Anda di halaman 1dari 15


Cl nu8SlnC
nurslng has undergone dramaLlc change ln response Lo socleLal needs and
lnfluences A look aL nurslng's beglnnlng reveals lLs conLlnulng sLruggle for
auLonomy and professlonallsm 8ecurrlng Lhemes of woman's roles and sLaLus
rellglous values war socleLal aLLlLudes and vlslonary nurslng leadershlp have
lnfluenced nurslng pracLlce ln Lhe parL Many of Lhese facLors sLlll exerL Lhelr
lnfluence even Loday AlLhough Lhe goals of nurslng have remalned relaLlvely Lhe
same over cenLurles lLs pracLlce have been lnfluenced by Lhe changlng
characLerlsLlcs of Lhe socleLy 1hus nurslng has gradually evolved as a modern
lMC81AnCL Cl S1uu? Cl PlS1C8?
1 1o undersLand and lnLerpreL Lhe changes whlch have Laken place ln
2 Slnce nurslng ls closely assoclaLed wlLh medlclne lL ls necessary Lo
undersLand how medlclne has developed from Lhe bellef ln wlLchcrafL and
supersLlLlon Lo a sclence
3 1he sLudy of Lhe developmenL of nurslng wlll enable Lo undersLand some of
Lhe problems of Lhe pasL and how Lhey have been solved
4 1he sLudy abouL Lhose who have developed nurslng Lo presenL sLage wlll
sLlmulaLe Lhe presenL generaLlon
3 lL helps Lo accepL Lhe share of responslblllLy for Lhe fuLure of nurslng
1he progress of modern nurslng has almed lLs goal ln varlous perlods
llrsL perlod
Second perlod
1hlrd perlod
ll8S1 L8lCu
1he earllesL Llme Lo Lhe laLer parL of 18
cenLury was Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe flrsL
perlod 1he maln feaLures of Lhls perlod are
1here was no speclal Lralnlng or educaLlon for nurslng buL was lnLulLlve
1he requlremenL ls presslng need of Lhe paLlenL
A feellng of compasslon and a deslre Lo do servlce especlally durlng
ChrlsLlan era(1300 Au) Lg 8oman maLrons ueaconesses
1he maln Lralnlng was Lhe pracLlcal experlence aL Lhe bed slde
Larly lnfluences
AnclenL people led a nomadlc llfe LvenLually Lhey had a famlly seLup 1he women
sLayed aL home looked afLer Lhelr chlldren When anybody geLs slck Lhe women
were Lo care for Lhem as men had no Llme 1hus Lhey were Lhe early nurses 1hey
exLended Lhelr servlce Lo Lhe nelghbourhood also
8eglnnlng of ClvlllzaLlon
nurslng ln Larly ClvlllzaLlon ln LgypL
Medlclne was LhoughL Lo be of dlvlne orlgln and Lhe prlesL physlclan and lncharge
of lL uurlng Lhls perlod moLhers and daughLers dld nurslng buL Lhelr rellglon
forbade dlssecLlon 1he LgypLlans pracLlced hyglene and pracLlced clrcumclslon
1hey recognlzed Lhe lmporLance of an adequaLe sysLem of dralnage waLer supply
and lnspecLlon of slaughLer houses
1he pracLlce of medlcal LreaLmenL ln 8abylonla was prlmlLlve 1hey belleved LhaL
lllness was due Lo sln and dlspleasure of Lhe Cods and dlsease was punlshmenL of
slnnlng A sorL of Leam approach was used Lo LreaL slck person 1he physlclan
dlrecLed Lhe LreaLmenL Lhe nurse carrled ouL Lhe care pharmaclsL prepared Lhe
medlclne and splrlLual care was also glven along wlLh Lhls
ln alesLlne Lhe pracLlce of hyglene and healLh rules were glven by Moses
8egardlng nurslng anclenL Pebrew nurses had a hlgh poslLlon and parLlclpaLed
carefully ln planned programmes of vlslLlng Lhe slck aL Lhelr homes and carlng for
Lhem 1hey broughL physlcal and splrlLual care for Lhe slck and famlly members
wlLh a famlly cenLered approach ln response Lo Lhe Mosalc healLh code Lhe
Pebrew nurses were acLlve ln promoLlng and malnLalnlng physlcal menLal and
communlLy healLh educaLlon 1he lmporLance and lndependence have been
recorded ln Lhe Cld 1esLamenL by Lhe sLory of a nurse mldwlfe who refused Lo
parLlclpaLe ln lnfanLlclde when Lhe klng haroah ordered Pebrews Lo klll Lhe male
chlldren of Pebrews
1he earllesL records of lndlan medlclne are found ln Lhe vedas klng Ashoka
showed lnLeresL ln Lhe educaLlon of women and Lhe hlgher casLe en[oyed some
prlvlleges 1helr maln hlghllghLs were managemenL of Lhe home and durlng lllness
ln Lhe famlly Lhey Look care of Lhem ln lnsLlLuLlons Lhese duLles were enLrusLed
Lo old women and men
Apollo Lhe Sun Cod was consldered as Lhe Cod of healLh and medlclne ln Creece
also medlclne was consldered as a dlvlne orlgln Apollo's son Askleplos was Lhe
Cod of heallng 1he woman shared Lhe work of healLh conservaLlon ln Lhe myLh of
Askelplos 1he slx daughLers of hlm PygerlaCoddess of PealLh and Medlclne
enacea Lhe resLorer of healLh Aegle 1he llghL of Sun MedlLrana 1he
preserver of healLh( supposed Lo be Lhe anclenL forerunner lf Lhe publlc healLh
nurse )and laso who personlfled Lhe recovery of lllness 1hus Lhe whole famlly of
Askelplos has slgnlflcance for Lhe medlcal and nurslng arLs for lLs members

