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PEMERINTAH KOTA TANGERANG DINAS PENDIDIKAN TRY OUT UJIAN SEKOLAH (US) GUGUS SEKOLAH DASAR ‘TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2023/2024 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tangeal Waktu 120 Menit PETUNJUK UMUM 1, Isikan identitas anda kedalam lembar jawaban komputer yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk di lembar jawaban komputer (LIK). 2. Silanglah (X) jawaban pada huruf yang anda anggap benar ke dalam lembar jawaban komputer (LIK) 3. Waktu yang disediakan 120 menit untuk mengerjakan test tersebut. 4, Jumlah soal sebanyak 30 butir Pilihan Ganda, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empet) pilihan jawaban, 10 butirIsian dan 5 Uraian, 5. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya. 6. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jeles, rusak atau 7. Tidak difjinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainny2. 8, Periksa pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian. 9 0. jak lengkap. |. Lembar soal boleh dicoret-coret untuk mengerjakan hitungan. | Apabila ada jawaban yang anda anggap salah dan anda ingin memperbaikinya, caranya hapuslah dan ganti jawaban yang anda anggap paling benar. SELAMAT BEKERJA |. Pilihiah satu jawaban yang paling tepat, dengan memberikan tanda silang (x) pada huruf A, B, C atau D pada Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang disediakan ! Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A,B,CorD! 1. What is this? This is a A. head How many masks are there in the picture ? B. ear j There are ... masks. C. foot 2 A Two D. hang 8. Three 2, It's a part of our body. We can use this tohear 5. | usually borrow avoice. Itis.... books in the. A. head A. Library B. ear B. Canteen C. hand ©. Restroom D. shoulder D. Classroom 3. Where is the book ? itis ... table 6. Re-arrenge these letters ! A. on R-A-T-O-R-L-A-B-O-Y 8. in A. torylabora ©. boralatory C. beside B. laboratory D. ralatobory D. behind GB/AINGIT.0/S0/23-24 1 aia 7. |use the broom to A. erase B, wash C. sweep D. dry 8. | feel hungry so, | go to the kitchen to cook a fried rice. | need these tools to make it. There are ‘A. broom and mop B. pencil and pen C. shoes and socks D. frying pan and spatula 9. Itis kinds of fruit. Itis round. It is big. The color is green. The flesh is white and there is water inside it. What is it ? It i A. coconut B. avocado c. D. - guava |. watermelon 10. What is this ? This is A. spinach B. broccoli C. cauliflower D. com a MENU French Fries | Rp Lasagna Rp Fried rice Ro Lemonade Rp__ 10.000 ‘Orange Juice | Rp — 10.000 Ice tea Rp 8.000 10.000 20,000 25,000 Heel hungry. | want to order .. ice tea orange juice lemonande . fried rice pom : I don't have much money. To buy an expensive drinks. : Which one do you prefer lemonade or ice tea? Ilike ice tea than lemonade | prefer lemonade to ice tea | prefer ice tea to lemonade I choose ice tea than lemonade 12. x < vop> 49. | hate durian, because the smell Is very strong. The texture from it is very creamy. From the text above we can know that the writer ... durian. A, like C. love B. dislike D. enjoy C. cycling D. sleeping A. fishing B. reading 45. Inwan likes to go to Library. He usually goes there in the afternoon. What is Irwan's hobby ? A. reading C. painting B. jogging D. dancing 16. What does she wear ? A. Pyjama B. Umbrella C. Raincoat D. Tshirt 17. This morning | went to a museum. | saw many things there. | really enjoy visiting the museum. ‘A museum is a place to .... A. save and withdraw money B. borrow books C. keep histrorical relics D. singing and dancing JeRS| ie. 16. eo We can buy the things at the picture at ..., A. cinema C. library B. post office D. stationery 19. What is the sign means ? A. T= Junction B. U-turn ©. No entry D. Intersection G8/e.INGIO/sDI23-24 20. Last holiday, my family and | went to Korea, We have to be in airport two hours before take off from the text above, we know that the writer use .., to go to Korea, A. train C. speedboat B. airplane D. motorcycle 21. Budi: Can you tell me where is the railway station ? Ucok : You can go straight and turn left. The railway station is on the right side. From the dialogue above, Budi wants to use A. bus ©. airplane 8B. train D. ship 22. Teller: Good Morning, can | help you ? Customer : Yes, | want to withdraw my money please ! Where the dialogue is takes place ? At the... A. Hospital C. School 8, Library D. Bank 23. What is her job ? She isa A. nurse e B. teacher Ko? C. student D. doctor 24, What time is it ? Itis.... A. six o'clock B. two o'clock C. twelve o'clock D. ten o'clock 25. Katy i ow Perry : Itis half past nine ‘A. What is your name ? 27. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow will be .... A. Sunday C. Thursday B, Wednesday D. Friday YOGA LUNA, Luna is Yoga's .... A. mother B. daughter C. father D. sister 29. Suci : What do you call your father's brother ? Nana : fall him... A. uncle B. brother ©. grandfather D. nephew 30. What animal is it 7 It is a wild animal. It has mane on its neck. It looks like a cat. It iS... A, horse C. wolf B. lion D. snake Ul. Fill in the blanks ! ANIMALS 31. From the table, which is Lizzard domestic animal... Bear Goat ‘Owl Cat PASAg DE of + | a mi 2| na wasnn Sor AWINS Ie B. Who are you ? PoList CEMARA C. What time is it ? RUMAH ¥ D. Whois he? ANI 26. JADWAL PELAJARAN From the picture above, Where is " kantor polisi" ? Wednesda Monday | Tuesday u itis... Pasar Gede ‘Math Sports History Science Math English 383. North D sits on the... of E Al l(c We learn English every .... ral = E t A.west A. Monday C. Wednesday (E] B.east B. Tuesday D. Thursday F] (a) [x aw) D.south Gave. nro. /s0/23-24 34. Read the information below carefully ! = Zain 8 years old ; - Ghaaziy 6 years old ; ~ Askan 3 years old Which one is the youngest ? A B c Books Ais ... than books B 35. 36. | am kinds of fruit, | am long, | have a soft skin, | am yellow and monkey likes me. What am 1? 1am 37. What are these ? 38. = PLEASE WEAR 6 A MASK| | What is this notice means ? It means .... 39, My father ... a cup of coffee every morning. 40. rises - the sun - the east - in. Re-arrange into a good sentence ! ll, Essay! 41. Re - arrange the activities from the picture ! 42, My name is Gina. | have a family. There are father , mother, brother and sister. My parents are Mr and Mrs Bayu. My older brother is ‘Anto and my youngest sister is Selvi. Draw the family tree of Gina ! 43, Winter Season Describe the weather in winter season ! ba 2) Rumah Ri Sekolah Rumah 3 a = wah |'3] umah Ra Cy JE] Gy Ruma Deni erage fh oi FR ror Bank Kantor Polisi How do you do go to school from Rumah Nisa? 45. Dufan or Fantasy world is a place of tourist spots Jakarta in the area of Ancol Dream Park, North Jakarta. Dufan become a destination for recreation for many people. From the text above we know that Dufan is one of tourist destination for recre Mention 3 places of tourist spots in Jakarta ! G8/8.INGIT.O./80/29-24

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