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kCLLNC 916
Corros|on fat|gue character|st|cs and fa||ure mechan|sm
1What |s fat|gue?

O ln maLerlals sclence faLlgue ls Lhe progresslve and locallzed
sLrucLural damage LhaL occurs when a maLerlal ls sub[ecLed Lo
repeaLed cycllc loadlng (cycllc sLresslng)

O 1he nomlnal maxlmum sLress values are less Lhan Lhe ulLlmaLe
Lenslle sLress llmlL and may be below Lhe yleld sLress llmlL of Lhe

O aLlgue occurs when a maLerlal ls sub[ecLed Lo repeaLed loadlng and

unloadlng lf Lhe loads are above a cerLaln Lhreshold mlcroscoplc
cracks wlll begln Lo form aL Lhe surface LvenLually a crack wlll reach
a crlLlcal slze and Lhe sLrucLure wlll suddenly fracLure 1he shape of
Lhe sLrucLure wlll slgnlflcanLly affecL Lhe faLlgue llfe square holes or
sharp corners wlll lead Lo elevaLed local sLresses where faLlgue
cracks can lnlLlaLe 8ound holes and smooLh LranslLlons or fllleLs are
Lherefore lmporLanL Lo lncrease Lhe faLlgue sLrengLh of Lhe sLrucLure

What |s corros|on fat|gue?

O CorroslonfaLlgue ls Lhe resulL of Lhe comblned acLlon of an alLernaLlng or
cycllng sLresses and a corroslve envlronmenL or 8educLlon ln faLlgue
reslsLance ln a corroslve envlronmenL
1hus corroslon faLlgue ls noL deflned ln Lerms of Lhe appearance of
Lhe fallure buL ln Lerms of mechanlcal properLles

1 Iat|gue fa||ure1hey show larger smooLh area and smaller area whlch
has roughened and somewhaL crysLalllne appearance

2 corros|on fat|gue1hey show larger area covered wlLh corroslon

producLs and smaller area resulLlng from flnal brlLLle fracLure

1 Lxamp|es of corros|on fat|gue fa||ure |n serv|ce

O Shlps
O Cffshore plaLforms
O rllllng rlgs
O navlgaLlon Luners
O AlrcrafLs
O Submarlne plpellnes
O CommunlcaLlon equlpmenLs
O PeaL exchanger Lubes
O ump shafLs
O AlLernaLe dry and weL zones
O ump shafLs
O 8oLors
O SLeam Lurblne blades
O oller and sLeel equlpmenL
O nuclear parLs

3Iat|gue ||fe

O AS1M deflnes faLlgue llfe nf as Lhe number of sLress cycles of a speclfled
characLer LhaL a speclmen susLalns before fallure of a speclfled naLure

O Cne meLhod Lo predlcL faLlgue llfe of maLerlals ls Lhe unlform MaLerlal Law

O uML was developed for faLlgue llfe predlcLlon of alumlnum and LlLanlum
alloys by Lhe end of 20Lh cenLury and exLended Lo hlghsLrengLh sLeels

O 1he faLlgue llfe of sLeel and oLher ferrous maLerlals usually becomes
lndependenL of sLress aL low sLress levels As shown ln flgure 31 Lhls ls
called faLlgue llmlL

O nonferrous meLals such as alumlnum and magneslum do noL possess a
faLlgue llmlL

lg31 SchemaLlc lllusLraLlon of Lhe faLlgue behavlor of ferrous and nonferrous alloys

