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MC1CkS (IN1LkIM kLCk1)

Canesh Cavall 119278083
Arunkumar L 119278083
?uvra[ Slngh 119278087
vlvek ALrolla 119278093

SWC1 Ana|ys|s
1 @aLa moLors lLd ls lndla blggesL auLomoblle corp wlLh comblne revenues of 8s 92319 crors
(uSu 20 8llllon)
2 lL ls one of Lhe oldesL bands ln lndla @A@A moLors was founded ln 1943
3 lL ls Lhe leader ln commerclal vehlcles almosL ln each segmenL and amongsL Lhe Lop Lhree ln
Lraveller vehlcles wlLh aLLracLlve producL ln Lhe dense mldslze cars and servlce vehlcle
4 lL ls Lhe world fourLh blggesL Lruck producer and Lhe world's second blggesL bus producer
3 lL ls demand drlven and cusLomer orlenLed Laklng care of cusLomer's preferences and LasLes
6 @he company ls known for leadershlp ln lnnovaLlon lL has a well developed research
developmenL faclllLy wlLh over 3000 englneers and sclenLlsLs
7 Cver 4 mllllon @aLa vehlcles run on Lhe road Loday
8 lL has sLrong sLraLeglc alllance and [olnL venLures wlLh forelgn corporaLlons Lo make a global
presence lL operaLes ln uk Spaln @halland SouLh korea eLc @he company has had a
successful alllance wlLh lLallan mass producer llaL slnce 2006
9 llrsL lndlan Lnglneerlng company Lo be llsLed ln n?SL
10@he lnLernaLlonallsaLlon sLraLegy so far has been Lo keep local managers ln new acqulslLlons
and Lo only LransplanL a couple of senlor managers from lndla lnLo Lhe new markeL @he
beneflL ls LhaL @aLa has been able Lo exchange experLlse
11lL has a wlde range of producLs rlghL from Lhe cheapesL car nano Lo one of Lhe mosL luxurles
cars llke !aguar
12@he company ls known wldely for eLhlcal culLure Lowards Lhe employees envlronmenL and
corporaLe soclal responslblllLy
1 @aLa moLors ls Lhe symbol of Lhe cheapesL and economy car ln Lhe local markeL and noL
consldered as luxurlous
2 @aLa's commerclal vehlcles buslness unlL experlenced lLs flrsL loss ln lLs more Lhan 30 years
hlsLory lL Lhen sLaggered a harsh buslness and flnanclal crlsls
3 @aLa moLors acqulred Land 8over and !aguar from lord for 23 bllllon $ ln 2008 @o flnance
lLs acLuallzaLlon lL borrowed loan of abouL 3 bllllon $ from a group of banks unLll Lhe end of
!an 2009 Lhey were unable Lo repay Lhe loan and Lhe loan of 2 bllllon $ ls sLlll lefL for
4 !aguar and 8over need more lnvesLmenL Lo run lLs operaLlons Loo qulckly and lLs lmage has
been Larnlshed due Lo remalnlng loan
3 @aLa nano car launchlng was noL successful and lL gave away Lhe message of low quallLy
producL wlLh low safeLy sLandards
6 @aLa ls unable Lo undersLand Lhe lmpacL of macroeconomlc facLors Lo Lhe company
7 no luxury car aL presenL ln Lhe domesLlc markeL
8 @aL" means rubblsh or [unk
9 Sales are mosLly made by exporL Lhe domesLlc aLLalnmenL ls conslderably low
10All Lhe advancemenLs and concerns are assoclaLed wlLh deslgn lgnorlng Lhe safeLy sLandards
11@he companys passenger car producLs are based upon 3rd and 4Lh generaLlon plaLforms
whlch puL @aLa MoLors LlmlLed aL a dlsadvanLage wlLh compeLlng car manufacLurers
1 8y LargeLlng Lhe Lhlrd world counLrles Lhey can generaLe hlgh revenues
2 !olnL venLures of Lhe company provlde equal chances for lL Lo excel Lo excel globally
3 SmooLh lnducLlons of Lhe new model each year and dlverse deallng range of auLomoblles ln
four caLegorles LhaL are passenger cars and uLlllLy vehlcle concepL vehlcles commerclal
vehlcles and mlllLary vehlcles
4 @A@A luxury cars are havlng a good feedback ln Lhe markeL excepL Lhe safeLy requlremenL
noL belng meL lL ls an opporLunlLy Lo expand ln Lerms of safeLy sLandards
3 Lnglneerlng ls a dlverse secLor wlLh a quanLlLy of segmenLs A corporaLlon from Lhls secLor
can dlverslfy lLs producL mlx
6 CpporLunlLles Lo flghL ln Lerms of prlclng experlence ln speclflc fleld producL dlfferenLlaLlon
and Llmely compleLlon of pro[ecLs
7 LxporL opporLunlLles Lo Lhe developlng counLrles and prlce consclous counLrles such as
aklsLan nepal eLc
8 lLs domesLlc markeL ls one of Lhe emerglng markeLs
9 @aLa group can enLer oLher counLrles by geLLlng lnLo [olnL venLures wlLh oLher companles
10lL has Lhe opporLunlLy Lo lnLroduce vehlcles ln luxury car segmenL ln lLs domesLlc markeL
11nano ls Lhe cheapesL car ln Lhe World reLalllng aL llLLle more Lhan a moLorblke WhllsL Lhe
World ls geLLlng ready for greener alLernaLlves Lo gasguzzlers
1 lnsLablllLy ln Lhe cosLs of sLeel and oll on Lhe back of erraLlc global demand ls Lhe ma[or
obsLacle ln proflL enlargemenL
2 @he crash of Lhe macroeconomlc facLors on Lhe buslness englneerlng secLor ls lncreaslng
3 8ecenL developmenL ln Lhe lnLernaLlonal economy ls slow due Lo ongolng sub prlme crlsls
and Lhe resulLanL global flnanclal Lurmoll
4 @he effecLs of Lhe global economlc slowdown are very sLrong whlch means no soon arrlval of
global auLomoblle lndusLry
3 @helr low cosL sLraLegy ls deprlvlng from low cosL advanLage as Lhe compeLlLors easlly copy
Lhelr sLraLegles
6 SafeLy lssues noL addressed properly can wlpe away Lhe good brand name
7 owerful compeLlLors for Lhe luxury markeL lncludlng Ponda @oyoLa lord and Mercedes
8enz are beglnnlng Lo push lnLo Lhe lndlan markeL
8 @aLa's compeLlLlve prlce advanLage wlll be under pressure as envlronmenLal regulaLlons are

