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Section C : Subjective a.

Define an incident and accident Incident An incident is an unexpected event that may result in property damage, but does
not result in an injury or illness. Incidents are also called, near miss, or near hits.

Accident An accident is an unexpected event in property damage, and does result in an

injury or illness to an employee.

b. State

FOUR (4) basic type of incident with an examples.

Minor accidents - Paper cuts finger, box of materials dropped Serious accidents (cause injury or damage to equipment or property) - Falling off a ladder, hazardous chemical Spill, forklift dropping a load. Long Term - Hearing loss, an illness resulting from exposure to chemicals Nearmiss
- An event which did not result in injury or damage to property but had the potential to do so - Shares the same root causes as an accident. It is only because of chance that no harm or damage occurred. - Needs similar attention as an accident.

c. What is unsafe act and unsafe condition. Give an example. Unsafe act performance of a task or other activity that is conducted in a manner that may
threaten the health and or safety of workers. Examples are : Operating without qualification or authorization. Lack of or improper use of PPE. Failure to tagout/lockout. Operating equipment at unsafe speed. Failure to warn. Bypass or removal of safety devices. Using detective equipment. Use of tools for other than their intended purpose. Working in hazardous locations without adequate protection or warning. Improper repair of equipment.

Horseplay. Wearing unsafe clothing. Taking an unsafe position. Unsafe condition A condition in the work place that is likely to cause property damage or
injury. Examples are : Inadequate supports of guards. Congestion in the workplace. Fire and explosion hazards. Poor housekeeping Hazardous atmospheric condition Excessive noise Poor ventilation d. Explain

briefly step by step of Risk Assessment Procedures

Step 1
Identifying The Hazard

- Overall, the goal is to find and record possible hazards that may be present in workplace. Step 2 Asses The Risk - Assessment should be done by a competent team of individuals who have a good working knowledge
of the workplace.

Step 3 Evaluate The Existing Control

Once a risk rating determined, each hazard must have its existing control measures
evaluated using the Evaluation of Control Effectiveness Table.

Step 4
Implement Additional Risk Control These methods are also known as the hierarchy of control because they should be
considered in the order presented.

Step 5
Monitor and Preview
- It is important to monitor both the hazard and the control method to make sure that the control is working effectively and that exposure to the hazard is reduced or eliminated.

e. Hazard identification based on a few factors. State and explain FIVE (5) out of EIGHT (8) factors.
Previous Accident Reports - Location, Machine,Person, Age of Person, Time of Day, Day of Week, Part of Body, Severity of
Injury and Occupation.

OSH Publications
- These publications can be of particular benefit as they concentrate on reporting issues relating to safety and health

- A counter-part in another subsidiary of the company or even a contact in a competitive company could be a good source of information as they probably share similar safety problems.

Industry Associations - Safety and health is often brought up at industry association meetings or during informal
discussions before or after meetings.

ASK, WHAT IF . . .? - Its important to try to anticipate how human behaviour, equipment, and system failures
could combine to create a hazardous situation.

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