Iactors that affect fat|gue||fe
O Cyc||c stress stateependlng on Lhe complexlLy of Lhe geomeLry and
Lhe loadlng one or more properLles of Lhe sLress sLaLe need Lo be
consldered such as sLress ampllLude mean sLress blaxlallLy lnphase or
ouLofphase shear sLress and load sequence
O Geometry noLches and varlaLlon ln cross secLlon LhroughouL a parL
lead Lo sLress concenLraLlons where faLlgue cracks lnlLlaLe
O Surface qua||ty Surface roughness cause mlcroscoplc sLress
concenLraLlons LhaL lower Lhe faLlgue sLrengLh Compresslve resldual
sLresses can be lnLroduced ln Lhe surface by eg shoL peenlng Lo
lncrease faLlgue llfe Such Lechnlques for produclng surface sLress are
ofLen referred Lo as peenlng whaLever Lhe mechanlsm used Lo produce
Lhe sLress Low plasLlclLy burnlshlng laser peenlng and ulLrasonlc
lmpacL LreaLmenL can also produce Lhls surface compresslve sLress and
can lncrease Lhe faLlgue llfe of Lhe componenL 1hls lmprovemenL ls
normally observed only for hlghcycle faLlgue
O Mater|a| 1ypeaLlgue llfe as well as Lhe behavlor durlng cycllc
loadlng varles wldely for dlfferenL maLerlals eg composlLes and
polymers dlffer markedly from meLals
O kes|dua| stressesJeldlng cuLLlng casLlng and oLher manufacLurlng
processes lnvolvlng heaL or deformaLlon can produce hlgh levels of
Lenslle resldual sLress whlch decreases Lhe faLlgue sLrengLh
O S|ze and d|str|but|on of |nterna| defects CasLlng defecLs such as
gas poroslLy nonmeLalllc lncluslons and shrlnkage volds can
slgnlflcanLly reduce faLlgue sLrengLh
O D|rect|on of |oad|ngor nonlsoLroplc maLerlals faLlgue sLrengLh
depends on Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe prlnclpal sLress
O Gra|n s|zeor mosL meLals smaller gralns yleld longer faLlgue llves
however Lhe presence of surface defecLs or scraLches wlll have a
greaLer lnfluence Lhan ln a coarse gralned alloy
O Lnv|ronmentLnvlronmenLal condlLlons can cause eroslon corroslon
or gasphase embrlLLlemenL whlch all affecL faLlgue llfe Corroslon
faLlgue ls a problem encounLered ln many aggresslve envlronmenLs
O 1emperatureLxLreme hlgh or low LemperaLures can decrease faLlgue

Stress kat|o

1he mosL commonly used sLress raLlo ls 8 Lhe raLlo of Lhe mlnlmum sLress
Lo Lhe maxlmum sLress (S mln/S max)

O lf Lhe sLresses are fully reversed Lhen 8 1

O lf Lhe sLresses are parLlally reversed 8 a negaLlve number less Lhan 1

O lf Lhe sLress ls cycled beLween a maxlmum sLress and no load 8 zero

O lf Lhe sLress ls cycled beLween Lwo Lenslle sLresses 8 a poslLlve number
less Lhan 1

varlaLlons ln Lhe sLress raLlos can slgnlflcanLly affecL faLlgue llfe 1he
presence of a mean sLress componenL has a subsLanLlal effecL on faLlgue
fallure Jhen a Lenslle mean sLress ls added Lo Lhe alLernaLlng sLresses a
componenL wlll fall aL lower alLernaLlng sLress Lhan lL does under a fully
reversed sLress

ecause mosL englneerlng maLerlals conLaln dlsconLlnulLles mosL meLal

faLlgue cracks lnlLlaLe from dlsconLlnulLles ln hlghly sLressed reglons of Lhe
componenL 1he fallure may be due Lhe dlsconLlnulLy deslgn lmproper
malnLenance or oLher causes A fallure analysls can deLermlne Lhe cause of
Lhe fallure

Iat|gue stress sat|sfy|ng fo||ow|ng cond|t|ons |eads to
fat|gue corros|on

O Maxlmum Lenslle sLress
O lucLuaLlon ln applled sLress
O Large number of cycles of applled sLress

