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Four-Stage FM Transmitter

circuiL diagram.pd

Group members
nlLlka MlLLal(L092082)
nlLlka uhlngra (L092081)
alak uhawan(L092083)
alak Carg (L092086)
t times many of you must have felt the need of spying on some body's conversation
over the telephone and wondered how to bug a telephone.
Morally it won't be correct to eavesdrop on an individual's personal discussion, but
through electronics you can always and every time find a way of fulfilling your wishes no
matter whether the act is ethical or not.
Though won't recommend using the present circuit for listening to somebody's private
talks, it can rather be used as a fun gadget for broadcasting a telephone conversation
over the FM radio.
The circuit is very simple to build, so tiny in size that it easily fits inside the landline
telephone itself. Once connected to the wires of the telephone line, it will immediately
detect any conversation made over the particular telephone and convert them into FM
signals. By carefully tuning your FM set, you should be able to listen to these speech
signals wirelessly up to a radial distance of more than 10 meters.
The out put is distinctly clear and the listener should be able to hear even the whispers
of the person conversing over the telephone.
t can also be used to record a conversation made over a telephone. So if you are
thinking how to record a telephone conversation? The idea is simple. The signals aired
from the circuit may be received by the FM radio of your mobile phone and easily
-out the Circuit
The functioning of the circuit may be understood through the
following step wise explanation:
O The circuit is basically a single transistor oscillator, which oscillates at
a frequency of around 100 MHz.
O Transistor T1 along with the associated capacitors and the inductor
forms a high frequency FM signal generator.
O The sound signals in the form of electrical pulses passes through the
capacitor C1 and reaches the base of the transistor T1.
O These electrical pulses are modulated over the 100 MHz carrier
signals and are transmitted in the air through the antenna coil L1.
O The transmitted electrical pulses are captured by the FM receiver and
are converted back to speech vibrations through its speakers, and
thus we are able to hear the telephone conversation over the FM
O The unit does not require an external supply voltage to operate as
this is derived from the telephone line itself. Since its current
consumption is negligibly low, you don't have to worry regarding its
effect on your telephone bill.
!,rts Required
ou will require the following electronic components for its construction:
1. Resistors: 1 K, 82 K, 68 K one each (all are watt, CFR),
2. Capacitors: 103/100V PPC, 82 pF, 10 pF, 27 pF, 100/25 V one each,
3. Rectifier Diode: 1N4007,
4. Zener Diode: 4.7 V, 400 mW,
5. Coil: 4 Turns of 21 SWG super enameled copper wire, 4 mm in
How to BuiId ,nd Bug it in , TeIephone?
The construction of this circuit may be
carried in the following manner:
O With the help of the circuit schematic construct the circuit over a
piece of general PCB, try to keep the components perfectly organized
so that the whole unit becomes very compact in size.
O Join two small lengths of wire to the circuit as supply inputs. lso do
not forget to connect a 10 inches antenna wire to the circuit.
O Wrap the circuit completely with plastic PVC tape to insulate it from
any possible short circuit.
O Now it is ready to be bugged inside a telephone. f you don't want to
disturb the telephone instrument, the device may also be easily
accommodated inside the telephone distribution box.
O Unscrew the box; connect the circuits supply wires in parallel to the
input telephone wires. Squeeze out the antenna wire through a
suitable outlet and let it hang outside. Fix the cover of the box back
into its place.
O This concludes the "bugging procedure. Switch ON a FM radio and
start tuning it. ou should be able to get a null spot, where the
"hissing of the radio completely vanishes.
O Now pick up the handset of the telephone from the cradle and
instantly you should hear its dial tone over the radio loud and clear.
Similarly, now every call made here will be audible in your FM radio
on the particular wavelength.
Now since that you know how to bug a telephone, hopefully you will use it for a healthier
Have any further doubts? Feel free to post your comments (comment need moderation
and may take time to appear).
'oice Oper,ted Switch ('OX) Circuit Using LM346 For
!u-Iic ddress 2pIifier Syste2

Feedback in public address amplifier is something that should be avoided. The ideal solution is by
adjusting the microphone and the speaker position, but it's not always possible in many situation. Using
frequency shifter to change the output frequency 10Hz lower than the input frequency can solve the
problem, but it's too expensive for a low cost public address system. Voice operated switch is one cheap
working solution (see the circuit's schematic diagram).
LM346 is programmable operational-amplifier. ccording to its data sheet, by pulling the SET pin(s) to V-
the op amp(s) shuts down and its output goes to a high impedance state. Using this property, the LM346
can be used as a low speed analog switch for VOX (Voice operated switch) application. The figure below
shows the schematic diagram of the VOX circuit.