8ome copled much from Lhe Creece 1hey had a good sysLem of sanlLaLlon
paved roads and brldges 1hey had publlc dlspensary buL noL managed properly
Cld women and men of good characLer dld nurslng
1he lmage of nurslng ln anclenL culLure
uurlng Lhe Lhousand years when anclenL culLure flourlshed some progress was
noLed ln nurslng buL mosL nurses had only a dependenL role 1he dependenL
aspecLs were
1 LxlsLence of a slave economy ln whlch llves were noL value when her cllenL
dled a nurse could be burled allve so could provlde care ln Lhe afLer llfe
2 nurslng was a forced occupaLlon of slaves who possessed nelLher deslre
nor preparaLlon for Lhe role
3 orLrayal of Lhe nurse wlLh Lhe lmage and funcLlon of a servenL
4 erformance of merely cusLodlal care resLrlcLed Lo slck persons wlLh
meager Lowards rewards or saLlsfacLlon for Lhe servlce rendered
Cbvlously carlng Lhe essence of nurslng was mlnlmal slck ones suffered
from lack of personallzed healLh care
AnoLher aspecL of lndependenL role of nurses ln Lhls perlod lnclude
1 As ln Lhe LgypLlan culLure recognlLlon of Lhe lmporLance of healLh
malnLenance held by cerLaln healLh care provlders
2 lmplemenLaLlon of Mosalc PealLh Code by nurses who promoLed physlcal
menLal and communlLy healLh efforLs preservlng Lhe poslLlon nurse role ln
healLh malnLenance and healLh educaLlon whlle enlarglng lLs scope
3 ConLlnuance of nurLurlng skllls ln famlly seL up of pracLlce of Pebrew
4 1he observance and adherence Lo a sLrong code of eLhlcs(Lhe Len
commandmenLs) as a moLlvaLlng gulde Lo pracLlce
3 uocumenLed evldence of Lhe sklllful nurse mldwlfe pracLlLloner who
dellvered moLhers ln Lhe slLLlng poslLlon on obsLeLrlcal sLools and refused
Lo parLlclpaLe ln lnfanLlclde
ChrlsLlan Lra(1300 Au)
8ellglon has also played a slgnlflcanL role ln Lhe developmenL of nurslng
AlLhough many of Lhe world rellglons encourage benevolence lL was Lhe
ChrlsLlan value of love Lhy nelghbor as Lhyself" and ChrlsL's parable of Lhe
Cood SamarlLan LhaL had a slgnlflcanL lmpacL on Lhe developmenL of wesLern
nurslng 1he flrsL recorded hlsLory of nurslng beglns wlLh 8lbllcal women who
cared for Lhe slck and ln[ured
1he 8oman maLrons and deaconesses
hobe was a Creek lady of lmporLance menLloned ln Lhe LplsLle Lo Lhe
8omans ls known as Lhe flrsL deaconesses and vlslLlng nurse She ls also
known as Lhe forerunner of modern publlc healLh nurse lablola ls credlLed
wlLh lnfluenclng and paylng for Lhe consLrucLlon of flrsL free hosplLal ln
8ome ln 390 Au
AnoLher 8oman woman SalnL Marcella converLed her home lnLo
monasLery where she LaughL nurslng skllls She ls consldered as Lhe flrsL
nurslng educaLor
SalnL aula ls credlLed wlLh esLabllshlng lnns and hosplLals Lo care for
pllgrlms Lravelllng Lo !erusalem She ls sald Lo be Lhe flrsL person Lo Leach
phllosophy LhaL nurslng ls an arL raLher Lhan a servlce
nurslng ln Mlddle Ages(3001300 Au)
1he early mlddle ages faced Lhe fall of 8oman emplre buL ChrlsLlan
monasLlclsm has lmproved and new hosplLals came lnLo exlsLence
leudallsm Cullds and rellglon of lslam played Lhelr roles for Lhe growLh of
nurslng uurlng Lhe perlod from 3001300Au Lhree hosplLals were
esLabllshed and Lhey are
1he PoLel uleu of Lyons
lL was made under lay managemenL for 600 years buL laLer managed by
rellglous orders 1he AugusLlnlan slsLers were one of Lhe oldesL slsLer hoods
