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:TrikAgarKeliatanPinterdiKelas :Republika :lebar=20.5:13.5cm :229halaman :Rp38.500

NovalDiaz,penulismudayangmemulaisuksesnyadenganmengomentarikehidupan sehariharidaridalamhidupnyasendiri.Sungguhmenyenangkanbiladapatmasuksecara langsungdalamkehidupannya. SiapakahNovalDiaz?Penuliskelahiran27September1994,yangmendapatkan inspirasiditempatyangmudahdibayangkan.Bisatebak?Hehe.Yabetul!Tidakasinglagi,di sebuahruangyangtidakkosongdanlembab.KAMARMANDI.Sayatidakmenyangkaada orangyangmemangdengansengajamenciptakanduniaInspirasidikamarmandi.Tentunya denganbermacammacanjeniskawanyangmenemaniDiazsaatmenggalipotensihebatdan luarbiasa.SehinggaterciptalahbukupertamaDiaz. Dilihatdarijudulbukuyangkerendanterlihatjitu,seolahbegituakuratmenangangi masalahmasalahpelajardidalamkelas.Dantampilancoverbukuyanglucudananggun, hehe,cewekbanget.Membuatpembacamudasepertisaya(yangsebelumnyagaktertarik bacabuku)dapattertarikuntukmenikmatiisibukukaryaMr.Handsomeini.Wah,salut. Membawaperubahan,setelahituakujadimerasapunyanyaliuntukberlatihmembacadan menulis(gila,masakSMAkelastiga,lagilatuhannulisdanbaca?),haha,maksudnyauntuk lebihberaninulisnoveldanbukumanagementkeren. Nah,untukisibukuyangdibuatnovaldiazinimemangtidakstruktural,danacak acakan(sampaipembacatidakmengertiapayangdimaksudkanpenulis)kadang,hehe(maaf

sudahkomenkomen),tapiadacirikhasyangmembuatreaderjadipenasaranuntuk melanjutkanceritaceritaunikdarisanglegendarizhandsomedariBogorini.Walaupundari judulgakadasangkutpautnyadenganpengalamanpengalamanmenonjolyangDiazcoba untukmerangkai.(padahalpasbacabukusudahmenyimpanmemoryuntukmengakuratkan juduldenganisi,tapiternyatamemangtidakakurat),hinggaakhirnyapembacamenemukan halamanyangberjudulTrikAgaraKeliatanPinterdiKelas,tapiternyatabiasasaja.Ada beberapahalyangbiasanamunmenjadiluarbiasakarenakeunikanexpressionyangberhasil tertulisdalambukuini.Sehinggasaatmembacadanmembacaseolahperutterasageli,kocak dantertawasendiri(sakingkonyol_nya) BukuterbitanpertamadariseorangbocahSMPIslaminiberhasilmembawahikmah dariceritaceritakehidupansehariharinya.Ternyatadarihalhalyangbiasa,kitadapat temukansesuatuyangbegituluarbiasa.NovalDiazmengajakkitauntukmembukamata kebahagiaan.Bersyukurlahkarenakeberadaanorangtuadisekelilingkita(bagiyangmasih punya),dantidakluputtemantemanyangmelengkapikeceriaandidsekolahmaupundi tempattempatyangdapatkitatemukanteman.Semakinbanyakkarakteryangkitadapat semakinmudahkitatemukaninspirasi. Adakebaikanyangdapatkitaambildarisetiapkejadian,dariyangmasalahsepele sampaimasalahberat.BukuTrikAgarKeliatanPinterdiKelasinimemanglayakuntuk disebarluaskan.KarenabelumtentukitadapatpengalamansepertiNovalDiaz.Olehkarena itu,sarankitasebagaireader,janganhanyabanggamenjadireadersaja.Tapimulailahmeraih kesuksesanyangtelahterbuktisebagaiPENULIS.:D

Becoming Something Extraordinary Ordinary

Title Publisher Length Pages Price Reviewer

: Tricks For Pinter plasticity in the Classroom : Republika : width = 20.5: 13.5 cm : 229 pages : Rp 38,500, : Mufidah Az-Zahra XII IPA 3

Noval Diaz, who started a successful young writer to comment on daily life than in his own life. It was good when it can enter directly in his life. Who is Noval Diaz? 27 September 1994-born writer, who get inspired place that is easy to imagine. Can guess? Hehe. Yeah right! Familiar, in a space that is not empty and damp. BATHROOM. I do not think there are people who are deliberately creating a world of Inspiration in the bathroom. Of course, with various friends who accompanied the friends Diaz when the potential was great and extraordinary. Thus create Diaz's first book. Judging from the title of a book that looks cool and precise, so accurate as handling student problems in the classroom. And a funny book cover display and graceful, hehe, the girl really. Make young readers like me (who previously not interested in reading the book) may be attracted to enjoy the content of a book by Mr. This Handsome. Boy, COOL. Bring change, after that I felt had the guts to practice reading and writing (crazy, Impossible the senior high school third grade, beginning to read and write?), Haha, that is more courageous to write novels and management books cool. Well, for the content of the book that made Noval Diaz, this is not structural, and disheveled (until the reader does not understand what the author intended) sometimes, hehe (sorry have comments on your blog), but there is a characteristic that makes the reader so

curious to continue unique stories of the Bogor legendaries handsome than this. Although the titles do not have nothing to do with outstanding experiences that Diaz tried to string. (Though when reading the book already save memory for make the title accurate with the content, but it is not accurate), until finally the reader find the page titled 'Trik Agar Pinter di Kelas', buy nothing special. There are some things of course but became extraordinary because of the uniqueness of successful expression written in this book. So when I read and read as if the stomach feels funny, hilarious and laughed to himself (so absurd) The book's first publication of an Islamic junior high school boy managed to bring some wisdom from the stories of his daily life. It turns out from the usual things, we can find something so extraordinary. Noval Diaz invites us to open the eyes of happiness. Be thankful for the presence of parents around us (for those who still have one), and do not miss the friends who complete joy in the school or in places where we can find a friend. The more characters that we can increasingly it will make easy to find inspiration. There are goodness that we can take from every event, from the trivial to severe problems. The book "Trik Agar Keliatan Pinter di Kelas" is indeed feasible to be widely disseminated. Because we can not necessarily experience as Noval Diaz. Therefore, our suggestions as a reader, do not just proud to be a reader only. But the successful start that has been proven as an AUTHOR. : D .Try it.!!

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