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Why does most residents home using a tile rooI than the
use oI zinc?
Zinc is a good heat conductor. During the day, most oI the
sunlight absorbed by the zinc and converted into heat, so
the temperature in the room increases. It makes the room
unconIortable so that the usage oI zinc rooI seldom use by
the public. Because oI it`s good characteritic as a
conductor, zinc is very good when used as rooI at mountain

2. Why does the power cord look very slack when daytime?
Component in the cable is copper wire that can undergo
expansion and increased length when the day is hot.
Rubber cable also adjusts the length oI the wire. It makes a
visible cable slack. Cables will return to its original state
when the temperature being normal.

3. Why do you Ieel hotter at midday when using a black
Black color has a good characteristic as a heat conductor.
When the day is hot, your black jacket will absorb the heat
oI the sunlight so we get the Ilow oI heat Irom the black
jacket that we use. The black color is the color that is the
best heat-absorbing properties.

4. Why when the sky was overcast, the temperature was hot?
When the sky was overcast, the sun's rays are irradiated
beIore being trapped by clouds. Partly this is going to
block out the sunlight reIlected back by the earth's surIace
so that the area becomes very hot under the overcast.

5. Why iI a lump oI ice doused with hot water will be
Hot water has a higher heat than ice. The principle oI Black
said "Heat oI the absorbed is equal to the received". The
temperature oI the ice will increase until it reaches
equilibrium temperature which causes the ice melting.

6. Why when we blow air with mouth to the glass, there are
water spots on glass?
When the mouth wide open, meaning a large volume oI air
Ilow, and high pressure in the body will contract with
outside air. With the volume oI a wide mouth (assumption)
then the temperature oI air that comes
out too large. Besides the water was a result oI breathing.

7. Why is an empty bottle that dried then opened a small
explosion will be heard?
When the bottle was dried in the sun, the air inside
experiencing expansion. Expansion due to heat radiation
Irom the sun makes the pressure in the bottle also dilated
(P ~ Q). Consequently, when the bottle cap is opened, there
are striking enough pressure diIIerence between inside and
outside the bottle bottles. Air Ilows Irom high pressure to
low pressure. This pressure diIIerence pushes air out
spontaneously through the mouth oI the bottle. Air Iriction
with the bottle's mouth contributed to the particular
Irequency oI vibration. This then comes out as the sound oI

8. Why do substances like water very long time to receive and
release the heat?
Whether liquid or not, the time period oI
receive and release heat is determined by the heat oI its
kind. Substances that have a large heat type will require a
long time in release or receive heat. This is happened to the

9. Why a new copy paper in the copier Ieels warm?
Because, at the time oI copying, the radiation beam
generated when it took considerable heat as a consequence
oI conversion oI energy (the radiation beam generated at
the time oI copying has a shorter wavelength resulting in
substantial heat energy).

10. Why does alcohol wich is poured into the hand Ielt cold?
Because, the heat oI the hands will move to the alcohol and
evaporate so that the hands will lose the normal
temperature and cold.

11. Why when you suIIer a Iever, bathing with warm water
Because, we bathe or wipe with warm water then our skin
pores will open and the temperature oI the heat in the body
will come out, causing the Iever may go down Iaster.

1. Why iI the plastic ruler rubbed on the hair will be able
to draw pieces oI paper?
Because iI the ruler plastic rub-rub on the hair will result in
a ruler is a ruler is hot and will have magnetic properties that
can pull scraps oI paper. But the nature oI the magnet is
only temporary.

2. Why are we cold place relatively quickly become hungry?
Because the area is cold to the body's metabolism increases
and Iaster to obtain heat and energy required to warm the
body, so that we become hungry Iaster.

3 Why is every relationship on the railroad were slit with a
certain gap width?
Because the railroad made oI iron so that iI exposed to heat
will expand or increase the length so it needs to be slit so
that when the length oI the rail had not bent.

4. Why heat up the iron when the iron grip oI the clamp
should be made oI wood / plastic?
Because iron is a conductor (good heat conductor) while the
wood / plastic is an insulator (not able to dissipate heat) so
as to avoid the hands oI the Ilow oI heat (conduction) then
clamp the handle oI the iron to be made oI wood / plastics.

5. Why the power cord when daytime look very slack?
Because the components in the cable is copper wire that can
undergo expansion / increased length when the hot sun.
Rubber cable wrapping increase also adjusts the length oI
the wire. The cable will be back to originally condition
started when the temperature normal.