whlch was malnly formed for nurslng purpose 1he rouLlne servlces were
baLhlng paLlenLs maklng Lhelr beds glvlng asslsLance when needed
feedlng and cleanlng nurses were free Lo leave and marry lf Lhey wlshed
by a body of men known as 8ecLors
1he PoLel uleu of arls
1hls was found by 8lshop Laundryhouse of Cod 1he AugusLlnlan slsLers
Look up Lhe responslblllLy Cnce Lhey become nuns Lhey have Lo be ln LhaL
poslLlon for Lhe resL of Lhelr llves and wenL ouL only for nurslng duLles 1hey
are supposed Lo do all Lhe works wlLhouL Lhe servanLs 8roLhers belonged
Lo Lhls order worked ln male wards and nuns ln Lhe female wards 1helr
responslblllLles lnclude Lhe admlsslon and dlscharge Laklng charge of Lhe
klLchen and laundry and burylng Lhe dead bodles
1he SanLo SplrlLo PosplLal ln 8ome
lL was bullL for Lhe prlmary purpose of carlng Lhe slck pllgrlms Several
dlsLlncL wards were lncluded for men women and convalescenL paLlenLs
1hese 3 hosplLals played lmporLanL roles ln Lhe developmenL of medlclne
and nurslng
nurslng ln LaLer Mlddle Ages(10001300 Au)
1he Crusades
ln Lhe 11
cenLury mlllLary and pollLlcal changes Look place ln Lhe Mlddle
LasL and Lhe musllms capLured !erusalem So a rellglous movemenL was
lnlLlaLed by ope urban ll Look place Lo save ChrlsL's Lomb from musllms
1hls was known as Crusade Many pllgrlms became slck and weak as Lhere
was noL enough food and shelLer durlng Lhelr [ourney Some dled durlng
Lhelr way due Lo sLarvaLlon and lllness uurlng Lhls Llme an acuLe demand
was aroused for hosplLals and healLh care provlders 8ecause of Lhe wars
whlch became more and more deadly as dlseases were carrled where ever
Lhe armles wenL 1hls resLrlcLed ln Lhe developmenL of mlllLary nurslng
orders knlghL hood addlLlonal hosplLals and he rlghL of several nurslng
1he MlllLary nurslng Crders
MlllLary nurslng orders came lnLo belng Lo underLake healLh care servlces of
whlch Lhe Crder of Lhe knlghLs hosplLallers of SL!ohn of !erusalem was Lhe
lmporLanL one 1hls order had done an excellenL nurslng and rellef work
and so Lhelr fame was spread wldely 1hey recelved and nursed Lhe
menLally lll wlLh lnLelllgence and sympaLhy 1hey gave food Lo Lhe pllgrlms
and cared for Lhe slck 1hls was Lhe only mlllLary order whlch dld Lhe
humanlLarlan servlce 1helr sysLem of promoLlon ls used ln nurse's 1ralnlng
1hus Lhe laLer mlddle ages flnds nurses from hlgh sLaLus wlLh lnLellecL
response Lo Lhe needs from hlgh sLaLus wlLh lnLellecL response Lo Lhe needs
of Lhe socleLy ln Llmes of war epldemlc and persecuLlon Several
unlverslLles and hosplLals were formed 1here was segregaLlon of paLlenL's
accordlng Lo Lhelr sLaLus and dlseases condlLlon 1hls perlod faced sudden
spread of communlcable dlseases llke plague syphllls leprosy eLc
SLCCnu L8lCu
uurlng Lhls perlod cerLaln medlcal LreaLmenLs bellefs and pracLlces were
reLalned from earller perlods whlle new ones were added 1he second
perlod sLarLed from Lhe laLer parL of 18
cenLury Lo Lhe esLabllshmenL of
School of nurslng aL 1homas PosplLal Lngland ln 1860 Au AcLual Lralnlng
and sysLemaLlc educaLlon was glven ln hosplLal as well as home vlslLlng by
varlous people llke
a SL vlncenL de aul formed SlsLers of CharlLy ln 1633 Au
b asLor llledner and hls wlfe lredrlka sLarLed a nurslng school aL
kalserwerLh ln 1836 Au
c CaLhollc and roLesLanL Crders 1hey have sLarLed several schools buL
Lhey were noL havlng organlzed Lralnlng
