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Research Policy 29 Ž2000.


The university–industry–government relations in Latin America

Judith Sutz
Academic Department of the UniÕersity Research Council, UniÕersidad de la Republica, MonteÕideo, Uruguay


This paper analyses the university–industry–government relations in Latin America from two points of view: a
‘‘bottom-up’’ one that starts from concrete experiences of knowledge user–producer relations, and a ‘‘top-down’’ one that
considers the outcomes of the institutionalisation efforts recently developed in the region. The results of the top-down
mechanisms have been well below expectations of policy makers, in the sense that the historical low involvement of industry
in knowledge and innovation activities — the reversal of which is one of the main goals of such mechanisms — has not
substantially improved. The bottom-up experiences, on the other hand, usually exhibit successful results at micro level, but
face great difficulties for broadening the impact of the technical solutions found. Some features of the Latin American
landscape help explaining this outcome. The point at stake is that the weakness observed in university–industry relations
must be challenged under current conditions, the same that are partly responsible for this weakness. A possible way to
proceed is building complementarities between these two types of experiences. Some suggestions are made to tackle this
issue. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Latin America; University; Industry; Knowledge; Innovation

1. Introduction This is clearly true for Latin America, and this

pattern can be recognised even slightly earlier. In the
One of the characteristic features of the 1990s last 15 years, this deliberate elaboration has shown
appears to be that ‘‘newly industrializing, deindustri- two main expressions: the formalisation of the uni-
alizing and reindustrializing nations Ž . . . . despite versity efforts to promote relationships with industry
their quite different developmental histories Ž . . . . and the generalisation of funds provisions, adminis-
have formulated innovation strategies based upon the trated by the state and devoted to foster innovation at
deliberate elaboration of academia–industry rela- firm level, which put a prize on joint R & D projects
tions . . . ’’ ŽEtzkowitz and Leydesdorff, 1997; p. 155.. between firms and academia.
Industry–academia experiences in Latin America
come from even longer ago. They recognise two
principal modalities: one in which public entities
relied on university teams to perform research and to
Comision´ Sectorial de Investigacion
´ Cientıfica,
´ Minas 1483, solve problems and a more recent one that began
piso 2; Telefax: q598-2-401-27-90; e-mail: once formal contractual agreements between univer-

0048-7333r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 8 - 7 3 3 3 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 6 6 - 9
280 J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290

sity researchers and firms were allowed, the precise can be seen as a manifestation of the Latin American
time depending on the country and the universities. 1 R & D spending structure: it is heavily biased to-
In the first modality, even if the reliance of public wards governmental participation, and private firms
enterprises on local technical capacities has never involvement gives account at the most of 20% of the
been strong, there are interesting and important rela- total ŽRICYT, 1997.. When the importance of indus-
tionship examples all over the region. Brazil pro- trial innovation for competitiveness entered force-
vides a good case. At the beginning of the 1970s, fully worldwide into political discourse and policy
Brazilian universities were called to participate in action, this meagre 20% of industry involvement
two key technical developments. One was fostered began to be recognised by Latin American govern-
by the Federal Government and related to the design ments as a problem for future development and
of the hardware for the first national minicomputer, economic growth. Policy measures were devised to
involving the Sao Paulo University. The other in- provide corrections to that problem and consisted
volved Telebras, the by then state-owned telecom- mainly in getting funds and organising programmes
munication company, with Campinas University, also that could attract firms to get involved into ‘‘knowl-
in Sao Paulo State, to develop optical fibres in its edge relations’’. Universities, on the other hand,
physics department. More recently, the huge public followed the international pattern towards a strong
firm Petrobras established a whole network with purposeful search for external partners, and for the
many universities to develop research on deep sea oil same reasons than elsewhere: inability to ensure the
prospecting, which proved quite successful ŽHelena, continuity of the research function under current
1980; Brisolla and Guedes Pinto, 1995; Garcıa ´ conditions of budgetary restrictions. 3
Guadilla, 1996.. In Uruguay, in the middle of the This paper analyses how university–industry rela-
1960s, the Institute of Mathematics of the Faculty of tions turn out nowadays in Latin America, the mis-
Engineers was charged by the state power company matches that occur, the reasons why they occur and
to study the mathematical model of the Negro River, the improvements that could be achieved. Two axes
when the main hydroelectric barrage of the country shall be considered: first, a ‘‘bottom-up’’ approach
was to be built. that starts from situations in which industry actors
In the second modality, one of the features exhib- looking for knowledge to solve a problem meet with
ited by the formal agreements involving industry and academic knowledge producers, and a ‘‘top-down’’
universities has been the weak participation of pri- approach that survey some outcomes of the institu-
vate firms ŽMoreno, 1992; Hein et al., 1996.. 2 This tionalisation efforts recently developed in the region.

