8T : 063/I8T-R/MIGAS/2019 dan Hardian Kauzar dengan No. Sertifikat iBT : 388/IBT- R/MIGAS/2019 disimpulkan bahwa Peralatan tersebut dalam koncisi baik dan dapat dioperasixan pada tekanan maksimum 3,52 Kg/em?g dan suhu maksimum 23,27 ; 3. Pemilik /Pengguna Peralatan bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya atas keselamatan bejana tekan tersebut diatas; 4. Apabila terjadi hal-hal yang menyebabkan bejana tekan tersebut tidak layak dan tidak aman untuk dioperasikan maka Certification of Inspection ini dapat dibatalkan atau ditinjau ulang kembaii, Sertifikat ini berlaku sejak tanggal diterbitkan dan berakhir tanggal : 06 Maret 2023, DITERBITKAN DI: Tangerang TANGGAL 08 September 2020 Perusahaan inspeksi PT PJ-Tek Mandiri, J Manajer Teknik, Direktur Operasional : Yh hu mad Amin Djadja Tridjaja ain orice: opecation Ofer 7 a7 “av titis sampurna inspection 5. SERTIFIKAT INSPEKSI be sobea ae nn re “ens | was] ee ‘oma | cm vn | on (wawn vaev) NOUWOISLLN39aY SYOIN HOS ‘SLNaWAINDS 40 VIVO 7 e 3 “av titis sampurna inspection 5. SERTIFIKAT INSPEKSI 7; ks “av titis sampurna inspection 6. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4, AT, Ba “ev EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PRESSURE VESSEL INTRODUCTION These pressure vessels owned PT PLN Gas dan Geothermal Location Tanjung Batu Kalimantan Timur, has been inspected and verified by PT Titis Sampurna Inspection as Pl. For that purpose PT Titis Sampurna Inspection had have Verified Work Plan LOCATION Inspection and verification activities on these vessels has been completed done in September 08 2023, at Site Plant PT PLTGU Tanjung Batu Kalimantan Timur. VESSEL DESCRIPTION Tag / Serial No. NBA -001 / PV-GSB-607 Unit Identification : Instrument Air Receiver Type Vertical Size 12,01 mm(T Shell) 1500,00 mm ID (Shell) x 3000,00 mm (5/5) ‘Manufactured PT Surya Besindo Sakti Year Built / Service 2019/2019 Design Press. & Temp. 12,40 Kg/Cm?G / 40,56 °C (MAWP & Temp. 12,99 Kg/Cm?G / 40,56 °C Operating Pressure : Radiography : Full Radiography Joint Efficiency + 1.00 (Shell), 1,00 (Head) Corrosion Allowance 1,00 mm MomT -0°C PWHT No Design Code ‘ASME VIII DIV 12017 EDITION Material : Shell : SA-516-70 Reinf. Pad Shell SA-516-70 Nozzle Neck Shell: SA-106-B Nozzle Flange Shell: SA-105 Applicable Code - ASME Section Vill Div. |, 2017 edition, ~ ASME Section IX, + ASME Section IA, D = ASME Section V, - _ASME/ANSIB.16.5, = PERMEN 32 TH 2021 = APIS72 = API510 Eorwie sate te | titis SAMPUPNA | hen | Waren tasonporarsecsee INSPeCtiOn [ rages). 2 of 2 4, METHODOLOGY 4.1 Reviewed Document Reviewed document included, design information, Design Calculation, Manufacture Data Report, As Built Drawing, Previous Inspection Report, History Card, Maintenance Record, Previous NOT Report, that all are in accordance with user specification and standard requirements 4,2 Physical Inspection Physical inspection included Verification Name Plate installed and clearly visible Visual Inspection Dimensional all in good condition, comply with as built drawing, no leak, distortion, Bulking, roundness and extent distortion. Visual Inspection Nozzle and Flange Connection all in good condition no leak, distortion, cracking and damage piping connection. Visual Inspection Protection Coating and insulation, all in good condition, No determined rush spot, blisters, and film fitting Visual Inspection Grounding Connection, all in good connection, Verify that good electrical contact is maintained. And Verify result test system ground wire Resistance is 5 Ohm or less. Visual Auxiliary Equipment all in good connection, Such as gauge connection, pressure safety valve, pressure gauge, temperature gauge, no vibration, no leak Visual Inspection steel support all in good condition, no corrosion, no distortion, and no cracking Visual Inspection concrete support or concrete foundation all in good condition, no opening between concrete supports and a vessel shell or head, no some picking and scraping. Visual Inspection Anchor Bolts all in good condition, contact between the bolts and any concrete or steel should be scraped and closely examined 5. FINDING During Verification some finding have been found none of NCR were issued 6. CONCLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATION a. Reviewed Document, Physical Inspection and documentation of this Pressure vessel comply with ASME Section Vill Div. 1, 2021 Edition, API 510, API 572 and Client Specifications and applicable Migas regulations. b. According to the satisfaction result during inspection, herewith we recommended to. issue coi Prepared By: Zaenal Artin 305/IBT-R/MIGAS/2021 SSESSSe58°5 | titis sampurna |i. | 2" Siete tasers Inspection [rae : 2 of 2 AT, Ex “ev titis sampurna inspection 7. LOG BOOK INSPEKTUR ( INSPECTION REPORT ) {_ 020A_IPC-VC-N / QA.07.23 Refers No.: INSPECTION REPORT ett Report no.: 006 TSI.IR/PV/263-09.23 [ Client: PTPLN GAS DAN GETHERMAL ier/User : PT PLN GAS DAN GEOTHERMAL Project: Re - Certification of Pressure Vessel September 06, 2023 Equipment: Plant / Workshop / Field visited: INSTRUMENT AIR RECEIVER ____Tanjung Batu Kalimantan Timur Material inspected: Inspection specification: ‘Tag / Serial No. : ASME SECTION VIII DIV. 1, API'510, API572 NBA - 001 / PV-GSB-607 Drawing no. Inspection of area ‘Attachment [cose eee Taspertion delle and comments (Use addlional sheet W more space seeded) Stage of inspection (On September 06, 2023 we as authorized Inspection Company have visited to Instrument Gas Receiver Gresik East Java, The aiming of this visiting is to perform Review document, Visual inspection, Verification. # CONTACT