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The Hero's Journey

An Archetypal Story

A type of story or character that is often repeated in literature.


The heros journey is one of the oldest story archetypes on the planet.

Contemporary storytelling follows the ancient patterns of the Hero Journey.

George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, consulted with Campbell while writing the scripts for the first Star Wars trilogy. Which means....?

The heros journey is a metaphor for life.

How? In what way?

Stage I: The Separation

Breaking away from: - The hero's old life; - The known world; - The familiar.

A. The Call
The hero is compelled to leave a ordinary life to seek adventure or begin a quest.

Dorothy dreams of a land beyond the rainbow . . .

Luke dreams of going on an adventure . . .

B: The Refusal (of the call)

The hero has second thoughts; adventure looks too risky.

Marlin looses sight of the boat and is lost in the open ocean. Marlin believes he will never find Nemo.

C. Acceptance of the Call

The hero finally accepts the responsibility of the journey / quest.

After the death of Luke's family, he agrees to go with Obiwan...

D. Crossing the First Threshold The hero leaves the old world behind and enters the new.

Dorothy is carried away to Oz by the tornado and lands in Munchkin land

E. Guidance
The hero receives assistance from others, possible a mentor.

F. The Abyss
(Belly of the Whale)

The hero faces his greatest fear or death.

For some, the belly of the whale experience is a situation in which the hero enters a physical zone of danger.

Marlin & Dory in the whale.

Trapped in the Death Star!

Dorothy is trapped in the witch's castle

Stage II Initiation & Transformation

The hero meets challenges and is changed in some way.

A. Challenges
Each challenge places the hero in greater danger. The hero develops his skills.

D. Atonement with the Father

The hero may come up against a 'father figure' who must be beaten, persuaded, or whose approval must be achieved in some way. Ultimately, by whatever means, the difficult relationship between the two must be reconciled.

Part III. The Return

A. Refusal of Return
The hero wonders if its possible to return to the old life. How can I go back?

D. Crossing the Return Threshold

Finally, the hero returns to Kansas.

The monomyth of the heros journey helps us answer the most profound questions of the universe.


am I here? is there suffering?

is the meaning of life?


from the Latin profundus, meaning just before the bottom or at the edge of death.


A hero is someone who reaches the edge of death, steals a piece of magic, then brings the magic home to share with his community. (Brennan)

We are all heroes on our separate journeys

and our mission is to make the world a better place.

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