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NC1L Attempt IIVL quest|ons |n a|| |nc|ud|ng quest|on No8 wh|ch |s Compu|sory A|| quest|ons carry
equa| marks W|th the a|d of sketch maps and d|agrams |||ustrate your v|ews as fu||y as you can
1 ulsLlngulsh beLween rock weaLherlng and eroslon Show how processes of weaLherlng ln cool humld
cllmaLe dlffer from Lhose ln hoL arld reglon ?ou may Lake examples from any parL of Lhe world
2 WhaL do you undersLand by Lhe plaLe Lheory? WhaL has lL Lo do wlLh
(a) 1he formaLlon of mounLalns
(b) LarLh quakes
(c) volcanoes
3 Summarlze wlLh speclflc examples classlflcaLlon of rocks and show how dlfferenL mode of orlgln affecL
Lhe explolLaLlon of mlneral wealLh
4 uescrlbe and explaln Lhe ways ln whlch each of Lhe followlng deserL landforms orlglnaLe
(a) Mesa (b) edesLal rock (c) 8archan
(d) laya (e) Wadl
3 Lxamlne Lhe relaLlon beLween Lhe prevalenL wlnd sysLems and ocean currenLs ln elLher norLh ALlanLlc
or norLh aclflc Cceans Also suggesL effecLs of Lhe oceanlc clrculaLlon descrlbed
6 Conflnlng your aLLenLlon Lo Lhe norLhern hemlsphere conLrasL Lhe Cool 1emperaLe WesL Marglnal
Lype of cllmaLe wlLh Lhe Cool 1emperaLe LasL Marglnal Lype and Lry Lo accounL for any slmllarlLles and
7 WrlLe shorL noLes on Lhe followlng
(a) Modern CarLography
(b) CbservaLlon of weaLher phenomenon
(c) uses and llmlLaLlons of MercaLor's ro[ecLlon
(d) ulsLrlbuLlon maps and Lhelr Lechnlques

1|me A||owed 1hree nours Max|mum Marks 100
NC1L Attempt IIVL quest|ons |n a|| |nc|ud|ng wh|ch |s CCMULSCk A|| quest|ons carry LUAL
marks I||ustrate your answer w|th sketch maps and d|agrams wherever necessary
1 WhaL ls meanL by Ccean CurrenLs? Pow Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of CurrenLs are caused? PlghllghL Lhe
currenLs of ALlanLlc Ccean wlLh Lhe help of a skeLch map
2 WhaL are earLhquakes? Pow closely are Lhey connecLed wlLh earLh movemenLs? LlaboraLe Lhelr
effecLs and dlsLrlbuLlons ln Lhe maln reglons of Lhe world
3 ueflne glacler Pow would you caLegorles Lhem accordlng Lo lhc mode of formaLlon? Lxplaln wlLh Lhe
help of dlagrams Lhe characLerlsLlc feaLures of a glaclaLed reglon
4 1here are cerLaln wlnds whlch generaLed by LerresLrlal pecullarlLles and are named accordlngly ln
polnL/explaln such wlnds (worldwlde) wlLh Lhelr properLles and effecLs ln me prevalllng areas
3 WhaL are maln characLerlsLlcs of LhundersLorm? Pow arc Lhey classlfled? Also explaln Lhelr zonal
6 ulfferenLlaLe Lhe weaLher and Lopographlcal maps? 8rlefly express Lhe varlous Lerms/feaLures whlch
arc assoclaLed wlLh Lhese maps
7 WrlLe shorL noLes on Lhe followlng
(a) Ceysers
(b) 8onnes Modlfled Conlcal ro[ecLlon
(c) Advecllon 1og
(d) ArLeslan wells

1|me A||owed 1hree nours Max|mum Marks 100
Note Attempt any IIVL quest|ons |n a|| |nc|ud|ng uest|on No 8 wh|ch |s CCMULSCk A||
quest|ons carry LUAL marks I||ustrate your answer w|th sketch maps and d|agrams
Clve a deLalled accounL of Lhe orlgln llfe hlsLory weaLher Lype and dlsLrlbuLlon of exLraLroplcal or
fronLal cyclone
2WhaL do you known abouL Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of aLmospherlc pressure and Lhe resulLlng wlnd sysLem on
Lhe earLh surface?
3uescrlbe Lhe condlLlons essenLlal for Lhe developmenL of karsL 1opography LlsL Lhe prlnclpal feaLures
of karsL reglon
4Lxamlne Lhe evoluLlon of ALCLAn Land forms
3Make a comparLlve sLudy of Lhe Culf SLream and ku8CSPC currenL Llnder Lhe followlng heads
(a) Crlgln
(b) CharacLerlsLlcs
(c) Course
(d) mpacL on economy
6 WhaL are AL8AL phoLographs? Pow arc Lhese dlfferenL from 1opLgraphlcal Maps? ulscuss Lhelr
lmporLance Lo map maklng
7WrlLe shorL noLes on Lhe followlng
(a) 1ldes
(b) ConvenLlonal Slgns
(c) Alluvlal lax
(d) Alr Mass

