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ex tron: 407aazz0lla won hey tg Tetg.s Sac Litelor FAminon ~ fo-oo-1665 17120 COML ow ovt heres.” The avdiene apdavds ap L stroll) Out iw my dew right fall colors an outhit bovglct ssvet for the shouzpVery unlike. my usual BRK ond rePlect ue oF my lortgut and chearPol mood. aipatete 10-08-1883 17121 -aa7esz2043 FANTASHA PRODUCTIONS: INC. P.o2 PaGe tt All Black eweemble , th feeling go0a. The set , The prepared has beew approved awd Mapprourd by Andy Comvaly the sequewt producer, of the show, TH ig the same exact set that wos approved for the previous Fridays the wight where F was “bumped” due 'te lack of time, Tt isthe Material that $M exited about peciorming for it best rePlects ~ oot d all te other eleven appesrames Le made ow the show — ayeelf tet vs legin.., Bill Good evening | Th very excited te be here Towight, awd th very excited hecavse get gone oteet news today. Z Finally got ny own bus show coming oot as a replacement show this fall / The audience applauds, Bw Dou Worry » ts mot a talk show , The avdiewce laughs, Bul Thank Ged ! jo-o-1088 S7F* Bill Ccont> well) be ade ew “MY with “Lets ont ows Kill Michael Boltov ce odie lavas ood oplovds! el gee UH PO ue Yeahs se yor ow His 087 pun wilt be Fairly Fax fron 1 4078322043 Py 4 fe-08-1903 17:22 do7eS22043, FANTASHA PRODLCTIONS+ INC. P.04 Poe Te Avdiewce Javshs. Bill And were kicking the whole series of F ith ove Mc, HAMNER ,VAwilla Tees Morfeie Morle christmas special ..- Audience faughs ond applonis, Bill Awd Tdowt want to give oy surprises away , but the first one we lvot ond Kid om that show is Mackie Merk , because his pawts keep falling around his ankles aud he eam ror dwayes Bill Mines a holdblivg Markie Mark-. The oWiesce laughs. : Bil) Yeah, D get te eross-bow lion L Pight iw the obs, THs a beautiful thing . Bring the Family TAPE FT: TH5 definately, a show for the Wineties «+ Aydiewer applauds. Pace I AT this point did oltme ohout men dawelivg Since it Was were Mewtioned of 0 reason for Emtsivg me trom the show, lets skip abead tothe Next “Hot Point” thet was Mewtioned, By the Woy) the yoke ov Mew dowerng gat a hoge laugh oot Leth Move forward te the Foloulns soke, Bill Yoo leno 9 consider dyself o. Fairly open binded person, hut speaking ot Homosexvalitey Something has Come to my attention thet has shocked even me, Have you heard about these New gradeschoo) besks For chi ldrew theyte try to add to the curriculum ate help childten uvderstowd the 944 Kifeshie ? One’ called "Heathers two Moms” y the other ove is called “Daddys, New Roomate ” Hole & reake o shocked jcisgusted ee, Ril) FBiks, r gotta draw the live here amd Say this & absolute, disgusting, TH is grotesqe and it is pure evil, Pause... Fax fron + 467asze099 je-oo-te03 17:28 4076822045 FANTASHA PROOUCTIONS* ING pree Rr Bal Th talking ofcourse, aboot WDsddys New Reorade ” fodiewee laughs Bit ‘Heathers ‘tue Mommies is quite Fetching. py know theylre hugging ov Page seuew / Ddtence lovee. Bu ¢ LosetviovslyS costs! Go Mommies Go! cooky They kiss in chapter Four f fudience laughs Bill Ne awd my nephew upastle over thet ook every Might Bin mines his UHLE wephes sumping up and dow 7 ‘ Bin Che wephew> 7 Uncle Bill be gotta do my Iomewer Audience lavdhs pres Tak Bi Stlut UP awd go co your math ! Im proofreading this for you... dudionce laughs. ix move directly inte the noxt “Hot point ”, Bill You fenow who'se really bugging me these days? these pro-lifers,,. smattering of applause. Bi A. You ever look at their faces wTh pros life!” Here Bill makes apinched face af bole owd Feary bis lips are pursed as though he’s quot sucked on a lemon, Bill “Zhe pro-life! Boys they leok it domt they ? They sust exvde Soi de vie. You suet want ‘to hag with them amd play trivial pursuit ol Wight Lowa, fodience chuckles, je-09-1983 17:24 4078822043 page Sat Bul You know what luge me alot them ~ iF yoote so pro-life 5 do me a Favor dowt lock arms avd lolock Nedical climes — LF