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BSN IV - B group

Magnet|c kesonance Imag|ng

MagneLlc resonance lmaglng (M8l) or nuclear magneLlc resonance lmaglng (nM8l) ls prlmarlly a
medlcal lmaglng Lechnlque used ln radlology Lo vlsuallze deLalled lnLernal sLrucLure and llmlLed funcLlon
of Lhe body M8l provldes much greaLer conLrasL beLween Lhe dlfferenL sofL Llssues of Lhe body Lhan
compuLed Lomography (C1) does maklng lL especlally useful ln neurologlcal (braln) musculoskeleLal
cardlovascular and oncologlcal (cancer) lmaglng unllke C1 M8l uses no lonlzlng radlaLlon 8aLher lL
uses a powerful magneLlc fleld Lo allgn Lhe nuclear magneLlzaLlon of (usually) hydrogen aLoms ln waLer
ln Lhe body 8adlo frequency (8l) flelds are used Lo sysLemaLlcally alLer Lhe allgnmenL of Lhls
magneLlzaLlon 1hls causes Lhe hydrogen nuclel Lo produce a roLaLlng magneLlc fleld deLecLable by Lhe
scanner 1hls slgnal can be manlpulaLed by addlLlonal magneLlc flelds Lo bulld up enough lnformaLlon Lo
consLrucL an lmage of Lhe body
MagneLlc resonance lmaglng ls a relaLlvely new Lechnology 1he flrsL M8 lmage was publlshed ln 1973
And Lhe flrsL crosssecLlonal lmage of a llvlng mouse was publlshed ln !anuary 1974
1he flrsL sLudles
performed on humans were publlshed ln 1977 8y comparlson Lhe flrsL human xray lmage was Laken
ln 1893
MagneLlc resonance lmaglng ls a developmenL of nuclear magneLlc resonance Crlglnally Lhe Lechnlque
was referred Lo as nuclear magneLlc resonance lmaglng (nM8l) Powever because Lhe word oocleot was
assoclaLed ln Lhe publlc mlnd wlLh lonlzlng radlaLlon exposure lL ls generally now referred Lo slmply as
M8l SclenLlsLs sLlll use Lhe Lerm nM8l when dlscusslng nonmedlcal devlces operaLlng on Lhe same
prlnclples 1he Lerm magneLlc resonance Lomography (M81) ls also someLlmes used

Oay Geneato

An xray generaLor ls a devlce used Lo generaLe xrays 1hese devlces are commonly used by
radlographers Lo acqulre an xray lmage of Lhe lnslde of an ob[ecL (as ln medlclne or nondesLrucLlve
LesLlng) buL Lhey are also used ln sLerlllzaLlon or fluorescence
ln healLhcare appllcaLlons ln parLlcular Lhe xray deLecLlon sysLem rarely conslsLs of Lhe
deLecLlon medlum lor example a Lyplcal sLaLlonary radlographlc xray machlne also lncludes
an lon chamber and grld 1he lon chamber ls baslcally a hollow plaLe locaLed beLween Lhe
deLecLlon medlum and Lhe ob[ecL belng lmaged lL deLermlnes Lhe level of exposure by
measurlng Lhe amounL of xrays LhaL have passed Lhrough Lhe elecLrlcally charged gasfllled
gap lnslde Lhe plaLe 1hls allows for mlnlmlzaLlon of paLlenL radlaLlon exposure by boLh ensurlng
LhaL an lmage ls noL underdeveloped Lo Lhe polnL Lhe exam needs Lo be repeaLed and ensurlng
LhaL more radlaLlon Lhan needed ls noL applled 1he grld ls usually locaLed beLween Lhe lon
chamber and ob[ecL and conslsLs of many alumlnum slaLs sLacked nexL Lo each oLher
(resembllng a polarold lens) ln Lhls manner Lhe grld allows sLralghL xrays Lo pass Lhrough Lo
Lhe deLecLlon medlum buL absorbs reflecLed xrays 1hls lmproves lmage quallLy by prevenLlng
scaLLered (nondlagnosLlc) xrays from reachlng Lhe deLecLlon medlum buL uslng a grld creaLes
hlgher exam radlaLlon doses overall
lmages Laken wlLh such devlces are known as xray phoLographs or radlographs