In Venezuela, for instance, one of the first initiatives that 2. The bottom-up approach
allowed faculty to earn ‘‘extra’’ money coming from formal
agreement with ‘‘outside’’ actors was authorised in 1974, in the This approach is oriented towards identifying rela-
Department of Electrical Engineering of the Universidad Simon
Bolivar. In Uruguay, this kind of authorisation came 10 years
tionships established between certain actors in need
later, but with a broader scope. of knowledge to solve a problem and other actors
It has been argued that formal agreements are not so impor- capable, in the first place, of translating the problem
tant ŽNelson and Rosemberg, 1994.: the implication that informal into knowledge terms and, afterwards, of conducting
contacts are one of the most significant forms of university–in- research, development or both to find a solution.
dustry relationships is valid worldwide. The problem is that
enterprises must have skilled interlocutors to enter into informal
relations; when this is not the case, some types of formal mecha-
nisms can be very useful. It is recommended, though, to try to
maintain the flavour of informality: ‘‘Formal linkages are more
likely to be successful if they are allowed to evolve ‘bottom-up’ It is worth noting, though, that within the policy measures
rather than being imposed ‘top-down’. Trust building, mutual undertaken, one of great importance was missing: the increase of
respect and understanding, and friendly relations — at the bench the proportion of GDP devoted to R&D. Almost all Latin Ameri-
as well as corporate levels — are all vital ingredients’’ ŽFaulkner can countries are devoting nowadays less than 1% of their GDP to
and Senker, 1995; p. 238.. R&D activities ŽUNESCO, 1998..
J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290 281

Although university–industry relationships are not velop a specific device for that aim. Interestingly, the
the only possible result of this identification, the technological tailor acted in this case as a gatekeeper
present analysis concentrates on them. between the tops enterprise and the university team.
Some Uruguayan examples will illustrate the idea. In fact, the former did not want to have direct
Uruguay is a wool-producing country, occupying a relationships with the latter. The reason was related
fairly important place in the world market of washed to information disclosure. To be able to tailor the
and combed wool, or ‘‘tops’’. One of the country’s generic image treatment system to the specific needs
‘‘tops’’ industrialists detected a bottleneck limiting of the firm, a good deal of knowledge about the
productivity gains: the manual control of the many productive process was needed; this meant having
variables associated with the operation of the dozens people from the university visiting the firm and
of sinks into which wool passes during the washing asking questions to managers, technicians and work-
procedure. To automate the controls was the theoreti- ers. Nothing of the sort was tolerable for the rather
cal response, but finding an international ready-made secretive culture of Uruguayan entrepreneurs, even
solution proved impossible. 4 The above-mentioned in this truly modern enterprise, and the triangular
‘‘tops’’ industrialist decided then to rely on a very relationship thus took a rather indirect way: it was
small and young electronic enterprise owned by three established between the university team and the tech-
recently graduated engineers. They studied the indus- nology tailor, the latter being in charge of providing
trial process in depth and developed and optimised the researchers with the information they needed
all the automated controllers to cope with every and, afterwards, of the feedback from experimenta-
aspect of the washing process ŽSnoeck et al., 1992.. tion at plant level and of the final installation.
The ‘‘tops’’ entrepreneur thus established his first The above-depicted case is an example of a uni-
‘‘knowledge relationships’’ not with an academic versity–industry relationship located at the industrial
partner but with what can be called a ‘‘technological stage of the production of wool. A quite different
tailor’’, that is, a small and highly innovative firm experience is actually under way in the same produc-
having as a market niche the design, building and tive sector, but this time located at the raw material
operation of customised solutions ŽRothwell, 1986., stage. The problem around which the experience is
in this case, in professional specialised electronics developing rose from an undesirable characteristic of
and software. However, it must be mentioned that Uruguayan wool: its level of black fibres in the
one of the three young founders was teaching at the fleece is many times higher than in Australia. Two
University and maintained strong contacts with actors are involved. One is a private association of
‘‘academia’’. experts, both in agronomic engineering and in econ-
After this first successful relationship, the techno- omy, made up and financed by wool producers, with
logical tailor deepened his knowledge about textiles a long experimenting trajectory on the sector’s pro-
and was able to recognise the specific utility of a ductive problems. The other is a research group on
generic tool developed in the Electrical Engineering evolution — basic science indeed — in the Faculty
Institute of the university: a digital image treatment of Exact and Natural Sciences.
system that could be used for quality control through The experts were aware that the wool black fibres
an early detection of the most common failures of problem was difficult to tackle with the traditional
the combing operation. A triangular relationship was phenotypic approach, that is, trying to find sires
then established between the tops enterprise, the without external signs of black fibres to use in the
research group and the technological tailor, to de- breeding process, but they did not know if anybody
in Uruguay was capable of developing an alternative
strategy. On the other side, the university research
group needed to use fine genetic analysis technolo-
The reason was that technical progress in this sector slowed gies and that in turn required a wide provision of
down notoriously during the 1970s and the 1980s, due to the
delocalisation process towards developing countries fostered by
local animals of known ancestry.
the high polluting — and also labour intensive — nature of the It so happened that the senior scientist came to
‘‘tops’’ industry. know the black fibre problem of the technicians
282 J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290

