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General Elemental and Elemental Spirit

This college covers elemental spirit spells and spells that are common to all Iour colleges oI elemental magic. Unless
speciIied, each elemental college has its own variant oI each oI these spells, which must be learned separately.
Changes to Elemental Spirit Spells in GURPS Magic
Control Elemental - Item: (b) StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Gives a bonus up to 5 to the mage's eIIective
spell skill and/or Will rolls to control an elemental. Cost: 200 points per 1 bonus.
Summon Elemental and Create Elemental - The mage can attempt to extend the duration oI this spell iI he can
win a contest oI skills vs. his spell skill vs. the ST and HT oI the elemental. II the mage attempts to extend his
control oI the elemental and Iails, the elemental reacts to him at -4 (cumulative) and might attack.
Elemental Spirit Spells in GURPS Magic
Summon Elemental
Control Elemental
Create Elemental

Alter Properties of Element Area
This spell gives one element the properties oI another. The substance created obeys physical laws like original
material but it has properties oI material into which it was transmuted. For example, air transmuted earth would look
like air and could be breathed like air, but would Iall to the ground iI dropped and could be handled. The exact
details oI this spell are up to the GM.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Base Cost: 4 per hex, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery, 5 spells each in all Iour Elemental colleges.
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. Usable only by a mage.
Animate Element Regular, resisted by IQ
This spell is identical to the Animate spell Iound in GURPS Grimoire (G26) except that it only works Ior natural
objects associated with a given element. Each elemental college has its own variant oI the spell. For example, a
water mage could animate the contents oI a barrel oI water, but not a barrel oI beer, or an earth mage could animate
a natural rock, but not a stone statue.
In other respects, this spell is identical to the Animate spell, except that by concentrating, the caster may control the
object. The personality and statistics oI the object are up to the GM's discretion.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: As Ior Animate.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Elemental Speech (Same College).
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted Irom the net.
Banish Elemental Regular or Area, resisted by ST
This spell causes elementals to be banished Irom an area where they are present. II the caster is attempting to banish
an elemental under the control oI another mage, he must win a Contest oI Skills (Elemental spell vs. Banish
Elemental spell) to banish the elemental.
II this spell is cast on a Iree or uncontrolled elemental, the elemental resists with ST.
II this spell is cast on an area beIore an elemental is summoned, the elemental summoning will automatically Iail.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 6 to cast, 3 to maintain. II cast as an Area spell, this spell has a Base Cost oI 6, 3 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Summon Elemental.
Item: (a) StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. Usable only by a mage. (b) This spell can be
permanently cast on an area Ior 100 times the base cost.
Control Minor Elemental Regular, resisted by HT or IQ
As the Control Elemental Spell, but this spell only works on elementals with combined attributes under 20.
This spell can be used as a prerequisite Ior the Control Elemental spell.

Duration: 1 hour, can't be maintained.
Cost: 2 points.
Prerequisite: 4 Elemental College Spells oI the same college or Summon Minor Elemental
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Does not cast spell but gives 2 to attempts to cast the spell. Energy Cost to Create:
500 points.
Elemental Form Regular, resisted by Will
For the duration oI the spell, the subject becomes an inanimate object oI the appropriate sort oI element with a mass
and volume roughly equivalent to his original size. In this Iorm, the subject cannot move.
The subject remains aware oI his surroundings. He may also use non-physical skills iI he can roll vs. Will-3. He can
also cast spells iI he knows them at a high enough level that he can cast them without words or gestures.
The caster may choose the precise Iorm the subject's new body will take, within the natural parameters oI the

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Animate Element (Same College).
Item: (a) StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works Ior wearer
only. Some versions are Always On and are Hexed. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Author: Adapted Irom the net.
Elemental Poison Regular, resisted by HT
This spell creates an area oI contact poison about 2 Ieet square. When touched, this poison will turn the creature that
touches it into an unliving mass oI the element governed by the spell. For example, a victim poisoned by Elemental
Water would turn to water and Ilow away.
Alternately, the caster can attempt to poison the victim by touching him, in this case, the mage must roll vs. DX to
touch the victim. The touch can be Blocked or Dodged, or Parried with a weapon. Unarmed Parries don't work.