PERSON DURING REVIEW : - MR. ALGI (PT PLN GAS DAN GETHERMAL) - MR. AKIL (PT PLN GAS DAN GETHERMAL) ITEM /SERIALNO. NBA-001/ PV-GSB-607 DOCUMENT REVIEW OF AS FOLLOWS : Date September 06 2023 Review Document for Instrument Air Receiver as follows : Construction Data Report (according to the ASME Vill Div. | Pressure Vessel Code) NOT report {according to the required standard ASME Vill, Div. 1) ‘As Built Drawing (according to the standard ASME Vil Div. 1) History Card (according to the standard API - 510) Remaining Life Time (according fo the required standard API - 510) Appraisal Calculation Sheet (according to standard ASME Vil Div. 1) Result of calculation for instrument Gas Receiver is Accepted seange Date September 06 2023 Physical Inspection for Instrument Alr Receiver as follows : @. Wall thickness measurement { standard API-572) = Thickness measurement by PT. Tiis Sampurna Inspection ( see attachment report) = Equipment used Krautkramer Branson DME DL + Before measurement must be calibration equipment = __ Thickness measurement take from outside of vessel, The decimate loan pony PT Te Sigial Nee mee seers | titis SaMpurna |r | | poo Inspection [rms ao 2 AT: ra “av Result of thickness measurement is Accepted. b. Name Plate ~ Verification name plate was done and according with the document + Installed and cleatly visible Date September 06 2023 Physical Inspection for Instrument Air Receiver as follows : (according to API572) a. Shell Dimensional = Examination was done at the outside of Test Separator, result examination of shell good and paint condition 6. Concrete Support and Concrete Foundation = Examination was done at the saddle support, result examination of support good condition ¢. Nozle, Flange , Bolt & Nut ~ Examination was done at the outside of nozzle, lange, bolt & nuts result examination of nozle good and paint condition 4. Bolt and Nut Examination was done at the bolt & nuts result examination of nozzle good and paint condition . Result visual at the time of inspection, this equioment have not damage (dent, buckle and scratch) the vesselis found good condition Conclusion Result of Inspection : Base on the Document Review, Verification, Inspection, that the Instrument Air Receiver above, the generally of equipment found is good condition and was according fo the standard ASME Vil, Div. 1, API 510, APIS72. Prepared By : PV inspector a ‘Acksiojedge By : \o EM o> oa dna Arifin Client’? Réprésentative 305/IBT-R/MIGAS/2021___| titis sampurna |. inspection Tree 2 a2 7 e m Sv titis sampurna in 8. CHECK LIST PEMERIKSAAN TEKNIS AT 7s N Sav INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR EXISTING PRESSURE VESSEL (RECERTIFICATION) Owner PT PLN GAS DAN GEOTHERMAL User PT PLN GAS DAN GEOTHERMAL Tag/SerialNo : NBA-001/PV.GSB-607 Unit Identification INSTRUMENT AIR RECEIVER: Location PLTGU TANJUNG BATU KALIMANTAN TIMUR. No DESCRIPTION Yes| No REMARK 1. DOCUMENT REVIEW 1.1 Review inspection and Test Plan ( ITP ) 4,2 Previous SKPP Cal Lo [everserevir2020 1.3 History Card 1.4 As Built Drawing Gd 1,5 Form U / Construction Data Report w 1.6 Name Piate Data v 1,7 Appraisal Calculation (al rc 1,8 NDT Examination ( if any ) a] 1,9 Wall Thickness Measurement 41.10 Previous Data Report ( POR ) o 2. PHYSICAL INSPECTION 2,1 Pressure Vessel identification comply with PDR 2,2 Pressure Vessel size comply with POR 2,3 Pressure Vessel Serial No. comply with PDR mo 2.4 Pressure Safety Vaive (PSV) has been installed Gal 25 Name Plate available " create aceaim eed | REE Form No. > 101871 rms cer ens oon rc itis sampurna fier ee wae prot writen parson of Tis inspection Ta [Serer nepecsen aS Sav No DESCRIPTION Yes} No REMARK 2,6 Result of Visual Inspection 26:1 Shella good condition 262 Head in good conaton mo 263 Clesurein good conation wo 264 Cone ingood conan mo 265 Nezle neck tange mn good conaton a8 n goo to 2.6 Support and foundation n good conaton wo 267 Ladders and Staiways, n good conaton mo 268 Pltlor or Walkway in good cndtion Gl 269 Level glass in god condion wo 26.10 Pressure gauge n good conation = 26:11 Temperature gauge in good contion Gl 26.12 Painting in good condtion cl 26.13 Insulaton in good conation wl 26.14 Grounding connection in good condtion 2,7 Thickness measurement resut is requred 2.8 Corrosion survey esut (any ) 2.9 Result of NDT (if any) oO (aval 3. Remaining Life Time calculaton 4. Reporing Inspected by ae ‘Acknowledged by Inspector Date Date Rmeraccrnccaemiene | fe ome. s0e18T imicawawonnenyemacene | titis sampurna Forno. Kern Wu pr ten penn oP Ta inspection ire Pi Peete ae ws “tv titis sampurna ins 9. CATATAN KETIDAKSESUAIAN ( NCR ) AT. eS “ev titis sampurna inspectior 10. DATA SHEET, P&ID DAN SKPP KATUP PENGAMAN AT: RM “ev titis sampurna inspection 11. CATATAN RIWAYAT INSPEKSI DAN PENGGUNAAN PERALATAN Nisley WNAWZ MN) NOLLO3ASNI YNYNAINWS SILL Le ag.gavana TWWSHLOID NYO SV9NId 1d Ag OBUVdaud NIVNNANS SUL te] WN OE'EE Ww oe'et WH 107 vin NOUWOISUNSO-Se ezoz-ides | iz Nowvoriays man | RiONWNaLtd1d | (WON) ee'et | (WON) wii ee'et | (WON) WM aL'zL win Nowwolsuaaoay svoin | ozoz-waen [+ zavaH bavaH 3HS) whoaMae NOWO3SNI Srey ALdivd MIKA Noudnios3a on TWhLO¥ SSBNYOIKL FONIGNIA Lov 30aLva NWILL NVLNYITYH Ava ONNANWL NLA Nouvoo1 SANBORN MIV LNBWMRLLSNI 109-8S9"Aa/1.00- WAN “WWRI3HLO39 NVO SVONTd Ld ‘TaSS3A AYNSSAYd GYVD AYOLSIH NOLWOLILNaO! LINN ‘ON Twrias / 73883, anno 7 Sev titis sampurna inspection 12. SALINAN PLAT NAMA ATAU MARKA KERAS LAINNYA AT, x =v titis sampurna inspection 13. REKAMAN CATATAN PEKERJAAN REPARASI / ALTERAS! / MODIFIKASI (JIKA DILAKSANAKAN ) AT: 3k “av titis sampurna inspection 14, PROSEDUR, LAPORAN DAN KUALIFIKAS! PERSONIL PENGUKURAN KETEBALAN “av CI CONTROLLED COPY (1 UNCONTROLLED Copy DATE TITLE: 20Aor12020 | ULTRASONIC THICKNESS EXAMINATION ‘UT Level It (ASN fi . cane {UTP — astm) APPROVED BY: DATE APPROVED BY: DATE 20 April 2020, KX) 20 Aprit2020 : Seceslis ASNT NDT Level Qe] ono. 44934 areas! SKT Migas No, 1493/SKT- YAN DAVID WINd HENDROPRASETYO 02/oMT/2016 SSSSESEESSE:| titis sampurna | wna swnnren forte ter wien fa 6 a Inspeétion | Rev. No :02 AT, ro “vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Description Page 4 Purpose 2 [ 2 Scope : y 2 3 Reference Documents iy . 