The first op-amp is the buffer for the microphone with gain=2. The second op-amp and the diode1N914 is
configured as peak follower, follow immediately the signal peak but falls down slowly because the charge
of the 10uF capacitor can't be sinked by op-amp output (blocked by the diode) and must be discharged
slowly through 10M resistor. This slow discharging ensure the voice signal is not muted at short silence
between words and sentences. The third op-amp is configured as a comparator, which its reference is
adjustable via 10k Pot. This potentiometershould be adjusted to set the proper level where the sound
activate this VOX circuit. The last op-amp doing the voice muting, when the control voltage output drop to
zero because no sufficient sound level detected on the microphone. Connect your microphone to MC N,
and connect the UDO OUT to your microphone input of your amplifier. The CONTROL output of this
VOX circuit is provided to control other equipment such as relay or lamps. [circuit schematic diagram
source: National Semiconductor's LM146/LM346 Programmable Quad Operational mplifiers pplication
ugust 23, 2008 | udio,Control and Monitoring |
Tags: udio Control, Sound Sensor,VOX

@e|ephone @ransm|tter IM

kecelve telepbooe coovetsotloos oo ooy lM toJlo wltb tbls oeot llttle Jevlce

by Marc Splwak

Would you llke Lo be able Lo ampllfy a phone call so everybody can hear lL? Cr
perhaps youd llke a way Lo record phone calls for recordkeeplng purposes lf elLher
ldea sounds good Lo you Lhen you mlghL wanL Lo bulld Lhe lM 1elepbooe
1toosmlttet descrlbe ln Lhls arLlcle lLs a slmple yeL lngenlous devlce LhaL connecLs
ln serles wlLh a phone llne reals power from Lhe laLLer and LransmlLs boLh sldes of
a conversaLlon Lo an lM radlo Luned Lo beLween 90 and 93 MPz
1he clrculL ls bullL on a C board LhaL ls so small lL can easlly be flLLed lnslde Lhe
houslng of a Lelephone maklng lL an lnsLanL pseudospeak earphone keep ln mlnd
Lhough LhaL lL ls lllegal Lo llsLen Lo or record a Lelephone conversaLlon wlLhouL
lnformlng all lnvolved parLles
1here are many leglLlmaLe reasons for wanLlng Lo broadcasL a Lelephone call Lo an
lM recelver lor one maybe you are calllng one of Lhose 900 lnformaLlon or
enLerLalnmenL llnes and everybody wanLs Lo hear Lhe message Cr perhaps when
someone calls long dlsLance he or she doesnL have Lhe Llme or canL afford Lo sLay
on long buL everybody aL home sLlll wanLs Lo hear hls or her volce Cr perhaps you
wanL Lo record a phone call so LhaL you have a record of some elecLronlc banklng you
dld or deal you made

8esldes belng small ln slze Lhe 1elephone 1ransmlLLer ls also small ln prlce Cnly a
handful of parLs ls needed Lo bulld Lhe pro[ecL and everyLhlng you need (lncludlng a
C8) can be purchased as a compleLe klL

|rcu|t Descr|pt|on
1he schemaLlc dlagram for Lhe 1elephone 1ransmlLLer ls shown
ln llg 1
1haL clrculL connecLs ln ser|es wlLh elLher Lhe 1lp Ck 8lng (green or red) leads of Lhe
Lelephone llne ower for Lhe clrculL ls fullwave brldge recLlfled by dlodes u1
Lhrough u4 1he oLher 2 wlres are black and yellow and are unused ln mosL
resldences unless you have a second llne somewhere
1ranslsLor C1 capaclLors C1 and C8 and lnducLor L3 form an lM osclllaLor LhaL
operaLes aL a frequency of around 93 MPz varlable capaclLor C8 allows Lhe osclllaLor
frequency Lo be ad[usLed beLween 86 and 93 MPz 1o move Lhe Lunlng area up Lo
Lhe 90 93MPz range C1 musL be replaced wlLh a 22pl capaclLor 1he Lunable area
can be moved even hlgher Lo over 100MPz by replaclng C1 wlLh a 13pl or 10pl
capaclLor Assumlng Lhe onhook volLage ls Lhe sLandard 48v llke ln Canada and
mosL uS sLaLes lf Lhe onhook volLage of an exLenslon phone neLwork ls lower say
abouL 39v C1 wlll have Lo be lower ln Lhe 13pl Lo 10pl Lo be Luned ln Lhe
commerclal lM band
Audlo from Lhe phone llne ls coupled Lhrough 83 and C2 Lo Lhe base of C1 where lL
frequency modulaLes Lhe osclllaLor
1ranslsLor C1 lnducLor L1 and capaclLor C6 form a power ampllfler clrculL 1he
slgnal Lapped off L3 ln Lhe osclllaLor clrculL ls fed Lo Lhe base of LranslsLor C2 and Lhe
lM slgnal ls LransmlLLed from C2s collecLor lnducLor L2 ls a radlofrequency shunL
LhaL decouples power and audlo from Lhe ampllfler clrculL

