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Bradley Cooke-Catcheside and Victoria Wakefield OCR National Diploma in Media, Second Year Primary Research Questionnaire We are

media students studying the OCR National Diploma in Media and we are currently in our second year. As part of one of our units, we need to conduct a primary research questionnaire about radio dramas and we, ourselves have been given the task of scripting and creating a radio drama 1. Do you watch dramas or soap operas on television? 0 Yes 0 No 2. If yes, please state how often you watch soap operas or dramas 0 Daily 0 Weekly (as omnibus) 0 Infrequently 0 Never 3. If no, please state why you would be deterred from doing so 0 Stereotypes and prejudices 0 Lifestyle choices 0 Other commitments 0 Scheduling 4. Do you listen to radio dramas? 0 Yes 0 No 5. If you answered no to question 4, but yes to question 1, why do you believe this? 0 Radio programmes are boring 0 Television is much easier to access 0 Visuals on television are much more interesting 0 Radio dramas just do not appeal to me 6. How many radio soap operas or dramas can you actually name? 0 1-2 0 2-3 0 3-4 0 5+ 7. Why would you listen to these productions? 0 Relatable and likeable characters 0 Social realism 0 Interesting and insightful settings 0 Exciting an interesting storylines 1 Unit 27 Talk Radio Production, Assignment 2 Tuesday, 25 October 2011-Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Bradley Cooke-Catcheside and Victoria Wakefield OCR National Diploma in Media, Second Year

8. What do you like to see in soap opera characters? 0 Shocking and controversial storylines 0 Realistic storylines and social realism 0 Loveable and likeable characters 0 Interesting and insightful scripts 9. Do you believe that social issues should be addressed in radio drama? (e.g. drug addiction, teenage pregnancy) 0 Yes 0 No 10a. Which radio station do you believe would broadcast this drama? 0 BBC Radio 1 0 BBC Radio 2 0 BBC Radio 3 0 BBC Radio 4 0 BBC Radio 4 Extra 0 Other (Please State) ________________________________________________________ (please print) 10b. Why do you believe this?

About You 11. Age 0 10-19 0 20-29 0 30-39 0 40-49 0 50-59 0 60+ 2 Unit 27 Talk Radio Production, Assignment 2 Tuesday, 25 October 2011-Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Bradley Cooke-Catcheside and Victoria Wakefield OCR National Diploma in Media, Second Year 12. Gender 0 Male 0 Female 13. Housing 0 Detached 0Semi-detached 0 Apartments 0 Flat 0 Rented accommodations 14. Occupation ________________________________________________________ (please print) 15. Further comment

Thank you for partaking in this questionnaire, if you would be happy for us to contact you in the future about anything that may occur, could you please leave you name and contact information below Name ________________________________________________________ (please print) Email ________________________________________________________ (please print)

3 Unit 27 Talk Radio Production, Assignment 2 Tuesday, 25 October 2011-Tuesday, 29 November 2011

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