association. Since it was a problem workable through as a bridge builder between them. Žii. The actors
the technique he was developing, he took the initia- may relate to the problem in different ways. The
tive and met with them. Both actors recognised each ‘‘classic’’ one is when the problem has been identi-
other immediately, shared a common language and fied by the productive actor who looks for an aca-
established without much difficulties the precise pur- demic player with the necessary expertise to tackle
pose of the association: to produce a biological with it. But the problem can also be identified by an
instrument to measure the probability of a sire not to academic actor who thinks that he can solve it and
have progeny with black fibres in their fleece and to that the solution could be of use to some productive
assure the correct manipulation of the instrument by player. In this case, the latter enters into the scene
the technicians. As the scientist put it: ‘‘We did not after he is convinced that it is worth trying. Actors
have to explain the importance of this kind of ances- can relate to the problem in other ways, but the
try analysis to our interlocutor. He immediately said: central point is that the initiative for the encounter
‘there is no need to convince me, as I already know. belongs entirely to them. Žiii. The actors involved
Explain me what the technique consists of, just out must be able to dialogue in hard technical terms, that
of curiosity’. It is really important to relate to a is, they must be able to dialogue about the nature of
well-informed interlocutor, who knows about the the problem and about the nature of the envisaged
existence of the tool and what it is useful for, and technical solution. This does not mean that the pro-
who will know how to apply it to his sheep.’’ ductive actor must have the knowledge to understand
ŽMujica et al., 1997.. The technique is now fairly how the solution is built, but he must understand
advanced and the ‘‘knowledge relationship’’ well why it shall be a solution at all.
established between the partners. Moreover, a new Unsatisfactory innovations are frequently the out-
and unanticipated application is under way, directed come of unsatisfactory user–producer relationships.
to augmenting the reproductive capacities of the These, on the other hand, are usually the result of
cattle. strong asymmetries between users and producers re-
The kind of experiences described above can be garding the knowledge involved in the innovation:
called the ‘‘micro-strengths’’ of the university–in- the ‘‘knowledge plus’’ producers generally enjoy
dustry relations: they can be found only at the micro make them prone to neglect the users expertise and
level, and they are usually quite strong, for the weak their definition of what the problem is ŽLundvall,
or unsuccessful ones do not come to be known. They 1985; von Hippel, 1988.. Satisfactory innovations,
form part of the process through which innovative that is, technical solutions that fulfil other related
solutions for strategic problems of specific produc- requirements — easiness to put them in practice,
tive sectors are generated. They can also give rise to low operation costs, good upgrading perspectives,
‘‘innovative circuits’’, that is, webs of innovations, modular growth possibilities — are in need of more
each built on earlier ones, that broaden the scope of egalitarian relationships in terms of the knowledge
problems that can be tackled with the new generated involved. ‘‘Common language’’ and trust are repeat-
knowledge. 5 edly signalled as important ingredients of successful
The bottom-up experiences, even if they arise ‘‘knowledge relations’’ ŽFaulkner and Senker, 1995;
from particular situations, exhibit some common fea- Ferraro and Borroi, 1998.. Often, common language
tures, the most representative of which are the fol- is not a point of departure but a socially constructed
lowing: Ži. They occur because a well-defined prob- result and the trustful relations between the partners
lem has been clearly identified by some of the play a catalytic role in this construction. The other
directly involved actors: the academic one, the pro- way around, sharing a common language greatly
ductive one and eventually a ‘‘third’’ player acting facilitates the development of trusting relations.
These micro-strengths are detected because they
produce an innovation: they are by definition techni-
Moreover, the experiences described under the bottom-up
cally successful. Their contribution to the social
approach are fairly understandable in terms of the ‘‘Mode 2’’ of accumulation of knowledge must, however, be anal-
knowledge production ŽGibbons et al., 1994.. ysed case by case. Coming back to the examples just
J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290 283

