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Nama: Arlina Sari

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A. Peta Konseptual Teori & Pendekatan Konseling

No Aspek Deskripsi Referensi
1 Nama Teori & Pendekatan
Pendekatan Gestalt
2 Tokoh Pengembang teori Frederick Salomon Perls (1960), Polster Erving (B. 1922), Polster Miriam (1924–2001)
3 Konsep Dasar: a. Hakikat Manusia: 1. Gladding T. Samuel.
a. Hakekat manusia Pandangan Gestalt tentang sifat manusia berakar pada filsafat eksistensial, fenomenologi, dan teori lapangan. (2022). Teories of
b. Konsep Kepribadian & Individu memiliki kapasitas untuk mengatur diri sendiri ketika mereka menyadari apa yang terjadi di dalam Counseling. British
Perkembangan dan di sekitar mereka. Library Cataloguing in
b. Konsep Kepribadian dan Perkembangan: Publication Information
Pendekatan Gestalt lebih berfokus pada proses daripada konten. Proses ini melibatkan terapis Gestalt Available. London.
menempatkan diri mereka semaksimal mungkin ke dalam pengalaman klien tanpa menilai, menganalisis,
atau menafsirkan, sementara secara bersamaan memegang rasa kehadiran individu dan independen
seseorang. Perls menegaskan bahwabagaimanaindividu berperilaku pada saat ini jauh lebih penting untuk
pemahaman diri daripadamengapa mereka berperilaku seperti yang mereka lakukan. Kesadaran biasanya
melibatkan wawasan dan terkadang introspeksi, tetapi terapis Gestalt menganggapnya lebih dari keduanya.
Karakteristik yang menentukan dari kesadaran adalah memperhatikan aliran pengalaman Anda dan
berhubungan dengan apa yang Anda lakukan saat Anda melakukannya
4 Proses Konseling (Tujuan & Tujuan: Terapi Gestalt tidak menganggap metodologi "berorientasi pada tujuan" itu sendiri, tetapi terapis dengan 2. Corey Gerald.(2017).
tahapan umum) jelas memperhatikan tujuan dasar yaitu, membantu klien untuk mencapai kesadaran yang lebih besar, dan dengan Theory and Practice of
itu, pilihan yang lebih besar. Counseling and
Tahapan umum: Psychotherapy, Tenth
1. Konselor memfasilitasi eksplorasi kolaboratif dari pengalaman klien menemukan diri kita sendiri Edition. Cengage
2. Konselor memberi klien kesempatan untuk menjadi sistematis dalam belajar sambil melakukan dan paling Learning. USA
baik dianggap sebagai cara menjelajahi dunia pengalaman klien.
3. Konselor membantu klien mengeksplorasi proses kesadaran mereka dan menemukan bagaimana pemikiran,
perasaan, penginderaan, dan perilaku mereka bekerja untuk mereka atau tidak.
Nama: Arlina Sari

NIM : 0106522018

5 Teknik Spesifik Pendekatan  Latihan Dialog Internal 3. Sharf S. Richard.

 Teknik Kursi Kosong (2012). Theories of
 Teknik Proyeksi Masa Depan Psychotherapy and
 Membuat Putaran Counseling: Concepts
 Latihan Pembalikan and Cases, 5th Edition.
 Latihan Ulangan USA
 Latihan Berlebiha
 Bertahan Dengan Perasaan
6 Kajian Empirik Kajian empirik: The development of a group guidance module for student selfdevelopment based on gestalt theory
Efikasi/efektivitas Pendekatan Efektivitas pendekatan di setting pendidikan: Manfaat pendekatan Gestalt berbasis modul untuk pengembangan
di seting Pendidikan diri semakin didorong oleh kemanjurannya dalam mencapai tujuan jangka pendek, dan dengan sifatnya yang
melekat untuk mendapatkan umpan balik langsung dari siswa, untuk membina pengembangan diri siswa yang
holistik dan seimbang yang meliputi fisik, emosional. , spiritual, dan potensi intelektual yang dianut dalam filosofi
pendidikan nasional.
7 Diferensiasi dengan Keunggulan & dibanding teori lain: Kekuatan terapi Gestalt adalah penekanannya pada membantu orang
Teori/Pendekatan lain memasukkan dan menerima semua aspek kehidupan mereka. Seorang individu tidak dapat dipahami di luar
a. Keunggulan & dibanding konteks orang seutuhnya, yang memilih untuk bertindak atas li3ngkungan saat ini. Pendekatan Gestalt juga
teori lain membantu klien untuk fokus menyelesaikan bidang-bidang urusan yang belum selesai sehingga kehidupan
b. Kritik terhadap teori mereka dapat lebih terintegrasi dan mereka dapat hidup secara produktif.
Kritik terhadap teori: Terapi Gestalt tidak memiliki dasar teori yang kuat. Faktanya, beberapa kritikus
memandang konseling Gestalt sebagai semua pengalaman dan teknik. Terapi Gestalt terlalu mementingkan
perkembangan individu dan pendekatan egois yang berfokus teru*tama pada perasaan dan penemuan pribadi.
Beberapa menganggap terapi Gestalt ekstrim.
Nama: Arlina Sari

