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RAKE for Domino User Manual

Table of Contents

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Introduction Set-up Instructions Advanced Configuration Options Using your own web server Contact Support Information

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Introduction RAKE for Domino enables an organization to separate attachments from the Domino mail environment. Users are empowered with the ability to retract emails sent in error and the additional benefit of full file delivery tracking.


Set-up Instructions Requirements: Lotus Domino server and Lotus Notes client version 6.x, 7.x or 8.x 1. Extract all files from the installation zip file. 2. Copy the database file to your Domino server data directory. To prevent security warning messages you must notify your Lotus Notes Administrator to Sign the database template using the Domino Administrator Client. Note you must sign the database with an ID that has security rights to run agents on that server. 3. A default master configuration is included with the database to enable you to use the application straight away; this configuration uses an FTP server hosted by SLR Software. Additionally you can have different configurations applied to different users / groups as required, refer to advanced configurations for details on this. 4. The ACL of the database should then be set as follows: Default No access Anonymous Author ensure allow Create Documents is checked. All users of the application should have Editor access and have the roles [canupload] and [canview] checked. The Role [canupload] allows users to send files using Rake. The Role [canview] allows users to open and manage files they have already sent. The Role [canrequestfiles] allows users to request that someone sends them files using Rake. The Role [canregister] allows users to register other users to use the Application as a normal Rake user.


Advanced Configuration Options

Applying different configurations to groups of users. You can create configurations that apply to specific users / groups, to accomplish this click Create \ User Configuration When you create a new configuration record there is an option at the top of the form to specify the user / group to which the configuration applies:

Use the arrow to select the group or individual user from your public address book. When sending Rake messages, the configuration to use is determined as follows: If the user belongs to a group in the Domino Public address book for which there is a corresponding RAKE configuration (or there is a configuration specific to that individual user) then that configuration is used, if not the default configuration is used. As soon as you make configuration changes in the database your users instantly and transparently pick up those changes.


Using your own server to process RAKE attachments Using your own internal / external web server to process RAKE attachments is a simple configuration change. Requirements: Web server with FTP login access Create an FTP login to be used by RAKE Make a note of the URL to the default directory for files uploaded by your FTP login. Open the default configuration in the database You then need to change the values in the Server Settings section at the bottom of the form changing:

A. B. C. D.

FTP servers address FTP login username FTP login password URL path to the default directory for files uploaded using the FTP account ensure you include a trailing slash

Contact Information For all support questions regarding RAKE Technology please contact: Or telephone +44(0) 1229 480706

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