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oc|n|1|on o A|?


There are several main types 41 p4lluti4n and well-kn4wn effects 41 p4lluti4n which
are c4mm4nly discussed. One type 41 air p4lluti4n is the release 41 5,79.08 int4 the
air 1r4m burning 1uel 14r energy. Diesel sm4ke is a g44d example 41 this particulate
matter . The particles are very small pieces 41 matter measuring ab4ut 2.5 micr4ns 4r
ab4ut .0001 inches. This type 41 p4lluti4n is s4metimes re1erred t4 as "black carb4n"
p4lluti4n. The exhaust 1r4m burning 1uels in aut4m4biles, h4mes, and industries is a
maj4r s4urce 41 p4lluti4n in the air.
An4ther type 41 p4lluti4n is the release 41 n4xi4us gases, such as sul1ur di4xide,
carb4n m4n4xide, nitr4gen 4xides, and chemical vap4rs. These can take part in 1urther
chemical reacti4ns 4nce they are in the atm4sphere, 14rming sm4g and acid rain.
P4lluti4n als4 needs t4 be c4nsidered inside 4ur h4mes, 411ices, and sch44ls. S4me
41 these p4llutants can be created by ind44r activities such as sm4king and c44king.

-Lvery Lype of moLorpowered mode of LransporLaLlon
uses some Lype of gasollne Lo power lL when Lhe
exhausL sysLem releases smoke hlgh amounLs of carbon
monoxlde and nlLrogen oxlde are released lnLo Lhe alr
Carbon monoxlde becomes harmful ln large amounLs
and ls a slgnlflcanL cause of breaLhlng problems
Modes of 1ransporLaLlon
-lrom fllcklng Lhe llghL swlLches on or off Lo cooklng
dlnner Lhe power LhaL ls needed Lo run household
appllances and heaL and cool homes ls polluLlng Lhe alr
ower planLs burn fuels whlch dlscharge exhausL fumes
1hese fuels emlL clouds of smoke called black carbon
lnLo Lhe alr 1he blllows of smoke llnger for days and can
be seen for mlles olsonous gases llke sulfur dloxlde
and nlLrogen oxlde are released lnLo Lhe alr
8urnlng luel from ower
-esLlcldes are sprayed ln houses gardens and on farms
produclng frulLs and vegeLables Lo ellmlnaLe bugs and
fungl Powever when pesLlclde chemlcals become
alrborne Lhey can be deLrlmenLal Lo oLher green llfe
anlmals and humans When people lnhale pesLlclde
chemlcals Lhey can experlence headaches and lung
Spraylng esLlcldes
-Lxamples of naLural causes of alr polluLlon are large
foresL flres smoke from volcanlc erupLlons and
polllnaLlon AlLhough Lhese evenLs do noL happen ofLen
when Lhey do occur llvlng Lhlngs develop problems
naLural Causes
-lndusLrlal llvesLock farms LhaL breed Lhousands of plgs
chlckens or cows creaLe one of Lhe largesL sources of alr
polluLlon because of Lhe gases LhaL are emlLLed from Lhe
wasLe Large anlmal farms dlscharge rank odors and
release dangerous Loxlns llke ammonla and gas
hydrogen sulflde lnLo Lhe alr
Large LlvesLock larms

Causes of alr polluLlon
Schematic drawing, causes and effects
of air pollution: (1) greenhouse effect,
(2) particulate contamination, (3)
increased UV radiation, (4) acid rain,
(5) increased ground level ozone
concentration, (6) increased levels of
nitrogen oxides.

ggg ,g gg qj.

Reduce vo:te --- Monufoctur|nq of unnece::ory or d|:o:ob|e qood: often roduce:
o|r o||ut|on, :o reduced urcho:|nq of d|:o:ob|e: w||| he|. |n qenero|, fo||ow the :o||d
wo:te montro - "Reduce, Reu:e, Reo|r, Recyc|e" .

||m|note 1ox|c Chem|co| U:e ot Home --- A :urr|:|nq number of hou:eho|d or home
:ho chem|co|: ore tox|c ond uo|ot||e. Mony re|eo:e uoor: |nto the o|r, |n:|de the home
ond out. 1h|: con be :er|ou: heo|th threot to your fom||y, ond contr|bute: to
commun|ty-w|de |eue|: of o|r o||utont:.

L|m|t|nq Fom||y 5|ze --- uery er:on u:e: noturo| re:ource:, wh|ch re:u|t: |n o|r
o||ut|on. Our humon ou|ot|on |: ro|d|y r|:|nq to |eue|: wh|ch mohe |t |ncreo:|nq|y
d|ff|cu|t to contro| o|r o||ut|on wh||e :u:to|n|nq o heo|thy enu|ronment

U:e |e:: e|ectr|c|ty. 1urn off ||qht: when you |eoue the room ,ond do not |eoue e|ectr|co|
o||once: :w|tched on when not |n u:e. vo:h your c|othe: on o coo| or worm - rother
thon hot. Reduce the thermo:tot on your woter heoter to I2O deqree: F.

r|ue |e::. vheneuer o::|b|e wo|h, b|he, or tohe ub||c tron:|t |n:teod. lo|n o coroo| |f
you u:e your cor for requ|or journey:.