NIM : 0106522018

B. Analisis Kritis Jurnal (internasional)

Pendekatan/teori konseling : Pendekatan Gestalt

Judul Artikel : The development of a group guidance module for student selfdevelopment based on gestalt theory
Hasil Analisis Kritis :
1. Deskripsikan tujuan penelitiannya?
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan memvalidasi modul bimbingan kelompok untuk pengembangan diri siswa
berdasarkan teori Gestalt. Modul ini terdiri dari sembilan sesi dan 12 kegiatan yang dikembangkan sejalan dengan konsep, prinsip, dan
teknik teori Gestalt yang dianut oleh Fritz Perls, Laura Perls, dan Paul Goodman pada tahun 1940-an dan 1950-an.
2. Deskripsikan fokus pada populasi/kelompok konseli yang dijadikan subjek penelitian?
Sampel penelitian terdiri dari enam ahli yang terdiri dari psikolog, konselor, dan akademisi.
3. Deskripsikan lingkup teori konseling yang mendasari riset tersebut?
Pengembangan modul yang komprehensif dan sub-sub modul penyusunnya berdasarkan teori Gestalt semakin penting, melengkapi
psikolog dan konselor dengan alternatif yang tepat yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai pengaturan yang beragam untuk membantu
mengembangkan siswa. secara holistik. Melalui pendekatan bimbingan kelompok, konsep utama, prinsip, dan teknik teori Gestalt dapat
diterapkan secara mulus untuk pengembangan diri. Selanjutnya, modul bimbingan kelompok yang dikembangkan dengan pendekatan
ini perlu diuji validitas isinya; Hal ini penting untuk memastikan modul dapat digunakan di lingkungan yang dialami oleh siswa, yang
akan mempengaruhi proses pengembangan diri siswa.
4. Bagaimana pelaksanaan atau prosedur penelitiannya?
- survei dilakukan untuk menentukan dua jenis validitas modul: a) validitas muka, dan b) validitas isi (oleh kritik eksternal). Validitas
wajah modul bimbingan kelompok diuji oleh tiga ahli bahasa dari Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Perak, Malaysia.
Nama: Arlina Sari

NIM : 0106522018

Para ahli mengerjakan draf awal dan membuat beberapa rekomendasi untuk memperbaiki sintaksis, struktur kalimat, dan
nomenklatur modul. Semua saran diikuti dengan merevisi draf awal untuk memastikan modul yang diusulkan sesuai untuk populasi
- Langkah selanjutnya melibatkan validasi isi modul oleh panel ahli atau kritikus eksternal.
5. Deskripsikan metode penelitian yang digunakan (kuantitatif, kualitatif atau gabungan)?
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan pendekatan kuantitatif yang dilakukan melalui survei dengan
menggunakan dua instrumen penelitian yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti.
6. Berikan Deskripsikan dan argumentasi hasil penelitiannya & implikasi temuannya/hasilnya bila diterapkan di Indonesia (gunakan
analisis dan argumentasi saudara)
Manfaat pendekatan Gestalt berbasis modul untuk pengembangan diri semakin didorong oleh kemanjurannya dalam mencapai tujuan
jangka pendek, dan dengan sifatnya yang melekat untuk mendapatkan umpan balik langsung dari siswa, untuk membina pengembangan
diri siswa yang holistik dan seimbang yang meliputi fisik, emosional, spiritual, dan potensi intelektual yang dianut dalam filosofi
pendidikan nasional. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa temuan penelitian yang mengembangkan modul berbasis pendekatan
gestalt merupakan sebuah temuan yang memberikan sumbangsih dan peranan penting bagi pengembangan pendidikan di Indonesia,
khususnya bagi upaya dalam pengembangan diri siswa yang holistik dan seimbang yang meliputi fisik, emosional, spiritual, dan potensi
intelektual yang akan menjawab tantangan persoalan rendahnya kualitas SDM yang unggul. Pendidikan merupakan sebuah jawaban
yang mampu menjawab persoalan yang dihadapi oleh bangsa. Salah satunya melalui pendidikan yang diberikan di lingkungan sekolah
dalam membina pengembangan diri siswa melalui modul yang dikembangkan bagi bidang pendidikan.
*Lampirkan Artikel yang saudara kritisi
Nama: Arlina Sari

NIM : 0106522018

C. Analisis Kasus


Dona adalah seorang perempuan berusia 39-tahun, ia telah menikah dan mempunyai empat anak remaja. Dona datang untuk terapi
pertamanya ketika ia mengalami kecemasan dan keluhan somatik. Dia tinggal bersama suaminya (Hamish, berusia 45 tahun) dan anak-anak
mereka (Dilan, 19; Milea, 18; Isyana, 17; dan Jaz, 16). Berikut adalah data ringkasan yang secara singkat didapat selamat proses wawancara
konseling dengan Dona.
a. Sejarah Psikososial
Dona adalah anak tertua dari empat bersaudara. Ayahnya adalah seorang tokoh agama yang fundamentalis, dan ibunya adalah seorang
ibu rumah tangga. Ia tidak memiliki hubungan yang dekat dengan ayahnya yang mempunyai sifat otoriter dan kaku, sehingga ia merasa
takut jika tidak dapat memenuhi semua tuntutan dan harapannya. Dona memandang ibunya sebagai seseorang yang kritis, dan ia berfikir
apapun yang ia lakukan tidak pernah cukup untuk membuat ibunya bahagia, walaupun terkadang ibunya menunjukkan sikap mendukung
terhadap apa yang ia lakukan. Ayah dan ibunya menunjukkan sedikit kasih sayang dalam keluarga. Seringkali Dona mengasuh adik-adiknya
hanya untuk mendapatkan perhatian dan kasih sayang orang tuanya. Ketika ia melakukan sesuatu yang ia senangi, ia mendapatkan
penolakan dan kemarahan dari ayahnya. Hal itu turut membentuk pola hidupnya yang lebih mementingkan orang lain daripada dirinya.

b. Identifikasi Masalah
Secara umum Dona merasa tidak puas dengan kehidupannya. Ketika menginjak usia 39 tahun, ia panik dan merasa telah menyia-nyiakan
hidupanya selama ini. Selama 2 tahun ia mengalami berbagai keluhan psychosomatic, seperti gangguan tidur, kecemasan, pusing, jantung
Nama: Arlina Sari