8CuuC@ 8lCL 8CMC@lCn LACL
8rand rlclng SLraLegy ersonal Selllng Channels of ulsLrlbuLlons
ackaglng rlclng CuallLy AdverLlslng hyslcal ulsLrlbuLlon
lnnovaLlons ulscounLs ubllc 8elaLlons Wholesaler 8eLallers

@aLa has a very wlde range of producLs lncludlng passenger cars uLlllLy vehlcles @rucks Commerclal
passenger Carrlers and uefense vehlcles

assenger cars Ut|||ty Veh|c|es 1rucks Commerc|a| assenger
lndlca vlsLa Safarl ulcor @aLa novas 8uses
lndlgo xL Sumo Crande @L 44 Wlnger
nano Sumo

llaL cars xenon x@

AparL from Lhe above menLloned producLs Lhe @aLa MoLors Croup conLlnues Lo develop some
envlronmenL lrlendly vehlcles and Lechnologles Lo reduce lLs carbon fooLprlnL Some of Lhe
slgnlflcanL lnlLlaLlves/achlevemenLs lnclude @aLa lndlca vlsLa Lvx lndlca ev2 lndlgo eCS Lhe new 22
ulesel Land 8over lreelander and !aguar x!
8rand @aLa MoLors have been successful ln creaLlng and malnLalnlng a professlonal brand lmage
Lhrough adverLlslng whlch ls ofLen used Lo make consumers aware of a producL's speclal low prlce or
lLs beneflLs 8uL anoLher funcLlon of adverLlslng ls Lo creaLe a brand lmage whlch consumers
assoclaLe a producL @he producLs of @aLa MoLors have many speclal characLerlsLlcs Lo Lhem buL
when consumers Lhlnk of lL Lhey noL only Lhlnk of lLs feaLures buL Lhey may also assoclaLe lL wlLh
quallLy performance and class Consumers buy a @aLa MoLors producL noL only because of lLs
feaLures buL also because Lhey wanL Lo assoclaLe Lhemselves wlLh a brand
b ackag|ng @aLa MoLors has been successful ln provldlng an effecLlve assembly of feaLures lL
offers many lnnovaLlve feaLures Lo sulL Lhe need of Lhe LargeL cusLomers Lg @aLa Safarl ulcor has
'8everse Culde SysLem' whlch lncludes a weaLherproof camera Lo help Lhe drlver whlle reverslng
Lhe vehlcle
c Innovat|ons @he 8u ueparLmenL of @aLa MoLors conLlnuously sLrlves Lo brlng new lnnovaLlons ln
Lhelr producL @hey have an lndusLrlal experlence of over 100 years and Lhey are well versed wlLh Lhe
sychology of lndlan cusLomers who deslre more aL less prlce @hls has led Lhem Lo develop
producLs whlch can fulflll Lhe expecLaLlons of Lhe consumers
d ua||ty Contro| @aLa MoLors have Lhelr own CuallLy ConLrol sLandards and Lhe CC ueparLmenL so
as Lo ensure Lhe defecL free dellvery Lo cusLomers
@he prlces of @aLa moLors are generally affordable and accepLed by Lhe general publlc aL large @hey
always have someLhlng for Lhe lower class people wlLh nano belng Lhelr Lrump card
a rlclng SLraLegy @aLa MoLors glve a relaLlve prlce advanLage as compares Lo lLs compeLlLors @he
varlous deLermlnanLs of prlce are
l MarkeL CondlLlon
ll CosLs lncurred