given, the innovative process of the washed and their own. They can show good results that could be
combed wool can be labelled as ‘‘encapsulated’’, for of great use to other firms and productive sectors,
even if the found solutions could have been easily but to occur the diffusion process needs a third
expanded to the whole industry, they have not tres- partner: without policies directed to facilitate diffu-
passed the walls of the firm participating in the sion it will be difficult for the micro-strengths and
experience. In this particular case as in many others, the related innovative circuits to expand. Even if the
the reasons explaining the social weakness of strong diffusion process is not the main goal of Triple Helix
technical successes are related to the inability of the policies, these can be of great importance as an
actors involved to produce expanding virtuous cir- intermediary step, interacting with more innovation
cles on their own. The black fibre problem experi- biased agencies to find ways to help the micro-
ence is in a too early stage of development to try to strength to develop and mature.
assess its possible impact, but the fact that one of the On the other hand, the micro-strengths of univer-
participants is not an isolate producer but a technical sity–industry relations have the potential — if the
service organisation for the cattle owners suggests a diffusion process works properly — for stimulating
better future performance in terms of social accumu- a sustainable process of social accumulation of
lation of knowledge. knowledge. The university researchers involved are
It is possible to claim that the bottom-up approach usually deeply interested in the problem under
to research on university–industry relations is a good scrutiny; they are not just accomplishing a contract
way for picking-up cases where people from firms to get money to go on doing research. Measures
and academia effectively share a common concern designed to disseminate this type of experiences may
on problem solving. Criticism may rise that this stand on concrete and successful examples of re-
approach leads to nothing more than a collection of search, and this is an effective way to overcome
scattered anecdotes. The real power of this approach indifference. Such a demonstration effect can have
lies, though, not in its descriptive strength per se, but great impact both on faculty and industry: many
in the insight it gives regarding how to design effec- things are not done in developing countries because
tive public intervention, with positive outcome both people do not know that they can be done. It also
for the innovation process and for the diffusion and contributes to the public understanding of the role of
social accumulation of knowledge. The hypothesis endogenous research in solving specific national
is, then, that the bottom-up approach helps to figure problems, collaborating that way to the reversion of
out ‘‘tailored’’ features for the emergence of Triple the ‘‘technological self-defeating imaginary’’ that
Helix relationships embedded in national Žor re- usually accompanies underdevelopment. This
gional, or local. specificity. 6 demonstration effect can go even further and create
So much for the research approach; what about demands not necessarily initiated in firms but in
the outcome assessment? As we mentioned before, public services like health, housing or education,
the bottom-up university–industry experiences have contributing in this way to get knowledge production
low capabilities for self-consolidation, mainly be- closer to social needs.
cause they are unable to expand their successes on

3. The top-down approach

The need for customised industrial and innovation policies to
cope with specific productive configurations has been forcefully The institutional design of university–industry–
put forward in many recent analyses, both in developed and government relations is top-down and centred on the
underdeveloped countries ŽBunders et al., 1998; Cooke and Mor- role of institutions. New agencies designed for the
gan, 1998.. In the case of the bottom-up experiences, one of the management of these relations define and offer dif-
lessons that clearly emerges and appears to be particularly useful
to tailor top-down mechanisms is that a minimum amount of
ferent types of schemes for university–industry co-
technical understanding between the partners is necessary for any operation, and look for ‘‘customers’’ to use them. In
sound relationship to occur. Latin America that cooperation has been established
284 J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290