NIM : 0106522018

berdenyut kencang, dan sakit kepala. Ia mudah menangis karena hal sepele, sering merasa tertekan, dan tidak menyukai tubuhnya. Saat itu
ia memilih untuk meninggalkan rumah.
Dona menyadari bahwa ia hidup untuk orang lain, bukan untuk dirinya sendiri dimana ia memaikan peran sebagai “superwoman” dalam
semua aspek kehidupannya, namun tidak jarang melupakan keperluan dan keinginannya sendiri. Dalam sebuah hubungan Dona merasa
bahwa ia menjadi pihak yang selalu berkorban dan pada akhirnya membuat ia merasa hampa. Dia mempunyai kesulitan untuk meminta
bantuan kepada orang lain. Ia berusaha untuk menjadi istri dan ibu yang baik yang sesuai dengan harapan keluarga dan dirinya. Pada
beberapa kondisi, Dona merasa tidak menjadi diri sendiri. Ia tidak menyukai penampilan dan tubuhnya, serta kekhawatiran tentang harapan
c. Latar belakang masalah
Pekerjaan utama Dona adalah sebagai ibu rumah tangga sampai anak-anaknya beranjak remaja. Ia kemudian melanjutkan perguruan tinggi
dan memperoleh gelar sarjana pada program studi perkembangan anak. Saat ini ia menjadi guru sekolah dasar, namun ia merasa terbebani
oleh keraguannya keinginan untuk mencapai karir yang lebih tinggi. Melalui komunikasi dengan rekan sejawatnya di Universitas, ia
menyadari bahwa ia telah membatasi dirinya sendiri, bagaimana keluarganya memperkuat ketergantungan terhadap dirinya, ia juga
menyadari bagaimana perasaan takutnya keluar dari zona nyaman sebagai seorang ibu dan istri. Ia juga mengikuti pelatihan konseling yang
membantunya dapat melihat lebih baik ke arah dirinya sendiri. Pelatihan dan pengalamannya dengan sesama pelajar yang bertindak sebagai
katalis membuat Dona dapat lebih jujur melihat hidupnya. Pada titik ini Dona menyadari bahwa ada hal yang perlu ia sadari lebih baik
selain menjadi seorang ibu, seorang istri, dan mahasiswa. Ia menyadari bahwa ia tidak mempunyai pengertian yang baik tentang apa yang
dia inginkan untuk dirinya sendiri, dan juga bahwa ia biasa hidup dari apa yang diinginkan oleh orang lain.

Kriteria analisis kasus adalah:

a. Ketajaman intepretasi dikaitkan dengan pendekatan yang dipakai (konsep dasar, hakikat manusia, dengan asumsi perilaku bermasalah),
Nama: Arlina Sari

NIM : 0106522018

1. Konsep dasar: terapi gestal adalah pendekatan pengalaman dan humanistik terhadap perubahan yang terkait dengan psikologi Gestalt,
aliran pemikiran yang menekankan persepsi kelengkapan dan keutuhan. Bahkan, terjemahan dari istilah tersebut gestalt berarti "seluruh
gambar." Terapi Gestalt muncul sebagai reaksi terhadap penekanan reduksionis di aliran konseling dan psikoterapi lainnya, seperti
psikoanalisis dan behaviorisme, yang mencoba memecah kepribadian atau perilaku klien menjadi bagian yang dapat dijelaskan.
Sebaliknya, teori Gestalt menekankan bagaimana orang berfungsi dalam totalitas mereka. Konsep dasar terapi gestalt menjelaskan
bahwa banyak orang bermasalah karena tidak mampu berfungsi penuh dan tidak mampu melihat dirinya secara utuh, salah satu
gambarannya seperti gambaran kasus yang dialami oleh Dona.
2. Hakikat manusia: Terapis Gestalt percaya bahwa manusia bekerja untuk keutuhan dan kelengkapan dalam hidup mereka. Setiap orang
memiliki kecenderungan aktualisasi diri yang muncul melalui awal kesadaran diri dan interaksi pribadi dengan lingkungan. Aktualisasi
diri berpusat pada saat ini; itu "adalah proses menjadi apa adanya dan bukan proses berjuang untuk menjadi" (Kempler, 1973, hal. 262).
Pandangan Gestalt tentang sifat manusia menempatkan kepercayaan pada kebijaksanaan batin orang, seperti halnya konseling yang
berpusat pada orang. Orang berusaha untuk hidup dengan cara yang integratif dan produktif, berjuang untuk mengkoordinasikan
berbagai bagian dari kepribadian mereka menjadi satu kesatuan yang sehat. Dari kasus Dona dapat diidentifikasi bahwa secara hakikat
sebagai manusia Dona belum memiliki kesadaran diri yang penuh akan kehidupan dan hal-hal yang diinginkannya dalam kehidupannya.
Hal ini juga di dukung oleh pernyataan yang menjalesakan bahwa Dona tidak memiliki interaksi yang baik dengan lingkungan dan
orang-orang yang ada disekitarnya, sehingga Dona lebih mementingkan orang lain dibandingkan dirinya sendiri sehingga berdampak
pada kehidupannya yang tidak produktif dan ketidakmampuan Dona dalam mengaktualisasikan dirinya.
3. Asumsi perilaku bermasalah: Menurut terapi Gestalt, banyak orang bermasalah memiliki ketergantungan yang berlebihan pada
pengalaman intelektual (Simkin, 1975). Penekanan seperti itu mengurangi pentingnya emosi dan indera, membatasi kemampuan orang
untuk menanggapi berbagai situasi. Masalah lain yang sering terjadi adalah ketidakmampuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan
urusan yang belum selesai—yaitu, pikiran, perasaan, dan reaksi sebelumnya yang masih memengaruhi fungsi pribadi dan mengganggu
Nama: Arlina Sari

NIM : 0106522018

kehidupan saat ini. Urusan yang belum selesai yang paling umum adalah kegagalan untuk memaafkan orang tua atas kesalahan mereka.
Gestaltist tidak mengaitkan salah satu dari kesulitan-kesulitan ini dengan kekuatan tak sadar dalam diri seseorang, melainkan lebih pada
kurangnya kesadaran, "kemampuan klien untuk berada dalam kontak mental dan sensorik penuh" dan untuk "mengalami saat ini". Dari
pandangan terapi gestalt terkait asumsi perilaku bermasalah tersebut dapat diidentifikasi bahwa masalah yang dialami dalam kasus yang
dihadapi oleh Dona muncul karena ada hal yang belum selesai dalam diri Dona. Dona yang selalu di hantui oleh perasaan gagal dan
tidak puas dengan apa yang ada pada dirinya menunjukkan bahwa Dona tidak dapat menjalani kehidupannya secara utuh pada saat ini.
Perasaan inilah yang menyebabkan timbulnya masalah dalam kehidupan Dona, karena Dona tidak mampu berfungsi secara penuh dalam
menjalani kehidupannya.
b. Kemungkinan langkah treatment atau intervensi pada kasus tersebut.
Langkah treatmen atau intervesi pada kasus:
Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan terhadap kasus Dona yang dialami oleh Dona, terapi gestalt merupakan salah satu pedekatan
yang efektif digunakan untuk menyelesaikan persoalan yang di alami oleh Dona. Dimana kesadaran merupakan kunci yang paling
penting dalam membantu Dona untuk dapat berfungsi secara penuh dan lebih berani melakukan hal-hal yang sebenarnya diinginkan
serta membantu mereduksi kecemasan dan perasaan yang membuatnya menjadi pribadi yang tidak produktif. Oleh karena itu langkah
treatmen atau intervensi yang dilakukan melakukan terapi gestalt ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Membantu Dona untuk bergerak menuju peningkatan kesadaran akan dirinya sendiri.
2. Secara bertahap menganggap kepemilikan pengalamannya, menerima pengalamannya dan menemukan peluang yang dapat
dijadikan potensi untuk mengaktualisasikan diri dari pengalaman yang Dona hadapi.
3. mengembangkan keterampilan dan menemukan nilai-nilai yang akan memungkinkan Dona untuk memuaskan kebutuhannya tanpa
melanggar hak orang lain.
4. Membantu Dona menjadi lebih sadar akan semua indra yang dimilikinya.
Nama: Arlina Sari