lll roflL percenLage deslred by Lhe Co
lv uealer roflL
ulscounLs @hls ls anoLher markeLlng sLraLegy ln order Lo lncrease Lhe sales @he dlscounLs are
declded by Lhe Company every monLh
a ersonal Selllng @hls medlum of promoLlon ls hardly used Lhese days @he Sales Cfflcers aL some
dealers place may access Lhe daLabase of cusLomers and perform cold calllng
b AdverLlslng @aLa MoLors ls responslble for Lhe adverLlslng of lLs producLs even Lhough Lhe dealer
also has some parL Lo play ln LhaL by conducLlng polnLofpurchase dlsplays Lo adverLlse Lhe
producLs @he varlous medla used for adverLlslng are @v newspapers Magazlnes Poardlngs
lnLerneL eLc
c Sales romoLlon @he Company provldes speclal sales promoLlons such as cash rebaLes prlzes
exLra producL or glfLs Lo aLLracL Lhe consumers lmmedlaLely by provldlng speclal lncenLlves
@he Company conducLs lnLenslve sales promoLlon durlng fesLlval seasons such as fesLlve dlscounLs
durlng ulwall
d ubllc 8elaLlons @he Company Lakes serlous measures Lo malnLaln good publlc relaLlons
lL follows buslness eLhlcs Lo ensure LhaL Lhe cusLomer ls saLlsfled and recelves good servlce
whenever and wherever he deslres
LACL @aLa MoLors has an exLenslve dealer neLwork coverlng lndlan and lnLernaLlonal markeLs
a Channels of ulsLrlbuLlon @aLa MoLors have adopLed dealershlp meLhod of dlsLrlbuLlon of lLs
producLs @he dealers purchase producLs from Lhe Co aL a negoLlaLed prlce @he M8 ls flxed by
Lhe Co and Lhe dealer geLs a proflL wlLhln Lhese prlces As Lhe Co deals ln commerclal and
passenger vehlcles Lhere may be a slngle or dlsLlncL dealershlps Lo markeL lLs commerclal and
passenger vehlcles ln a Lown Powever lf Lhere ls a slngle dealershlp appolnLed Lhen Lhe
commerclal and passenger vehlcles are managed under Commerclal vehlcles uepL and assenger
vehlcles uepL respecLlvely
@aLa MoLors have conLracLs wlLh Lhe CovernmenL of lndla and lL supplles buses and passenger
vehlcles ln some cases Lo Lhe CovL SomeLlmes bulk quanLlLles of vehlcles are ordered by a CovL
uepL or a prlvaLe company @he sales dlsLrlbuLlon and bllllng of Lhese are looked afLer by
Lhe Co lLself
b hyslcal ulsLrlbuLlon @aLa MoLors have Lhelr manufacLurlng planLs for commerclal vehlcles
aL !amshedpur Lucknow and anLnagar whereas Lhe passenger vehlcles are manufacLured aL une
planL lrom Lhe planL Lhe flnlshed producL ls LransporLed Lo Lhe dealershlps @he naLlonwlde
dealershlp sales servlces and spare parLs neLwork comprlses of over 2000 Louch polnLs @he
dealershlps are sLraLeglcally locaLed ln Lhe LargeL and poLenLlal markeLs Lo ensure efflclenL and
Llmely avallablllLy of lLs producLs ln Lhe markeL