Duration: 1 hour or until discharged. (The eIIects oI the poison are permanent.)
Cost: 5 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery, 5 elemental spells Irom the same elemental college.
Item: (a) StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 600 points. Usable only by a mage. (b) Clothing or
Jewelry. Casts this spell on the wearer. Always On. Many versions are Hexed. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Elemental Power Special
This spell is identical to the Draw Power (Technology) spell, except that the mage can draw power Irom the heat or
energy within a speciIic sort oI element.
Fire mages can pull energy Irom Iire or sources oI tremendous heat (like volcanoes). Water mages can draw power
Irom the energy within Ialling or moving water. Air mages can draw power Irom wind or storms and Earth mages
can draw power Irom energy within the earth - either heat within the earth (Irom volcanoes) or energy (such as Iault
lines or landslides).
A side eIIect oI this spell is that energy is taken out oI the system Irom which the mage is drawing power. For
example, an earth mage would lessen the stress on a Iault line by tapping the energy within the Iault. The natural
phenomenon will continue, but it won't have its usual eIIects. In the example above, the Iaults will still move, but
they will move without causing earthquakes. Given the amount oI energy in large natural systems, and the limited
ability oI most mages to tap this power, places like Iaults, volcanoes, sea currents, etc. provide eIIectively limitless
By using this spell on natural elements that contain relatively small areas oI energy, the mage can lower the material
to a lower energy state to the surrounding "ambient" energy level. For example, a Iire mage could use this spell to
"draw the heat" Irom a Iire or hot metal, cooling it to room temperature. A water mage could condense steam into
cool water. An earth mage could cause an unstable pile oI earth to settle or slowly "melt", eliminating the risk oI
collapse or slide.
This application oI the spell provides little or no energy Ior the mage, but does allow him to cool, slow or quiet
natural phenomenon.
The mage can tap 1 point oI energy per turn per two levels oI skill with this spell. The mage can attempt to draw
more power by taking a -1 skill penalty Ior each additional point oI power he wishes to drain. II the mage Iails his
skill roll, he takes 1 point oI damage Ior every point by which he missed the roll. Critical Iailures double damage.
Armor, Toughness, DR, and so Iorth do not protect against this damage. Magic spells, such as Shield, will protect.
The mage must roll vs. skill when he Iirst casts the spell and when he wishes to maintain the spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: None to cast; 1 to maintain. This maintenance cost is not reduced by high skill and can't be paid Ior Irom the
energy tapped.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, 10 Elemental College spells Irom the appropriate college.
Item: Altar, Cauldron, or similar large, bulky item that weighs at least 500 lbs. Each 500 points oI energy used to
enchant the object gives the mage using it 1 to his eIIective skill with the appropriate version oI the Elemental
Power spell.
Elemental Speech Information
This spell allows the caster to speak with an inanimate object associated with a given element. Each elemental
college has its own variant. For example, a mage with the Elemental Speech (Fire) spell could communicate with a
Iire or a piece oI charred wood.
The inIormation gained Irom the Elemental Speech spell is similar to the Images oI the Past spell. The object will
remember the past Irom its own viewpoint (GM's interpretation).
This spell also allows the mage to communicate with the appropriate type oI Elemental.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Elemental Strength.
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted Irom the net.
Elemental Steed Regular
This spell summons a "steed" appropriate to the element that will serve the mage as a mount. It has no natural
Steeds oI diIIerent elements have diIIerent properties and each type oI elemental steed is a diIIerent spell.
Earth: A giant beast (usually a horse, or similar beast oI burden) made oI rock or iron. The mount has ST 35, DX 9,
IQ 3, HT 13/50, PD 3, DR 8 and Move 10. The beast can carry 2 people and bear up to 1,000 lbs. oI weight.
Alternately, the beast can take the Iorm oI a giant burrowing creature that has ST 35, DX 9, IQ 3, HT 12/15 and
Move 5, but which can burrow through earth at Move 3 or Rock at Move 1. It can carry 2 people and 250 lbs. oI
excess cargo.
Air: A solid cloud or an ethereal winged creature, that has ST15, DX14, IQ3, HT13/20 PD 5, DR 3, and can Ily at
Move 25. It can carry 1 person and 50 lbs. oI extra cargo. For double cost, the beast has ST35 and can carry 2 people
and 200 lbs. oI extra cargo.
Fire: A giant horse (or other creature) made oI Iire. It has ST 25, DX 11, IQ 3, HT 13/20, PD 3, DR 5 and Move 15.
It can carry 1 person and 250 lbs. oI cargo, or two people and no cargo. The horse will set items that it touches on
Iire, and does 1d-3 points oI Iire damage per turn by touch. The riders and cargo are immune to the beast's Ilames.
Water: Either creates a solid wave or giant sea creature. The creature has ST 35, DX 10, IQ 3, HT 12/20, PD3, DR8
and can Swim at Move 15.
No special skill is needed to control or ride these beasts and they are assumed to have the appropriate skills (such as
Flight or Swimming) at Skill level 15. They will automatically respond to the mental or verbal commands oI their
In other respects, the elemental beasts are like Elementals oI the same type when determining what types oI attacks
damage them.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 5 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, 5 elemental spells Ior the type oI elemental steed.
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. Usable only by a mage.
Elemental Strength Regular, resisted by HT
This spell allows the mage to temporarily draw power Irom a large sources oI elemental energy near his location
(within 10 hexes) to increase his Strength and Dexterity. Each elemental college has its own variant.
To use this spell, the mage rolls vs. his Elemental Strength spell skill. The number oI points oI ST and DX gained is
equal to the amount by which the mage made his skill roll (minimum oI 1). The mage may apply these points to
either DX or ST, or both, with the limitation that DX can't be increased by more than 5 points. In addition, Ior every
3 points placed in one attribute 1 point must be placed in the other.
Active DeIenses and Speed are aIIected by temporary increases in DX. For example, a mage who made his skill roll
by 4 could place 3 points into DX, but would have to put the Iourth point into ST. His Active DeIenses, Speed and
Move would be increased by the 3-point increase to DX.
When the spell ends, iI the mage chooses to maintain the spell, he must roll vs. skill again to determine the new ST
and DX gain, Fatigue loss and spell duration. Fatigue is assessed aIter the spell ends. II the mage is reduced to below
0 Fatigue due to spell casting costs, the extra Iatigue is taken Irom HT. Unwilling subjects resist with HT.