NIM : 0106522018

5. membantuDona untuk belajarlah untuk menerima tanggung jawab atas apa yang mereka lakukan, termasuk menerima tanggung
jawab konsekuensi dari tindakannya.
6. Mampu meminta dan mendapatkan bantuan dari orang lain serta mampu memberi kepada orang lain. Pada akhirnya tujuan dari
treatmen terapi gestalt ini adalah untuk membantu orang lain agar dapat berinteraksi dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan baik
lingkungan sekitarnya, sehingga mampu menjadi pribadi yang berfungsi peniuh dan menjalani kehidupannya secara utuh. Pandangan
ini sangat sesuai dengan persoalan yang dialami oleh Dona. Dimana dalam kasus Dona digambarkan bahwa Dona sering kesulitan
dalam meminta bantuan kepada orang lain serta seringkali melakukan semua hal secara mandiri, gamabaran ini menunjukkan bahwa
terapi gestallt merupakan sebuah terapi yang sangat tepat digunakan dalam membantu mengatasi kasus yang dialami oleh Dona.
Terapi gestalt membantu klien untuk mencapai kesadaran yang lebih besar, dan dengan itu, pilihan yang lebih besar. Kesadaran
meliputi mengenal lingkungan, mengenal diri sendiri, menerima diri sendiri, dan mampu melakukan kontak. Kesadaran yang meningkat
dan diperkaya, dengan sendirinya, dipandang sebagai kuratif. Tanpa kesadaran klien tidak memiliki alat untuk perubahan kepribadian.
Dengan kesadaran mereka memiliki kapasitas untuk menghadapi, menerima, dan mengintegrasikan bagian-bagian yang ditolak serta
mengalami subjektivitas mereka sepenuhnya. Dengan menyadari bagian-bagian yang ditolak ini dan bekerja untuk memiliki pengalaman
mereka, klien dapat menjadi terintegrasi, atau utuh. Ketika klien bertahan dengan kesadarannya, urusan penting yang belum selesai akan
muncul dan dapat ditangani dalam terapi. Pendekatan Gestalt membantu klien mencatat proses kesadarannya sendiri sehingga dapat
bertanggung jawab dan dapat secara selektif dan diskriminatif menentukan pilihan. Kesadaran muncul dalam konteks pertemuan
(kontak) sejati antara klien dan terapis.
Nama: Arlina Sari

NIM : 0106522018

Vision Research 126 (2016) 3–8

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Vision Research
journal homepage:

An overview of quantitative approaches in Gestalt perception

Frank Jäkel a,⇑, Manish Singh b, Felix A. Wichmann c,d, Michael H. Herzog e
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück, Germany
Department of Psychology and Center for Cognitive Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, United States
Neural Information Processing Group, Faculty of Science, and Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Tübingen, University of Tübingen, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Empirical Inference Department, Tübingen, Germany
Laboratory of Psychophysics, Brain Mind Institute, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Gestalt psychology is often criticized as lacking quantitative measurements and precise mathematical
Received 14 June 2016 models. While this is true of the early Gestalt school, today there are many quantitative approaches in
Received in revised form 22 June 2016 Gestalt perception and the special issue of Vision Research ‘‘Quantitative Approaches in Gestalt
Accepted 22 June 2016
Perception” showcases the current state-of-the-art. In this article we give an overview of these current
Available online 4 July 2016
approaches. For example, ideal observer models are one of the standard quantitative tools in vision
research and there is a clear trend to try and apply this tool to Gestalt perception and thereby integrate
Gestalt perception into mainstream vision research. More generally, Bayesian models, long popular in
other areas of vision research, are increasingly being employed to model perceptual grouping as well.
Ideal observer Thus, although experimental and theoretical approaches to Gestalt perception remain quite diverse,
Prägnanz we are hopeful that these quantitative trends will pave the way for a unified theory.
Grouping Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Perceptual organization
Bayesian models

1. Introduction In particular, the lack of quantitive laws was and is often criticized.
The Gestalt laws seem to be only qualitiative descriptions that do
The year 2012 marked the 100 year anniversary of Max not truly explain the phenomena, and the Gestaltists’ holistic the-
Wertheimer’s habilitation treatise ‘‘Experimentelle Studien über ories were often vague and perhaps, at least in retrospect, even
das Sehen von Bewegung” (Experimental Studies on Seeing seem obscure. The purpose of the special issue in which this article
Motion, Wertheimer, 1912; Spillmann, 2012), the foundational appears is to collect current thought and ongoing work on making
work of Gestalt psychology, and a milestone in vision research. the phenomena of Gestalt perception quantitative and its concepts
The centennial was commemorated by two comprehensive more precise. It is a truism for many vision scientists that quanti-
reviews in Psychological Bulletin (Wagemans, Elder et al., 2012; tative measurement and theoretical development go hand in hand.
Wagemans, Feldman et al., 2012) and a symposium at the Euro- However, it is often hard to tell which of the two is the chicken and
pean Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP). Given the large which the egg. The special issue offers a combination of both.
impact that Gestalt psychology has had on vision research, it is per-
haps a little surprising that there were not more celebrations. 2. What is a Gestalt?
Open any textbook on perception and in one of the earlier chap-
ters you will encounter the laws of good continuation, proximity, Before we review the major themes that have emerged from
common fate, similarity, and Prägnanz—Gestalt psychologists have putting together the special issue, it is worthwhile to reflect on
discovered and described many exciting phenomena and asked the central concept of Gestalt psychology: the mysterious
many insightful questions that are still with us today. However, ‘‘Gestalt.” It is famously hard to translate the term into English—
while everyone seems to acknowledge the important role that but also the German native speakers among the authors of this
Gestalt psychologists played in the history of vision research, there overview paper are not quite sure what exactly the term means
is, to put it mildly, ambivalence in the appreciation of their work. in German. Probably the best—but incomplete—translation is still
‘‘configuration.” This translation misses the holistic aspect that
was essential for the Gestalt psychologists’ early writings and that
⇑ Corresponding author. survives in the famous dictum: ‘‘the whole is something else than
E-mail address: (F. Jäkel). the sum of its parts” (Koffka, 1935, p.176).
0042-6989/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4 F. Jäkel et al. / Vision Research 126 (2016) 3–8

