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Dana R. Wells, M. Ed.

Employment Objectives to secure international employment as: Al Mahdi Bin Baraka Street
Learning Support Teacher Damascus, Syria
Classroom Teacher E-mail
ESL Teacher Telephone
+963 11 331 5638 (H)
+963 11 333 7737, ext.151 (w)
2002- present Damascus Community School
Damascus, Syria
K-12 School Optimal Match Teacher/ Learning Support Coordinator
Responsibilities included;
 developing and implementing the Learning Support Program.
 administering assessment tests for students to determine learning difficulties.
 designing individual educational plan for students enrolled in the program.
 Working closely with mainstream teachers in developing differentiated units with the aim that all academic levels, ESL
and LD, can participate.
 leading Student Support Meetings to make educational decisions about students in program.
 planning and implementing an annual OM program improvement plan.
 serving as a member of the reading and writing curriculum committee, developing standards and benchmarks, and
evaluating and selecting resources needed to support new curriculum.
 serving as a member of student learning team, assisting faculty in implementing new standards and benchmarks, assisting
in designing actions teachers will do to interact with the new curriculums
 serving as a member of Middle School Advisory Team; teaching MS advisory 7 and 8.
 working closely with the management team on developing admissions guidelines for students with special needs.
 liaising with and advising mainstream teachers on differentiation, inclusion, behavioral problems, and parental support.
 leading an in-service for new staff about the Optimal Match program.
 initiating a Homework Helpers after school program.
 compiling websites for research articles, instructional strategies and interactive educational games.
 liaising with external agencies such as general practitioners, pediatricians, educational psychologists, occupational
therapists, speech and language therapists as part of the support network in the United States and Lebanon.
 serving as Earth Day coordinator.
 serving as NESA representative.
 planning after school activities for elementary students.
 maintaining the Learning Support student register and overseeing the records on all Learning Support students; reviewing
the records of Learning Support students with teachers.

2002-2004 Damascus Community School

Damascus, Syria
ESL Teacher, Grades Kindergarten-Fifth
Responsibilities included;
developing provisional ESL curriculum.
preparing lessons aimed at mixed ability groups.
initiating in-class support for ESL learners; team-teaching with Language Arts teacher.
maintaining contact with parents with regard to emotional and academic progress of ESL learners.

2000–2002 Fellowship Academy

San Francisco, California
Classroom Teacher, First and Second Grades
Responsibilities included;
teaching a self-contained classroom.
preparing and leading professional development training in differentiation.
consulting with elementary and middle school teachers about strategies and materials to help low achieving students.
coordinating an after-school tutorial program.
developing a school wide recycling program.

1998-1999 Cleveland Elementary School

San Francisco, California
ELD Classroom Teacher
Responsibilities included;
teaching a class of 4th grade second language learners in Social Studies and Science.
implementing original lessons in phonics, word study and Writer’s Workshop.
teaching a literacy group of 2nd through 4th graders using a third grade curriculum.
teaching children mostly from disadvantaged groups in an urban setting.

 Brain Gym (NESA ABC institute). 2005

 AAIE Exceptional Children Optimal Match Institute. 2002, 2003
 TRIBES Workshop 1996
 Words Their Way workshop 1995

Endicott College July 2005-July 2006

Beverley, Massachusetts, USA
Masters of International Education

University of Nevada, Reno August 1990- May 1997

Reno, Nevada, USA
Bachelor of Science; Elementary and Special Education
Mark Baker Damascus, Syria
Elementary Principal, Curriculum Director Phone
Damascus Community School email
Damascus, Syria
963 11 333 7737 Susan Coady Elementary Principal
Damascus Community School
Mike Kent Damascus, Syria
Director 503 717 0564
Damascus Community School
Damascus Community School
Damascus, Syria
Sheena Nabholz 963 11 333 7737
High School Principal

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