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Section A (a) (saturated) hydrocarbon / alkane a. (b) (i) vapour (ii) oxygen (air) and heat/ bigh temperature x (DO NOT accept oxidant.) (Hemp. D (iii) The strong wind causes a lowering of temperature / removal of heat. (c)_ The high temperature of molten wax causes water to evaporate rapidly. /fo fom leon The steam produced causes the(molten €andle Wax to splash out. The hot wax may cause burning of skin. or, The steam produced causes the wax to form(tiny drops of wax which can easily)eatch fire / san_bum violently. 7 catch jive V 1 qa a E rikiass Ket xe Marks white Lrothumic X 2. (a) ZindgranulesMissolve / a (colourless) gas is evolved / solution gets warm ! Zn +2HCl — ZnCl, +H, bubbles [fferdecener or Zn+2H" > Zn +H, (>) Green precipitate is formed. / The green colour of the solution becomes paler (colourless). 1 FeSO, + 2NaOH — Fe(OH), + Na,SO, 1 or Fe + 20H" — Fe(OH), ) balanced 5 3. (@) Less carbon dioxide escapes from the drink because concentration of(dissolved }arbon dioxide decreases. / mast of Hibs odicd) Cr, fos rscaped. ag recki sas (b) (i) to prevent(ingredients)in the drink from oxidation 1 dink or, to deplete oxygen and make the environment unfavourable for microbial growth a (cbr (ii) To increase the nutritional value of the drink / can prevent scurvgy / increase resistance 7 fook to influenza prvard hitsace x (Accept other correct answers.) (iii) tsulphur dioxide sodium) sulphite odium netabisulphite 1 (©) @ As flavouring /to give a pleasant odour “sweet Smell (DO NOT accept to enhance flavour) Lauty , Srey (i) Mix butanol / buran-1-ol/ butan:2-ol with butanoic acid. (or, afeskel + aid) 1 Heat the mixture in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid 1 (Lmark for the two reactants; | mark forthe catalyst / heat) <~ (Accept answers in the form of diagram) ~ Labi hhed O) gma, godt cmc kh = uguetio / 4, Chemical Knowledge (6 marks) 6 Any SIX of the following : The piece of sodium metal sinks (until it reaches the surface of water.) a) because sodium is denser than paraffin oil (but less dense than water.) a) Sodium reacts with water to give a¢olourless)gas (hydregen}/ The size of sodium decreases. a) The colourless gas carries the sodium metal to the surface of paraffin oil. ray When hydrogen gas is discharged, the piece of sodium metal sinks again. y G) This sinking and uplifting phenomenon of the sodium metal continues. / The piece of sodium The colour of the aqueous layer tums pink/red. due to the formation of OH ions / an alkaline solution oscillates vertically (until the piece of sodium is completely reacted.) (1) - for up 4 doum only. ) 1 Effective communication (3 marks) General guidelines for marking effective communication : OD ©) () The mark for effective communication should relate to the candidate’s knowledge in chemistry. A candidate who wrote a paragraph which is sorally unrelated to the question should deserve zero marks both in chemical knowledge and in effective communication. (ii) The table below illustrates the relationship between the mark for chemical knowledge and the ‘maximum mark for effective communication, together with the points to be considered in marking effective communication. mark for chemical | maximum mark for effective | points to be considered in paragraph knowledge communication Gi) below 4 or above 3 (A), (B) and (C) 3 or below 2 (B) and (C) The three marks for effective communication are awarded as follows : (A) the ability to present ideas in a precise manner, including the proper use of chemical terms (this mark should not be awarded to answers which contained a lot of incorrect/superfluous materials); (B) _ the ability to present ideas in a systematic manner (i.c., the answer is easy to follow); (C) the ability to present answer in paragraph form and to express ideas using full sentences. (G3)

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