that their interactions cannot explain why observers see the

Gestalt organization that they see—but one should not expect a
simple isomorphism between physical motion, motion detectors,
and motion perception.
One of the radical claims of the early Gestaltists therefore was
that the usual, analytic procedure of science—breaking down a
phenomenon into its constituent parts and building an under-
standing by piecing the parts together again—is seriously flawed
for analyzing perception. Of course there is a distinction between
perceptual phenomenology and mechanistic models, and later
generations of vision scientists and neurophysiologists have suc-
cessfully described many neural mechanisms for vision. Neverthe-
Fig. 1. Duncker’s wheel. One light is placed on the rim, and one the hub, and the less, Herzog, Thunnell, and Öğmen (2016) in this issue remind us
rolling wheel is observed in the dark. If only the light on the rim is switched on, a that despite the insights of 100 years of Gestalt psychology we,
cycloid path is perceived (upper panel). If both lights are switched on, the same as vision scientists, often readily adopt an implicit isomorphism
light is perceived as orbiting in a circular trajectory around the translating hub
between the world, neural circuits, and perception. And, although
(lower panel). Figure taken from Gershman et al. (2016).
we know how to build neural circuits from the bottom up, we sim-
ply do not know yet how the parts that we find in neural mecha-
One of the clearest demonstrations for what the Gestaltists nisms relate to Gestalt perception. It is easy to claim that Gestalt
meant by this slogan is Duncker’s wheel (Duncker, 1929). Lights perception results in an emergent manner from top-down and
are placed on the hub and the rim of a wheel (See Fig. 1). In a dark recurrent network processes that are built from the known low-
room the rolling wheel is observed from the side. If the light at the level mechanisms—how else could it be?2 However, Herzog et al.
hub is the only light switched on, it will be the only thing visible in (2016) also remind us of one of the big recurring questions in per-
the dark and it will appear to move on a straight line. If only the ception research: How much does our perception of the world corre-
light on the rim is switched on, its trajectory will look like that spond to the external world? If the two corresponded very closely,
of a strangely bouncing ball. Mathematically speaking, it follows we could just ignore how things look to the observer and make pro-
a cycloid curve. If we now switch on both lights, one might expect gress simply by mapping higher and higher neural representations
to see a light moving along a straight line and the other one along a to ever more complex physical stimuli—assuming that the neural
bouncing trajectory. The actual perception is, however, radically representations are somehow isomorphic to the structure of the
different. The dots form a Gestalt and the light on the rim seems world. However, if perception does not correspond very closely to
to orbit around the light on the hub, which still moves on a straight the external world but is mostly constructed internally, then the
line (namely, the percept of a rotating wheel). The percept that thorny subjective aspects of perception will not be eliminated easily.
results from the two light stimulations together is not simply Indeed, a basic claim of the Interface theory of perception (Hoffman,
‘‘the sum” of the percepts of each light stimulation alone.1 Singh, & Prakash, 2015) is that what perception provides is a
On one hand this may seem surprising and it certainly was a species-specific user interface—one that evolved to guide fitness-
blow to analytic introspection and structuralist theories of the time enhancing actions—but that need not bear any homomorphic resem-
(see e.g. Hochberg, 1964). On the other hand, the perception of blance to objective reality (see also Koenderink, 2014; Rogers, 2014).
relations obviously requires more than a single spot of light. Only Consider, again, Duncker’s wheel. While the interpretation of
with two lights present does it make sense to speak of their dis- one light orbiting around another light might seem veridical at
tance, their relative positions, or relative motions. With only one first—since this is really how the stimulus was produced—the per-
light present there are simply no relations and hence the percep- cept is often not really one of a rolling wheel but is better described
tion of relations cannot possibly be explained by ‘‘summing” the as a tumbling stick (Proffitt, Cutting, & Stier, 1979). Importantly,
parts. One can therefore imagine that in addition to location and with such an impoverished stimulus that only consists of two
motion detectors the brain has detectors for relations, or higher- lights, there are an infinite number of possible physical motions
order features, and that is why the whole can be something other that could have produced the stimulation—but only one (or a small
than the sum of its parts. This view is very plausible given what we number) of stimulus organizations are actually perceived. The
know about the hierarchical organization of the brain. However, it Gestalt laws try to capture the regularities that exist between the
is important to understand precisely what the Gestalt psycholo- stimulus array and the resulting perceptual organization. They
gists’ insight was: For Duncker’s wheel subjects no longer perceive are therefore intrinsically phenomenological. However, even if
the absolute motion of the parts once they form a Gestalt. The per- vision is conceptualized as an inverse optics problem of recon-
ceived motion of the parts does not seem to be related to a low- structing what is ‘‘really out there”—thereby trying to sidestep
level motion detector that measures changes in retinal position phenomenology—some additional principles are needed to explain
like the stimulation with the lights in isolation might have sug- why certain organizations are preferred over others that are also
gested. Instead the organization of the whole stimulus array deter- physically possible. The Gestalt psychologists’ answer is simple:
mines the perception of motion for the whole Gestalt—including all The organization that is perceived is the one that has the highest
the separate parts. The perception of the parts does not determine degree of Prägnanz.
the perception of the whole; it is the other way around. The Gestalt In fact, the law of Prägnanz has been suggested as the principal
takes precedence in perception and is not built in a bottom-up law of perceptual organization (Hochberg, 1957). However, it was
fashion from clearly identifiable perceptual parts. This of course clear to everyone that unless one can define and measure
does not mean that visual processing in the brain does not proceed Prägnanz, the concept is not really helpful for explaining percep-
in a bottom-up fashion, based on the operation of mechanistic parts tual organization. The resulting early attempts at quantification
such as motion detectors and higher-order feature detectors, or have tried to formalize Prägnanz (in inverse form) as a minimum