d ln 1860 Au Lhe sclenLlflc meLhod of Lralnlng was sLarLed aL SL 1homas
hosplLal Lngland by Lhe dlrecLlon of Ms nlghLlngale
1he 8enalssance
1ravel Lrade arL archlLecLure llfe eLc were expanded Many promlnenL
personallLles who conLrlbuLe Lo medlclne lnclude
Wllllam Parvey(ClrculaLlon of blood)
Andreas vesallus(lounder of AnaLomy)
Calello(consLrucLed mlcroscope as well as Lelescope?)
Louls asLeur(rocess of asLeurlzaLlon rables vacclne)
PosplLals wlLh hlsLorlcal lnLeresLs were bullL 8ellglous orders were formed well
known groups were emerged and speclallzed ln Lhe care of slck Medlclne galned
Lrue sclenLlflc basls
1he 8eformaLlon
lL was a revolL agalnsL auLhorlLy of ope known as 'roLesLanL LvoluLlon' Lo free
Lhe church from lLs malpracLlces
lgnaLlus Layola formed Lhe !esulLsLralned Leachers
Crder of SLursula LducaLlon of glrls
MarLln LuLher Pe emphasls on falLh raLher Lhan work MonasLlclsm decllned
uark ages ln nurslng
nurslng experlenced a dark perlod roughly from Lhe end of 17
cenLury 1he maln
causes were
1he renalssance
ulsLurbed pollLlcal condlLlons
AbollLlon of hosplLals
8apld deLerloraLlon ln Lhe care of slck
nurslng sank Lo lLs lowesL levels ln counLrles whlch caLhollc organlzaLlons were
upseL by 8eformaLlon 1he sLaLe closed churches and Lhere was llLLle or no
lnsLlLuLlonal care of Lhe slck When Lhe demand became Loo greaL lay persons
runned a hosplLal and no honor was aLLached Lo lL nurslng losL lLs soclal sLandlng
1hey expecLed and Look brlbes from Lhelr paLlenLs 1he maln reason was poor
salary and mlserable llvlng 1hey had long and sLrenuous worklng hours 1here
was rapld deLerloraLlon ln Lhe care of slck 1he slck was Lhrown lnLo beds already
occupled by several paLlenLs uead bodles and dellrlous paLlenLs were kepL slde
by slde unsanlLary condlLlons lnduced epldemlcs sychlaLrlc paLlenLs were
LreaLed badly
SL vlncenL de paul(13761660) Pe was Lhe 1
person Lo prevenL beggars bullL
munlclpal houses Pe founded Lhe order of" SlsLer of CharlLy" ln 1633 1hls was a
lay organlzaLlon of women who Lralned ln charlLy work of whlch nurslng became
an lmporLanL acLlvlLy
!ohn Peward Pe became a war prlsoner and spenL hls lmprlsonmenL aL lrance
Pe cared Lhe prlsoners and worked Lo lmprove Lhelr llvlng condlLlons
Charles ulckens wroLe sLorles ln whlch he descrlbed Lhe evlls of Lhe day and poor
manners of some nurses who Look brlbes from paLlenLs
uoroLhea dlx cared for Lhe menLally lll
ubllc PealLh MovemenL (Lra of sanlLaLlon)
uurlng Lhls perlod many of Lhe 8rlLlsh forces were ln lndla and Lhe morLallLy raLe
was hlgh ln Lhe army as well as ln Lhe clvlllan populaLlon 1hls aspecL came Lo Lhe
aLLenLlon of llorence nlghLlngale and Lhrough her efforL ln 1839 a royal
commlsslon was senL Lo lndla from Lngland Lo flnd ouL Lhe morLallLy raLe ln 1863
Lhls commlsslon reporL advlsed for Lhe appolnLmenL of SanlLary commlsslon
whlch ln Lurn advlsed formaLlon of ubllc PealLh Servlces 1hls was Lhe beglnnlng
and now each sLaLe has lLs own PealLh MlnlsLer and ubllc PealLh ls a deparLmenL
of CovernmenL 1o make Lhe publlc aware of Lhe sanlLaLlon and prevenLlon of
dlsease ubllc healLh nurse was asslgned Lhe responslblllLy ubllc healLh nurslng
earller was done by AposLollc deaconesses by vlslLlng Lhe paLlenLs ln Lhelr homes
1hls servlce was followed falLhfully by SL!ohns house of Lngland and CaLhollc
SlsLers 1hey spenL Lhelr llves ln vlslLlng Lhe poor and carlng for Lhe slck under