NC1L Attempt IIVL quest|ons |n a|| |nc|ud|ng quest|on No 8 wh|ch |s CCMULSCk A|| quest|ons
carry LUAL marks I||ustrate your answer w|th sketches map and d|agrams Wr|te c|ear|y
1 ulscuss MedlLerranean cllmaLe as under
(a) Maln characLerlsLlcs
(b) 8eglonal varlaLlons
2 WhaL ls glaclaLlon? uescrlbe Lhe land forms assoclaLed wlLh glaclaLlon ln Lhe hlghland areas
3 Pow are Lldes caused? uescrlbe Lhe varlous Lypes of Lldes
4 Pow re earLhquakes caused? uescrlbe Lhe ma[or earLhquake zones
3 ulscuss Lhe varlous Lypes of 'quanLlLaLlve aerlal maps' based on sLaLlsLlcal daLa and show how Lhe use
of colours adds Lo Lhe clarlLy of dlsLrlbuLlon
6 Compare Lhe usefulness of Slmple Cyllndrlcal Cyllndrlcal Lqual Area and Cyllndrlcal CrLhomorphlc
7 WrlLe shorL noLes on Lhe followlng
(a) Cyclonlc SLorms
(b) ConLlnenLal Shelf
(c) Sand uunes
(d) le ulagrams
(e) Alnlno currenL

1 WhaL are 8ocks? ulscuss lgneous rocks and compare and conLrasL Lhe lnLruslve and exLruslve rocks
2 ueflne Cyclones Pow are Lhe LemperaLe Cyclones formed? ulscuss Lhe Lheory regardlng Lhelr
3 ulscuss Monsoon CllmaLlc 8eglon ln deLall
4 Clve an accounL of Lhe ndlan Ccean CurrenLs and explaln Lhelr dlfference from oLher Ccean currenLs
3 WhaL do you know abouL Cceanlc deposlLlons? ulscuss ln deLall
6 Lxplaln Lhe dlfferenL meLhods of 1hemaLlc Maps ulscuss ln deLall any one meLhod and lLs merlLs and
7 WrlLe shorL noLes on Lhe followlng
(a) Conlcal ro[ecLlon
(b) ALoll lormaLlon
(c) ?ardang
(d) Porse LaLlLudes
(e) Cycle of Lroslon

NC1L Attempt IIVL quest|ons |n a|| |nc|ud|ng quest|on No 8 wh|ch |s CCMULSCk A|| quest|ons
carry LUAL marks
1 ueflne lnsulaLlons dlscuss Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of LemperaLure on Lhe surface of LarLh and reasons for lLs
2 WhaL are varlous Lypes of local wlnds? ulscuss ln deLalls Lhe formaLlon and characLerlsLlcs of Lhe
MounLaln and valley wlnds
3 WhaL ls a rock? Classlfy rocks and dlscuss Lhe formaLlon and characLerlsLlcs of any one Lype
4 WhaL do you know abouL ma[or landforms? uescrlbe Lhe landforms produced by Lhe glaclers?
3 uescrlbe ln deLalls Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of sallnlLy ln Lhe Cceans
6 WhaL are Lhe Ccean's movemenLs? ulscuss Lhe CurrenLs of Lhe aclflc Ccean
7 WhaL are Lhe ma[or Lypes of Map ro[ecLlons under any ma[or Lype dlscuss Lhelr characLerlsLlcs and

1 Pow do Lhe cllmaLe facLors of preclplLaLlon and LemperaLure lnfluence Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of naLural
vegeLaLlon? Where can we flnd Lhe Lroplcal ralnforesL?

2 Lxplaln orlglnal concepL of alr masses and presenL prlnclpal alr masses

3 uescrlbe Lhe ways ln whlch earLhquake can be managed use examples Lo supporL your answer

4 CuLllne Lhe processes by whlch a rlver produces varlous Land feaLures descrlblng lLs mode of

3 8rlefly explaln Lhe feaLures assoclaLed wlLh

a Submerged coasLllnes
b Lmerged coasLllnes

6 ulsLlngulsh b/w norLh ndlan Ccean and SouLh ndlan Ccean currenLs wrL speclflc conLrolllng facLor

7 uescrlbe Map characLerlsLlcs ln deLall wlLh example of map deslgn geared elLher Lo

a uaLa communlcaLlon or
b uaLa analysls ob[ecLlves

;1 WrlLe an essay on Lhe heaLlng and coollng of Lhe surface of Lhe earLh

;2 Whlch promlnenL areas experlence elLher of Lhe cllmaLe Lype? Clve Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe cllmaLe
Lype along wlLh Lhe assoclaLed economlc acLlvlLles MedlLerranean Lype or Monsoon Lype?