ooscopy ls an lmaglng Lechnlque commonly used by physlclans Lo obLaln realLlme movlng
lmages of Lhe lnLernal sLrucLures of a paLlenL Lhrough Lhe use of a fluoroscope ln lLs slmplesL
form a fluoroscope conslsLs of an xray source and fluorescenL screen beLween whlch a paLlenL
ls placed Powever modern fluoroscopes couple Lhe screen Lo an xray lmage lnLenslfler and
CCu vldeo camera allowlng Lhe lmages Lo be recorded and played on a monlLor
1he use of xrays a form of lonlzlng radlaLlon requlres Lhe poLenLlal rlsks from a procedure Lo
be carefully balanced wlLh Lhe beneflLs of Lhe procedure Lo Lhe paLlenL Whlle physlclans always
Lry Lo use low dose raLes durlng fluoroscoplc procedures Lhe lengLh of a Lyplcal procedure
ofLen resulLs ln a relaLlvely hlgh absorbed dose Lo Lhe paLlenL 8ecenL advances lnclude Lhe
dlglLlzaLlon of Lhe lmages capLured and flaLpanel deLecLor sysLems whlch reduce Lhe radlaLlon
dose Lo Lhe paLlenL sLlll furLher

Lalikan, Leann P.
BSN IV - B group


An lnfuslon pump lnfuses flulds medlcaLlon or nuLrlenLs lnLo a paLlenLs clrculaLory sysLem lL ls
generally used lnLravenously alLhough subcuLaneous arLerlal and epldural lnfuslons are
occaslonally used
lnfuslon pumps can admlnlsLer flulds ln ways LhaL would be lmpracLlcally expenslve or
unrellable lf performed manually by nurslng sLaff lor example Lhey can admlnlsLer as llLLle as
01 mL per hour ln[ecLlons (Loo small for a drlp) ln[ecLlons every mlnuLe ln[ecLlons wlLh
repeaLed boluses requesLed by Lhe paLlenL up Lo maxlmum number per hour (eg ln paLlenL
conLrolled analgesla) or flulds whose volumes vary by Lhe Llme of day
8ecause Lhey can also produce qulLe hlgh buL conLrolled pressures Lhey can ln[ecL conLrolled
amounLs of flulds subcuLaneously (beneaLh Lhe skln) or epldurally ([usL wlLhln Lhe surface of
Lhe cenLral nervous sysLem a very popular local splnal anesLhesla for chlldblrLh)
@ypes of |nfs|on
1he user lnLerface of pumps usually requesLs deLalls on Lhe Lype of lnfuslon from Lhe Lechnlclan
or nurse LhaL seLs Lhem up
O otlooos lofoslo usually conslsLs of small pulses of lnfuslon usually beLween 300
nanollLers and 10000 mlcrollLers dependlng on Lhe pumps deslgn wlLh Lhe raLe of
Lhese pulses dependlng on Lhe programmed lnfuslon speed
O otetmltteot lofoslo has a hlgh lnfuslon raLe alLernaLlng wlLh a low programmable
lnfuslon raLe Lo keep Lhe cannula open 1he Llmlngs are programmable 1hls mode ls
ofLen used Lo admlnlsLer anLlbloLlcs or oLher drugs LhaL can lrrlLaLe a blood vessel
O 9otleotcottlleJ ls lnfuslon ondemand usually wlLh a preprogrammed celllng Lo avold
lnLoxlcaLlon 1he raLe ls conLrolled by a pressure pad or buLLon LhaL can be acLlvaLed by
Lhe paLlenL lL ls Lhe meLhod of cholce for paLlenLconLrolled analgesla (CA) ln whlch
repeaLed small doses of oplold analgeslcs are dellvered wlLh Lhe devlce coded Lo sLop
admlnlsLraLlon before a dose LhaL may cause hazardous resplraLory depresslon ls
O @tol poteotetol oottltlo usually requlres an lnfuslon curve slmllar Lo normal
Some pumps offer modes ln whlch Lhe amounLs can be scaled or conLrolled based on Lhe Llme
of day 1hls allows for clrcadlan cycles whlch may be requlred for cerLaln Lypes of medlcaLlon

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