Lerrlble condlLlons of cholera and small pox
nlghLlngale lnLroduced a Lurnlng polnL from vlslLlng nurslng Lo publlc healLh
nurslng ln her docLrlne regardlng care Per suggesLlons emphaslzed healLh and
revenLlon of dlsease" She lnslsLed LhaL Leachlng of sanlLaLlon and hyglene musL
be glven wlLh bedslde care
8evlval of modern deaconesses
asLoer llledner a noLable personallLy observed Lhe work of deaconesses Pe
lnspecLed publlc lnsLlLuLlons schools hosplLals and prlsons All Lhls gave hlm a
good lmpresslon and a deslre Lo sLarL such a one ln hls own counLry So he
reLurned Lo kalserwerLh wlLh greaL eagerness Lo brlng prlson reform lnLo
Cermany and Lo Lraln deaconesses who would Lake care of Lhe problems of
educaLlon poverLy rellef and nurslng LaLer he sLarLed a hosplLal and deaconess
home Pe and hls wlfe LaughL Lhe glrls nurslng Modern Lralnlng schools have
adopLed some of Lhe prlnclples esLabllshed aL kalserwerLh 8egardlng admlsslon
Lhey had Lo produce a healLh cerLlflcaLe and characLer recommendaLlons
Mlnlmum age was 18 years lL was 3 years Lralnlng and Lhey had a probaLlonary
perlod of Lhree monLhs Lo one year 1he deaconesses were glven a small sLlpend
as pockeL money 1hey had regular classes wlLh lecLurers and demonsLraLlons A
woman was lncharge of nurses and nurslng 1he nurses were expecLed Lo follow
Lhe docLor's orders nurses who wenL lnLo prlvaLe homes were LreaLed as
members of Lhe famlly and noL as servanL 1hls helped Lo ralse Lhe poslLlon of
nurses AlLhough Lhe ueaconesses order was under Lhe conLrol of Lhe church lL
paved Lhe paLh for modern secular nurslng
1Pl8u L8lCu
lL sLarLed from1860 Au and conLlnue Lo Lhe presenL day
a uevelopmenL of Lhe nurslng characLerlzed by Lhe esLabllshed of schools for
graduaLe and undergraduaLe nurslng
b Lmphasls glven on speclallzaLlon of nurslng
c SLudy and research
d LeglslaLlon affecLlng nurslng and nurses
e lormlng lnLernaLlonal and naLlonal organlzaLlon
1he lnfluence of organlzaLlonal framework of kalserwerLh spread far and Lhese
beglnnlngs seL Lhe sLage for Lhe foundlng of a new sysLem of nurslng of nurslng by
llorence nlghLlngale
llorence nlghLlngale
She pursued a mlsslon of servlce Lo humanlLy LhroughouL her llfe Llme She dld
her programme for nurslng aL kalserwerLh uurlng Lhe Crlmean was(18341836)
Lhe lnadequacy of care glven Lo soldlers led Lo a publlc ouLcry ln CreaL 8rlLaln Slr
Sldney PeberL Lhe secreLary of war aL LhaL Llme declded Lo send a Leam of female
nurses Lo provlde care Lo Lhe slck and ln[ured ln Lhe Crlmean war When she
reached Lhe 8arrack hosplLal where she was expecLed Lo Lake care of Lhe
wounded soldlers was crowded wlLh 4 mlles of bed aLlenL dld noL have proper
food or cloLhlng 1here was no waLer no soap no Lowels and roLLen food
supplled 8ecause of Lhe unsanlLary condlLlons cholera broke ouL ofLen l course
of Llme she spenL her own money Lo lmprove Lhe condlLlon She seL up 3 dleL
klLchen and saw LhaL dleLs were glven accordlng Lo Lhe need of Lhe paLlenL She
also seL up laundrles and hlred Lhe wlves of soldlers Lo work ln Lhem and earn
money She used Lo make rounds ln Lhe ward aL nlghL wlLh an oll lamp along Lhe
long llnes of coLs wlLh a frlendly word for some a smlle for oLhers and as such
she goL Lhe name 1he Lady wlLh Lhe Lamp" She also developed Lhe flrsL
organlzed programme of Lralnlng for nurses