Corroslve envlronmenL reduces Lhe faLlgue llfe conslderably Lhus hasLens Lhe
cracklng process
Corroslon faLlgue ls mosL senslLlve aL low sLress frequency

lg41 1yplcal faLlgue sLress cycles (a)8eversed sLress (b)repeaLed sLress (c)lrregular
or random sLress cycles
Also C
conLenL1emp pP and soluLlon composlLlon lnfluences corroslon faLlgue
or corroslon faLlgue fallures even mlldly corroslve envlronmenL ls sufflclenL lL ls
mosL common Lo envlronmenLs whlch produce plLLlng aLLack on Lhe surface of Lhe
aLlgue sLress ls cycllc sLress whlch may Lake any form as shown ln flg41
Mechan|sm of fat|gue corros|on
1he mechanlsm of corroslon faLlgue ls noL yeL esLabllshedPowever lL ls known
LhaL Lhe form of faLlgue ls usually noL much alLered due Lo corroslon faLlgue Lvan
has glven elecLrochemlcal mechanlsm meLal accordlng Lo whlch fallure Lakes
place ln Lwo sLages
1 In f|rst stage the p|ts of var|ous depth are formed on the surface of
meta| as a resu|t of corros|on
In second stage there |s appearance and deve|opment of cracks
1hls ls due Lo formaLlon of concenLraLlon cell beLween Lhe boLLom of plLs and Lhe
surface of Lhe meLalue Lo applled sLress Lhe elecLrode poLenLlal of plL becomes
more anodlc Lhan Lhe elecLrode poLenLlal of Lhe surface Lvans assumes as Lhe
crack lncreases ln depLh Lhe elecLromoLlve force produced by Lhe sLress
produced cells lncreses
6Character|st|cs of fat|gue

W 1he maln dlsLlngulshlng feaLure of corroslon faLlgue cracks ls Lhe presence
of several cracks near Lhe fracLure ln a normal faLlgue fallure usually one
crack ls presenL

W 1he corroslon faLlgue cracks run parallel Lo each oLher and are allgned
perpendlcular Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of prlnclpal sLress

W Corroslon faLlgue cracks ln carbon sLeels ofLen propagaLe generally from
Lhe base of corroslon plLs

W (d) Cenerally Lhe faLlgue corroslon cracks ln cerLaln sLeels are Lransgranular
ln naLure lg61

W (e) 1he sLrlaLlons formed ln corroslon faLlgue fallure are less pronounced
Lhan ln normal faLlgue fallure as shown by elecLron mlcroscopy aLlgue
sLrlaLlons are shown ln lg 62
lg61 1ransgranular crack ln corroslon faLlgue

lg62 Fatigue striation in a 7178 aluminum alloy

W 1he cracks generally lnlLlaLe aL Lhe surface where Lhe sLress ls maxlmum
W 1he fracLured surface ls dull ln appearance and may conLaln corroslon
W 1hese cracks occur usually ln groups
W Corroslon faLlgue cracks have blunL edges

7Lffect of corros|on on SN d|agram

LffecL of corroslon on smooLh speclmen Sn dlagram ls shown

schemaLlcally ln lg71

lg71 LffecL of corroslon on Sn dlagram

ln Lhls flgure curve A shows Lhe faLlgue behavlor of a maLerlal LesLed ln
alr A faLlgue Lhreshold or llmlL ls seen ln A correspondlng Lo Lhe horlzonLal
parL of Lhe curve

Curves and C represenL Lhe faLlgue behavlor of Lhe same maLerlal ln Lwo
corroslve envlronmenLs

ln curve Lhe faLlgue fallure aL hlgh sLress levels ls reLarded and Lhe
faLlgue llmlL ls ellmlnaLed

ln curve C Lhe whole curve ls shlfLed Lo Lhe lefL lndlcaLlng a general
lowerlng ln Lhe faLlgue sLrengLh acceleraLed lnlLlaLlon aL hlgher sLresses
and ellmlnaLlon of a faLlgue llmlL

1o meeL Lhe needs of advanclng Lechnology hlgher sLrengLh maLerlals are
developed Lhrough heaL LreaLmenLs or alloylng

Such hlgher sLrengLh maLerlals generally exhlblL hlgher faLlgue llmlLs and
Lhus can be used aL hlgher servlce sLress levels even under faLlgue loadlng

Powever presence of corroslve envlronmenLs durlng faLlgue loadlng
ellmlnaLes Lhls sLress advanLage as Lhe faLlgue llmlL becomes almosL
lnsenslLlve Lo Lhe sLrengLh level for a parLlcular group of alloys

