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$4Iving the C4Iebr44 Equati4n f4r Fricti4n Fact4rs - Part 3

Final Part 3 of Mr. Tom Lester's article where he discusses how to properly
solve the Colebrook Equation for various flow scenarios. This article
includes a spreadsheet tool that accompanies the article. This article can be
found at:
eaerat4rs f4r B4iIers
#emoving dissolved oxygen from boiler feed water is absolutely necessary to protect your boiler
equipment from severe corrosion. But the make-up water necessary in any boiler system inevitably
contains dissolved oxygen. Oxygen can sometimes enter condensate systems as well. A good
deaerator is essential to trouble-free boiler operation.

Above is a typical "older-style" boiler feed water deaerator. You'll see why call it "older" in a
moment. The theory here is relatively simple. Treated water containing dissolved oxygen is fed onto
a contacting device where the water can be heated and contacted with steam which is also fed to the
vessel. The steam heats the incoming treated water to around 250 F (120 C) and allows oxygen to
escape (along with any small amount of uncondensed steam) to the atmosphere. Notice that the
returning condensate is NOT contacted with the steam in this system. Some systems feed the
treated water and condensate together to ensure a very low oxygen content. Other systems do not
bother as the returning condensate is expected to already have a low oxygen content. You'll see that
newer systems are designed to treat both sources in most cases.
A next generation deaerator system from Hurst Boiler, called the Oxy-Miser, utilizes a scrubbing
section to contact oxygen-rich feedwater with steam rather than the more traditional tray

Again, you can see that both the treated boiler feed water and the condensate return are sent through
the scrubbing section of the deaerator. The Oxy-Miser system is available in capacities ranging from
5,000 to 200,000 lb/h (2300 to 91000 kg/h). Below is an actual installation photo:

f you'd like to learn more about the Oxy-Miser Deaerator from Hurst Boiler, use this link:
NG Imp4rt TerminaI Pr4cess
Most chemical processes utilizing natural gas in the U.S. were designed to be profitable assuming
natural gas prices ranging from $3-4.50/MMBtu. Now, consider the fact that natural gas prices have
been averaging in the range of $5-8/MMBtu. The topic of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) importing into
the U.S. has become a main discussion point around the industry.
Here's a basic idea of how importing natural gas from port tankers works:

Below is a photo of the key pieces of equipment in this process, the vaporizers:

These images are from the best paper on the internet available on this topic. t's titled "LNG mport
Terminals". Adobe Acrobat #eader is required to view this article.
Th4se Crazy MateriaI Prices
Have you tried to procure a piece of chemical processing equipment lately? What part did you enjoy
the most? The 10 day validity period on the proposal or the 15-40% price increase since you began
your evaluation of the project's payback period? What in the world is going on with material
prices? Carbon steel, stainless steel, titanium, nickel....take you pick, they're all increasing in price
and in some cases they're increasing dramatically. s China to blame?
We've created an online forum for you to discuss you're findings with other engineers:
iscuss materiaI prices in the 4nIine f4rum
Here are some good resources to check out for the latest material price indices:
London Metals Exchange
Tw4 New $4ftware TitIes AvaiIabIe
We've released two (2) brand new software titles in our online store.
Ezze Corre and Oil Prop (trial available)
Click on the titles below to read more about them in our online store.

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Deaerator adalah salah satu jenis alat pemanas yang digunakan oleh banyak pembangkit
listrik didunia. Deaerator berIungsi untuk menghilangkan oksigen dan gas-gas lainnya yang
terkandung dalam Ieedwater ( air boiler ). Mengapa perlu dilakukan proses tersebut ?
Perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu, bahwa deaerator memiliki banyak tipe. Type monomer
deaerator, built-in deaerator, no-head deaerator, spray type deaerator, vertical deaerator,
horizontal deaerator, tergantung berdasarkan klasiIikasinya masing-masing.
Deaerator biasanya terletak pada bagian atas dari ruangan turbin. Sebenarnya Iungsi utama
dearator adalah bukan untuk menghilangkan oksigen melainkan mengurangi
kadar/konsentrasi oksigen sehingga berada pada level yang sangat rendah seolah-olah tidak
ada lagi oksigen pada air tersebut. Padahal kita tahu bahwa air itu komposisi kimianya terdiri
dari unsur Hidrogen dan oksigen.

Deaerator pada prinsipnya hampir sama dengan heater yang lainnya yakni juga berIungsi
untuk pemanasan temperatur Ieedwater, akan tetapi berbeda dalam hal prosesnya. Proses
perpindahan panas yang terjadi didalam heater adalah perpindahan panas secara tidak
langsung. Air dipanaskan oleh steam yang mengalir pada tube-tube yang ada didalam heater.
Sedangkan pada deaerator, perpindahan panas terjadi akibat dari kontak langsung antara
steam dan Ieedwater.

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