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4-9l2O11-SPG Government of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts Personnel Division

Nes'DeLhi. the O4'h April. 20 I 1 OFFICE MEMORANDUIS Subjcct: Transfer pohcy for Indial Postal Scn'icc Olhcers {iPoS), (inrup A' (.lunior Time Scalc, Senior '['ime Sca]c, Junror Adrtinistrairve Gri.Lclt: and Senior Administrative Gradel The issue of a seperate tralsler / postin g / depu tatron policl' lbr lndrarr Postal Service Officers {IPoS), Group A from .lunior Ttrne Scale (.lTS) to Senrot' Administrativc Grade (SA(i) has bcen considercd b! the conpetent authorrt) . 'fhc 2. current general guidciincs are available in Mcno N"os 1'1l -'+i 98,l41-1/99 SPB-ll dated 23,4 trebruary, 1998, SPB 11 rlatcd 23'd March 19!19. I41-35/2001-SPLI-ll clated 141-6/2000 SPB-ll clated 24.04.2000 and 'fttc 1 1.04,200I with reference to Rotational tr:rnsfers in thc Departmelrt. gurdelines issued vide the aforementjoned rnernos rvjll henceforth be appircabitr to all cadres workrng in the Department of Posts othcr lhi]n olficers irorn .lttntor Time Scale (JTS) to Senior Administrative Grack: (SAC) of the Indtal 'A'. Sen'ice, (iroup 3. Given the changing needs of the Group A cadre, consequent upotr the V Cadre Review, the change in thc nature of sen'ices provideci bv the l)e;rartmcnt arnd the forays made into ncw areas of activities, it is imperatlve to h:l c :t 'A' o1{icers. The policy will be sepa,rate transfer policy guidelines for (iroup applicable to all direct recruits of the Indian Postal Service and Promoted and ha'ring a qualifying B examination oflicers/ oflicers the Group minimum of 2 years of residual service.

4. The neu' policy guidelines rest on the principles of tenu:'e, pcrfutrlatr.c. service history and records and suitability of olficcrs for a post, sensitrve ttntl non sensitive postings, interest of servicc/ administrative intcrr:st. rcqLresL ixrcl il'lterest of ofhccr, e.g working couple, eciucation of chiidren, medical exlgr:rlLi(s etc. and above all to ensure that arr ofhccr gains rvrde experience of ',rrorkrng both in the field in various capacities in different circlcs and the Directoralc .irld by exposure to placements undcr the Centrzrl stafhng scl-reme.



Thc follou'ing revised guidelines are laid down for transfer/ posting /deputation of Indian Postal Sen'ice Officers (lPoS), Group A from Junior Time
Grade {SAG):

Scale (.lTSi to Senior Administrative t.

All annual transfer orders shall be normally issued by 30!h April ald rn a-nv case. not later than 3 I st Ma1. of thc 1-ear. Transfers may not be cfl'er:ted savc in cxccptional circumstances (which wit] include :rdministrative cxigency) irr the middle of the academtc sesslon. rr. The statron tcnurc wili be four years whicb may bc extended up to six vears in rndrvidual cases in public interest, on self/family medical grounds or on educational grounds of the rvards. rii. The powers for extending thc station tenure beyond 4 years ca,n be c x r ' ' c i s c d r . l n l vb v t h e c u m p e t e n t a u t h o r i t l . iv. The station in which thc offrcer is actua1l1, working *.i11 be taken as the Station for purposes of tcnure and tralsfer. r'. The crucral date for computrng the completion or otherw-isc of tLLe tenure r,lll be l,t of Scptcmber. The tenure of an offrcer $'ho joins on l st Septembcr- or before u.rll be considered in April of the ycar in ,vhich he completes the tenr-rre. Oflicers joining after the 1", of September wr11be considered in the next annual tr:u'rsfer. vi. While orclering tr:rnsfers, administrative and functional needs of a particular post shall be kept in view. Furthermore, the service records, past periormance, charaoter and antecedents of the officer should be

r:onsiclereclto assess hts/her suirabilitv for a post. r ir. As regarcls postlng of working couples at the sarne station, the same sbould be allorved if it is administratively feasible. Keeping in view the rmportance ,rf high school/ intermediate educatron of children, the Dcpartment u'i11 consider requests for posting of officers whose children are studying in the 9th to 12rh standards subjecl to administrative r e q u lr e m r n t s o f t h e o r g an r z a li o n . viii. A promoted officcr wrth residual senice of two years will normally be

retaine,.l in the parent circle subject to availabllity of vacancies. F*or Direct Rt'cruit officers, the residual service before superannuation for retention in thc same station would be one vear.

Lx pSlglglion: .1 1LL!! dgpll1ellSn- During the first six years of an officer's careerr, he/she shall n()1 be gven a posting outside the department or sent on

deputation. b. Period of deputation: An officer sha-llbe allowed to go on deputatlon ,lutside the Departmentfor not more than three times rn his/her entire 4-0.tt2