Market Segmentat|ons Cf Veh|c|es
O assenger Cars and uLlllLy vehlcles
O Commerclal vehlcles
O assenger vehlcles
O Coods Carrlers
O MlllLary vehlcles
assenger Cars and Ut|||ty Veh|c|es
assenger car lndusLry ls dlvlded lnLo 6 segmenLs from A1 Lo A6 dependlng on Lhe lengLh of Lhe
vehlcle @hls classlflcaLlon ls done by SlAM SocleLy Cf lndlan AuLomoblle ManufacLurers Cf lndla
1) A1(Mlnl) 34m
2) A2(CompacL) 34m Lo 40m
3) A3(MldSlze) 40m Lo 43m
4) A4(LxecuLlve) 43m Lo 47m
3) A3(remlum) 47m Lo 30m
6) A6(Luxury) 30m
7) 81vAn
8) 82Muv/Mv
9) Suv

A1 nAnC
A2 lnulCA v2 lnulCA ev2
lnulCA v2
lnulCA vlS@A
A3 lnulCC MA8lnA MAnZA
A6 !ACuA8
81 MAClC WlnCL8 vLn@u8L
82 SuMC
SUV SAlA8l SAlA8l ulCC8 LAnu 8CvL8 8AnCL 8CvL8 A8lA

Commerc|a| Veh|c|es
O LlghL Commerclal vehlcle
O Small Commerclal vehlcle
O lnLermedlaLe Commerclal vehlcle
O Medlum Peavy vehlcle

L|ght CV Sma|| CV Intermed|ate CV Med|um neavy CV
SlC 407 @A@A ACL L@ 1109 @urbo @ruck L@ 2313
SlC 410 L 1109 @urbo @ruck L@ 2318
@A@A 207 ul Lk 2316
L@ 709 Lk 2330

assenger 1ransporter Segment
@hls segmenL ls LargeLed aL Schools suburban area Companles ClLy/SLaLe @ransporL PosplLals eLc
O 8us SLarbus Low LnLry 8us ClLyrlde Skool
O Wlnger
O Maglc
M|||tary Veh|c|es
@A@A MoLors leveraged Lhe sLrengLhs of oLher @A@A Croup companles Lo enLer lnLo Lhls segmenL
@hls enables lL Lo provlde Lhe seamless lnLerface Lhrough whlch an lnLegraLed defense soluLlon ls
O SLaff Car
O @ruck llre llghLer
O 4SLreLcher Ambulance


LlecLrlc cars

As Lhe oll prlces ln lndla are lncreaslng aL a fasLer pace @aLa MoLors wlll have Lo dlverse lLself lnLo
hybrld cars renewable sources of energy and sLrlcLer envlronmenLal laws lL should lnvesL now so
LhaL lL can cash on Lhe early blrd sLaLus and become leaders ln Lhls emerglng segmenL ln lndla as well
as ln abroad