4 Definitions = 2 . 5 Information Required prior to Examination 3 6 ‘Survey Meeting f ae 4 7 Extent of Examination i 4 8 | Personnel Qualification 5 9 i Safety Precautions c 5 10 Equipment and Consummable 5 WW ‘Surface Conditioning prior to Examination a ae 6 12 Examination Steps va 7 13 i Examination Records 8 14 Acceptance Criteria 9 15 Post Examination Cleaning 9 #8 oe Reporting 2 9 Exhibit? | Technique Sheet TS/-01 ‘Single Spot-Single Measurement (SS) 10 Exhibit 2 Technique Sheet TS!-02: Single Spot-Double Measurement, (SD) W Exhibit 3 Technique Sheet TSI-03: Muttiole Spots Measurement (MS) 12 ‘Exhibit 4 Technique Sheet TSI-04: Close Grid Survey 13 Exhibit 5 7 Technique Sheet TSI-05: Open Grid Survey 14 Seniesa! titiS SAMPULNA | : 02 Seep mene omit wo rn Inspection No: WEIT/UTP.O2 Page : Lof14 2.3. 24, 32 22, 33. 7 7 < PURPOSE 1s This procedure is intended to provide guidelines when measuring thickness of Plates or pipes SCOPE |. This procedure is used for carbon and alloy steel materials. Technique described in this procedure provides indirect measurement of thickness ‘of sections of materials not exceeding temperature of 93°C. Measurements are made from one side of the object, without requiring access from tear surface. The ultrasonic thickness measurements are used to determine wall thinning in materials caused by corrosion and erosion. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ASTM E 114-15 — Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo —Straight-Beam Contact Testing. ASTM E 797-15 - Standard Practice for 3.2. Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method. PT. Titis Sampurna Inspection's written practice no. WHIT/PERS 01, Rev. 04. A 22. 23, 24. 34. 33 TUJUAN Prosedur ini memberikan pedoman untuk melakukan pengukuran ketebalan pelat atau pipe. UNGKUP Prosedur ini dipakai untuk material baja-baja karbon dan paduan, Teknik yang dijelaskan dalam prosedur ini ‘adalah untuk pengukuran ketebalan secara tidak langsung pada bagian material dimana suhunya tidak melebini 93°C. Pengukuran dilakukan dari satu sisi benda, tanpa memeriukan akses dari permukaan belakang, Pengukuran ketebalan ultrasonik ini digunakan untuk menentukan penipisan dinding pada ‘material yang diakibatkan oleh korosi dan erosi DOKUMEN-DOKUMEN REFERENS! ASTM E 114-15 — Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo StraightBeam Contact Testing. ASTM E 797-15 - Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method. Written practice PT. Titis Sampuma inspection no. WLIT/PERS 01, Rev. 04. 3.4, Manual instruction from equipment manu- 3.4. Instruksi manual dari pabrk pembuat peralatan facturer. 4. DEENMONS DEANIS-DerINSs Wiese enka viet ole oe wed enced vibration having a frequency greater than memiliki frekuensi lebih besar dari 20000 Hertz. approximately 20000 Hz. 42. A-scan: a method of data presentation 4.2. A-scan: sebuah metoda penampilan data yang utilizing a horizontal base line that indicate menggunakan absis horizontal untuk menun- distance, or time, and a vertical deflection jukkan jarak, atau waktu, dan ordinat vertikal from the base line which indicates untuk menunjukkan amplitudo. amplitude = me WEA Da menereaia we ieeseeetses| titissampurna | rev.wo:02 Saari moun oes wo ree inspection [pas aeria 6 4.3. Contact testing: a technique in which the 4.3. search unit makes contact directly with the test piece through a thin layer of coupiant. 4.4. Couplant. a substance used between the 4.4 search unit and examination surface to permit or improve transmission of ultrasonic energy. ‘as a measurement scale and as a means of Providing an ultrasonic reflection of known characteristics. 4.6. Pulse-echo technique. an inspection 4.6. technique in which the presence and position of a reflector are indicated by the @ _ sheampitude and tine. which the ultrasonic energy enters or leaves the part acoustical device for converting electrical energy into acoustical energy and vice versa 4.9. Element/erystal: piezoelectric element in an 4.9. ultrasonic search unit. INFORMATION REQUIRED PRIORTO 5 EXAMINATION ‘The following information shail be obtained prior to ultrasonic thickness measurement: - Type of base metal. oe Location and extent of materials to be examined. - Nominal thickness. Sav 4.7, Test surface: the surface of a part through 4,7. titis sampurna AT, bal Pengujian kontak: sebuah teknik yang mana Unit pencarinya bersentuhan langsung dengan ‘obyek melalui lapisan tipis kuplan. ‘uplan: sebuah zat yang dioleskan di antara unit pencari dan permukaan yang diyji untuk Teningkatkan transmisi energi ultrasonik. 4. Calibration block: a block that is used both 4.5. ok kalrasi: sebuah blok yang digunakan sebagai skala_pengukuran dan untuk memberikan —bidang —pantul. dengan karakterikstik yang diketahui, Teknik pulse-echo: sebuah teknik pemeriksaan dimana keberadaan dan posisi_pemantul ditunjukkan oleh tinggi amplitudo dan waktu. Permukaan yj permukean benda dimana ‘energi ultrasonik memasuki atau meninggalkan benda. 