ln general her accompllshmenLs were ln varlous aspecLs ln nurslng professlon 1he
followlng were lmporLanL
1 She esLabllshed nurslng as a professlon
2 8eformed hosplLals and lmproved work homes
3 lmproved medlclne by lnsLlLuLlng an army medlcal school recognlzlng Lhe
army medlcal deparLmenL
4 lmproved and reformed laws affecLlng healLh morals and Lhe poor
3 lmproved Lhe healLh of naLlves and 8rlLlsh clLlzens ln lndla and oLher
1he nlghLlngale School
1he nlghLlngale Lralnlng school for nurses was sLarLed ln 1860 as an enLlrely
lndependenL educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlonal flnanced by nlghLlngale fund 1here were a
loL of opposlLlon from Lhe physlclans buL nlghLlngale was able Lo sLarL Lhe school
by her Llreless lnlLlaLlves A councll of dlsLlngulshed persons had been appolnLed
Lo admlnlsLer Lhe fund and negoLlaLe Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe school SL1homas
hosplLal was chosen for Lhe Lralnlng of nurses 1he nlghLlngale school was opened
wlLh 13 sLudenLs ln 1860 1he lengLh of Lhe programme was one year afLer whlch
Lhe nurses were drafLed on Lhe sLaff of a hosplLal for 1 year for furLher
experlence A dlsLlncLlon was made beLween Lhe ordlnary probaLloners (noL pald
sLudenLs) and lady nurses (pald sLudenLs) 1he probaLloners were drawn from
relaLlvely uneducaLed levels and Lhelr expenses were meL by Lhe nlghLlngale fund
and for LhaL Lhey had Lo work one exLra year for Lhe lnsLlLuLlon 1he lady nurses
were educaLed genLle women who pald Lhelr LulLlon fees and expecLed Lo serve
only one year for Lhe lnsLlLuLlon afLer Lhelr Lralnlng perlod 1hese quallfled nurses
were expecLed Lo become fuLure maLrons
Deve|opment of Nurs|ng 1heor|es
ln Lhe 19
CenLury nlghLlngale LhoughL LhaL Lhe people of CreaL 8rlLaln needed
Lo know more abouL how Lo malnLaln healLhy homes and Lo care for slck famlly
members nlghLlngale's noLes on nurslng WhaL lL ls and WhaL lL ls noL" was
our flrsL LexLbook on home care and communlLy healLh 1o nlghLlngale Lhe
knowledge Lo provlde good nurslng was nelLher unlque nor speclallzed 8aLher
nlghLlngale vlewed nurslng as a cenLral human acLlvlLy grounded ln occupaLlon
reason and common sense healLh pracLlces
ln Lhe 20
cenLury nurslng educaLlon ln uS Look a dlfferenL paLh from nurslng
educaLlon ln 8rlLaln and Lurope 1he drlve Lo esLabllsh nurslng deparLmenLs ln
colleges and unlverslLles exposed Amerlcan nurslng Lo Lhe domlnanL ldeas and
pressures ln Amerlcan hlgher educaLlon aL Lhe Llme uurlng Lhe laLer half of 20