Duration: One turn Ior every point oI success (minimum oI 1).
Cost: 1 Fatigue per point oI ST or DX gained. Same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery.
Item: (a) StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works Ior wearer
only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Author: Adapted Irom the net.
Elemental Turning Regular, resisted by HT and ST
This spell will "turn" hostile elementals or elemental creatures, keeping them at bay.
The elemental resists with a combination oI its ST and HT vs. the mage's skill plus Will. II the mage wins the
contest oI skill, the elemental cannot get within 5 hexes oI the mage and cannot launch any attack on the mage or
anyone else within 5 hexes oI the caster. II the mage Iorces the elemental into a situation where it cannot keep at
least 5 hexes oI distance or iI the mage attacks the elemental, the creature gets to roll a new contest oI skills to break
the spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, plus 1 per 5 points oI ST oI elemental, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Summon Elemental.
Item: (a) StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works Ior wearer
only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Free Elemental Special
This spell can be used to break an opponent's control oI a summoned elemental. A Ireed elemental must make a
reaction roll. On a reaction oI Poor or better it will vanish, otherwise it attacks the person who summoned it.
The attempt to Iree the elemental is resolved as contest oI Summon Elemental vs. Free Elemental spells with each
caster getting a bonus Ior every point oI energy they put into the original spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 3, plus 1 per 5 points oI ST oI the elemental.
Prerequisite: Summon Elemental.
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 600 points. Usable only by a mage.
Protection from Elementals Area, resisted by HT
This spell Iorces elementals and elemental creatures to stay out oI the protected area. An elemental may move into
the area by making a resistance roll vs. HT every hour. Elemental attacks can penetrate the protected area.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Base Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Resist (Element).
Item: (a) StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) This spell can be permanently cast on an
area Ior 100 times the base cost.
Strengthen Elemental Regular
This spell strengthens an existing elemental. There is no limit on the amount that the elemental's ST or HP can be
increased. HT can be increased to a maximum oI 16, DX and IQ can be increased to a maximum oI 12. Move and
other Iigured attributes can't be increased, even iI their underlying attributes are improved.