1he clrculL ls slmple enough Lo bulld on perforaLed
consLrucLlon board buL Lhe LlghL deslgn of Lhe
C8oard shown ln llg 2 ls more deslrable lf you
would llke Lo use a C8 you can elLher use Lhe foll
paLLern provlded ln LhaL flgure Lo make your own C8
or order a preeLched and drllled board as parL of a compleLe parLs klL avallable from
Lhe source glven ln Lhe arLs LlsL
When mounLlng parLs Lo Lhe C8 use Lhe parLsplacemenL dlagram shown ln llg
3 as a gulde 8egln by lnsLalllng Lhe reslsLors and dlodes Lhe board ls so LhlghL LhaL
Lhose componenLs musL be mounLed verLlcally 1he prlnLed clrculL board measures
20x30mm (1x2) so lL ls small 8eslsLors have Lo be mounLed sLandlng up
uependlng on Lhe slze of C8 Lhe Lrlmmer capaclLor you may have
Lo solder Lwo pleces of wlre Lo Lhe legs of C8 and mounL lL LhaL
way LlLher way lL ls a LlghL space
1he nexL sLep ls Lo lnsLall Lhe lnducLors Colls L1 and L2 are slx and
elghL Lurns respecLlvely of enameled copper wlre lf you are
wlndlng your own colls use approxlmaLely 22gauge wlre and a 1/8
lnch drlll blL as your wlndlng form Any enamel on Lhe leads where Lhe colls are Lo be
soldered musL be sanded scraped or burned off wlLh a solderlng lron before solder
wlll adhere Lo Lhem properly Coll L3 ls slx Lurns of Llnned copper wlre ln whlch Lhe
colls musL be spread ouL wlLh abouL 1 mllllmeLer beLween each Lurn none of the
turns are a||owed to touch each other or the pr|nted c|rcu|t board |tse|f! AfLer you
are done spreadlng ouL Lhe wlndlngs of Lhls coll Lhe LoLal wldLh wlll measure
approxlmaLely 3/8 (9mm) Agaln Lhls ls approxlmaLely and dependlng on your sklll
uonL worry Loo much abouL lL ?ou can always spread lL ouL more or squeeze lL a blL
when Lhe coll ls mounLed
A Lap ls connecLed beLween Lhe Lop of Lhe flrsL Lurn of L3 and Lhe C board (see
Co on Lo lnsLall Lhe flxed capaclLors and Lhe varlable one (C8) Agaln C8 may need
some bendlng Also Lhls cap may have 3 legs you can cuL 1 off and leave one
slde+walker ln place Safes on space on Lhe C8
1hen you can solder Lhe Lwo LranslsLors Lo Lhelr approprlaLe places

8e cerLaln Lo lnspecL Lhe board for errors before connecLlng lL Lo Lhe phone llne 1he
range of Lhe 1ransmlLLer ls less Lhan 100 feeL 1haL dlsLance can be lncreased
however by solderlng a wlre anLenna (abouL 3 feeL (130cm) of 26 gauge wlre) Lo Lhe
collecLor of C2