1 2
Eye-movements certainly play a role here and complicate the story. For the sake Direct psychophysical evidence for this conjecture is, for example, reported by
of argument assume fixation and (para-)foveal presentation. Hock, Schöner, Brownlow, and Taler (2011).
F. Jäkel et al. / Vision Research 126 (2016) 3–8 5

principle (Arnoult & Attneave, 1956; Hochberg, 1957; Hochberg & Hawkins, Houpt, Eidels, and Townsend (2016) directly tackle
McAlister, 1953). There is some measure that can be derived from the core problem: To what extent is the whole different from the
the stimulus and the visual system organizes the stimulus in a way sum of the parts? Reaction times have long been used to put con-
that minimizes this measure. The original Gestalt psychologists’ straints on information-processing models in cognitive psychology
ideas about the underlying mechanisms for this minimization pro- and the corresponding methodology is extremely well developed.
cess in terms of electrical fields seem obscure today, but are not Hawkins et al. (2016) thus can quantify how different the process-
impossible to reconcile with modern parallel distributed process- ing time of a Gestalt is compared to a parallel race model, where
ing concepts (Epstein, 1988). One can, for example, imagine that the parts are processed in isolation. A strength of their paper is that
the stimulus activates a neural network that, over time, settles in it nicely illustrates the methodology in what is probably the sim-
a state of minimum network energy (Palmer, 1990). plest situation possible: Two dots alone and together.
In any case, in analogy to the principle of minimum energy in Another central problem of Gestalt theory is this: Usually there
physics, it was hoped that one could find a similar principle for is not only one Gestalt law at work but several laws operate simul-
perceptual organization. This approach has not been without suc- taneously, and interact in potentially complex ways. Without
cesses. For example, for Duncker’s wheel and related stimuli, it quantifying the strength of each law and its effect on, say, group-
has been found that the organization that minimizes relative ing, it is impossible to predict what will happen in multi-law situ-
motions dominates perception (Cutting & Proffitt, 1982). But ations. Thus, Kimchi, Yeshurun, Spehar, and Pirkner (2016) study
unfortunately, while this particular measure works for a narrow the quantitative effects of different contexts on attentional capture,
class of stimuli, it can hardly be called a general law of perception. and Overvliet and Sayim (2016) measure the influence of different
Such a general law, however, seemed to be within grasp once infor- contexts on haptic discrimination. These studies follow the tradi-
mation theory and coding theory were sufficiently well developed tional path of measuring the effects that grouping has on perfor-
to be applicable in psychology. Hence, it has been suggested that mance measures, such as reaction time and discrimination
Prägnanz can be formalized in terms of redundancy (Garner, ability, and thereby indirectly measure subjective grouping
1974) or code length (Leeuwenberg, 1968; Restle, 1979; Buffart, strength. But can we get at the theoretical concept of grouping
Leeuwenberg, & Restle, 1981; Leeuwenberg & van der Helm, strength differently, perhaps more directly?
2013). In this way, Gestalt theory could also be integrated seam- Hock and Schöner (2016) use the beautiful effect of dynamic
lessly into the new information-processing psychology of the time. grouping motion for studying the grouping affinity of different sur-
Modern developments have not, by and large, proceeded along faces in different contexts quantitatively. They argue that the
such information-theoretic lines.3 It is worth noting, however, that effects that they see are suggestive of a non-linear dynamical sys-
the currently popular Bayesian inferential approaches to perception tem and they sketch a model to account for them. In general, char-
may naturally be viewed as an alternate form of the same basic idea acterizing the temporal dynamics of Gestalt phenomena seems like
of redundancy in coding. Not only are the concepts of information a good way to get a more direct quantitative handle on the under-
and probability closely related but, mathematically speaking, they lying perceptual and neural processes, and this is what Spehar and
are really two sides of the same coin. To be more precise, it has been Halim (2016) using psychophysics and Sanguinetti, Trujillo,
shown that maximizing simplicity (an important aspect of Prägnanz, Schnyer, Allen, and Peterson (2016) using EEG are after. While no
and generally expressed in information-theoretic terms) and maxi- paper in this special issue fulfills this promise yet, in the future
mizing the Bayesian posterior, under certain simplifying assump- we hope to see mechanistic models of the dynamics of perceptual
tions, really amount to the same thing (Chater, 1996; Feldman, organization with meaningful parameters that can be fit to behav-
2009). Thus the maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) strategy in a Bayesian ioral and physiological data simultaneously. In the context of such
model—pick the perceptual interpretation with the highest posterior models, measuring Gestalt phenomena would mean measuring the
probability—is naturally viewed as another form of the minimum values of these parameters, rather than measuring the effects
principle. A recent Bayesian framework for perceptual grouping, Gestalt organization has on performance measures.
for example, is able to quantify the plausibility of different grouping
interpretations in a wide range of grouping problems—including dot
clustering, contour integration, and part decomposition—and thus 4. Ideal observers
raises the hope that the elusive notion of Prägnanz may be amen-
able, after all, to precise quantification and measurement (Froyen, Although theoretical papers in the special issue do not, for the
Feldman, & Singh, 2015). most part, propose mechanistic or neural models (but see
Keemink & van Rossum, 2016; Matin, Matin, & Li, 2016), several
3. Measuring Gestalt phenomena papers (6 out of 27) propose ideal observer models. Given the suc-
cess of ideal observer models in vision science more generally this
In the context of modern cognitive neuroscience, the idea of for- is perhaps not very surprising (Geisler, 1989; Green & Swets, 1988;
mulating ‘‘laws” that relate physical stimuli to subjective percepts Kersten, Mamassian, & Yuille, 2004). Ideal observer models are
may seem a bit quaint. A satisfying explanation today seems to often useful for quantifying how much of the information that
require a mechanistic model, ideally in neural terms, and not would in principle be available in a task is used by the subjects.
merely the description of a law-like relationship. However, unless Tweaking the assumptions about which information is used and
one has carefully described the quantitative relationship between comparing the resulting predictions to actual performance can be
stimulus, percept, and response, how would one evaluate the suc- suggestive of mechanisms (Zednik & Jäkel, 2014). If the experimen-
cess of a mechanistic model? It is thus still important to measure tal task can be formulated as a detection, a discrimination, or a
Gestalt phenomena and their effects on observable behavior pre- classification task this is standard procedure in vision science
cisely and thereby make the Gestalt laws quantitative, even if the and is also done fruitfully here (Erlikhman & Kellman, 2016;
long-term goal is a mechanistic model for these phenomena. Not Machilsen, Wagemans, & Demeyer, 2016).
surprisingly therefore, many papers in the special issue are con- However, in the case of Gestalt perception there is reason to
cerned with such measurement problems. doubt that the standard procedure is always appropriate. The
details of the ideal observer models vary—some use orthodox
We note that the work of Wilder, Feldman, and Singh (2016) in the special issue is statistics (Blusseau, Corbini, Maiche, Morel, & von Gioi, 2016;
motivated by an information-theoretic approach to good continuation, however. Lezama, Randall, Morel, & von Gioi, 2016) and others are firmly
6 F. Jäkel et al. / Vision Research 126 (2016) 3–8