yoote se pro-life > Leek arms and (glock cemeteries, Audience laughs » Bill Ceomt.S Lets see hou committed you are te this idea, Here Bill mined the pursed lipped proclifers locking ovens» Bull Cas pro-life) “ste cowt come iv!” hodiemer lavehs Bill Cas cowfused member of Funeral precession) “she was miachpeight, Ste wos hit by atous 1” Rodienee lavas Bilt Cas pro-life) ta “theres options | Poge 4 Avdience laughs, j Bill (Agaly as comfsed Funeca| Precessitow Member.) “WHAT lee can we cle Have ber stufied 2” Audience laughs Bin F West to wee proslifens witty crew bars at Funerals epewing caskets ~ "Get oot} Thew oa Feally be Impressed by there mission, Audience, lavahs aad applauds. PHthis point Taid a revive ow smoking that was Wever brought op as a “Hot Pot”, 5» lets move ahead te the cod of iy totloe sand owetlar ceries of \ sekes that wag Mewtiened os “owsvitele ” Bil : Fhe bnew Travelin « lot lately, Tuas ovew ww Avetralia. luring Bacter, T4 was ; interesting to rote they celebrate Easter i the sawe Way Wede ~ Commemorating the dent awd Retsurection of sesue by telling Our children a giant Bony Aabit,.. leet Chocolate eggs 0 te Wight... pre \o hudlepee lovghs « Bill Cowt dS Gow, LT wonder why we're se messed vp as a race? You know, tbe tread the Bible ~cow't Find the words “Bonny” y or “chocolwte “ ta the. hele. beele. hodience laughs. Bw Govtd wttere de ue get thie stuf from 2 Awd by those two Trings F toby wet VGoldeish left Livcolw begs iweor sock drawere®” Tntav , as long as ute Making stofF uf a lets gp hos wil. fiutience lavas avd oyplaude, Bill oh title Ms interesting {ow peeple act ow thee beliefs. A bt of Christians, for Iwstanet , Vear Cfosses around their Necks, Niee sevtiment 5 lot de you think Whew Sesva coms back, heb feally qelng 1 wart to hol af acroes? Audience laughs. Bill Makes a Face oF pat and herrer, Fax fron 1 4970922043 Pot 12 Tecomiees 17d S070 pasnasin PoDiet1OS> pat page ul Ba Gus! Maype thats why be last show) vp yeti. Audience laughs - Bill Cos Serve looks, dou fron Heavew) Matin wot going, jbab. No, theyre still Weoring, crossese they totally missed the point, Whew they start wearing Fishes. might ge Pack agata. We pte wot geiige = ok, ZN tell yoo wast — Fell ge back as a Bonuses Aodtence ourets inte applose ond lava(nter, the Rovd eicks lwto “Revolution” by the eatles. Bu Those you very, puel | Good wight! ; ad Bil creeses overte the seat waxt te Letterman deste. Goos set Bi) Always wee to have you drop i Dava letlermew toy with ow uplifting, Messane Podiemee awd Rill lavgher We eek tom eommerciols Fax fron + 4078322049 Py: 32 40-00-1993 17:28 4078322003 [FANTASMA PRODUCTIONG® INC. P12 : Page I Doring the commerera! tte lareale Paveasks me hove ‘things ore going. T say flwe, th worlking om » couple of albums these days. He aske me if THe lost some weights T tell him gee, tbe ean driving about a quart af gfagettvit quiceaday, Them May consely comes over to the sect followed lay Robert Morten ,the prodvaee af the glow, Theyre beth eniling aud seying “Good set!” ask them agaiv how they thought iH went , They say “great! did you lear the avdiewce Nespowse >” Th felieved they fee] this way, They leave the clesk oven, DAVE then leavy over avd asks IF Be quit dnwkivg, T five this a tether odd question cestey ar how 2 hawt toveled a drop oF liquor tw over flue years awd Dove ond = have hed this conversation before sivce them, I thev tell DAVE The started smoking efgars jond T otk him whet kid be snekes, He Manes a brawd ubieh Teelidt cartels ) thew bawds me one oP Ing very ow, a T bay “thanles!~ And wow uete loaele thom commercials . There's about Piftee secowds left, Dive tums to Ose ond says Sonethiang to the effect & “Bill, goed t Set yeu again. Good solos” Thew closes the show with... Dave Z wont to ‘thal, ovr guests tevight Audie Me Dowels Grakun Parkers ovd Bill Hicls...Bill enaey aveueriag Uaur Mail the next fow uneke, Bool! abit eversooda |”

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