6. Why is the sky overcast at the time the temperature was
Because when the sky was overcast, the sun is irradiated
beIore being trapped by clouds. Partly this is going to block
out the sunlight reIlected back by the earth's surIace so that
the area becomes very hot under the overcast.

7. Why when we blow air with his mouth wide to the glass
there are water spots on glass?
When the mouth wide open, meaning a large volume oI air
Ilow, and high pressure in the body will contract with
outside air. With the volume oI a wide mouth (assumption)
then the temperature oI air that comes out too large. Besides
the water was a result oI breathing.

8. Why alcohol is poured into the hand will Ieel cold?
Because, the heat oI the hand will be move to the alcohol
and evaporate so that the hands will lose the normal
temperature and cold.

9. Why bend sloped?
Because iI the bend is made Ilat, it will result in vehicles to
pass. But with the turn sloped will assist in cornering,
especially in high speed where the vehicle will experience a
centripetal Iorce equal to the Irictional Iorces experienced
by the vehicle.

10. Why the rainbow?
Key to a rainbow is reIraction oI light (when we're back to
the Iront oI the sun and we just Iinished the rain). When
reIracted, the light will change direction. Usually this occurs
when the deIlection oI light moving Irom one medium to
another. This happens because light travels at diIIerent
speeds in diIIerent mediums. According to experiments,
when entering and leaving the prism oI light will be
reIracted. There was also a separation oI white light into
many colors (me, ji, me, hi, bi, u), which diIIer according to
Irequency so that it has diIIerent speeds. The light that has a
smaller velocity will be deIlected more sharply.
Drops oI rainwater can reIract and scatter the light like a
prism. Under the right conditions, this reIraction Iorms a
beautiIul rainbow.

Why in the winter to be Irozen vegetable oils?
Because oI low temperatures outside environment, so
that the oil is easy to Ireeze.

Why water can turn into ice?
Because the ambient temperature around the water is
very low, so the ice can Ireeze.

3. Why when pumped, the air inside the pump is hot?
Because, iI the pump continues to pump (provided the
Irictional Iorces) will cause udranya therein into heat,
so the air is expelled into heat.

4. Why hanging clothes, must be in place sun (heat)?
Because solar thermal energy can accelerate the process
oI evaporation, so easy to dry clothes.

5. Why tire or balloon can easily explode when exposed to
Because oI the high pressure, and cause the temperature
inside the tinngi, it is causing the tire / balloon is

6. Why is ice in the Arctic could melt?
Because the temperature in the external environment is
higher than the temperature oI the ice, causing the ice to
melt easily.

7. Why when it rains, the body Ieels hot?
Because oI the reIlected heat oI the sun toward the Earth,
some is absorbed by the earth, and partly reIlected.
Sebaian This reIlected heat can only reach the earth's
atmospheric layers only, and can not be absorbed by the
earth. At the Earth's atmosphere, the heat radiation oI the
sun blocked by clouds, so that the heat radiation oI the
sun was hot when it rains.

8. Why iI we in hill or mountain?
Because, the higher the place, the lower the air pressure
once the air temperature decreases, thus causing the

9. Why iI we put ice into the hot tea,Ior a Iew minuts the
ice melt and the tea become cool ?
Because the temperature oI ice is low than the hot tea,
so the ice get heat and the hot tea give ice the heat, until
the get equillibrium temperature. The conceps which
used in the Ienomena is asas black.