@he Company needs Lo collaboraLe and lnvesL ln such Lypes of markeL for susLalnable growLh
alLhough Lhere would be lnfrasLrucLural hurdles wlLhln Lhe domesLlc markeL lL should lnvesL ln Lhe
research and developmenL and come ouL wlLh soluLlons whlch hamper Lhe real peneLraLlon of Lhe
producL @he ro[ecL developmenL ob[ecLlves of elecLrlc car whlch wlll be made ln lndla wlll creaLe a
frlendller envlronmenL vla compacL cars and reduce Lhe hlgh cosL of fuel

lndlca vlsLa could become Lhe flrsL plloL pro[ecL as Lhe basls for elecLrlc cars LhaL wlll be developed
wlLh oLher company collaboraLlons and should be focused Lo be markeLed ln Lhe uk wlLh a LargeL
launch @he lnfrasLrucLure Lo supporL Lhe developmenL of elecLrlc cars ln lndla ls noL yeL developed
LlecLrlc cars and hybrlds are more wldely supporLed ln many developed counLrles
AuLo experLs say elecLrlc vehlcles are a pracLlcal alLernaLlve Lo gasollnepowered cars @he blggesL
challenge for Lhe auLo lndusLry ls expandlng and developlng Lhe lnfrasLrucLure for recharglng Lhe

WlLh Lhe release of Lhe Chevy volL and Lhe nlssan Leaf lL may feel llke LhaL Lhe era of elecLrlc car has
come Chevy volL uses a rechargeable baLLery and can swlLch Lo a small gasollne englne Lo recharge
Lhe baLLery for addlLlonal range nlssan Leaf ls an allelecLrlc vehlcle LhaL ls deslgned for shorL rouLes

LlecLrlcgasollne hybrld cars lncludlng @oyoLas rlus are popular wlLh drlvers who are concerned
wlLh envlronmenLal polluLlon and rlslng gasollne cosLs 8lghL now hybrlds are a small parL of Lhe
markeL @he blggesL problem ls llmlLed range nlssan Leaf can Lravel 160 kllomeLres on a slngle
charge ln clLy drlvlng @he Chevy volL whlch can swlLch Lo gasollne can Lravel farLher 8aLLerles are
lmprovlng and oLher ldeas have been suggesLed Lo exLend Lhe range of Lhe vehlcles

An alLernaLlve way Lo charge ln Lhe elecLrlc cars ln a qulck span ls Lo have a replaceable baLLery buL
Lhen Lhere has Lo be an lnfrasLrucLure where dralned baLLerles can be exchanged wlLh a charged one
aL avallable charglng sLaLlons Lven hydrogen cells can be used and wlLh Lhe advenL of Lechnology
Lhey can be used Lo replace Lhe baLLerles LlecLrlc cars may really meeL Lhe needs of consumers
faced wlLh rlslng fuel cosLs

@he lndlan markeL for elecLrlc cars ls sLlll nascenL LlecLrlc cars are expecLed Lo accounL for close Lo 3
per cenL of Lhe lndlan car markeL or 173000 cars by 2017 AuLo ma[ors such as Mahlndra
Mahlndra @aLa MoLors MaruLl Suzukl Pyundal and Pero LlecLrlc are assesslng Lhe elecLrlc car
markeL MosL lnLernaLlonal elecLrlc car brands haven'L been launched ln lndla prlmarlly because of
Lhe hlgh duLy sLrucLure lack of componenL supplles and lnsufflclenL suppllers for charglng such

8y 2020 abouL 20 mllllon cars or 3 per cenL of auLomoblles globally are expecLed Lo run on

L|ectr|c car manufacturers |n Ind|a

@aLa MoLors exporLs lLs passenger vehlcles Lo Aslan and Afrlcan markeLs and ls ln preparaLlon Lo
launch elecLrlc vehlcles ln Lurope ln 2010 @he flrm ls also plannlng Lo launch an elecLrlc verslon of lLs
lowcosL car nano ln Lurope and Lhe uS Mahlndra Mahlndra ls preparlng Lo lnLroduce lLs plckup
Lrucks and small Suv models ln Lhe uS markeL @aLa lndlca vlsLa LlecLrlc wlll be avallable ln Lhe
lndlan auLo markeL ln nexL year @he prlce for Lhls car wlll fall ln Lhe range of 6 Lo 7 lacs

Compet|tors |n Ind|a

A[anLa Croup
Pero LlecLrlc
@ara lnLernaLlonal

1A1A e|ectr|c car

new vehlcle based on elecLrlc power was dlsplayed ln uelhl AuLo Lxpo 2010 by @A@A moLors As Lhls
new elecLrlc car ls based on new @aLa lndla vlsLa and hence named as @aLa lndlca vlsLa LlecLrlc
(elecLrlc) @he new elecLrlc car was also showcased aL 79Lh Ceneva moLor show lasL year