by some laws at country and regional level, and than praise. In the case of Mexico, for instance,
developed in different kind of agencies within min- ‘‘when economic data is revisited and industrial
istries, in some independent bodies financed with behaviour is analysed without including the
public and international resources and in the now maquiladoras 8 , a technological weakness of great
general trend towards the institutionalisation of the proportions clearly appears’’ ŽInternational Confer-
university’s relations with industry expressed in a ence Technology, 1998.. This occurs in spite of the
variety of forms. construction of complex mechanisms to foster the
Mexico and Colombia provide two recent exam- joint work of universities, enterprises and govern-
ples of top-down mechanisms developed at the high- ment. Technological modernisation as well as coop-
est levels of the state. The National Agreement eration between research and production seem to be
Committee for Technological Modernisation is a fo- quite unachieved goals ŽCasas, 1997..
rum created in Mexico in 1992, in which the main A general assessment of Brasil situation in this
representatives of public, academic, entrepreneurial regard is simply not possible, due to the huge num-
and financial sectors joined to discuss the main ber of different experiences. Some initiatives have
issues of academia–production relations and to legit- reported good results, as in the case of the Program
imate them ŽCasas, 1997.. In Colombia, the estab- Disque Tecnologia ŽCall Technology. of Sao Paulo
lishment of a network of Centres for Technological University. It is interesting to note that one of the
Development — in many different areas and always keys of its success is that it reaches enterprises in
including an academic partner as well as an en- which staff barely know how to describe the prob-
trepreneurial one — is considered the backbone of lems they are facing and, even less, how to ask a
the new National Policy for Innovation and Techno- technological question. The Program offers an easy
logical Development. The national scientific and interface between these people and researchers at the
technology council, COLCIENCIAS, has maintained university who have agreed to be contacted and who
since 1996 a Permanent Integration Forum to assure work on clearly related problems. The Program has
adequate attention to the problems the Centres are raised some criticisms in terms of the lack of techno-
facing ŽUNCSTD-UNCTAD-COLCIENCIAS, 1996.. logical relevance of the majority of the problems
There are other recent top-down experiences that finally identified; on the other hand, though, achieve-
are less generic than the ones mentioned above; for ments have been made in terms of putting university
instance, the Brazilian programme SOFTEX 2000, know-how into direct use for ‘‘non-glamorous’’ en-
intended to foster national capabilities in commercial terprises.
software production and exports. This time the initia- Other Brazilian experiences show different types
tive came from the academic computer science com- of unsatisfactory outcomes. For instance, the Depart-
munity and was channelled through the Science ment of Materials Engineering of the Universidad
Council and the S & T Ministry: the programme was Federal de Sao Carlos, which exhibits long-time and
organised through Regional Centres — 18 in the diversified relationships with local enterprises and
whole country — in which universities could get local and national government, has observed that the
involved in partnerships either with the centres or type of activities its well-trained graduates develop
directly with firms ŽProchnik, 1998.. 7 when hired by local firms is usually below their
Perhaps it is too early to fully evaluate this type technical capabilities. Quite often, firms loose good
of experiences; nevertheless, in the recent Latin
American specialised literature criticism is stronger

Maquiladoras are industrial firms that assemble final con-
sumer goods using imported elements, with almost no value
To these type of schemes at national or sector level must be added. These firms can be an important source of low level
added the many mechanisms devised by universities themselves to employment and also of hard currency since all goods are ex-
foster university–industry relations. ported.
J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290 285