10. Why in aIternoon, we more relax iI use the white or light
clothes than dark or black clothes?
Because the dark or black color more easy adsorb the
heat than the light or white color. The light clothes give
me protect Irom adsorb heat. II we wear the dark
clothes, the clothes can adsorb heat and make our body
Ieel hot.
. Why when we are installing the railway there is a space
between one railway to another railway?
Answer : Because at noon the railway will get a thermal
expansion so we must give a space between the railway to
expand so that the railway will not crooked
2. Why in the noon people preIer to wear a bright clothes than to
wear a dark clothes?
Answer : Because in the noon, a dark clothes will absorbs heat
more than a bright clothes does
3. Why is the people who set a camp preIer to light a camp Iire
at the night to warming themselves?
Answer : Because there is a heat transIer using a radiation
between the camp Iire to people around it, so the people around
the camp Iire will Ieel warm.
4. Why does a balloon Iilled with air when placed under sunlight
will quickly explode?
Answer : Because oI the heat Irom the sun that causes the skin
surIace oI the balloon stretching so that the longer the balloon is
inIlated the balloon surIace will thin out and eventually explode
5. Why microwave handles are made oI rubber?
Answer : So that our hands do not come to Ieel the heat Irom the
microwave, This is because the rubber is an isolator
6. Why do our hands Ieel the heat when we put the tip oI a spoon
into the hot water?Answer : Because oI the heat transIer by
conduction Irom the tip oI a spoon into our hands
7. Why the aIIected hand was ice cold?
According to the theory iI a lower temperature objects touched
by the object where the temperature is higher, then lower
temperature object will absorb heat. Once we hit the ice hands,
then our hands will Ieel cold. This is because the ice where the
temperature is lower than the hand will absorb the heat Irom our
hands that causes the hand to lose heat.
8. Why when rubbed palms will Ieel warm?
Hand-rub rubbed means there is movement or there is no grit
between your palms. Move or Iriction will generate heat. In
accordance with the concept oI conservation oI energy, energy
can be transIormed Irom one to another. When the hand rubbed,
there is a change oI energy oI motion into heat. That is why
when the hand was rubbed it would Ieel warm.
9. Why is a room deemed cool by the rest but the heat Ielt by
people who are exercising?
Heat moves Irom a high temperature to low temperature until
thermal equilibrium is achieved. A person can perIorm activities
without losing heat Irom his body because oI diIIerences in body
temperature with ambient temperature. Body temperature higher
than room temperature, so heat moves Irom the body into the
environment. Because the body loses heat, the room will Ieel
Meanwhile, people who are exercising, requiring heat or energy
Ior metabolism. So the body will absorb heat Irom the
environment. With the addition oI heat into the body, the room
would be considered hot.
10. Why in the mountains oI water boil Iaster?
At sea level, water boils at a temperature oI 1000C. The amount
oI the boiling point oI water is aIIected by the altitude oI a place
Irom the sea. The higher a place, the lower the air pressure, so
the boiling point oI water will be lower, such as in mountainous
areas the water will boil Iaster. Vice versa, the lower one place
oI the sea surIace, the higher the air pressure, so the boiling point
oI water will be higher.
11. Why to Iill the tube glass pipe on the thermometer does not
use water but use mercury?
To Iill tube glass pipe on the thermometer does not use water but
use mercury. This is because mercury has many advantages
compared with water. The main advantages, liquid mercury is a
very good conductor oI heat that quickly absorbs heat and
expands too Iast. In addition, mercury has a regular expansion so
that any increase in the same temperature, a column oI mercury
in the tube rose to the height the same. Display shiny mercury
and mercury very wide range (-400 C - 3500 C) is also a cause
oI the use oI mercury in a thermometer.
12. Why in the morning and evening there is Iog, especially in
mountainous areas?
The emergence oI Iog is usually caused by low air temperatures,
thus making the water vapor condenses to moisture content oI
close to 100.

13. Why cats curled on his body during sleep?
Because the condition oI the circular, the cat will be able to
reduce the heat coming out oI her body during cold conditions
and with a circular cat's body temperature will remain warm.

14. Why the heat during the day, wearing a white dress much
cooler than wearing a black dress?
The darker the color oI objects, the better to absorb heat and
radiate heat better as well. Conversely the shiny color oI the
object, the worse it is diIIicult to absorb heat and also to radiate
heat. Shiny things more diIIicult than the black body radiates
heat and dark. This situation also applies to objects that absorb
heat. SurIace shiny objects absorb heat more diIIicult than the
black body and dark. So the dark matter and dark nature oI the
transmitter and has a good heat absorber. It is obvious that iI we
use a white shirt (shiny) during the day, solar radiation absorbed
by bajukita be diIIicult so we do not Ieel the heat. DiIIerent iI we
wear clothing that is black, then the solar radiation will be more
easily absorbed and oI course we will Ieel the heat.