1hls effecL ls schemaLlcally shown for Lhe case of several sLeels ln lg72
1hls flgure brlngs ouL Lhe deblllLaLlng effecL of corroslve envlronmenLs on
Lhe funcLlonallLy of hlgh sLrengLh maLerlals under faLlgue

Corroslon faLlgue ln aqueous medla ls an elecLrochemlcal behavlor
racLures are lnlLlaLed elLher by plLLlng or aL perslsLenL sllp bands

lg72 LffecL of corroslon on faLlgue llmlLs of sLeels

In|t|at|on of Cracks

W lsconLlnulLles ln meLal such as near Lhe surface
W lncluslons or secondphase parLlcles
W ScraLches on a meLal surface
W SlLes of plLLlng or lnLergranular corroslon
W 1wln boundarles

Crack propagat|on stud|es |n corros|on fat|gue

ln normal faLlgue LesLlng of smooLh speclmens abouL 90 of Lhe llfe ls
spenL ln crack nucleaLlon and only Lhe remalnlng 10 ln crack propagaLlon

Powever ln corroslon faLlgue crack nucleaLlon ls faclllLaLed by corroslon
and Lyplcally abouL 10 of llfe ls sufflclenL for Lhls sLage 1he resL 90 of
llfe ls spenL ln crack propagaLlon
1hus lL ls much more lnformaLlve Lo evaluaLe Lhe crack propagaLlon
behavlor durlng corroslon faLlgue

racLure mechanlcs uses precracked speclmens and effecLlvely measures
crack propagaLlon behavlor Pence conslderable emphasls ls belng glven Lo
crack propagaLlon veloclLy measuremenLs uslng fracLure mechanlcs Lo
sLudy corroslon faLlgue

Slnce faLlgue crack grows ln a sLable fashlon below Lhe crlLlcal sLress
lnLenslLy facLor for fracLure (fracLure Loughness) Lhe process ls called sub
crlLlcal crack growLh lg91 shows a Lyplcal faLlgue crack growLh behavlor

ln Lhls loglog ploL Lhe crack propagaLlon veloclLy ls ploLLed agalnsL Lhe
applled sLress lnLenslLy range

Cenerally Lhere ls Lhreshold sLress lnLenslLy range below whlch Lhe crack
propagaLlon veloclLy ls lnslgnlflcanLly low

1hree sLages may be vlsuallzed ln Lhls ploL

lg 9 1 1yplcal faLlgue crack growLh behavlor (SchemaLlc)

near Lhe Lhreshold crack propagaLlon veloclLy lncreases conslderably wlLh
lncreaslng sLress lnLenslLy range a second reglon where Lhe curve ls nearly
llnear and follows Lhe arls law and Lhe Lhlrd reglon where crack
propagaLlon veloclLy lncreases rapldly wlLh sLress lnLenslLy range leadlng Lo
fracLure aL Lhe fracLure Loughness value

Crack propagaLlon under corroslon faLlgue may be classlfled ln Lo

l) Lrue corroslon faLlgue
ll) sLress corroslon faLlgue and
lll) a comblnaLlon of Lrue and sLress corroslon faLlgues

1rue corros|on fat|gue
ln Lrue corroslon faLlgue Lhe faLlgue crack growLh raLe ls enhanced by
corroslon and Lhls effecL ls seen ln all Lhe Lhree reglons of Lhe faLlgue crack
growLh raLe dlagram lg92 shows a schemaLlc dlagram of crack growLh
raLe under Lrue corroslon faLlgue lL ls seen from Lhls flgure LhaL Lhe whole
curve ls shlfLed Lo lower sLress lnLenslLy facLor range ln Lhe corroslve
envlronmenL 1he Lhreshold ls lower and Lhe crack growLh veloclLles are
hlgher aL all sLress lnLenslLy facLors 1he fracLure of Lhe speclmen occurs
when Lhe sLress lnLenslLy facLor range ls equal Lo Lhe appllcable Lhreshold
sLress lnLenslLy facLor for sLress corroslon cracklng

