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The place where an animal lives in is called . 2. Animals that live together in a habitat is called . 3. Animal that live alone and do everything alone is called ANIMALS THAT LIVE IN GROUPS 1. Examples of animals that live in groups are , , . 2. A colony of . may consists of several thousands to hundreds of thousands of .. 3. . And . Live in small groups. 4. Advantages of animals that live in groups are : (a) They can work together to their . and collect Examples : a group of lions cooperate as a team to hunt for food. (b) They can help each other to themselves from the . ANIMALS THAT ARE SOLITARY 1. Animals that are solitary do everything. 2. They . and hunt for .. 3. They come together only for 4. They avoid for . and 5. They usually mark their territory to warn their enemies. 6. Examples of animals live in solitary are .. , . , . And 1.2 COMPETITION There are many types of interaction among living things that live in a particular space. .. between animals that live in groups is a type of interaction. is another type of interaction among living things. .. occurs among animals and plants that live in the same . . Occurs when two or more living things have the same .. that are limited. COMPETITION AMONG ANIMALS 1. Competition can occur among animals on the same.

2. Competition can occur between .. .. of animals. 3. Several factors that cause competition are : (a) . (b) . (c) .. (d) .. (e) ... 4. The . Animals will become the . 5. The animals will be .. from the habitat. COMPETITION FOR FOOD AND WATER 1. Competition occurs when the food and water resources are .. COMPETITION FOR MATE 1. Competition for mate occurs among the species of animals. COMPETITON FOR SHELTER AND TERRITORY 1. Competition occurs when animals are looking for new . /territory and . their own shelter or territory. COMPETITION AMONG PLANTS 1. Plants compete for : (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. If more plants grow in an area, the competition will be more 3. Examples in a .. 4. If plants cannot get enough .. , , and . their growth will be .. 5. Some plants may be and some may .. 6. Plants in the rainforest do not grow fast. 7. This because they receive different amounts of .... and .. 8. Each plant try to grow to get more . 9. Plants with woody stems will be more successful in the competition. 10. Plants with weak stems will use special adaptations to reach for light. 11. Example : money plant uses its clasping roots to attach itself to the trunk of the tree.



.. and excessive Excessive ..

Animals and plants are natural resources that are very .... to us.

ILLEGAL AND EXCESSIVE LOGGING Extinction of animals An extinct animal is an animal which no longer Extinction of a species of animal occurs when all the animals of that species . Extinct species are .. forever. E.g of animals that are already extinct are : .. . .. ILLEGAL AND EXCESSIVE HUNTING ENDANGERED SPECIES Species of animals or plants that are facing the threat of becoming . Are called .. species. Examples of endangered species are : . .. activities are the main reason why these species are becoming extinct. Human activities that cause the species to become extinct are : and excessive. WAYS TO PREVENT THE EXTINCTION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS EXCESSIVE DEVELOPMENT People are using more resources such as to build houses. People need more . For . And When an area of forest is developed into a city, farm or residential area the wildlife in the forest become extinct. Some animals are hunted by humans for . or for . Gains. Dinosaur and hairy elephant become extinct because of .. in climate or of the earth. The extinction of Dodo bird and Tasmanian are because of . Activities. Animals that are commonly hunted by humans are : . .. Tigers are hunted for their Deer are killed for their .. The elephants are hunted for their The rhinoceros is killed for its Illegal logging involves logging without . , logging outside .. areas and unauthorised construction of infrastructure and forest roads. Illegal and excessive activities cause many . to be destroyed. The loss of one plant species can lead to the of many more ..

(a) Organizing .. against excessive . (b) . The public about the importance of protecting and conserving animals and plants (c) .. consuming or buying products made from .. species. (d) .. the law.


. Pollution Caused by human activities such as ., industrial and . Activities. Deforestation causes the river water to become Factory wastes such as . Chemicals cause . Pollution. P. And F. Also can cause water pollution in agriculture.


IMPACT OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES ON THE (d) .. pollution Caused by human activities such as I.. activities, . And open . Factories emit many . Such as and dust. Open releases a large amount of . And . Into the air.

ENVIRONMENT. (a) Soil .. and . Soil erosion and landslides are caused mainly by . Deforestation is the down of trees in an area such as in a area. When all the .. are. down , the .. of the area is to erosion. When there is rain , the soil is easily .. out. Landslide also occur because of improper . Of development.

STEPS TO REDUCE DESTRUCTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL .. human activities. New trees should be . After logging.


Flash A Flash Flood is a flooding that occurs when floodwaters . Rapidly within several hours of heavy rain.

Flash floods are caused by several human activities such as and development. Example improper planning of the drainage system.

Soil erosion from deforestation causes a large amount and sand to flow to the river. This cause the river become . And it easily .. during heavy rain.

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