15. Why the aIIected hand was ice cold?
According to the theory iI a lower temperature objects touched
by the object where the temperature is higher, then lower
temperature object will absorb heat. Once we hit the ice hands,
then our hands will Ieel cold. This is because the ice where the
temperature is lower than the hand will absorb the heat Irom our
hands that causes the hand to lose heat.
16. Why when rubbed palms will Ieel warm?
Hand-rub rubbed means there is movement or there is no grit
between your palms. Move or Iriction will generate heat. In
accordance with the concept oI conservation oI energy, energy
can be transIormed Irom one to another. When the hand rubbed,
there is a change oI energy oI motion into heat. That is why
when the hand was rubbed it would Ieel warm.
17. Why is a room deemed cool by the rest but the heat Ielt by
people who are exercising?
Heat moves Irom a high temperature to low temperature until
thermal equilibrium is achieved. A person can perIorm activities
without losing heat Irom his body because oI diIIerences in body
temperature with ambient temperature. Body temperature higher
than room temperature, so heat moves Irom the body into the
environment. Because the body loses heat, the room will Ieel
Meanwhile, people who are exercising, requiring heat or energy
Ior metabolism. So the body will absorb heat Irom the
environment. With the addition oI heat into the body, the room
would be considered hot.
18. Why in the mountains oI water boil Iaster?
At sea level, water boils at a temperature oI 1000C. The amount
oI the boiling point oI water is aIIected by the altitude oI a place
Irom the sea. The higher a place, the lower the air pressure, so
the boiling point oI water will be lower, such as in mountainous
areas the water will boil Iaster. Vice versa, the lower one place
oI the sea surIace, the higher the air pressure, so the boiling point
oI water will be higher.
19. Why to Iill the tube glass pipe on the thermometer does not
use water but use mercury?
To Iill tube glass pipe on the thermometer does not use water but
use mercury. This is because mercury has many advantages
compared with water. The main advantages, liquid mercury is a
very good conductor oI heat that quickly absorbs heat and
expands too Iast. In addition, mercury has a regular expansion so
that any increase in the same temperature, a column oI mercury
in the tube rose to the height the same. Display shiny mercury
and mercury very wide range (-400 C - 3500 C) is also a cause
oI the use oI mercury in a thermometer.
20. Why in the morning and evening there is Iog, especially in
mountainous areas?
The emergence oI Iog is usually caused by low air temperatures,
thus making the water vapor condenses to moisture content oI
close to 100.

21. Why cats curled on his body during sleep?
Because the condition oI the circular, the cat will be able to
reduce the heat coming out oI her body during cold conditions
and with a circular cat's body temperature will remain warm.
22. Why is standing at the campIire, the body Ieels hot?
When standing at the campIire our bodies will Ieel the heat.
BonIire radiate heat into the air, so that the air temperature rises
around the campIire, and iI we were there, around the campIire,
the body will Ieel the heat.
23. Why electric irons and kitchen tool handles are made oI
nonmetallic materials?
Metal is good conductor oI heat. II a bar oI metal, the tip is
heated or thrown into the Iire, then a Iew moments later the other
end into heat. So hot vines and dihantarkkan by atoms in the
metal till it reaches the other end. Thus, by the iron grip that
given the non-metal material is a poor conductor oI heat. The
goal is that heat propagates not come down to us.
24. A piece oI ice leIt in the open, it will melt. How did it
The diIIerence between the temperature oI the ice with the
surrounding environment causing the occurrence oI heat transIer
or heat energy. Ice temperature lower than room temperature, so
that thermal equilibrium occurs, the ice will absorb heat Irom the
environment. The addition oI heat causes the ice change into
25. Why do while on holiday to the mountains as Bedugul, we
have to wear a jacket?
The Ilow oI heat to move Irom a high temperature to low
temperature. Bedugul area has a low environmental temperature,
say 270C. While our body temperature is higher around 300C.
So the heat will move Irom the body into the environment and
the body loses heat so that it becomes cold. In order Ior the heat
oI the body did not come out into the air, then the heat we put up
with wearing a thick jacket so that the body still Ielt warm.
26. Why when we are Iever, bathed with hot water?
When we are a Iever, the body Ieels hot, hot body Ieels cold.
Body temperature rises and exceeds the environmental
temperature. At that time, heat will come out Irom the body into
the environment so that the body loses heat and cold. That's why
when we are Iever, chills we Ieel. So that heat does not come out
oI the body, cultivated outside the body temperature and in the
body in balance so that the heat does not come out and the body
is cold. Then be made to the same body temperature dengam
ambient temperature, ie compress with warm water so that
balanced environmental temperature to body temperature.
27. Why when going beIore the rain, the sun is not visible,
overcast but the air was hot?
When going beIore the rain, overcast, but the air was hot when
the sun is not visible. That's because the process oI the rain itselI.
RainIall occurs Irom changes in the Iorm oI vapor into water
droplets. Here the release oI heat. Because more heat is released
then the temperature will rise and we Ieel the heat. Though there
is no sunlight.
28. When the glass Iilled with water, Iilled with ice, outside the
glass part oI why can be wet, Is the glass is leaking or
Ice in a glass oI cold temperatures, air or vapor outside the glass
temperature to be dropped Irom the original. Because the air
temperature Ialls, it means the air outside the glass, releasing
kalornya so changed its Iorm oI vapor Iorm into the water so that
the outer surIace oI the glass becomes wet.

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