opportunities because they are unable to make better utilised, as if firms were in need of something else
use of the capabilities they have at hand ŽRaschid, than money to recognise the need to interact with
1995.. faculty. 9
In Colombia, a recent evaluation of the public However, it is important to circumscribe criticism
policies implemented to articulate production and since all the above-mentioned experiences — and
research stressed the fact, so common in other Latin many more of a similar type — also exhibit some
American countries that mechanisms were designed success cases, that is, cases in which successful
expecting too much protagonism from the private innovative projects jointly undertaken by firms and
actors ŽUNCSTD-UNCTAD-COLCIENCIAS, 1996.. university teams were the outcome of the top-down
It has also been noted that ‘‘innovative en- mechanism put in place. 10 The shortcomings of
trepreneurs Žin Latin America. became such indepen- these mechanisms seem to relate especially to the
dently of incentives and instruments’’ ŽInternational following:
Conference Technology, 1998.. The Uruguayan situ- Ži. firms involvement below expectations, both in
ation confirms this general remark: in Uruguay as in quantitative and in qualitative terms;
many other countries, the institutional design has Žii. lack of ‘‘knowledge relevance’’ of the prob-
been usually made ‘‘by aggregation’’, that is, by lems when industrial demand finally begins to
mixing all kind of new agencies with old ones, spread;
without paying enough attention to defining and Žiii. low impact on the general behaviour of firms
articulating their functions. As a result, some ser- regarding relationships with universities.
vices are offered by many institutions at the same Much of the above mentioned can be considered
time — typically general business information ser- as ‘‘university–industry mismatches’’, and many of
vices — and others are not provided at all, for them may be explained by wrongly designed mecha-
instance, financial tools for start-ups, information nisms or by the erroneous or insufficient utilisation
about local scientific and technological capabilities of well-designed ones. But there are also more struc-
or technological extensionism programmes. Pre- tural features in the Latin American landscape that
cisely, these very specific instruments are those that need to be taken into account to fully understand
potentially innovative entrepreneurs need and usually these outcomes. Section 4 turns to that point.
do not find ŽSutz, 1999..
The main mechanism devised to challenge the
scarcity of the Latin American industrial scientific
and technological demand has been the provision of
financial support to firms able to develop innovative
projects. Funds are allocated through competitive One of the mechanisms under discussion to try to cope with
calls and they usually provide better repayment con- this problem is the ‘‘softening’’ of the repayment conditions,
dition if the projects involve collaboration with uni- allowing more room to plain subsidies. The current situation has
been described as one of ‘‘ritual incentives’’, the aim of which is
versities; in some schemes, there are funds specifi- ‘‘to demonstrate a ‘formal political interest’ without any intention
cally devoted to joint projects. The most important on the part of governments to make any real spending. In these
source for this type of funds has been the Science cases, it is common that the incentives are not implemented at all
and Technology loans of the Interamerican Develop- or that firms barely use them, simultaneously with the creation of
ment Bank. Several Latin American countries have a bureaucratic body to take care of their administration.’’ ŽWaisb-
luth, 1998..
been receiving these loans during the last two 10
Softex 2000 seems to be a more consistent success case, that
decades. National resources have scarcely been de- is, a case in which the program was able to mobilise a fairly high
voted to promote industrial innovation, with the ex- proportion of the ‘‘target population’’ in addition to obtaining
ception of Brazil. Though external funding has thus good results in individual cases. The explanation includes the fact
become available to support science and technology that the firms involved in the Programme are knowledge intensive
— the lack of comprehension of the economic role of knowledge
in the region, demand for these funds proved to be is not present — and that the goal of the Programme is a high
lower than it was previously assessed. It has been state priority — to reach a 1% share of the world software market
repeatedly reported that available funds were under- by the year 2000.
286 J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290

4. How does Latin American context affect uni- oped countries ŽGregersen, 1988.; the weakening of
versity–industry–government relations? this mechanism issued from the ‘‘foreignisation’’ of
public enterprises contributes to the difficulties Latin
Some historical and also recent trends in Latin America is facing when trying to link locally pro-
American landscape help to explain why the out- duced knowledge to productive improvement. 12
comes of the strategies followed to foster Žii. The Latin American current productive trend
university–industry relations have not been stronger. has been summarised by the Economic Commission
Five of them shall be briefly considered, suggesting for Latin America — ECLA — in the following
in each case why they undermine these strategies. way: ‘‘The productive apparatus re-structure process
Ži. The drastic slimming of the State is one of the has shown a generalised tendency in favour of goods
main emphases of the so-called Washington consen- with an intensive use of own natural resources and
sus, a name given to the current policy and economic against other goods which could have required pro-
reforms in Latin America promoted by the interna- portionally a more intensive utilisation of engineer-
tional financial institutions. Particularly important for ing and technology.’’ ŽECLA, 1996; p. 71.. This
analysing the Triple Helix of university–industry– situation has been characterised as a ‘‘neo-periph-
government relations is the massive privatisation eral’’ regional insertion in the world economy,
process taking place throughout the region. A special stressing the fact that its participation in the world
feature of this process is that public enterprises are economy is not ‘‘knowledge based and innovation
sold to foreign private or public firms, because there driven’’ Žde la Mothe and Paquet, 1996; p. 23., but
are no national private firms capable of buying the based mainly on the exchange of goods and services
public ones. An illustration of this is the recent with low technological content for others with high
Brazilian Telebras San Pablo Holding purchase per- technological content, repeating in this sense patterns
formed by the state owned Telefonica de Espana. ˜ of the past.
Telebras is a case in which the doors between uni- Under import substitution policies that were ac-
versity, industry and government were kept fairly tive between 1950 and 1980, productive technologi-
open for more than 20 years; 11 the optical fibre cal upgrading was partly achieved through a pattern
project relating the Physics Department of Campinas of minor innovations located mainly at the firm level
University, Telebras and several private enterprises and without a strong need for interaction with uni-
is paradigmatic of Triple Helix when it is understood versities. Under present policies, demand for endoge-
as a structure of governance for knowledge accumu- nous knowledge is even weaker, due mainly to the
lation ŽBrisolla and Guedes Pinto, 1995.. This pro- contraction of the industrial sector that went hand in
ject owed much of its philosophy to the perception hand with the sharp opening of the Latin American
of local knowledge as a strategic tool; this is not the economies. ŽKatz and Bercovich, 1993; Lall, 1995;
type of concern a foreign multinational firm is ex-
pected to have.
In countries with a relatively weak industrial sys-
tem, one of the main mechanisms to convey sophisti-
cated demand towards its scientific and technical There are many examples of this type. In Argentina, one of
capacities is through the public sector demand. Pub- the consequences of the privatisation of the telecommunication
lic procurements have been a powerful tool in bring- sector has been the dismantling of a web of small high tech firms
that acted as specialised suppliers and maintained strong links
ing together universities and industry in the devel- with academic research in the area. In contrast, the Chilean Žnow.
public copper enterprise, CODELCO, exhibits a trajectory of
growing local technological involvement, not disturbed by any
scenario of privatisation. In words of its General Manager, ‘‘twenty
years ago, our bids would have been written in English; nowadays
It is worth noting that the relations between public enterprises we are able to demand our foreign suppliers to associate with
and universities were not the outcome of top-down promotion local ones’’ ŽInternational Conference Technology, 1998.. This is
mechanisms but the result of direct demands for locally produced the result of a long-term technological policy that relied on local
knowledge. entrepreneurial and academic capabilities.
J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290 287