lg92 Crack growLh behavlor under Lrue corroslon faLlgue

Jhen aLLempLlng Lo analyze Lhe effecLs of corroslon faLlgue on crack
growLh ln a parLlcular boLh corroslon Lype and faLlgue load levels can each
affecL Lhe crack growLh Lo varylng degrees Common corroslon Lypes
lnclude crevlce plLLlng flllform exfollaLlon lnLergranulareach wlll affecL
crack growLh ln a parLlcular maLerlal ln a dlsLlncL way or lnsLance plLLlng
corroslon wlll ofLen be Lhe mosL damaglng Lype of corroslon degradlng a
maLerlals performance (LhaL lL speeds up crack growLh raLes) more Lhan
any of Lhe oLher klnds of corroslon even plLs Lhe order of a maLerlals graln
slze can subsLanLlally degrade a maLerlal 1he degree Lo whlch corroslon
can affecL crack growLh raLes can also be dependlng on faLlgue load levels
for lnsLance corroslon can cause much greaLer lncrease ln crack growLh
raLes aL low loads Lhan lL does aL hlgh loads

Stress corros|on fat|gue
ln maLerlals where Lhe maxlmum applled sLress lnLenslLy facLor exceeds
Lhe sLress corroslon cracklng Lhreshold value sLress corroslon wlll also add
Lo Lhe crack growLh veloclLy
1hls ls shown schemaLlcally ln lg93

lg93 Crack growLh behavlor under sLress corroslon faLlgue

ln Lhe corroslve envlronmenL Lhe crack grows due Lo cycllc loadlng aL

lower sLress lnLenslLy rangesbuL above Lhe Lhreshold sLress lnLenslLy for
scc addlLlonal crack growLh (red llne) occurs due Lo sLress corroslon
cracklng 1he lower sLress lnLenslLy reglons are noL affecLed and Lhe
Lhreshold sLress lnLenslLy range for faLlgue crack propagaLlon ls unchanged
ln Lhe corroslve envlronmenL

ln Lhe mosL general case corroslon faLlgue crack growLh may exhlblL boLh
of Lhe above effecLs and Lhe crack growLh behavlor ls represenLed
schemaLlcally ln lg94

lg94 Comblned Lrue corroslon faLlgue and sLress corroslon faLlgue

10revent|ng Iat|gue Ia||ure

Corroslon faLlgue can be reduced by lncreaslng Lenslle sLrengLh by

O alloy addlLlon
O corroslon lnhlblLors
O caLhodlc proLecLlon

All of above reduce plLLlng

Also surface LreaLmenL llke

O plaLlng
O claddlng
O nlLrldlng
O shoLpeenlng

11 Why to study Corros|on Iat|gue?

1here ls a greaL demand for hlgh sLaLlc sLrengLh maLerlals and a deslre for hlgher
sLrucLural performance from Lhese maLerlals 1he demand for hlgh sLrengLhLo
welghL raLlo of aerospace maLerlals ls lncreaslng and reslsLance Lo faLlgue ls an
lmporLanL crlLerla 1here ls a need Lo lmprove Lhe performance of alrcrafL alloys
and of powder meLallurgy producLs

Aggresslve envlronmenLs have a deleLerlous effecL on Lhe faLlgue llfe hence an
undersLandlng of corroslon faLlgue and of faLlgueenvlronmenL lnLeracLlon ls
exLremely lmporLanL for selecLlon of maLerlals reslsLanL Lo corroslon faLlgue

1hls ls a locallzed form of corroslon caused by Lhe deposlLlon of dlrL dusL mud
and deposlLs on a meLalllc surface or by Lhe exlsLence of volds gaps and cavlLles
beLween ad[olnlng surfaces An lmporLanL condlLlon ls Lhe formaLlon of a
dlfferenLlal aeraLlon cell for crevlce corroslon Lo occur 1hls phenomenon llmlLs
Lhe use parLlcularly of sLeels ln marlne envlronmenL chemlcal and
peLrochemlcal lndusLrles

O Corros|on eng|neer|ng by Mars G Iontana
O r|nc|p|e of Corros|on Lng|neer|ng and corros|on contro|
8y 2ak| Ahmad
O Goog|e search

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