;3 ulscuss Lhe orlgln and characLerlsLlcs of Lhe landforms produced by glaclers

;4 rovlde a brlef accounL of fluvlal cycle of eroslon?

;3 WhaL are ocean currenLs? ulscuss Lhe dlfferenL facLors conLrlbuLlng ln Lhelr occurrence and also
descrlbe Lhelr effecL on Lhe surroundlng areas?

;6 WhaL causes Lhe rlse and fall of Lldes? WhaL celesLlal bodles are mosL lmporLanL ln deLermlnlng

;7 WhaL are Lopographlcal maps? WrlLe ln deLall on Lhe feaLures presenLed on such maps

2 1he earLh ls a dlfferenLlaLed planeL ulscuss crlLlcally

3 1he Lheory of laLe 1ecLonlcs ls a unlfylng 1heory ulscuss crlLlcally

4 karsL Lopography ls a dlsLlncLlve Lype of Lerraln resulLlng largely from eroslon by groundwaLer and
Lhe dlssolved mlneral maLLer can be deposlLed ln a number of ways ulscuss wlLh examples

3 uescrlbe Lhe rellef of an Ccean lloor and dlscuss Lhe slgnlflcance of conLlnenLal shelf

6 All landforms go Lhrough a cycle of youLh maLurlLy and old age ulscuss wlLh examples of dlfferenL
eroslonal and deposlLlonal agenLs

8 ueflne Alr Masses Clve a classlflcaLlon of Alr Masses and focus on Lhe Lypes whlch affecL Lhe
weaLher of aklsLan

Attempt on|y four quest|ons and each quest|on conta|n 20 marks
2 uescrlbe Lhe facLors conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe orlgln of ocean currenLs Also descrlbe Lhe Ccean CurrenLs of
Lhe ALlanLlc Ccean brlnglng abouL Lhelr effecL on Lhe surroundlng area?

3 uescrlbe Lhe lnLernal sLrucLure of Lhe earLh ln deLall glvlng dlmenslons mlneral composlLlon and
physlcal properLles WhaL Lype of evldence ls used Lo obLaln Lhls lnformaLlon? WhaL LemperaLures and
pressures may be expecLed aL Lhe earLhs cenLre?

4 WrlLe ln deLall on Lhe acLlon of Lhe rlver ln lLs youLh maLurlLy and old age

3 WrlLe an essay on earLhquake

6 Wlnd produces a varleLy of lnLeresLlng sequenLlal landforms boLh eroslonal and deposlLlonal ulscuss

7 n whaL way does Lhe weL monsoondomlnaLed cllmaLe of souLhern AslaLlc coasLs (Am) dlffer from
LhaL close Lo Lhe equaLor(a[) ulscuss ln deLall

8 WhaL ls Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween largescale medlumscale and smallscale maps? Lxplaln by glvlng

2 ueflne mass wasLlng and explaln mass wasLlng ln deLall

3 resenL Lhe rock cycle ln connecLlon wlLh lLs relncarnaLlon

4 uescrlbe landforms and evoluLlon of landscapes of glaclaLlons ln Lhe mld and hlgh laLlLudes

3 denLlfy Lhe geographlc paLLerns of evapoLransplraLlon Lxamlne Lhe facLors conLrlbuLlng Lo expandlng
deserLs around Lhe globe

6 ulscuss MedlLerranean cllmaLlc reglon wlLh lLs domlnaLlng characLerlsLlcs

7 Show wlLh an ald of a skeLch map currenLs of Lhe ndlan Ccean 8rlng ouL Lhe lnfluence of monsoon
on currenLs of Lhe norLh ndlan Ccean

8 WrlLe comprehenslve noLe on any Lwo
1 Cholce of pro[ecLlons
2 SynopLlc charLs
3 laneLary wlnds
4 1rends ln [anuary lsoLherm

2 ulscuss Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhe uee uouble rlme layer ln vlew of Lhe facL LhaL Lhe LarLh ls a
dlfferenLlaLed planeL

3 WhaL are rocks? Classlfy rocks and dlscuss Lhe formaLlon and characLerlsLlcs of any one Lype

4 WhaL are Cceans MovemenLs? ulscuss Lhe currenLs of Lhe aclflc Ccean

3 Whlch promlnenL areas experlence elLher of Lhe cllmaLlc Lype? Clve Lhe characLerlsLlcs of cllmaLe Lype
along wlLh Lhe assoclaLed economlc acLlvlLles ueserL Lype C8 Monsoon Lype

6 WhaL are Lopographlcal maps? WrlLe ln deLall Lhe feaLures presenLed on such maps

7 WhaL are Lhe eroslonal and deposlLlonal feaLures of wlnd? ulscuss any one group of feaLures ln deLall

8 WrlLe shorL noLe on An? 1WC of Lhe followlng

(l) Alr masses
(ll) LarLhquake waves
(lll) Monsoons
(lv) Map ro[ecLlons

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