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Darul-Aitam Ar-Rahmah is social institution under
Darussalam Foundation, located in Sindangsari Kersamanah Garut
West Java Indonesia. This institution established in Iirst oI January
1994 on the trust land reached 364 m2. Currently, this land has been
enlarged which reached 5.600 m2.

Law Status
This institution gained the law status Irom:
1. Department oI Social Services oI Garut district, no: 467/9/1994.
2. Department oI Social Services oI West Java Province, no:

Giving solution in education and taking care oI orphans.

Darul Aitam Ar-Rahmah tries to become model institution in
developing society aware in taking care, education, and teaching
orphans and giving them skill, and raising their condition to enjoy
normal live in the aspect oI education and guidance.

oals of Institution
The goals oI these institutions are:
1. Preparing Islamic milieu in the institution to reach normal live Ior
orphan selves;
2. Planting Islamic teaching and social Ieelings in orphan selves;
3. Supervising orphans comprehensively to avoid negative
inIluences which obstacles their living personally and socially,
and keeping them Irom dangers;
4. Preparing orphans need; cloths, hustle, Ioods, health, and
5. Giving Skills toward orphans to be good person who has sense oI
selI suIIicient in Iuture live.

Structure of Institution
ChieI oI
Institution : KH. Asep Sholahuddin Mu`thie BA.
Secretary : Ali Nurdin, M.S.I.
Treasurer : Hj. Aminah Aqilah

Division oI Instruction:
Ali Nurdin, M.S.I.
H. Ajat SyariI Hidayatulloh, S.Pd.I, al-haIidz.
Imas Yanti
Siti Nurjannah
Nina Hindasah
Eva Rosita

Division oI Guidance and Counseling:
Cecep Iman, S.Pd.I.
Fikri Azhari
Acep Mutawakkil
Hj. Aminah Aqilah
Santi Umi Kultsum
Division oI Social Services:
Dadang Setiawan, S.Pd.I.
Muhammad Ridwan

umber of Orphans
Currently, Darul Aitam Ar-Rahmah takes care 199 orphans,
with their age 7 13 years.

No Education Grade Boys Girls Total
1 1
Elementary School 7 6 13
2 2
Elementary School 7 7 14
3 3
Elementary School 25 13 38
4 4
Elementary School 27 19 46
5 5
Elementary School 20 21 41
6 6
Elementary School 13 20 33
7 1
Secondary School 9 5 14
Total 108 91 199


1. Internal hustles Ior
boys and girls which
completed with all
living need to give
opportunity to
orphans to spend
their live Ior study
2. The mosque Ior
praying, memorizing
and reciting al-
Qur`an and study.
3. Small meeting hall Ior art and perIorming activities.
4. Center oI Skill Course which completed with computer and
sawing machine.
5. House oI Teachers

System of uidance, Education and Supervising
System oI Iamily is implemented system in Darul Aitam ar-
Rahmah; this system used Ior taking care, supervising and guiding
orphans in the spectrum oI love and aIIection. The chieI oI
Orphanage takes role as Iather, the teachers as old brothers and sister,
and the orphans` lives between them as one Iamily. Nevertheless, the
institution does not deny the role oI mothers, because they has role
that can`t be implemented by others. On the base oI this opinion, it is
obligated toward all mothers oI orphans to visit their boys and girls
one time in the month, to make orphans enjoy good and normal lives.
All orphans lives in the hustle under supervising oI teacher,
and Iollow the determined rule and discipline. And to develop their
skill oI leadership and spirit oI responsibility, aIIiliation and
sacriIice, the institution has Iormed student organization which ruled
by old orphans, this organization named Organization oI Students oI
Darul Aitam.

Orphans Activities
Darul-Aitam ar-Rahmah is speciIic institution Ior taking care,
guiding and bringing up orphans with programmed system. All
Orphans lives in the dormitory along 24 hours under supervising oI
teachers, and must perIorm variety oI activities which divided into
daily activities, weekly activities, monthly activities, halI yearly
activities and yearly activities.
a. Daily Activities:
No Time Activities
1 03.30 05.00 PerIorming Tahajud prayer, Hajat prayer, and
Shubuh prayer
2 05.00 06.00 Memorizing al-Qur`an
3 06.00 07.00 Sport, general cleaning, taking bath, and
4 07.00 12.30 Entering the school
5 12.30 13.30 PerIorming Dzuhur prayer, studying heritage
6 13.30 14.00 Lunch
7 14.00 15.30 Entering the school
8 15.30 16.00 PerIorming Ashar prayer
9 16.00 17.00 Entering Courses
10 17.00 17.30 Taking bath, general cleaning, and diner
11 17.30 18.00 Evening Speech about Iiqih, hadits, taIsir,
akhlak, etc
12 18.00 19.00 PerIorming Maghrib prayer and studying
heritage books
13 19.00 20.00 PerIorming Isya prayer and studying heritage
14 20.00 21.30 Collective Study under supervising oI
15 21.30 22.00 Delivering Arabic and English vocabularies
16 22.00 03.30 Resting

b. Weekly Activities:
No Time Activity
1 Friday
Leaning conversation in Arabic and English,
and sport Ior boys.
2 Tuesday
Weekly speech
3 Wednesday
Practicing oI Scout Movement Ior boys
4 Tuesday night Practicing oI Speech in English language Ior
boys and girls
5 Thursday noon Practicing oI Speech in Arabic language Ior
boys and girls
6 Sunday
Learning conversation in Arabic and English,
and sport Ior girls
7 Saturday noon Practicing oI Scout Movement Ior girls

c. onthly Activities:
No Time Activity
1 Sunday in the
Iirst week in
the month
Monthly Speech Ior orphan`s mothers.

d. Half Yearly Activities:
No Activities
1 Examination Ior the Iirst semester.
2 Holiday Ior the Iirst semester.

e. Yearly Activities:
No Activities
1 Examination Ior the second semester
2 Holyday Ior second semester
3 Traveling or recreation
4 Hijriyah New Year Celebration
5 Commemorating an anniversary oI Darul Aitam
6 Independence Day Celebration
7 The Activities oI New Academic Year

f. The kind of courses:
1. Sewing
2. Computer
3. Farming
4. HandicraIt
5. Nasyid
6. Drama theater

This orphanage Irom the beginning oI establishment tries to
become good and model institution Ior other institution in taking
care and bringing up orphans hoping them become good person who
has sense oI selI suIIicient and social aware; tries to help their
brothers and save them Irom poverty, stupidity and decrease. Only to
Allah we ask help.

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