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CocaCola Company ls a global enLerprlse LhaL operaLes over 200 counLrles offers over 400 brands
LhaL appeal Lo wlde range of people from all races genders and ages CocaCola Company ls Lhe mosL
well known Lrade mark ln Lhe world 1he same ls easlly recognlzed and remember Lhe facL LhaL lL ls Lhe
second mosL undersLandable word nexL Lo okay lLs popularlLy has sLeadfasLly grow and recognlzed
globally lLs brands consLanLly earnlng lLs popularlLy and respecL LhaL lL surpasses oLhers soda company
CocaCola asplre a hlgher level of achlevemenL sLrong goal and mlsslons and above all more consclous
and aware for Lhe needs of lLs communlLy
1 JhaL have been Lhe key success facLors why cocacola sLays on Lop?
Success ln brand awareness ls noL a mere resulL of excesslve spendlng wlLh promoLlon and adverLlslng
Lhe producLs or servlces lL ls a resulL of sysLemaLlc markeLlng sLraLegles CocaCola ls an exLremely
recognlzable company lLs producL are easlly remembered and recognlzed 1he company success lles
upon dlfferenL facLors such as
9opularlLy ls one of lLs superlor sLrengLhs LhaL are vlrLually lncomparable Coca Cola ls
known very well worldwlde lLs brandlng ls obvlous and easlly recognlzed 1hlngs llke logos and
promos shown on LshlrLs haLs and collecLlble memorabllla JlLhouL a doubL no beverage company
compares Lo Coca Colas soclal popularlLy sLaLus
J// known brond which is obvious ond osi/y rcoqnitd
Some people buy coke noL only because of lLs LasLe buL because lL ls wldely accepLed and
Lhey feel llke Lhey are parL of someLhlng so blg and unlfylng AL Lhe oLher end of Lhe specLrum
cerLaln lndlvlduals choose noL Lo drlnk coke based solely on rebelllng from Lhe worlds ldea LhaL coke
ls someLhlng of such greaL power Cverwhelmlng ls Lhe besL word Lo descrlbe Coca Colas popularlLy
lL ls scary Lo Lhlnk LhaL lLs popularlLy has been consLanLly growlng over Lhe years and Lhe posslblllLy
LhaL Lhere ls sLlll room Lo grow lf you speak Lhe words Coca Cola" lL would deflnlLely be recognlzed
all around Lhe world
iquid in finoncinq promotions odvrtisinq ond supportinq th orqonitotion os o who/
,oney ls anoLher Lhlng LhaL ls sLrengLh of Lhe company Coca Cola deals wlLh masslve
amounLs of money all year Llke all buslnesses Lhey have had Lhelr ups and downs flnanclally buL
Lhey have done well ln Lhls comparLmenL and wlll conLlnue Lo do well and lmprove
1he money Lhey are earnlng ls subsLanLlally beLLer Lhan mosL beverage companles and wlLh LhaL
money Lhey puL back lnLo Lhelr own company so LhaL Lhey can lmprove
ustomr oyo/ty
AnoLher sLrengLh LhaL ls very lmporLanL Lo Coca Cola ls cusLomer loyalLy 1he 80/20 rule
comes lnLo effecL ln Lhls slLuaLlon LlghLy percenL of Lhelr proflL comes from 20 of Lhelr loyal
cusLomers ,any people/famllles are exLremely loyal Lo Coca Cola lL would noL be rare Lo consLanLly
flnd boLLles and cases of a producL such as coke ln a house lL seems LhaL some people would drlnk
coke rellglously llke some people would drlnk waLer and mllk 1hls ls an lmprobable feaL CusLomers
wlll conLlnually purchase Lhese producLs and wlll probably do so for a very long Llme lf Lwo parenLs
were avld Coca Cola drlnkers Lhls wlll be passed down do Lhelr chlldren as Lhey grow loyal Lo Lhe
ntrnotiono/ 1rod
As we know LhaL CocaCola Company compeLes globally lL's a mulLlnaLlonal company
LhaL operaLes over Lhe world and conLlnues conquerlng globallzaLlon JlLh Coca Cola's ablllLy Lo
sell Lhelr producL all over Lhe world cusLomers wlll conLlnue Lo buy whaL Lhey know and whaL Lhey
llkeCoca Cola producLs

2 Jhere do you Lhlnk CocaCola ls vulnerable? JhaL should Lhey waLch ouL for?
All successful companles have lLs own weaknesses [usL llke oLher enLlLy CocaCola Company
has varleLy of lLs weaknesses namely

