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MU1ILA1ICN refers Lo Lhe procedure LhaL dlmlnlshes or desLroys Lhe funcLlonal lnLegrlLy of Lhe human
LonslllecLomy rlbs resecLlon laryngecLomy sex LransplanL

1ypes of Mut||at|on
1 Ma[or Mut||at|on refers Lo Lhe procedure LhaL desLroys Lhe funcLlonal lnLegrlLy of Lhe human body so
LhaL lL becomes lncapaclLaLed of lL's naLural funcLlons
maybe usually be done by means of surglcal procedures
eg a woman who submlLs for hysLerecLomy for Lhe purpose of avoldlng procreaLlon ls
lncapaclLaLed of her uLerlne funcLlon Lo leL lmplanLaLlon occur for normal feLal developmenL
2 M|nor Mut||at|on refers Lo Lhe procedure LhaL dlmlnlshes buL does noL desLroy Lhe funcLlonal
lnLegrlLy of Lhe human body
LonslllecLomy rlbs resecLlon blood donaLlon LooLh exLracLlon and clrcumclslon
IUNC1ICNAL IN1LGkI1 degree of compleLeness necessary for Lhe performance of funcLlons proper Lo Lhe
lf Lhe degree of compleLeness ls sLlll presenL so LhaL Lhe naLural funcLlons of Lhe body can be
performed as usual Lhe muLllaLlon done does noL consLlLuLe any desLrucLlon of funcLlonal lnLegrlLy

when Lhe healLh of Lhe body of llfe of Lhe person ls ln danger and LhaL Lhere ls no oLher means by whlch
healLh can be resLored of llfe can be saved excepL Lhrough muLllaLlon Lhen rlghL reason dlcLaLes LhaL
muLllaLlon can be done
resLoraLlon of healLh or preservaLlon of llfe can be a sufflclenL reason for Lhe performance of muLllaLlon

S1LkILI2A1ICN ls a medlcal or surglcal lnLervenLlon whlch ls performed ln Lhe paLlenL man or woman
lncapaclLy for generaLlon wheLher organlc or funcLlonal Lemporary or permanenL
1nLkALU1IC S1LkILI2A1ICN lnevlLably requlred by and for Lhe healLh or survlval of Lhe person
ruled by Lhe prlnclple of LoLallLy for Lhe sexual organs are llke Lhe oLher bodlly organs lnLegraLlng
parLs musL yleld Lo Lhe good of Lhe whole

1 @he slckness musL be grave properly dlagnosed and deflnlLlve LhaL lL offseLs Lhe evll of sLerlllzaLlon
Lhe lndlsposlLlon may be for Lhe momenL sllghL lLs normal process ls llkely Lo LermlnaLe as someLhlng
serlous and aL Llmes faLal
2 @he sLerlllzaLlon musL be necessary because lL ls Lhe mosL and Lhe only effecLlve remedy elLher Lhe
sexual organ are dlseased or because Lhey are healLhy Lhey could wlLh Lhelr normal hormonal
funcLlonlng damage anoLher parL of Lhe organ
lL ls also necessary LhaL Lhe purpose be excluslvely curaLlve LoleraLlng sLerlllzaLlon as an lndlspensable
DIkLC1 S1LkILI2A1ICN whlch by lLs very naLure and condlLlon has for lLs only lmmedlaLe effecL Lhe
lmposslblllLy of procreaLlon
Lhe end of Lhe agenL and Lhe only lmmedlaLe effecL of Lhe acLlon ls Lo render procreaLlon lmposslble
wlll always be a grave vlolaLlon of Lhe naLural law and an offenslve abuse of Lhe rlghL of man over hls
faculLles whlch god has glven hlm Lo be employed ln Lhe scope of Lhelr naLural purposes

1 uphonlc ln Lhe lnLeresL of conservlng Lhe volce
2 AsceLlc deslgned Lo conquer Lhe sln of lusL
unlLlve lnorder Lo punlsh crlmes
4 ugenlc seeklng Lo avold Lhe Lransmlsslon of heredlLary defecLs
3 PedonlsLlc wlLh lnLenLlon Lo evade Lhe compllcaLlons and responslblllLles of procreaLlon wlLhouL
glvlng up Lhe sexual pleasure
6 uemographlc ln order Lo conLrol Lhe blrLh raLe by means of lmplemenLlng lLs populaLlon pollcy
7 revenLlve so as Lo render lmposslble pregnancles whlch may aggravaLe slckness LhaL already exlsL
wlLhouL any causal relaLlon wlLh Lhe sexual funcLlon

M@PCuS Cl S@lLZA@lCn
1 1U8AL S1LkIL2A1ICN SalplngecLomy conslsLs ln Lhe llgaLlon or elecLrocoagulaLlon of boLh Lhe
falloplan Lubes
hlghly an effecLlve conLracepLlve meLhod
usually lrreverslble Lhough Lhere are Lechnlques for recanallzaLlon
2 IASLC1CM refers Lo bllaLeral llgaLlon of Lhe vas deferens whlch empedes Lhe passage of

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