Cassiolato and Lastres, 1997. Summing up, ‘‘the consistent trend that points in that direction is, for
collapse of the political consensus underlying the instance, the steady increase of private universities in
protectionist policies has affected technology policy Latin America, partly as a reaction against public
making in two quite discernible ways. One is that the ones: 14 of the total number of universities in 1995,
overriding belief in the merits of the free market in 61% were private, and more than 85% of them were
allocating resources has led to very limited consider- created between 1960 and 1995. Various small coun-
ations of technical change in the industrial sector. tries reported university–enterprise relations but with
The other, closely related effect is that the local ´ Guadilla, 1996., mainly
private universities ŽGarcıa
supply of technology has been given a much less centred in new teaching schemes with strong empha-
central role. Both effects have clear consequences for sis on management. The point at issue is not the
the constitution of a new social consensus around private nature of these universities but the fact that,
technology policies.’’ ŽBastos and Cooper, 1995.. It in the region, research capacity is overwhelmingly
is thus clear that the current productive trend does concentrated in the public universities, a trend that is
not make it any easier to reverse the structural not diminishing nowadays. So, the enterprises rela-
weakness of the Latin American innovative climate; tive reluctance to enter into closer relations with the
the mismatches between university and industry con- latter jeopardise the mechanisms put in place to
tinue to be difficult to tackle in such a context. bring near production and knowledge.
Žiii. Latin American public universities, specially Živ. Socio-economic inequality is very high in
the Hispanoamerican ones, 13 share a long story of Latin America and recent figures provided by ECLA
social unrest ŽArocena, 1998.. Important social mo- show that global inequality was worse in 1994 than
bilisations accompanied the long struggle of students in the eight previous years. Moreover, the shares of
and faculty to obtain the autonomy of public univer- population in poverty conditions and in complete
sities and the direct participation of students in their indigence are now about the highest in history
government. Later on, in the 1960s and the 1970s, ŽECLA, 1997.. One way in which this issue enters
engagement with economic and social contest placed the scene is through the well-known fact that in-
the public universities and the political and economic equality hampers the improvement of the techno-pro-
establishment ‘‘structurally’’ against each other. ductive capacities unless there is a thorough transfor-
ŽLuna, 1997. mation of the productive sector into a more knowl-
Things changed afterwards: dictatorships were edge and technology intensive one. In a scenery
followed by democratic governments in the 1980s, where this does not occur, inequality facilitates soft
and the intense period of social struggle gave way to options like spurious competitiveness based on low
less confrontational social and political relations in salaries and natural resources depletion, low concern
the 1980s and the 1990s. Public university–govern- about workers commitment, low attention paid to
ment relations turned to more peaceful moods and workers training and education, short-term profit
formal and informal public university–industry rela- maximising strategies. When the overall majority of
tions began to expand. Under the surface, though, firms can survive and even grow this way, that is,
the tradition of the UniÕersidad de la Reforma still avoiding the challenges of a more structural competi-
exists, permeating with mistrust and unwillingness
the relations between public universities and both
government and entrepreneurs. It is not easy to give
an accurate account of these feelings, for they are 14
The Mexican case, clearly presented by Matilde Luna, pro-
rarely stated explicitly in any public manifestation. A vides a good example. During what she calls ‘‘the entrepreneur’s
satanization of the public realm’’, there was a strong push towards
an active policy of private university creation. The fact is that the
Mexican national budget for public universities suffered a strong
downfall between 1982 and 1986. In 1989, after a slight recovery,
The pattern of development of Brazilian universities has been the budget level was yet below the 1978 one. On the other hand,
fairly different than the Hispanoamerican ones ŽSchwartzman, more than 100 private institutions of higher education were cre-
1979; Arocena, 1998.. ated over the 1980s, against only 39 public ones ŽLuna, 1997..
288 J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290