@hls car ls belng developed and produced ln norway by @aLa MoLors uk subsldlary @aLa MoLors
Luropean @echnlcal CenLre Mll[o lnnovas[on Lhe subsldlary of @aLa MoLors who ls developlng Lhe
elecLrlc car @he semlknocked down klLs wlll be exporLed from lndla Lo norway for assembllng @he
flrsL elecLrlc vehlcle ls wlll be launched ln lndla by 2012

@aLas lndlca vlsLa ls a flagshlp model of Lhe company and won overwhelmlng cusLomer response
and Lwo presLlglous auLo awards ln lndla @he @aLa lndlca vlsLa LlecLrlc wlll become Lhe second
elecLrlc car whlch wlll be exporLed from lndla followed by 8evas CWlz
@he elecLrlc varlanL of @aLa lndlca vlsLa ls uslng rem magneL moLor aka super polymer llLhlum lon
baLLerles @hese moLors are belng developed by a company called @M4 @he super polymer llLhlum
lon baLLerles are Lhe laLesL ones and are llghLwelghL has hlgh energy denslLy and lack of Lhermal
runaway lssues @hese baLLerles are superlor Lhan LradlLlonal baLLerles As new car ls equlpped wlLh
Lhls klnd of super baLLerles Lhe elecLrlc @aLa lndlca vlsLa LlecLrlc wlll be more powerful and fasLer
Lhan lLs gasollne and dlesel varlanLs exlsL ln lndla @he baLLery pumps ouL 33 kw of peak power aL
4000 rpm and generaLes 160 nm of Lop Lorque aL 1730 rpm @he baLLery capaclLy ls 263 kwh

A peak speed of Lhls elecLrlc car ls around 131 kmph ln a slngle charge Lhe car can go up Lo 200km
LhaL ls an aLLracLlve plece of englneerlng @he charglng Llme of baLLerles may be around 8 hours
Lqulpped wlLh super power baLLerles Lhe car wlll Louch 030kmph sprlnL ln [usL 43 seconds and 0
60 kmph ln [usL under 10 seconds anoLher amazlng facL abouL Lhe car @he car has one speed lWu
8ecause of Lhese feaLures Lhls elecLrlc verslon of car wlll be more powerful and aglle Lhan lLs peLrol
and dlesel varlanLs aL presenL

@he flve door elecLrlc haLchback has a seaLlng capaclLy of 4 passengers @wo alrbags are provlded for
drlver and fronL passenger @he only dlfference from lLs predecessor ls flowlng llnes and sporLs
dynamlc @he fronL face of Lhe car ls ln Lhe Lyplcal @aLa sLylesmlllng face @he smlllng face of Lhe car
becomes allve wlLh headlamp grllle fog lamps and lower grllle 8ody colour rear slde vlew mlrrors
door handles and bumper glve Lhe vehlcle Lhe requlred appeal @he car ls more spaclous and
decoraLed wlLh sLunnlng lnLerlor feaLures A preLLy luggage space ls anoLher lmpresslve feaLure

@hls four seaLer haLchback elecLrlc car wlll have alloy wheels and flne Lyres as Lhese Lypes of Lyres
are sufflclenL Lo glve enough supporL Lo Lhe vehlcle @he alloy wheels are llghLer and very sporLy

@aLa lndlca vlsLa LlecLrlc wlll be avallable wlLh fronL dlsc and rear drum brake Maxlmum braklng
depends on Lhe fronL brake and when lL ls ln dlsc Lype one need noL Lo worry abouL braklng aL all
@he rear drum brake wlLh Lhe help of good wheelbase ensures lnsLanL braklng wlLhouL sklddlng

Worry of mlleage and baLLery consumed ls noL Lhere ln case of Lhls car as boLh Lhe Lhlngs are
undersLood Mlleage wlll be many Llmes beLLer Lhan peLrol and dlesel vehlcles wlLh zero emlsslons
AparL from LhaL per kllomeLre cosL ls much lower compared Lo LhaL of peLrol

1ata Ind|ca V|sta L|ectr|c ros

O lmpresslve power
O @orque and acceleraLlon flgures
O LnvlronmenL frlendly
O Lnough sLorage space