Run on enu|ronmento||y fr|end|y cor. F||| u w|th on enerqy-con:eru|nq qrode motor
o||. kee t|re: roer|y |nf|oted ond o||qned to |ower fue| u:e. Cet requ|or mo|ntenonce

|mroue |ndoor o|r quo||ty. kee wood :toue: ond f|re|oce: we|| mo|nto|ned to
m|n|m|ze em|::|on:. Choo:e o|nt:, :to|n:, f|n|:he:, ond o|nt :tr|er: thot ore |ow |n
Vo|ot||e Orqon|c Comound: (VOC:). Refro|n from :moh|nq |ndoor:.

oc|n|1|on o :uc?vAc roccu1|on

The br4adest de1initi4n 41 thermal p4lluti4n is the degradati4n 41 water
quality by any pr4cess that changes ,2-039 water temperature. Thermal p4lluti4n
is usually ass4ciated with increases 41 water temperatures in a stream, lake, 4r
4cean due t4 the discharge 41 heated water 1r4m industrial pr4cesses, such as the
generati4n 41 electricity. Increases in ambient water temperature als4 4ccur in
streams where shading vegetati4n al4ng the banks is rem4ved 4r where sediments
have made the water m4re 9:7-/. B4th 41 these e11ects all4w m4re energy 1r4m
the sun t4 be abs4rbed by the water and thereby increase its temperature. There are
als4 situati4ns in which the e11ects 41 c4lder-than-n4rmal water temperatures may
be 4bserved.

The maj4r s4urces 41 thermal p4lluti4n are electric power plants and
industrial factories. In m4st electric p4wer plants, heat is pr4duced when
c4al, 4il, 4r natural gas is burned 4r nuclear 1uels underg4 1issi4n t4 release
huge am4unts 41 energy. This heat turns water t4 steam t4 pr4duce
electricity. A1ter d4ing its w4rk, the spent steam must be c44led and
c4ndensed back int4 water. T4 c4ndense the steam, c44l water is br4ught
int4 the plant and circulated next t4 the h4t steam. In this pr4cess, the water
used 14r c44ling warms 5 t4 10 Celsius degrees, a1ter which it may be
dumped back int4 the lake, river, 4r 4cean 1r4m which it came. Similarly,
1act4ries c4ntribute t4 thermal p4lluti4n when they dump water used t4 c44l
their machinery.

The sec4nd type 41 thermal p4lluti4n is much m4re widespread. Streams and
small lakes are naturally kept c44l by trees and 4ther tall plants that bl4ck
sunlight. Pe4ple 41ten rem4ve this shading vegetati4n in 4rder t4 harvest the
w44d in the trees. The water warms by as much as 10 Celsius degrees. The
rem4val 41 vegetati4n 1ar away 1r4m a stream 4r lake can c4ntribute t4
thermal p4lluti4n by speeding up the er4si4n 41 s4il int4 the water, making it
muddy. Muddy water abs4rbs m4re energy 1r4m the sun than clear water
d4es, resulting in 1urther heating.

ggg ,g gg pzg.p
polluted river draining an
abandoned copper mine on nglesey
TIese ASTER IuIse-coIor Imuges were
ucquIred over couI-burnIng power pIunL
In IIInoIs. n LIe boLLom Imuge u sIngIe
ASTER TIermuI nIrured bund wus
coIor-coded Lo represenL IeuL emILLed
Irom LIe surIuce. TIe progressIon Irom
wurmesL Lo cooIesL Is sIown wILI LIe
IoIIowIng coIors: wIILe, red, orunge,
yeIIow, green, bIue, und bIuck.


1heoret|co||y, when eff|c|ency of ony heot enq|ne |: equo| to I.O then |t w||| conuert
IOO of heot enerqy to mechon|co| enerqy. 5o there w||| be no |o:: of heot to the
enu|ronment. 1h|: |: roct|co||y |mo::|b|e. Rother, we :hou|d o|m ot mox|m|z|nq the
eff|c|ency of heot enq|ne: (:teom, |C, nuc|eor etc) :o thot heot |o:: |: m|n|mum.

Reduce mechon|co| fr|ct|on |n ony rotot|nq ort:.

Auo|d con:um|nq enerqy more thon nece::|ty. urn |e:: coo|, o|| or qo:.