tiveness based on knowledge and learning, it is hard how to do that is to look into the micro-strengths of
for the universities to be recognised as potential university–industry relations.
partners in the processes of economic growth and of
Žv. The National System of Innovation System 5. Conclusion: policy considerations
ŽNSI. concept relates to the institutional fabric built
on a national landscape to foster innovation. It in- Ideally, the top-down and the bottom-up experi-
cludes also the evolutionary patterns, coming from ences should be truly complementary. The fact of
historical and cultural trends that influence the de- having developed a ‘‘knowledge relationship’’ makes
sign of policy mechanisms ŽLundvall, 1992; Nelson, both firms and faculty more aware of the set of
1993; Edquist, 1997.. Latin American’s NSI are instruments at their disposal to undertake further
weak, to say the least, due mainly to the historical relations; on the other hand, top-down mechanisms
neglect of technical innovation. The most striking support the establishment of relations which might
outcomes of this long-term trend are the ‘‘holes’’ in start a growing spiral of mutual involvement. In
the institutional fabric — absence of a rich, diversi- reality, things do not seem to happen completely in
fied and specific institutional setting directed to sup- that way: the first assumption is fairly accurate, but
port innovation at all levels — and the disconnection the second one is not quite so. The problem is that
of the existing organisations that often exhibit an top-down schemes cannot cope with opportunism.
‘‘autistic-like’’ behaviour. University-enterprise rela- Opportunist behaviour is exhibited by entrepreneurs
tions need, ex-ante, a growing social awareness of who contact faculty only to be able to apply to some
the positive role of knowledge for the economic programme funds, but once the incentive is over do
performance of firms; they need also, ex-post, a not continue any kind of relationship with the uni-
network of supporting organisations able to concre- versity. The same can be said of faculty teams that
tise and to diffuse the successful results obtained try to establish relationships with firms with the only
thanks to these relations. This is what a NSI is aim of getting the available funds, even if they are
supposed to provide and when it is not the case, as in not really prepared to tackle the problems that need
Latin America, the mechanisms to foster to be solved.
university–industry relations are bound to face both To help complementary to occur, three things
lack of demand and of scope. seem necessary. The first relates to information:
These features give account of the difficulties that much more information is needed concerning univer-
the formalised mechanisms recently put in place in sity capabilities for problem solving and also con-
Latin America to foster university–industry relations cerning ‘‘knowledge needs’’ on the part of firms or
have undergone. The problem is that Triple Helix group of firms. 15 Providing universities and enter-
policies must cope with the main characteristics of prises with tools to become mutually familiar through
the landscape in which they are intended to operate, a better knowledge of what they need and what they
for it is not sensible to wait until a sound NSI are able to do in common is important indeed, but it
consolidates or a more trusting relationship between is only part of the solution. The other part is to
actors is built to design and put them in practice. effectively put them into contact. A suggestion in
Moreover, besides all the difficulties, top-down this regard is to design top-down schemes with a sort
mechanisms are important because they are poten- of ‘‘niche’’ strategy, that is, to focus on some type
tially open to the whole productive sector, thus
allowing a priori unknown possibilities for joint pro-
jects between university teams and firms to emerge
and to be supported. Part of the challenge of building The critical importance of information dissemination to foster
successful Triple Helix in Latin America has to do, ‘‘knowledge interactions’’ has been put forward since long ago
ŽMowery and Rosemberg, 1979.; the strategy of such information
then, with the improvement of the top-down policies dissemination should be characterised ‘‘ . . . as a ‘dating agency’
in order to counterbalance some of the undermining approach rather than a ‘marriage brokerage’’’ ŽFaulkner and
effects of the current situation. A way of learning Senker, 1995; p. 238..
J. Sutz r Research Policy 29 (2000) 279–290 289

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