Duration: Until elemental is dispelled or leaves
Cost: 1 per point oI HP or ST, 2 per point oI HT, 3 per point oI DX or IQ.
Prerequisite: Create (Element), 3 other spells Irom the same college.
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. Usable only by a mage.
Summon Elemental Creature Special
As Summon Elemental Spell, but this spell allows the mage to summon other creatures Irom the appropriate
elemental plane. Once summoned, the creatures can be controlled by the Control Elemental spell.
The spell Ior summoning each elemental creature is a diIIerent spell.

Duration: 1 hour, can't be maintained.
Cost: 1/4 the total oI the creature's Iour attributes. Double this cost iI cast in a place inappropriate to the element
being invoked.
Time to Cast: Seconds equal to halI the base cost oI the spell.
Prerequisite: Summon Elemental (oI the appropriate Element).
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Doesn't summon the creature but gives 2 to all attempts to summon elemental
creatures oI the appropriate element. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. Usable only by a mage.
Summon Greater Elemental Special
This spell Iunctions identically to the Summon Elemental spell, except that it summons a Greater Elemental.
Once summoned, the Greater Elemental can be controlled with the Control Elemental spell.

Duration: 1 hour. May not be maintained.
Cost: 12 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Summon Elemental, 12 spells oI the appropriate element or Summon Greater Elemental Ior another
element 6 spells oI the appropriate element.
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Gives 2 to summon and control such creatures. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Usable only by a mage.
Author: Keith Bisset (Revenant).
Summon Minor Elemental Special
This spell is identical to the Summon Elemental Spell, but the elemental summoned will have greatly reduced
attributes. Roll 1d Ior ST and HT. IQ is 2, DX is 1d3. Move, PD and DR are identical to that oI a normal
elemental, damage Irom attacks is halI that oI a normal elemental. II halving the damage would result in basic
damage oI 1d-6 or less, the elemental has no eIIective attack.
Once summoned, the Minor Elemental can be controlled with the Control Minor Elemental or Control Elemental
spell. II the Control Elemental spell is cast, it gives the mage an additional 4 to his roll in the contest oI skills to
control the minor elemental.
A minor elemental's attributes can't be increased using the Strengthen Elemental spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Create (Element), 4 other spells Irom the same Elemental College.
Item: (a) StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Doesn't summon
Minor Elementals, but does give the user 2 to cast this spell. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Take Elemental Regular, resisted by Spell
This spell allows a caster to attempt to take over an elemental summoned by another mage. II the other mage resists
the takeover attempt, roll a Contest oI Skills between the Summon Elemental skill oI the Iirst mage and the Take
Elemental skill oI the other mage. II either mage critically Iails his roll in the contest oI skills or both mages Iail
their skill rolls, the elemental breaks Iree and is uncontrolled.
II the attacking mage is successIul, he is responsible Ior maintaining the spell and controlling the elemental.
II the elemental breaks Iree, roll a normal reaction Ior the elemental. On a result oI Poor or greater, it vanishes.
Otherwise, roll randomly: 1-4 it attacks the mage who Iirst controlled it. 5-6 it attacks the mage who was attempting
to take control. II the elemental breaks Iree because one mage critically Iailed his skill roll, the elemental will
automatically attack him iI it doesn't vanish.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1/4 the cost oI the combined attributes oI the elemental to be controlled.
Time to Cast: 1 second per energy point.
Prerequisite: Summon Elemental.
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Gives 4 to attempts to cast this spell or win contests oI skill. Energy Cost to Create:
1,000 points. Usable only by a mage.
Transmute Element Regular or Area
This spell transmutes one element into a like quantity oI another element. For example, water could be turned into
air, Iire, or earth with this spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 per 25 lbs. (or 1 cubic Ioot) oI material to be transmuted. II cast as an area spell, the cost is 5 per hex oI
material to be transmuted, regardless oI mass.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Alter Properties oI Element.
Item: StaII, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. Usable only by a mage.

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