48. Transctucer’search unitfprobe. an electro- 4.8. Transduser/unit pencarifprobe: sebuah perang- kat eloktroakustik untuk mengubah eneigilistrik menjadi energi suara, dan sebaiiknya. . Elemerykristal: elemen piezoelektrik di dalam sebuah probe. INFORMASL YANG DIPERLUKAN SEBELUM PENGUJIAN informasi-informasi berikut ini harus diperoleh sebelum melakukan pengukuran ketebalan: ~ denis logam induk. + Lokasi dan cakupan lokasi material yang dij. - Ketebalan nominal. No WHIT/UTP.02 Rev. No : 02 inspection [poe aofis 6 62. 63, a: x ~ “av PRELIMINARY MEETING a meeting shall be held between the contracted parties, including the thickness measurement firm's representative(s) so as to ensure the safe and efficient execution of the thickness measurements to be cartied out. Communication with the thickness measurement operator(s) and owner's representative(s) is to be agreed during the ‘meeting, with respect to the following: @) Reporting of thiokness measurements on regular basis. b) Prompt notification to the responsible party in case of findings: ‘+ Excessive and/or extensive corrosion 62, ‘or —_pilting/grooving of any significance, ‘* Structural defects like bucking, fractures and deformed structures. * Detached and/or holed structure. * Corrosion of welds. ‘The meeting report shall indicate where and 6.3. when the mesting took place and who attended (the name of the inspector, the owner's representative, and the thickness measurement firm's representative). EXTENT OF EXAMINATION t Extent of the examination shall be based on the appropriate drawing or contract document. 6. BAPAT PENDAHULUAN 6.1, Prior to commencement of the examination, 6.1, Sebelum pelaksanaan pengujian, harus diadakan rapat antara pihak-pihak yang berkontrak, termasuk perwaltian perusahaan yang akan melakukan pengukuran ketebalan Untuk menjamin kesolamatan dan efisiensi pelaksanaan pengukuran ketebalan yang dilakukan. Komunikasi antara operator _pengukuran ketebalan dan perwakilan pemilk barang selama rapat tersebut harus menyetujui hal-hal berikut ini: a) Pelaporan _hasil secara reguler. b) Cara pemberitahuan kepada pihak yang bertanggung jawab jika ditemukan kasus: ‘+ Korosi pitting atau korosi alur yang berlebihan atau pada daerah yang luas. pengukuran ketebalan + Cacat struktur seperti buckling, kepeca- fran dan struktur yang terdeformasi © Struktur yang terlepas atau berlubang. * Korosi pada las-lasan Pelaporan survei harus menjelaskan dimana dan kapan rapat berlangsung dan siapa yang menghadirinya (nama inspektor, perwakilan pemilik barang, dan perwakilan perusahaan yang akan melakukan pengukuran ketebalan). CAKUPAN PENGUJIAN Cakupan pengujian harus didasarkan pada gambar kerja atau dokumen kontrak yang ada. =S——_— | ‘tno gore oman pty 1 wae No: WHIT/UT.O2 Emiaascssacess| titissampurna [ten :0 Semana tasonoum ecu inspection Paes) dota @ > x a Sev 8. PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION 8. KUALIFIKAS! PERSONIL 8.1. Quaitcation and certification of the NOT personnel shall be in accordance with PT. Titis Sampuma inspection's written practice: ‘no. WLIT/PERS 01, Rev. 04; Personnel performing testing to this written procedure shall be qualified and certified as UT Level Il 82. PRECAUTI Care shall always be taken by personnel who cary out the examination to avoid electrical shock during examination. ‘Always use goggle, glove and respiratory masker during precleaning and examination to avoid eyes and skin inftation and excessive inhalation of dust. 92. 10. EQUIPMENT AND CONSUMMABLE 10.1. Uttrasonic instrument Instrument shall use one of the following systems: a) A-scan of B-scan presentation Equipment shall be capable of displaying a resolved ultrasonic echo with sufficient definition to permit measurements within 1% over the test range and be able to transmit high amplitude sound of short duration pulse and possess a calibrated gain with 2.4 steps or less. titis sampurna inspection 84. 82, 92, 10. 10.4. Kuaifkasi dan sertiikasi personil NDT harus mengacu pada Written Practice PT. Tiis Sampurna Inspection no. WLIT/PERS 01, Rev. 04. Personil yang metakukan pengujian berdasar- kan prosedur tertulis ini harus dikualifkasi dan disertifkasi sebagai UT Level Il, KESELAMATAN KERJA Selama pengujian berlangsung personil haus selalu. memperhatikan Keselamatannya agar tidak tersengat aliran lstrik, Selalu gunakan kaca mata debu, sarung tangan dan masker selama pembersihan awal dan pengujian berlangsung untuk menghindari iritasi mata dan kulit dan menghirup debu secara berlebihan, PERALATAN DAN BAHAN HABIS Perangkat Ultrasonik Perangkat harus menggunakan salah satu dari sistem berikut: ) Tampilan dengan scan A atau scan 8 Peralatan harus mampu menampilkan Pantulan ultrasonik dengan definisi yang mencukupi untuk pengukuran di dalam fentang pengujian +1% dan mampu memancarkan pulsa gelombang suara amplitude tinggi berdurasi singkat, dan memiliki pengaturan gain dengan’ step ‘sebesar 2 dB atau kurang. @»v AT: nS Sav b) Digital Numeric Display The resolution of the reading of the instrument shall be better than 1% over the full scale, 10.2. Search Unit Search univtransducer/probe shall be straight-beam contact, and dual elements, having nominal frequency of 4 MHz or higher and nominal element diameter of 11 mm or ess. 10.3. Calibration Blocks a) Mult-step calibration block shall be used as standardization block to establish a measurement scale. Such block shall have the same matetial type (similar nominal accoustic velocity) with the material to be examined, and having thickness accurately measured. Use at least two steps thicknes of the calibration block. The steps thicknes shall be within the range of 0.75 to 1.28 times the nominal thickness of the material being tested. 