each sh:ll1 not exceed career. However, the period of one <leputation shall not cxceed lr'{'clve seven J/ears alld the total period of all deputations years. APS deputatron will be separate' shall llot be colisrdcrecl tn c. Second deputation: Two dctrrutatrons 'u t\^ o -\'ears u'ill be fe'11' t d lontinuity. A mandatory cooln g off period of sime statiol-r after return Ordinarily em officer shall not tre posted at the Ho'*'ever ' rcleuration from deputertion for a minimum pcriod' of two years authorlly xecplllg 111 of thc same could be considered by thc cornpetent of an officer ior a vierv administrative cxigencies and thc suitabilirlar-rd cc)mpclenclcs particular post keeping in I'i':r*'' the spercial skrlls acquired by him during deputatron' 'A' olficers shoulcl 1;reter'rbh' rr'''rk 1br ' 'tr'r x. A1l directly recrui.ted Group toralr )eputolLurt irlrci' t c n u r c a t t h c p o l l c v m a l < i n g l e v t ' )r ' - i n r h e D t r c ' depuiattutrs ' rlll(| '' Cr-ntral Sraffing Sr'lleme urcl Statc Got erttntctll sh"ll b' girerr I'|)r \t'Ll JTS/STS. JAC or in SAG Due rveightage an oft'icer such irr lr'rrthel experience in planning the carcer progresslon of to nluttlielttraL deputation un<ler Central Stafling Scheme' secondmt)nt L{)urscs agencies/UN/UPU and forcign i'rnd long term trallrllg xi. \ d r r ' r r r - L t t ' 'd - n r ' l u . , l l d r t l r . For postings to Direttorete 'r uantl shall bc :rli otllccrs. Ti're pat'rel frcim beginning ol each year bv calling for requests of the otlicei artri shall be clrawn up after asscssing the suitablfitv t ' r A e S A L ' ' r s s i g n t t rr l t \ r : l i r ' empanel)edofllters u'rll be pusted to STS SCparatel\ arl(1 lbr each. gr.rde Directorate' Pzrnc] of officers rull be plep:rrecl Auttlorltv linalizecl w'1th thc approval of thc Cc-impetcnt U l \ ^ l ) r k ] n F l' l o t h , r ' t r r . t L .t i ] T o c t t s u r c l h J l a n o l f i C e rg a i n s r a i d ce \ p ( . r i ( ' n c i


andthcDirecttlratein,,arioustapatiltes.Lndrrr.lifft,ren|'il(.}],'''l( of stations lravebeen determirred


Stations of posting are divided into 3 categones: Class A: De1hi, Mumbai, Kolkati-1,Chennai

and H1'dcrabad and foreign asslllnments' '\' C1assB: A11State Capitals except tllose ln Class aro ar Class C: A1lothcr st.llions where Group A posts of StatiorL rldtr:a[ccl b. Officers who compLete tcnure in anl Class class of sI'trron lA to above r"'ill necessarily be posted to a different oi t$'o tcnLlres AlLcr B to C to A) in a Circlc subject to a ma-xlmum a Circle in different r:lass o1 two contlnuous tenures *rthin


stations. the officer has to necessarily move for a full tenure to erther the Dircctorate or to a Circlc in another Cluster as detailed below. The total tenure in a Circle cannot be in any case more thart 12 vears up to the level of SAG. Circles :rre clustered as follows for purposes of transfer: qt!S!g!_!

Himachal Pradcsh. Hary.ana, Uttarakhand, Ptrnjab, Delhi (excluding Directorare), Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh Gu.jarat, Maharashtra, Chattrsgarh
Madhya Pradesh and

9lgsler 2:

Cluster 3l CIC{qg

Orissa. West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kera-1a

Tbe policv of the Government of L"rdiaurth regard to postrngs in .Jammu & Kashmir, Assam, Andaman & Nicobar and the North Dastcrn States wrll bc applicable for purposes of transfer to and lrom these states and hence thev have not been included in the c1u. sters. Officcrs completing two tenures in a Circle/Cluster u'rll necessarily be tralsfercd to a Circle in another Cluster. Tenure of four years will apply to officers posted in 1he Dircctoratc. On completion of tenure in the Directorate, oflicers can be posted to any Clustcr or Ciass of station except Delhi Oircle. There wrll be no bar on deputation. Anv officer lvorking on training assignments in Postal Staff Collegr:, India iPSCI)/Postal Training Centres (PlCs) will invari:rblv be posted to the ficld / Directorate. No extension o1' tenurc will bc granted. For purposes of lransfer tJle station where PSCI/Pl'Cs is/are krcated will be reckoned as part of th:r.t Circle. For instance. PTC, Mysore will be taken as part of Karnatal<a Circle and the guidelines with regard to class ol-Sr:ition and Cluster wili apply for tralsfer. Total (m.r-ximum) tenure in a cluster will be 14 years including dcputations.


x111. Ficld

attachments during probatiorr and the first pos1.i'g thercafter rn JTS ior Direct recruits shall be outside their home circles.


Any devration from the policy will require rhe approval of the N{oC& IT. Hindi vcrsion will follor.r-.

pattr ----.i Assist.Itt Director Gencrai 1S(i P)

Copv to:


13. i4. 15.

PS to MOC&ITIPS to MOS(C&IT){P) /pS to MOS{C&rT){ri} EA to Secretary (P)/ Sr. pps to Sccretan (p) Al1Mcmbcrs, Post::l ServicesBoarcl JS & FA /Secretary (PSB) CGM (BD & M Dre)/CGMiplt)/CGM (Mai1 BD & t)) Director, Postal Staff Coilegeof lncliar, haziabad G plt +t1?D_s9/G}{(BD'I),GM(BD II), BDM Directorate/GM pl-r}i GNl(RpLr). Lrr. Addl. DG, APS C/o 56 ApO All CPMsG/PMsG All Directors of Posta,lDirectorare/ B DIVIDte/ pLI Dtc All Directors, Postal Tratning Centres Director, PTC Mysore r'"'itha rcquest that thrs letler rna,,,be posted on rhe Indiapost r,,'ebsite. PEA Section, Dak Bhan'an. Ncq. Delhi CS to Member {P) S.O.'sGuard lile/ spare copies{5Ol


tl J,'

Asststatrt Director General (S(i.Pl

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