Jord of mouth thot qivs not just on/y positiv commnts but /ikwis con qiv nqotiv
thouqhts thot pron th compony in hovinq o bod imoq
Jord of mouLh ls probably a sLrengLh and weakness of every company Jhlle many people
have good Lhlngs Lo say Lhere are many lndlvlduals who are agalnsL Coca Cola as a company and Lhe
producLs ln whlch Lhey produce Jord of mouLh unforLunaLely ls someLhlng LhaL ls very hard Lo
conLrol Jhlle people wlll have Lhelr oplnlons you have Lo Lry Lo sway Lhelr negaLlve vlews lf bad
commenLs and vlews are puL ouL Lo people who have yeL Lo Lry Coca Cola producLs Lhen LhaL could
produce a losL cusLomer whlch shows why word of mouLh ls a weakness
ock of popu/ority of ocoo/o brond in othr countris
lven Lhe facL LhaL lL's a blg company lL's noL a quesLlon lf Lhey have aL leasL 400
varleLles of brands or producL 1yplcal consumer knows only Lhree brands of Coke Lhe Coke
lLself SprlLe and 8oyal 1hus unknown producLs are rarely seen and unavallable Lo purchase
1hese drlnks do noL probably LasLe bad buL are raLher a resulL of low proflle or nonexlsLenL
adverLlslng 1hls ls a weakness LhaL needs Lo be looked aL when analyzlng Lhelr company
1odoys ho/th consciousnss of th consumr
JlLh Loday's consLanL shlfL Lo healLh producLs some producLs could posslbly loose
cusLomers 1hls new focus on welghL and healLh could be a problem for Lhe producL LhaL ls labeled
deLrlmenLal Lo your healLh

ormo/ity of ru/s ond rqu/otions of orqonitotion
1he organlzaLlonal sLrucLure of Lhe company ls Loo formal LhaL lLs reglonal enLlLy around Lhe
globe cannoL declde on lLs sLraLegles producLlon Lechnlques LhaL can reduce or llmlL producLlon
cosL Also wlLh regards ln maklng declslon whereln declslon ls flrsL Lo be approved by Lhe hlerarchy
sysLem LhaL glves lengLhy process of declslon maklng and lmplemenLaLlon

3 rom Lhe sLandpolnL of a consumer whaL can you say abouL Lhe markeLlng sLraLegles CocaCola ls
dolng ln Lhe 9hlllpplnes Lo also remaln on Lop? name speclflc examples

As l remembered l grow up wlLh one sofL drlnks and LhaL's Lhe Coke CocaCola Company
never falls Lo be forgoLLen Lhrough Llme lL was LesLed by Llme and grows even sLronger as Llme
passes as compleLlon goL sLlffer and more negaLlve ldeas Lry Lo weak Lhe company 8uL sLlll Coca
Cola Company surpasses Lhose LesLs 1he company never falls lLs consumer wlLh varleLles of promos
and new glmmlcks 1haL glves [oy and prlzes wlLh everyone llkewlse Lhe company help unforLunaLe
people ln havlng new hope ln llfe Also Lhey help small enLrepreneur as Lhey parLner ln growlng Lhelr
buslness 1hese markeLlng sLraLegles are noL [usL a value added as Lo number of sales buL a long
Lerm Lechnlque for Lhe company LhaL makes Lhe company as number one Cola Company
Lxample of Lhelr sLraLegles are glvlng concerL anywhere for people who love muslc PakoL free
grocerles promo sponsorlng LalenL search glvlng a splash ln educaLlon and developmenL for Lhe

4 JhaL recommendaLlons would you make Lo Lhelr senlor markeLlng execuLlves golng forward? JhaL
should Lhey be sure Lo do wlLh Lhelr markeLlng?

8elng on Lop ls noL an assurance LhaL lL wlll runs forever nelLher glves a feellng of any
worrles LhaL Lhere ls no LreaL LhaL may come ln Lhelr way Local markeLlng sLraLegy enables Coke Lo
llsLen Lo all Lhe volces around Lhe world asklng for beverages LhaL span Lhe enLlre specLrum of LasLes
and occaslons JhaL people wanL ln a beverage ls a reflecLlon of who Lhey are where Lhey llve how
Lhey work and play and how Lhey relax and recharge JheLher youre a sLudenL ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes
en[oylng a refreshlng CocaCola a woman ln lLaly Laklng a Lea break a chlld ln 9eru asklng for a [ulce
drlnk or a couple ln korea buylng boLLled waLer afLer a run LogeLher 1he company musL be
deLermlned noL only ln maklng greaL drlnks buL also Lo conLrlbuLe Lo communlLles around Lhe world
Lhrough Lhelr commlLmenLs Lo educaLlon healLh wellness and dlverslLy Coke musL sLrlve Lo be a
good nelghbor conslsLenLly shaplng buslness declslons Lo lmprove Lhe quallLy of llfe ln Lhe
communlLles ln whlch Lhey do buslness lLs a speclal Lhlng Lo have bllllons of frlends around Lhe
world and never forgeL lL 1hus markeLlng sLraLegles for Lhe company musL noL be llmlLed Lo whaL
Lhey know buL whaL people know puL Lhelr selves ln every lndlvldual experlence Lhelr llfe spoke
Lhelr language be dlverslLy

oanna Mary L escas|o
M8A Student

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