1emeroture :|qno| cond|t|oner: occet outut: from temeroture meo:urement
deu|ce: :uch o: re:|:tonce temeroture detector: (R1:), thermocou|e:, ond
thermo:tot:. 1hey then f||ter, om||fy, ondlor conuert the:e outut: to d|q|to| :|qno|:, or
to |eue|: :u|tob|e for d|q|t|zot|on

|ndu:tr|o| fon: ond |ndu:tr|o| b|ower: ond commerc|o| fon: ond b|ower: ore de:|qned to
moue o|r ondlor owder: |n |ndu:tr|o| ond commerc|o| :ett|nq:. 1y|co| o||cot|on:
|nc|ude o|r c|rcu|ot|on for er:onne|, exhou:t or moter|o| hond||nq

oc|n|1|on o wA1c? roccu1|on

Sources of waLer polluLlon ln 1halland
ggg ,g gg g,g.

O |:o:e of Hozordou: vo:te roer|y. o not :|m|y |eft oround or |oced
w|th other qorboqe.
O euer our tox|c :ub:tonce: down the dro|n. A|thouqh woter |: c|eoned, c|t|e:
do not houe the equ|ment to e||m|note o|| tox|c :ub:tonce: from the woter
O F|nd Vour voter': 5ource. Leorn obout where your commun|ty': woter come:
from ond hee o c|o:e eye on th|: woter :ource ond encouroqe other: to do
the :ome.
O Mohe your own non-tox|c uer:|on: of mony ou|or roduct:, :uch o: |n:ect
ree||ent:. o|nq :o reuent: the tox|c chem|co|: found |n the:e roduct: from
enter|nq the enu|ronment ond the woter :u|y.
O 1e:t Vour voter, e:ec|o||y |f your woter come: from o r|uote we||, you
:hou|d erform er|od|c te:t: for bocter|o, meto|:, ond tox|c chem|co|:.
O U:e ontox|c 5ub:tonce:. Auo|d urcho:|nq roduct: conto|n|nq tox|c
chem|co|. Otherw|:e, there |: o threot thot the:e chem|co|: cou|d enter the
enu|ronment ond the woter :u|y.

1cAv o ux sc|cn1|s1s uAvc
OcvccorcO A suoAc o
?oao1|c |su, Wu|cu W|cc soon
ac ?cccAscO 1o Oc1cc1
WA1c? roccu1|on

oc|n|1|on o no|sc roccu1|on

N4ise p4lluti4n is excessive, displeasing human, animal 4r machine-
created envir4nmental n4ise that disrupts the activity 4r balance 41 human 4r
animal li1e. The w4rd noise c4mes 1r4m the Latin w4rd nauseas, meaning
The s4urce 41 m4st 4utd44r n4ise w4rldwide is
mainly c4nstructi4n and transp4rtati4n systems, including m4t4r vehicle n4ise, aircra1t
n4ise and rail n4ise. P44r urban planning may give rise t4 n4ise p4lluti4n, since side-
by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in n4ise p4lluti4n in the
residential area.

Iruffic noite it the muin tource of
noite pollution cuuted in urbun ureut.
With the euer-increuting number of
uehiclet on roud, the tound it the
chief reuton for noite pollution.
With the low flying militury uircruftt
touring ouer the nutionul purht,
wuttelund und other uucunt ureut,
the leuel of noite pollution hut
drutticully increuted in thete
preuioutly unuffected zonet.
eople liuing betide ruilwuy ttutiont
put up with u lot of noite from
locomotiue enginet, hornt und
whittlet und twitching und thunting
operution in ruil yurdt.
Io meet the demundt of the butic
necettity of liuing, the conttruction of
buildingt, highwuyt und city ttreett
cuutet u lot of noite.
r||r |
Houtehold equipmentt, tuch ut
uucuum cleunert und tome hitchen
uppliuncet ure noitemuhert of the
ggg ,g gg pgjg

i. :o ?cs1?|c1 vcu|cucA? uo?ns ur 1o A cc?1A|n ?cqucncx, no u|cu
?cqucncx uo?ns vus1 ac socO |n 1uc vA?sc1s.
z. ~Avc cA?cc s|zc aAnnc?s o? aoA?Os W|1u no uo?n o? c|v|1cO uo?n
s. cOucA1c s1uOcn1s, cvrcoxccs, O?|vc?s o Acc vcu|cccs Aaou1 1uc no|sc
roccu1|on |n vAsscs.
4. s1A?1 o uucc ?Acc|cs AcA|ns1 no|sc roccu1|on
s. ~Avc sounO Oc1cc1o?s ncA? o|ccs, uosr|1Acs, cOucA1|onAc
|ns1|1u1|ons AnO ?cs|Ocn1|Ac A?cAs.
s. run|su 1uosc Wuo v|ocA1c 1u|s ?ucc ax |vros|nc |nc.
/. xccr Ac1o?|cs A? ?ov c|1|cs A?cAs.
s. r?orc? c|1x vAnAccvcn1 o c|1|cs AnO 1oWns suoucO ac Oonc.

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