10.4. Couplant 2) Couplant used shall be general purpose grease or glycerine, b) Couplant used for calibration shall be the same type as used for examination, °) 10.5, Calibrated caliper @ i. INDITIONING PRIOR TO EXAMINATION 11.1, Surface to be examined shall be smooth and clean, and free from scale, loose b) Tampilan numerik digital 10.2. 10.3. a) b) °) 10.4. a) b) 105. nn. Resolusi pembacaan yang _citunjukkan perangkat harus lebih balk dari 1% pada skala penuh. Probe Unit pencari/transducer/probe harus akan probe normal, kontak, memi ‘lemen/icistal, dengan frekuensi nominal 4 ‘MHz atau lebih besar, dan diameter elemen nominal sebesar 11 mm atau kurang, Bok Kalibrasi Biok kalibrasi bertingkat (step block) harus digunaken sebagai blok standard untuk memverifikasi skala pengukuran. Blok tersebut harus memiliki jenis material yang sama (kecepatan suara yang serupa) dengan material yang divj, dan memiliki ‘ketebalan yang diukur secara akurat. Gunakan paling sedikit dua ukuran ketebalan step pada blok kalibrasi. Ketebalan step harus berada dalam rentang 0.75 sampai dengan 1.25 kali Ketebalan nominal material yang diuji. Kuplan Kupian harus menggunakan grease atau gliserin. Kuplan yang dipakai untuk kalibrasi harus sama jenisnya untuk pengujian. vJangka yang terkalibrasi PENGKONDISAN PERMUKAAN SEBELUM PENGUJIAN |. Permukaan yang diuji harus dalam kondisi halus dan bersih, dan bebas dari kerak, coating, or any other surface lapisan lepas, atau _kelidaknormalan abnormalities. permukaan lainnya. Te document ‘eorration wary to PF. Tis sae No WHT/UTP.02 maracas! titis SAMPUrNA | :02 ar Sanne te Hh hy heal when ere inspection [pees eorta 11.2. Surface preparation may be carried out by brushing or grinding, Nonconductive coating left on the surface of the part is not necessarily removed as long as its existence could be compen- sated by electronic means of the instrument. 11.3. 12. 12.1 EXAMINATION STEPS Surface Preparation Surface to be examined shalll be prepared meeting the requirement of paragraph 11 Couplant Application a) Couplant shall be applied on the examined spots where measurement will be carried out. ) Coupiant shall be applied as thin as possible to ensure good transmission of ultrasonic energy. Calibration a) The equipment shall be calibrated against a calibration block as per paragraph 10.3. b) Measure the actual thickness of the steps within the range of 0.75 and 1.25 times the material's nominal thickness using vernier caliper. ©) Place the search unit with coupiant on the steps and record the resutts. 12.2, 123, d) The readings of the thickness check from the two steps of the calibration block using UT thickness equipment shall be the lesser between +0.2 mm and + 1% from the thickness measured by vernier caliper. €) Calibration shall be performed prior to measurement on each area, and atter measurement of each area has been accomplished for verification. 11.2. 11.3. 12. 12.4. 12.2. 12.3, Penyiapan permukaan dapat _dilakukan dengan penyikatan atau penggerindaan, Lapisan cat nonkonduktip yang ada di Permukaan benda tidak perlu dihilangkan ‘selama dapat dikompensasi secara elektronis oleh peralatan. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PENGUJIAN Penyiapan Permukaan Permukaan yang diuji harus disiapkan dan ‘memenuhi persyaratan pada paragrap 11. Aplikasi Kuplan ) Kuplan harus diaplikasikan pada spot-spot yang diuji dimana akan dilakukan pengukuran, b) Kuplan harus diaplikasikan setipis mungkin untuk menjamin transmis energi ultrasonik yang baik. Kalibrasi a) Peralatan harus dikalibrasi terhadap_blok kalibrasi dengan mengacu pada paragrap 103. b) Ukur ketebalan aktual stop-step pada rentang tebal 0.75 dan 1.25 kali ketebalan nominal material yang diuji_ memakai jangka sorong, ©) Tempelkan probe yang sudah diberi kuplan di atas step-step tersebut dan catat hasiinya. d) Pembacaan pemeriksaan ketebalen meng- gunakan perangkat UT dari dua step pada blok kalibrasi tersebut besamya_harus yang terkecil antara 0.2 mm dan 1% ‘ari tobal aktual step yang diukur memakai janga sorong ) Kalibrasi harus dilakukan sebelum pengu- kuran pada masing-masing daeran, dan setelah selesai pengukuran di masing- masing daerah untuk tujuan verifikasi ‘Tra cocumeet cantina iforeation sropitany to PF. Ts cas No 2 WHT/UTP.02 Beaten tamer | CItIS SAMPUPNA | : o2 SSeS inspection pe. yore AT, Es Sav 13. EXAMINATION RECORDS: 13, PENCATATAN HASIL PENGUJIAN 13.1. The minimum thickness reading for each 1.1. Pembacaan nilai ketebalan minimum untuk ‘spot on each area shall be recorded. For each ultrasonic thickness measure- ment, the folowing information shall be recorded in the examination report: a) Procedure identification and revision; 13.2, b) Ultrasonic instrument identification (including make, model, manufac- turer's serial number); ©) Search unit identification (including type, manufacturer's serial number, frequency, size, special shoes); 4) Couplant used, brand name or type; ©) Calibration block identification, size, material type: ) Scanning method (if any); ) Identification and —_ location ‘measurement; h) Surface condition to be examined; ’) Temperature of examined surtace; ) Maximum and minimum thickness measurement; k) Examination personnel identity and qualification level; 1) Date of examination. m)Skoich of the examined areas of 13.2, tiap-tiap spot pada tiap daerah harus dicatat. Untuk tiap pengukuran ketebalan dengan peralatan ultrasonix, informasi berikut ini harus dicatat dalam laporan penguiian: a) Identiikasi prosedur, termasuk _nomor revisinya; b) Identifikasi instrumen uttrasonik (termasuk merek, model, nomer seri dari pabrik); ©) Identifikasi probe (termasuk jenis, nomer seri dari pabrik, frekuensi, ukuran, sepatu Khusus); @) Kuplan yang digunakan, merek dan jenisnya; €) |dentiikasi blok Kalibrasi, ukuran, jenis material; ) Metoda scanning (ka ada); 9) Identifxasi dan fokasi ketebalan; h) Kondisi permukaan yang diuji; ) Suhu permukaan material yang du; }) Hasil pengukuran ketebalan minimum dan maksimum; ) Identitas dan level kuaiiikasi personil yang melakukan pengujan; }) Tanggal pengujian. 