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Reiki Attunement

Self attuning to Reiki is extremely effective, and VERY

In this 21st century - there is absolutely no need to have to
look for
someone else to empower you into the way of Reiki. Dr
Usui was not attuned
by anyone else, and thanks to the work and
experimentation of many Free Reiki
groups we now know that self attunement is just as
powerful as any other kind of attunement method.
Please try the method below and see for yourself!

The basic steps are:

Sit in Gassho position (hands in prayer position in front of


"Intend" to receive a full Reiki attunement

Firstly - imagine that you have roots growing out of your

feet and going down into the earth below you and
grounding and earthing your entire body.

When you are ready, visualise (imagine) white light

entering the crown of your head and filling the whole of
your body from top to toe. See it entering each one of
your chakras in turn, filling, cleansing, balancing and
harmonising each one. Visualise the white light filling your
arms and the whole of your hands then coming out of the
palms of your hands and filling the whole world!

Sit for as long as you like, before drawing your 'roots' up

from the earth and bringing yourself back into the present,
now fully attuned to Reiki.

You can dress this simple method up in any way that feels
right to you. You can ask your Reiki guides, or angels, or
ascended Masters to be present during your attunement
(whatever feels right and fits with your religion or belief
system) You can play music, light candles, burn incense,
whatever you like.

This method is as effective as hands on attunements

by a 'qualified' Reiki teacher, and as effective as
distant attunements, or any other attunement
method that there is. Reiki is no longer confined to
only those who can pay for it, or only those who can
travel to find someone willing to attune them, or to
only those who ask for the attunement from another
person. Reiki is our birthright, and as such anyone
who wants to be attuned can be, no matter what
method they use.

GRR Self Attunement Method is copyright of GRR.

Please feel free to share it in its entirety with anyone
who will benefit from using it. If you change
anything from the necessary steps given before the
words "You can dress this up......." then please
remember that you are now using your own method
and not ours!

Receiving the Mass Attunement from
the GrassRootsReiki Group.

At GRR we send out a Mass

Attunement each Monday evening at
9.00pm your own local time. This
attunement is intended to reach
anyone who intends to receive it, and
is completely effective too, just like any
other attunement method!

All you need to do is to sit quietly

and/or meditate at just before 9.00pm
any Monday evening with the intention
of being fully attuned into Reiki. The
attunement takes approximately 10/15
minutes during which period you may
feel slight sensations like energy
moving in or around you, you may 'see'
faint lights, or 'hear' faint sounds, or
you may feel nothing at all. Reactions
to attunements vary from person to
person, and are no indicator of the
'strength' of the attunement. There is
no such thing as a 'strong' attunement!

Once you have received this

attunement you are now fully
empowered to all aspects of the energy
and can now start practising Reiki!


Once you have been attuned it is now

up to you to bring Reiki into your daily

The first step is to become familiar

with and practice the Reiki Principles.
These are the central core of Reiki and
without these Reiki is no more than
another 'alternative therapy' On the
page The Reiki Principles we give a
fuller explanation of the Principles and
why they are so important to Self
Empowerment with Reiki.

Next you must incorporate meditation

into your life on a daily basis. The

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