cenLury dlsclpllnes seeklng Lo esLabllsh Lhemselves ln unlverslLles had Lo
demonsLraLe someLhlng LhaL nlghLlngale had noL envlsloned for nurslng a unlque
body of LheoreLlcal knowledge 1hls evenLually led Lo Lhe developmenL of nurslng
LheorlsLs whlch added sLrengLh Lo Lhe foundaLlon of nurslng as a professlon
1hroughouL lLs dlsLlngulshed hlsLory nurslng has had a slgnlflcanL effecL ln Lhe
people's llves 1he Lrend or general dlrecLlon LhaL nurslng has Laken ls a graphlc
plcLure of Lhe sLaLus of women LhroughouL Lhe ages As we Lake a long hlsLory we
flnd LhaL each generaLlon each change of Lhe soclal and economlc cllmaLe broughL
forLh a leader or a reformer 1he credlL cannoL be glven Lo a slngle person race or
creed nurslng hlsLory provldes Lhe basls of undersLandlng Lhe nurslng Loday
1he herlLage of nurslng ls a rlch one lLs hlsLory ls a record of ploneerlng LhaL
reflecLs new advancemenLs wlLh each generaLlon 1hls wlde range of hlsLory of
nurslng porLrayed valuable aspecL of nurslng carlng for carlng wlLh and carlng
abouL no one however Lhrough pen or canvas wlll be able Lo capLure Lhe Lrue arL
and carlng splrlL of nurslng enLlrely

n8ao aul Crace PlsLory of nurslng (2004) ll second edlLlon n8
8roLhers() lndore p 1101

8erman Audrey Synder!Shlrlee kozler 8arbara Clenora Lrb(2008)
lundamenLal of nurslng ConcepLs rocess and racLlce 8
earson LducaLlon() uS p 311

8osdahl 8unker Carollne kowalskl1Mary 1exLbook of 8aslc nurslng 8

LdlLlon LlpplncoLL() hlladelphla p 410

oLLerA eLrlcla erry Crlffln Anne (2006) lundamenLals of nurslng 6

LdlLlon Llsevler() lndla p 23

Cowda nan[unde Sn (2006) 8aslc rlnclples and racLlce of nurslng
8evlsed ll LdlLlon !n() 8anglore p 13

. !'I`.! `

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I yi Nsc. Nuising

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