1m) Gambar sketsa daerah yang dil. pengukuran sae No + WHT/UTP.02 Eee ce somes | titiS SAMPUFNA | : 2 See Inspection [age _: eoti4 AT. ea Sav 14. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Acceptance criteria shall be as per customer requirements or the applicable standard or code. 18. POST EXAMINATION CLEANING Post examination cleaning shall be carried out as soon as practicable using a manner that does not adversely affect the part. 16. REPORTING Examination report shall be prepared and submitted to the client for their review and approval 14, KRITERIA KEBERTERIMAAN Kriteria keberterimaan harus berdasarkan pada persyaratan customer atau standard code yang dipakai sebagai acuan. PEMBERSIHAN AKHIR Pembersihan akhir harus ditakukan sesegera mungkin dengan menggunakan cara-cara yang tidak merusak permukaan benda yang ij PELAPORAN Laporan hasil pengujian harus dibuat dan cisampatkan kepada kiien untuk direview dan disetujui No WHIT/UTP.02 SSS | titis SamMpurna | : 02 inspection Page: 90f14 7s “av TECHNIQUE SHEET: TS!—01 ‘SINGLE SPOT-SINGLE MEASUREMENT (SS) Application Suitable for use where reflecting surface is substantially smooth and parallel Procedure 1. Use a twin-crystal probe, and calibrate the instrument within the expected thickness range. 2. Make a single spot measurement on the test surface. 3. Record the result 4, Make sketch, showing the location of reading, 5. Apply correction factors, if any. ‘SINGLE SPOT-SINGLE MEASUREMENT (SS) Aplikasi Sesuai_untuk penggunaan dimana permukaan pemantul kondisinya halus dan sejajar. Prosedur 4. Gunaken probe double/twin, dan_kalibrasi peralatan di dalam rentang ketebalan yang dinarapkan, 2. Lakukan pengukuran single spot pada permukaan material 3. Catat hasilnya. Buat sketsa yang memperiinatkan lokasi pembacaan ketebalan, 5. Pertimbangkan faktor-faktor koreksi jka ada, ‘Te document canes formation grooitay to PT. Tis ae No + WHT/UTP.02 Eenuseesetses| titis sampurna | rev.n:0 Sizer meena inspection [pee :a00ft Exhibit 2 ‘SINGLE SPOT-DOUBLE MEASUREMENT (SD) Application Suitable for use where reflecting surface is Curved or irregular, @.g. on surfaces with a minor degree of corrosion or erosion. Procedure 1. Use a twin-crystal probe, and calibrate the instrument within the expected thickness range. 2. Make a single spot measurement on the test surface. 3. Rotate the probe 90° on the same spot, and make the second measurement. 4, Record the lower reading, 5. Make sketch, showing the location of reading. 6. Apply correction factors, if any. Av Ra “ev TECHNIQUE SHEET: TSI-02 SINGLE SPOT-DOUBLE MEASUREMENT (SD) Aplikasi Sesuai untuk penggunaan dimana permukaan pe- mantul bentuknya lengkung dan tidak teratur, misal- nya permukaan dengan sedikit korosi dan eros 1. Gunakan probe double/twin, dan kalibrasi peralatan di dalam rentang ketebalan yang dinarapkan. 2. Lakukan pengukuran single spot pada permukaan material, 3. Putar probe 90° pada spot yang sama, dan lakukan pengukuran kedua, 4, Catat hasil ketebalan yang terkecil 5. Buat sketsa yang memperlinatkan lokasi pembacaan ketebalan, 6. Perlimbangkan faktor-faktor koreksi jka ada, Probe turned ‘around 90" No: WHT/UTP.O2 titis sampurna | revno : 02 inspection Page: Llof14 Exhibit 3 MULTIPLE SPOT MEASUREMENT (MS) Application (within the material thickness). Procedure 1, Use a twin-crystal probe, and calibrate the instrument within the expected thickness range. 2, Make at least 4 (four) measurements (SS 6 or SD) within a circle of 25 mm diameter on the test surface. 3. Record all readings, highlighting the lowest reading, 4. Make sketch, showing the location of Teading. 5. Apply correction factors, if any. Lo v7 Ee TECHNIQUE SHEET: TS!-03 MULTIPLE SPOT MEASUREMENT (MS) Aplikasi Suitable for use where reflecting surface is Sesuai untuk penggunaan dimana permukaan pe- severely corroded or eroded, or when doubt mantul mengalami korosi atau erosi berat, atau exists as to the nature or origin of a reflector apabila ada keraguan terhadap sifat atau asal pemantul (di dalam ketebelan material), Prosedur 1. Gunakan probe double/twin, dan_kelibrasi Peralatan di dalam rentang ketebalan yang diharapkan. 2. Lakukan minimum 4 (empat) pengukuran (SS- atau SD) dalam sebuah lingkaran berdiameter 25 mm pada permukaan yang diuji. 3, Catat semua hasil_pembacaan, perhatikan pembacaan yang terkecil. 4. Buat sketsa yang memperlihatkan lokasi pembacaan ketebalan 5, Pertimbangkan faktor-faktor koreksi ka ada, 25 mm diameter area Note: * the lowest reading te sae No > WHT/UTP.02, SSS SS! titis sampurna { 02 ee inspection [2 6 “a ATs x v TECHNIQUE SHEET: TSI — 04 Suitable for use where a detailed contour of the retlecting surface is required. Grid techniques are preferred for detailed or general surveys because they allow accurate profiles of corroded, eroded, or irregular surfaces to be ‘drawn in the form of a contour map. Procedure 1. Use techique sheet TS/01 (8S), or TS/-02 (SD), or TSL-03 (MS) to completely survey @ nominated area by making a number of measurements at a maximum of 10 mm spacings over the test surface. 