rooted in Bayesian inference (Gershman, Tenenbaum, & Jäkel, tors such as sensory limitations or perceptual inference
2016; Wilder et al., 2016)—but they have in common that they mechanisms. Hence, pragmatically it seems like a good research
treat Gestalt organization as a statistical inference problem. To strategy to try and formalize the Gestalt laws as Bayesian priors
the degree that a statistical inference problem can be expressed and likelihood functions, and thereby integrate Gestalt ideas with
as an optimization problem (finding the simplest, the least acci- one of the most popular current theoretical frameworks in vision
dental, the most likely, the most probable, or the most redundant science. However, the special issue also shows that this is not the
organization) they follow in the footsteps of earlier Gestalt theoriz- only game in town and other statistical approaches exist for ideal
ing (see above). But how do modelers decide what is optimized? observer modeling (Blusseau et al., 2016; Lezama et al., 2016).
Take the example of good continuation. We know what we want Ultimately, as mentioned before, most vision researchers will
to get out of the optimization process, namely something that agree that a mechanistic model that can be related to the underly-
looks like the law of good continuation. So somehow the function ing neuroscience will be more satisfying than any of the available
that is being optimized needs to penalize an organization into non- ideal observer models. In this sense, perhaps, the ideal observer
smooth and rapidly varying curves. In a sense, we have to put in models are only an intermediate step towards more mechanistic
the Gestalt law that we want to get out.4 If this results in a compact models (Zednik & Jäkel, 2014). Hence, arguing about which ideal
quantitative model of Gestalt organization, perhaps one could over- observer model is the right one may be futile until more concrete
look the fact that we have engineered the optimization process to do mechanistic proposals for Gestalt perception are on the table.
exactly that. However, does it matter then that the optimization
function is expressed in terms of false-alarm rate, likelihood, or pos-
terior probability? Could we not achieve the same by optimizing a 5. Prominent topics
suitable measure of complexity or an appropriately defined energy
functional (as in Keemink & van Rossum, 2016)? The law of good continuation is the Gestalt law that seems most
A popular reason to favor a Bayesian approach in vision is that it amenable to a theoretical integration of ecological, psychological,
allows researchers to express the fundamental problem of percep- and neuroscientific work. In fact, with association fields there are
tion as inferring the ‘‘true” state of the world from unreliable sense already mechanistic proposals on the table that link well with
data—in essence this is the old idea of vision as inverse optics. If what is known about the statistics of natural images and psycho-
this Bayesian formulation brings unity to many different phenom- logical and neurophysiological data. Not surprisingly then, out of
ena in vision, this will be a good reason to formulate Gestalt per- the 27 papers in the special issue 7 deal with contours and how
ception also in these terms. In fact, in the case of good line elements are grouped; more than for any other topic
continuation one can justify the assumptions that are built into (Blusseau et al., 2016; Keemink & van Rossum, 2016; Kwon,
the priors by looking at the statistics of edges and contours in Agrawal, Li, & Pizlo, 2016; Lezama et al., 2016; Machilsen et al.,
‘‘the real world” (Brunswik & Kamiya, 2001; Geisler, Perry, Super, 2016; Schmidt & Vancleef, 2016; Wilder et al., 2016). While there
& Gallogly, 2001; Elder & Goldberg, 2002). Unfortunately, in many is a certain family resemblance among these studies, given the long
cases it is not obvious what the ‘‘real world” is for a perceptual sys- history and importance of the law of good continuation for Gestalt
tem. In what sense are edges and contours ‘‘real”? Do we only pos- perception it is remarkable—and perhaps a little disappointing—
tulate them because we perceive them or because it is sometimes how diverse the theoretical and experimental approaches are. Con-
suggested that this is what V1 may represent? Thus, whilst the tour grouping is certainly the success story among all quantitative
Bayesian approach is typically presented as a formalization of the approaches in Gestalt perception—but different researchers tell the
inverse optics approach, it need not be: the choice of priors and story quite differently.
putative computations can equally be viewed as a way of imposing Apart from contours, other prominent topics in this special
internal structure on the perception of the world. issue are motion organization (Clarke, Öğmen, & Herzog, 2016;
This issue becomes acute in the model of Gershman et al. Gershman et al., 2016), figure-ground separation and boundary
(2016): They assume that motion is always decomposed into a formation (Dimicolli, 2016; Erlikhman & Kellman, 2016;
hierarchical motion tree and that the task of the system is to infer Sanguinetti et al., 2016; Spehar & Halim, 2016), or perceptual
the structure of the tree. However, this hierarchical structure may grouping (Hock & Schöner, 2016; Kimchi et al., 2016; Murgia
or may not be the structure that generated the physical motions. et al., 2016; Overvliet & Sayim, 2016). There are two classic topics
Gershman et al. (2016) do not collect any real-world statistics to that are underrepresented: bistability (Ouhnana & Kingdom, 2016)
justify their prior, instead they take the prior to model the struc- and occlusion (Hazenberg & van Lier, 2016) are only represented
ture that the observer imposes on the world. Hence, what the by a single paper each. Similar to the contour papers there is little
model ‘‘perceives” is not what is ‘‘really out there”, but the struc- theoretical coherence among these groups of papers. While many
ture it assumes about the world. The constraints that are imposed of them deal with closely related issues their theoretical framing
by this structure may (as in Kwon, Li, Sawada, & Pizlo, 2016) or is often strikingly different. Across topics there seems to be even
may not correspond to the ‘‘real world”. But even if they do not, less theoretical coherence (except for the relatively common use
they may correspond to a human observer’s subjective perception, of ideal observers that was already discussed above). All the papers
and in these cases an ideal observer with unrealistic assumptions try to be quantitative about Gestalt perception, but the field is cer-
about the world might still be useful—as a model of human tainly still far away from a common theoretical framework. There
perception. are pockets of coherence though: Shape perception has emerged as
In fact, part of the appeal of the Bayesian approach is that it a relatively coherent topic in the special issue. Although they use
makes the hypothesized prior assumptions and internal represen- very different stimuli and experimental protocols, the three papers
tations of the observer explicit, and separates them from other fac- on shape use the common language of shape transformations
(Denisova, Feldman, Su, & Singh, 2016; Schmidt, Spröte, &
Fleming, 2016; Spröte & Fleming, 2016).
This statement admittedly involves a bit of oversimplification. An important Despite the current lack of a unified, coherent framework for
benefit of articulating a problem in formal terms is that it forces one to ask, and Gestalt perception, there is a noticeable interest to apply Gestalt
empirically address, mathematically precise questions such as: What geometric
property exactly does the visual system assume is being continued in ‘‘good continu
ideas to other areas of psychology. One example in the special issue
ation”—tangent direction, curvature, rate of change of curvature (see e.g. Singh & is the paper by van der Helm (2016) that is concerned with local
Fulvio, 2007)? and global visual processing in autism. Another example is the
F. Jäkel et al. / Vision Research 126 (2016) 3–8 7