1ata Ind|ca V|sta L|ectr|c Cons

O Access Lo a recharge polnL ls needed lf one llves ln a block of flaLs or Lerraced house dlfflculLy
may be Lhere for recharglng
O A normal recharge Llme ls beLween 68 hours noL as qulck as flllng up aL a peLrol sLaLlon
O 8eplacemenL of 8aLLerles afLer each 3 Lo 10 years Lhls depends on baLLery Lype and amounL of
O Car model ls old only elecLrlc moLor ls lnsLalled ln new model

a AdverLlslng @he car can be promoLed Lhrough varlous medla used for adverLlslng @elevlslon
rlnL and Lhe lnLerneL @hey can go for Co Creen" campalgns on Lhe lnLerneL leveraglng Lhe Soclal
Medla for Lhls purpose and educaLlng Lhe publlc abouL alLernaLe fuel vehlcles and Lhelr advanLages
especlally ln Lhe wake of splrallng prlces of peLroleum producLs and rlslng polluLlon levels caused by
fossll fuels AparL from Lhls Lhe company has Lo LargeL speclflc evenLs for Lhe car promoLlon llke Lhe
exhlblLlon on renewable energy where Lhe car can be showcased Lo general publlc
b Sales romoLlon @he Company can provlde speclal sales promoLlons such as cash rebaLes prlzes
exLra producL or glfLs Lo aLLracL Lhe consumers lmmedlaLely by provldlng speclal lncenLlves @hey
can also conducL lnLenslve sales promoLlon durlng fesLlval seasons such as fesLlve dlscounLs durlng
c ubllc 8elaLlons @he Company should conLlnue Lo Lake serlous measures Lo malnLaln good publlc
relaLlons @hey should make sure LhaL Lhe cusLomer ls saLlsfled and recelves good servlce whenever
and wherever he deslres by followlng Lhe buslness eLhlcs
@aLa MoLors has an exLenslve dealer neLwork coverlng lndlan and lnLernaLlonal markeLs 8uL for Lhe
LlecLrlc Car dlsLrlbuLlon lL has Lo Lake lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe need for local elecLrlclLy neLwork boLh
ln Lerms of capaclLy and lnfrasLrucLure Lven Lhough Lhe lnfrasLrucLure requlred for LlecLrlc vehlcles
ln Lhe form of elecLrlclLy dlsLrlbuLlon lnfrasLrucLure ls already avallable ln all our clLles and mlnlmum
cosLs are requlred Lo lnsLall addlLlonal Lhe car launch should LargeL only Lhe @ler1 clLles llke
8angalore uelhl eLc lnlLlally and as Lhe elecLrlclLy lnfrasLrucLure lmproves ln Lhe counLry lL can
expand lLs operaLlons As a resulL Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork has Lo be deslgned keeplng ln mlnd Lhe
above key polnLs
a Channels of ulsLrlbuLlon @aLa MoLors have a huge dealershlp neLwork for dlsLrlbuLlon of lLs
producLs So Lhere ls no exLra lnvesLmenL needed for Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of LlecLrlc Cars Also Lhe cosL
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe LransporLaLlon would noL be subsLanLlal as lnlLlally Lhe company wlll LargeL only
a few @ler1 clLles as menLloned above
@aLa MoLors can also geL lnLo conLracLs wlLh Lhe Local CovernmenLs and supply Lhelr cars ln some
cases Lo Lhe CovL who can also purchase a flxed percenLage of vehlcles for Lhelr fleeLs whlch can be
used Lo replace fuel consumlng vehlcles (ubllc @ransporL) aL Lhe crowded places ln Lhe respecLlve
b hyslcal ulsLrlbuLlon @aLa MoLors have Lo carefully selecL Lhelr manufacLurlng planLs for elecLrlc
vehlcles so LhaL Lhey are sLraLeglcally locaLed near Lhe LargeL clLles lrom Lhe planL Lhe flnlshed
producL wlll be LransporLed Lo Lhe dealershlps @he plus polnL for @A@A MoLors ls LhaL Lhey have
naLlonwlde dealershlp sales servlces and spare parLs neLwork whlch comprlses of over 2000 Louch
polnLs and wlll Lhus ensure efflclenL and Llmely avallablllLy of lLs producLs ln Lhe markeL

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