2. Record all readings, highlighting the lowest readings, 3. Make sketch, showing the location of reading, 4. Apply correction factors, it any. titis sampurna CLOSE GRID SURVEY Attest Sesuai untuk penggunaan dimana diperlukan deti! kontur dari permukan pemantul. Teknik grid dila- kukan untuk survei detil atau umum Karena me- mungkinkan penggambaran profil yang terkorosi, tererosi, atau permukaan yang tak beraturan secara akurat dalam bentuk pemetaan kontur. Prosedur 1. Gunakan technique sheet TSI-01 (SS), atau Tsi-02 (SD), atau TSL-03 (MS) untuk ‘Mensurvei suatu daerah secara menyeluruh dengan membuat sejumiah pengukuran pada jarak grid maksimum sebesar 10 mm, 2. Catat semua hasil pembacaan, perhatikan pembacaan yang terkecil 9. Buat sketsa yang mempertinatkan lokasi pembacaan ketebalan, 4, Pertimbangkan faktor-faktor koreksi jika ada, Str | Rev. No : 02 Page: 13 0f 14 inspection ~ “ev Exhibit 5 TECHNIQUE SHEET: NDE - 05 OPEN GRID SURVEY OPEN GRID SURVEY Suitable for use where a thickness survey is Sesuai untuk penggunaan dimana survei ketebalan required over a large area. dipertukan pada daorah yang luas. Procedure Prosedur 1. Make @ number of measurements on a 1, Lakukan sejumiah pengukuran dengan jarak specified grid on the test area using any of grid tertentu pada daerah yang diuji dengan the technique (SS), (SD), or (MS). memakai teknik (8S), (SD), atau (MS). 2, Recommended grid spacings are 75mm 2. Jarak grid yang direkomendasikan adalah 75 ‘and 150 mm, however, other grid sizes ‘fmm dan 150 mm, namun demikian, jarak grid may be used under agreement. selain itu dapat dipakai jika disetujui client. 3. Record all readings, highlighting the 3. Catat semua hasil pembacaan, perhatikan lowest readings. Pembacaan yang terkecil 4, Make sketch, showing the location of 4. Buat sketsa yang memperlihaikan lokasi reading, pembacaan ketebalan, 5. Apply correction factors, it any. 5. Pertimbangkan faktor-faktor koreksi jika ada tN AG ef Tt titis sampurna peroon P aamours acta In pection Page : 14o0f 14 Aq eS Sav WALL THICKNESS MEASUREMENT RECORD UNIT IDENTIFICATION Knockout Drum DATE 6-7 September 2023, VESSEL / SERIAL NO. NBA-001/PV-GSB-607 EQUIPMENT : DMSE LOCATION PLTGU Tanjung Batu Kaltim IPC NO. 726 IPC-VC-MIQA,09.23, REPORT NUMBER (004 TSI-UT/VC/141.08,23 SEE SKETCH ATTACHED ll mension nm WALL THICKNESS MEASUREMENT RESULT Spot Number / Actual Thickness Least S| a oniee Point 1238 12.85 1238 12.73 1322 13.02 13.07, 13.02 T03 13.02 12.95 12.94 Tor 13.07 128 1235 vey ampurna Na ayo rue ‘ Inspector Client Representative ‘This document contains information proprietary to PT. Tks | soa w Ls - : aol cso ta vast ses [titis sampurnal tex: purpove ether han that for which Ri uid who pit inspection eer a apeerti Saree (Cea ee) aaa, “mss* Ne ie St Za MULTI SPEC SINERGINDO (MSS) ( OUTSIDE TRAINING SERVICE ) CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION Cert. No. :16 / UT / Re / 20 This Is To Certify That, DJOKO PURWANTO Company : PT. Titis Sampurna Inspection has satisfactorily completed the training and qualification in accordance with the specified statements below : Initial Training Date : December 08 up to 20, 2014 ( 100 hours ) by MSS Refresher Date : January 16 up to 17, 2020 (16 hours) In accordance with 1 SNT-TC- 1A, 2016 edition NDT Method Ultrasonic Testing ( Plate and Pipe ) Eligible to be certified Level: (two) MS's Written Practice no. : WP-01, revisionno. 07 EXAMINATION RESULTS = "Composite Grade (%) | Passing Reference Code / Standards : ASNT CP-105, ASME Sect. V, Sect. I, Sect. VIII Div.1, APIS Land AWS DL1 ing general examination, specific examination, practical examination and continuation activities in Ultrasonic Testing IO Date of Certification : January 24, 2020 Date of Expire + January 23, 2025 Surabaya, January 24, 2020 Centified by: Exdminer: d Fass Adi Padmo, ST Director ASNT NOT Level IIT 1D No. 126596 ( RT, UT, MT, PT) Ofc Western Regen no. 3. Raya Semen Benowe, Surabaya, ast Jv. Indonesia ream 5230 9743107, Fxs 262 35703 1028 emai: mulispec@gmalicom: webs wwormspec oro SSS eee Bs o3 Sev titis sampurna inspection 15. PERHITUNGAN MAWP DAN REMAINING LIFE PT. TITS SAMPURNA INSPECTION PRESSURE VESSEL CALCULATION EVALUATION CODE ASME SECTION Vill DIV. 1/ API 510 OWNER = PTPLN Gas dan Geothermal VESSEL NO. MBA - 003/SBS-019-07 UNIT IDENTIFICATION = Knockout Drum DATA SHELL Design Pressure (P) = 3,62 kgem2 (80,06 Psig ) Inside Diameter (Di) = 100,00 mm (3937 Inch ) Material Spec. = SA-516-70 Stress of Material (S) = 1408.20 kgfem2 (~~ 20000 Pig ) Joint Efficiency (E) . 4,00 Thickness Actual (Ta) = 1262 mm (04968. Inch ) Thickness Previous (Tp) = 1270 mm (0,500 Inch ) Interval inspection (ti) 3,00 Corrosion Rate (Cr) 0.0267 ( Tp-Ta/ Interval Insp ) Remaining Life Time ( RLT ) 42624 year (Ta-Tricr ) Formula of Calculation ( UG-27.c.1 ) Tr = P(R#2*CRTINT.INSPI/SE-O6P_— or MAWP = SE(T-2*CRYINT.INSP.)(R#2*CR"INT.INSP.)+06(T-2*CR'INT.INSP.) Thickness Required (Tr) = 4250 mm (0.0484 Inch ) Max. Allow. WP ( MAWP ) eS 3452 kg/om2 (490,900 Pig ) If Thickness Required ( Tr) < From Thickness Actual (Ta ) and Design Pressure (P) < From MAWP, ‘The vessel is safe for operation until next inspection (4 years ) DATA HEAD-1 Design Pressure (P) * 362 kg/em2 (80,08 Psig ) Inside Diameter (Di) 1400.00 mm (8542 Inch ) Material Spec. SA-516-70 Stress of Material (S) = 1406.20 kg/em2 (20000 sig y Joint Efficiency (E) = 4,00 Thickness Actual (Ta) . 