paper by Im, Zhong, and Halberda (2016) on the perception of Duncker, K. (1929). Über induzierte Bewegung. Psychologische Forschung, 12,
numerosity. The approximate number system has long been stud-
Elder, J. H., & Goldberg, R. M. (2002). Ecological statistics of Gestalt laws for the
ied by developmental psychologists using random dot arrays. Im preceptual organization of contours. Journal of Vision, 2, 324–353.
et al. (2016) present an algorithm for grouping such random dot Epstein, W. (1988). Has the time come to rehabilitate Gestalt theory? Psychological
displays based on proximity and demonstrate that the ‘‘clusteri- Research, 50, 2–6.
Erlikhman, G., & Kellman, P. J. (2016). Modeling spatiotemporal boundary
ness” of the display leads to an underestimation of the number formation. Vision Research, 126, 131–142.
of dots. It was always the ambition of Gestalt psychologists to have Feldman, J. (2009). Bayes and the simplicity principle in perception. Psychological
an impact on psychology beyond perception, and this seems to be Review, 116, 875–887.
Froyen, V., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. (2015). Bayesian hierarchical grouping:
still true today. Perceptual grouping as mixture estimation. Psychological Review, 122, 575–597.
Garner, W. R. (1974). The processing of information and structure. Potomac, MD:
6. Conclusion Geisler, W. S. (1989). Sequential ideal-observer analysis of visual discrimination.
Psychological Review, 96, 267–314.
Geisler, W. S., Perry, J. S., Super, B. J., & Gallogly, D. P. (2001). Edge co-occurrence in
Overall, the papers collected in the special issue show that natural images predicts contour grouping performance. Vision Research, 41,
research on Gestalt perception is still concerned with many of 711–724.
the classic topics. A common criticism of work in the Gestalt tradi- Gershman, S. J., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Jäkel, F. (2016). Discovering hierarchical motion
structure. Vision Research, 126, 232–241.
tion is that it is not quantitative. The papers collected in the special Green, D. M., & Swets, J. A. (1988). Signal detection and psychophysics (Reprint
issue demonstrate that this criticism is not always justified. How- Edition) : . Peninsula Publishing.
ever, these papers are also highly diverse and heterogeneous. Even Hawkins, R. X. D., Houpt, J. W., Eidels, A., & Townsend, J. T. (2016). Can two dots
form a Gestalt? Measuring emergent features with the capacity coefficient.
though they study the same phenomena as earlier Gestaltists, Vision Research, 126, 19–33.
there is little theoretical coherence. What happened to the Gestalt Hazenberg, S. J., & van Lier, R. (2016). Disentangling effects of structure and
school that always aspired to provide a unified vision of psychol- knowledge in perceiving partly occluded shapes: An ERP study. Vision Research,
126, 109–119.
ogy? Perhaps there is, in fact, little that holds the classic phenom- van der Helm, P. A. (2016). A cognitive architecture account of the visual local
ena of Gestalt psychology together. Or perhaps the field just has advantage phenomenon in autism spectrum disorders. Vision Research, 126,
not been able yet to formally articulate what exactly a unified 278–290.
Herzog, M. H., Thunnell, E., & Öğmen, H. (2016). Putting low-level vision into global
Gestalt theory amounts to.
context: Why vision cannot be reduced to basic circuits. Vision Research, 126,
Be this as it may, Wertheimer’s habilitation treatise on motion 9–18.
perception from 1912 was the founding work of Gestalt psychol- Hochberg, J. E., & McAlister, E. (1953). A quantitative approach to figural goodness.
ogy. His later ‘‘Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Gestalt” Journal of Experimental Psychology, 46, 361–364.
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Hock, H., & Schöner, G. (2016). Nonlinear dynamics in the perceptual grouping of
these two latter papers, these publications might prove to be much connected surfaces. Vision Research, 126, 80–96.
more important than the paper from 1912 and might provide a Hock, H. S., Schöner, G., Brownlow, S., & Taler, D. (2011). The temporal dynamics of
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