@est and @une
ConnecL Lhe 1ransmlLLer Lo Lhe phone llne uslng whaLever meLhod you prefer !usL
make sure lL ls connecLed ln kI wlLh [usL one (1) of Lhe Lwo wlres!
1hls means cuLLlng elLher Lhe kD(8lng) or Gk-(1lp) wlre and hook Lhe clrculL up
ln beLween Lhe one wlre you [usL cuL
1urn on a nearby lM radlo and Lune Lo a quleL spoL (no sLaLlon uslng LhaL frequency)
on Lhe dlal somewhere beLween 83 and 93 MPz lck up Lhe
phone you should here Lhe dlal Lone rlghL away on Lhe lM
radlo lf LhaL ls noL Lhe case ad[usL C8 unLll you do hear Lhe dlal
Lone llrsL ad[usL C8 for Lhe besL recepLlon and Lhen flne Lune
Lhe radlo
Should you have Lrouble flndlng a spoL on Lhe dlal LhaL ls quleL
enough remember LhaL Lhe Lunlng area can be moved up Lo Lhe 98 Lo 103 MPz
range by replaclng C1 wlLh a 10pl capaclLor uslng a 22pl cap wlll Lune Lhe 90 Lo
93MPz range 1hese ranges are also dependlble on Lhe collspaclng
1he plcLure of C8 shows a blue color whlch was used for Lhe proLoLype 1he acLual
color of Lhls Lrlmmer capaclLor ls changlng as rapldly as Lhe weaLher(currenL color ls
red) Slnce Lhe prlnLed clrculL board ls so small componenLs may have Lo be bend ln
place llke C8 and Lhe Lhree colls L1 L2 and L3 (uonL forgeL Lo scrape Lhe coaLlng of
Lhe ends before solderlng!) All oLher componenLs mounL besL sLralghLup
And donL forgeL Lo solder a plece of wlre aL Lhe flrsL Lurn of L3 Lo Lhe pad on Lhe
clrculL board (see phoLo)
Cne lasL plece of advlse Lake your Llme lnserLlng Lhe semlconducLors and ensure
Lhelr poslsLlon ls correcL before solderlng!
Parts List:
Q1 = 2N3904, NTE123A, BC107, PN100, 2N4401, 2N2222, etc.
Q2 = 2N3563, or NTE108, *ONLY!*
D1-D4 = 1N4148, signal diode

Resistors, 1/4W, 5% tolerance:
R1 = 100 ohm (brown-black-brown)
R2 = 33K (orange-orange-orange)
R3 = 10K (brown-black-orange)
R4 = 47K (yellow-violet-orange)
R5 = 390 ohm (orange-white-brown)

C1 = 27pF, ceramic
C2 = 0.1uF (100nF), ceramic
C3 = 0.022uF, (22nF) ceramic, 100V type
C4 = 0.001uF, (1nF) ceramic
C5 = 5.6pF, ceramic
C6,C7 = 47pF, ceramic
C8 = 5-20pF trimmer cap

dditional Parts and Materials:
L1 = 15nH (nanoHenry), 6 turns of #22 enameled copper wire (see text)
L2 = 30nH, 8 turns of #22 enameled copper wire (see text)
L3 = 8nH, 6 turns of #22 tinned copper wire (see text)
PCB = Printed Circuit Board
Jptional: miniature aligator clips

If you wish to purchase this project as a KIT, please [CLICK HERE]
opyr|ght and red|ts
Crlglnal ro[ecL by Mark Splwak ubllshed ln op1ronlx Magazlne 1997 by
Cernsback ubllshlng (Cernsback ubllshlng and C1ronlx Magazlne are no longer
ln buslness) rlnLed ClrculL 8oard LayouL and phoLographs copyrlghL 2003 by
1ony van 8oon

!usL for Lhe sake of legal lssues below ls our llLLle dlsclalmer

uependlng on your counLry or sLaLe (provlnce) mosL Lelephone companles donL llke
anyLhlng hooked up Lo Lhelr phone llnes As such by readlng Lhls dlsclalmer you
undersLand and agree Lo use Lhls clrculL aL your own rlsk 1he unlverslLy of Cuelph
and/or 1ony van 8oon can noL and wlll noL accepL any llablllLy aL any Llme and/or for
any reason for Lhe use or lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls clrculL 1hls clrculL may be used Lo
share or record conversaLlons buL ls noL lnLended for lllegal acLlvlLles 1o use Lhls
devlce legally you musL lnform your parLy LhaL Lhe conversaLlon ls belng recorded or