12,62 mm {04969 Inch ) Thickness Previous (Tp) 12,70 mm (0,500 Inch ) Interval Inspection (li) 3,00 year Corrosion Rate (Cr) 0.0267 ( Tp-Ta/ interval Insp ) Remaining Life Time ( RLT ) 41052 year (Ta-Tricr ) Formula of Calculation (UG-32.d) Tr = P(L+20RTINT.INSPY2SE-0.2P or MAWP = 2SE(T-2°CR"INT.INSP, )(O¥2CR*INT INSP)+0.2(T-2°CR*INT.INSP.) Thickness Required (Tr) Max. Allow. WP (MAWP ) 175 mm (0,08 Inch ) 24,98 kg /em2 (385,334 Pig ) If Thickness Required (Tr) < From Thickness Actual (Ta ) and Design Pressure (P.) < From MAWP, ‘The vessel is safe for operation until next inspection (4 years ) ‘Acknowledged by 305/1T-RUMIGAS/2021 Clients Representative Page 1 of 2 DATAHEAD Design Pressure (P) 3.82 kglem2 (50,08 Pig ) Inside Diameter (i) 1400,00 mm (5512 Inch ) Material Spec. SA-516-70 Stress of Material (S) 140620 kg/em2 ( 20000 --Psig ) Joint Efficiency (E) 1,00 Thickness Actual (Ta) 12,57 mm (0.4949 Inch ) Thickness Previous (Tp) = 12,70 mm (0500 inch ) Interval Inspection (li) = 3,00 year Corrosion Rate (Cr) = 0.0433 ( Tp-Ta/ interval insp ) Remaining Life Time (RLT ) = 24962 year (Ta-Tr/cr ) Formula of Calculation ( UG-32.d) Tr = P(D2CRYINT.INSP)/2SE-0.2P or MAWP = 2SE(T-2°CR"INT.INSP,)/(D+2CR*INT.INSP}+0.2(T-2*CRYINT.INGP.) Thickness Required (Tr) ‘Max. Allow. WP ( MAWP ) 175 mm (0,069 Inch ) 2468 © kg/em2 (981,038 Pig ) lf Thickness Required (Tr) < From Thickness Actual (Ta ) and Design Pressure (P) < From MAWP, ‘The vessel is safe for operation until next inspection (4 years ) Acknowledged by «fa ay Zaenal Ain 305/1BT-RIMIGAS/2021 Client's Representative Page 1 of 2 UN Ay NOLLOSASNI VNUNANYS SILL Let TWNASHLOZO Nv Sv9 N7d Ld As cama Ag aauvdaud oni vNUnanWS slut al WN ZS'Z wzoet ww zz vin NOUWOLSUSO- Se ezoz-wes | z Nouvorsava MBN | RiONVIN ALTE tet | GwONDWN ZZ | GON) WH Z'zi | WON) WW ZZ vn Nouvowuas sven | ozoe-wen | 1 zavaH tavaH TaHS Wines NOUDSESNI seve Ane QMIMLL Nowdros3a oN TWnLoV SSSNNOIHL J ONION LO¥4 s0alva Nouwo07 NWILL NVINWWITW AVE ONNENYL NSLe winaia anwsNaaNoo 40°610-S88/000- VaW TWWRISHLO3O NYO SYONid 1d ‘TaSSSA SYNSSAYd GYVD AYOLSIH NOUWOISLLNOI LINA ‘ON TRIaS / T3SS3A BNO 7: Ria “av titis sampurna inspection 16. LAPORAN RESERTIFIKASI SEBELUMNYA PT. SURYA BESINDO SAKTI [FABRICATOR & ENGINNERING SERVICE RADIOGRAPHY TEST, REPORT Office: LIPPO KARAWAGI OFFICE PARK Blok Futuris No. 12— 15 Karawacl ‘Tangerang — Banten — Indonesia Telp. + (62-21) 858 9066 Fax 2 (62-21) 858 677 Home Page : htto:/ E-mail: Fectory 4, Raye Rangkastiing Kn Chand b. Serang, Banten — (62-299 402313, sca) ), 402314 Fax. : (62-254) 40231 PT: Sings Besindo Seti obra O° Begining Sens SUMMARY REPORT OF RADIOGRAPHY TEST Wo. No. 007.2019 Item No. "MBA-005 (KNOCKOUT DRUM) Client :PT. HUTAMA KARYA Owner #IPT. PLN GAS & GEOTHERMAL aan Film Radiography Test INo| JointNo. | Segment Ta RT 2nd RT Ba RT aia No._[RN.[ DT. [Resole|RN] DT. _[Resuk| RN] DT. 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No. + 007-2019 Ttem No. + MBA.005 (KNOCKOUT DRI Client :TPT. HUTAMA KARYA Pr. ;EOTHERMAL ‘Ownes PT. PLN GAS & Gl eas Film Radiography Test No.| Joint No. | Segment IstRT I od RT Bed RT 7 No [RN-[ DT. [Resuit|RN]__DT.__[Resuk| RN.] DT. [Resuk| 9 | _Kawa04 ° or | osiafi_|_Acc @ 30 | 07 | os/iz/is_| acc = ue 1] _Kew205 0 oF e7ia7is_| AGC [ ie e) 90 [07 | “os/1a/is_| acc v8 Tt | _KaAw2-08 0 o7 |_o7ia/19_|-ACC @) 90 [07 [03/1279 | acc 18 | _KaB.wa.09 @ 0s _|_os/iayi9_| acc | _ = e @ 90 | 08 [ossizfis [acc | | ce 6 1B] KBWSOL @ 08 | 03/12/19_| ACC @ 90 [08 [0312/9 | acc Fa 4 0 0s _|03/i2/19_ | ACC a 5 90 [08 [03/12/19 | acc | th 15 | _MACLS201 aS [8 | yas | acc SSP ay, ie | Ma-w2i0 | o42__[ 15 | ta/ta/i9_| Acc = 0) i224 | 1s | ta/iafi9_[ acc 2436 | 15 | 12/12/19 | ACC cE 3648 | 1s [12/12/19 [acc » 4e-60_| 1s | 12/12/19 [ Acc E 00 | 1s | 12/12/19 |_acc 5 Reviewed/Approved By Reviewed/Approved By Reviewed/Approved By ee he ee OW 7a a . PT, SINERGY INDO PRATAMA ; (General Contac. nspecten Serie, PT. abr Sup) Siner Bonn Tan Walaa 2X 0 No Horgaln, Ke Womalals Ka Serng, eren 216" NOONESA Phone 0254 781668 Fax Indo Pratama ear ‘Web wwe sinergyip com RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION REPORT Type of Material: A. \0e, GERSA SF, Radogry ic Tectnigue Thickness. Tm: ane, Atty MS.of Dows: Cowor aSwst Wels Mickness. :..!Mu Jno AVima = seven Type LeAD. Dist From SSF =... 1 RM. Source Size BEB Unsharp Geo ‘SoD $00 em secon Mel «pat ea, Procedure No 098/81°/P/at/208), Qevo\ ExponeTine -: ln Segue. | proareng” Aepicable Code AME VU DIVE Uw Tipe of Dscontnuty Identification | Joint No. Incomplete Pen Number of film in each fim holder =... Notes: SSOF = Sourch Side of Object to the Film SOD = Sourse to Object Distance Total Films 4°xi0 47x15 DWSI= Double wall single image _ DWDI=Double wall single image __ SWSI= Single wall single image Examined By Reviewediwitnessed By Authorized Inspector PT. SINERGY INDO PRATAMA e (Carr Conrad, npecton Serie PAT, Labor Sn) Siner Peri aman Kaa Bok YO No Wtptn Ke: Krams sung tain Ie" NDCNESA Phone 0254 781668 Fax Indo Pratama rat |b. www RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION REPORT onContvact Ne, Work Order No RoportNe, a Project Ne (oT ee PT TNING Date be B= 2019 tect rr = of Maral Radiaton tr hae, Se oaie ae eae 509.4 | Cons “Ear “eee waeThiness Wn | arma - Sacer Type VERO DistFromssor ....6.9 soucesiee :.4K 49% — | Unser Geo 800 op [Seton es le Procedure no 003 (%/6 /1 /20te Exposure Tine & eth id Pople Code: AME ww €1 Type scorn Drawing No. Identification | Joint No. Range Density Film Location Crock Incomplete Pen ‘Slag Inclusion Incomplete Fushin tp las-aal ee [eg te] ane Yi Le saer dee TO Fim type= FA Total Films 4°xi0"

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