The circuit provides a simple illustration of a door phone intercom system having a two-way
communication using the features of LM386 amplifier.
o ntercom short for intercommunication, is an electronic communication system made of
microphones and loudspeakers; used for the purpose of announcements, cooperation,
association, direction, or private conversations
o LM386 a low voltage audio power amplifier designed for use in low voltage consumer
applications; its features include low distortion, self-centering output quiescent voltage, ground
referenced input, voltage gains from 20 to 200, low quiescent current drain, wide range of supply
voltage, minimum external parts and battery operated
o Dual Pole Dual Throw (DPDT) Switch provides a normally open and normally closed contact for
each pole which make and break two separate circuits
The door phone circuit consists of speakers rated at 8 ohms that is used as an output speaker and as a
microphone. This conversion of microphone to speaker and vice versa is made possible when the
variation on the voice coil, made by the audio waves arriving at the speaker, creates a few electrical
signals. This signals that are passing to the amplifier are being converted to audio signals coming out of
the speaker. Since the speaker has low impedance, the BC109C transistor functions to provide the
same amount of low impedance input while its amplification operates at the common base mode to
provide a reliable voltage gain, while the current gain modification is permitted by biasing its own direct
The role of LM386 in the circuit is to provide power to the speakers operating in non-inverting mode. s
a power amplifier, it increases the voltage gain of the speakers. The overall gain of the circuit is set by
the 5K preset while the volume of the speakers is being controlled by the 10K ohm potentiometer.
potentiometer is a manually adjustable resistor used to control the potential difference or voltage across
a circuit.
To allow a 2-way communication where one talks while the other listens, the switch is manually
operated. The dual pole dual throw switch is responsible for reversing the operations of the
loudspeakers between end points. The normal setup of an intercom requires long cables and it is
possible because of the low impedance and less voltage gain of the circuit.
ntercoms have been utilized in many places like in residential and commercial area, in local area paging
systems, in area of rescue assistance systems, in apartment entry systems using hardwire, in access
control of telephone entry systems, emergency call systems and nurse call systems. n the world of
intercom systems, generally intercoms are being used in video systems, integrated security, baby
intercom, commercial systems, security systems, telephone systems, wireless systems, home intercom
and other services including installation, repair and maintenance.
LM386 may be used in several applications such as power converters, small servo drivers, ultrasonic
drivers, line drivers, TV sound systems, portable tape player amplifiers, M-FM radio amplifiers and
simple 2 way Intercom based on the LM386386 using 8 ohm speakers.

Circuit Notes
For the first time, this circuit was designed by two authors, Mr Laurier Gendron of Burnaby in British
Columbia, Canada, and myself. Please make sure you visit Laurier's web site, Handy Dandy Little
In this doorphone circuit, an 8 ohm speaker is used both as a microphone and also an output device.
The BC109C stage amplifies in common base mode, giving good voltage gain , whilst providing a low
impedance input to match the speaker. Self DC bias is used allowing for variations in transistor current
gain. An LM386 is used in non-inverting mode as a power amplifier to boost voltage gain and drive the
8 ohm speaker. The 10k potentiometer acts as the volume control, and overall gain may be adjusted
using the 5k preset. The double pole double throw switch, reverses the loudspeaker positions, so that
one is used to talk and the other to listen. Manually operating the switch (from inside the house)
allows two way communication.
The circuit is designed to measure and monitor the
level of an input audio signal by displaying an on the spot reading and not the peak reading.
o udio or Sound Level refers to the intensity, amount, or degree of an audio signal
o Sound Level Meter instruments designed to react to noise much like the human ear where the
measurements are compared to known standards to identify whether the noise level could have a
detrimental effect on humans located near the noise source
o Full Scale Deflection the maximum or minimum representable value that a signal represents
o Rectifier an electrical device that converts alternating current to direct current under the process
known as rectification

There are two common emitter amplifiers used in the circuit, BC108B because they are fit for use in
driver stages, low noise input stages, and signal processing circuits. For full scale deflection, an input
sensitivity of 100 mV is permitted across the 100 u meter. While the circuit possesses a fixed 20 HZ
frequency response, the audio frequencies were accepted through the DC blocking capacitor.

The full wave bridge rectifier in the circuit is compsed of four diodes (electronic switches) that will
convert tha input signal to a shifting DC voltage.

Typical sound level meters are applied in product testing, maintenance inspections and troubleshooting,
machine performance analysis, engineering control studies, audiometer analysis and calibration,
frequency analysis and calibration, environmental impact studies, community noise assessment, noise
ordinance enforcement, environmental noise measurement and compliance, and occupational noise
measurement and compliance.Sound level meters measure real time sound and can have functions
such as signal analysis, noise dose measurement, and different time and frequency weighting.

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