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Employee Health and 8afety

Employee health and safety is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with

protecting the saIety, health and welIare oI people engaged in work or
employment. The goal oI all occupational health and saIety programs is to Ioster a
saIe work environment.
As a secondary eIIect, it may also protect co-workers,
Iamily members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other
members oI the public who are impacted by the workplace environment. It may
involve interactions among many subject areas, including occupational medicine,
occupational (or industrial) hygiene, public health, saIety engineering, chemistry,
health physics.
Since 1950, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health
Organization (WHO) have shared a common deIinition oI occupational health. It
was adopted by the Joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational Health at its Iirst
session in 1950 and revised at its twelIth session in 1995. The deIinition reads:
"Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance oI the highest
degree oI physical, mental and social well-being oI workers in all occupations; the
prevention amongst workers oI departures Irom health caused by their working
conditions; the protection oI workers in their employment Irom risks resulting Irom
Iactors adverse to health; the placing and maintenance oI the worker in an
occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological
capabilities; and, to summarize, the adaptation oI work to man and oI each man to
his job". This standard is based on the methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act
ealth and safety policy if Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited:

BPCL is committed to attain the highest standard in health, saIety environment and
security perIormances and in pursuit oI good governance oI the same, the
Corporate HSE put in place HSE system during 2007.
With the highest concern and commitment Ior Health, SaIety and Security oI
employees, customers, Contractors, all the stake holders and communities; we
ensure that the environment conservation at and around our workplaces /
Locations. Similarly our establishments and premises at various locations viz
Depots, Installations , Retail outlets and LPG plants practices HSE and S
management system as per Corporate policy.
O e demonstrate our commitments by:
4 Providing and maintaining saIe and secure Iacilities and working conditions.
4 Recognizing that all employees have responsibility Ior their own saIety and
security and actions which could aIIect the saIety oI others and community at
4 Adoption oI appropriate technologies to minimize the impact oI our activities on
the environment.
O e have established clear objectives and targets to:
4 Improve our perIormance continuously Ior prevention oI accidents and
occupational illnesses and minimizing any impact oI our activities on the
4 Promote learning through training and sharing oI experience and best practices oI
HSE with contractors, customers, tank lorry crew and the public at large wherever
4 Inculcate values and attitudes conducive to achieve excellence in HSE
O e provide to achieve our mission by:
4 Assigning clear roles and responsibilities at all levels and periodically reviewing
and recognizing contribution to HSE&S objectives.
4 Allocating adequate resources.
4 ostering a spirit oI participation by all employees in Health, SaIety Environmental
conservations and Security oI selI , our premises and establishments at all location
across India.
4 Creating appropriate Iorums Ior deliberations on Health , SaIety , Security and
Environment issues.
O e monitor all the performances by:
4 Periodically inspections/ audits are carried out by HSE Role holders at corporate ,
SBU HQ and Regions Ior corrective actions in time.
O $E system serves the Management objectives as follows:
4 il Iatality at workplace
4 il LTAs il road accidents
4 il accident at LPG customers premises as well as Auto LPG stations.
4 Adherence to Act, Law, rules and regulations oI the country.
4 Environment protection
4 Pollution prevention
4 Energy conservations
4 Employees Occupational Health , SaIety and Security
4 Plant inIrastructure and Equipment SaIety and Security
4 Intensive training/ workshop/talks Ior business associates
4 Thorough probe Ior LTAs, accidents, Root cause analysis and sharing the same
4 Awareness Drive and implementation oI HSE Policy
4 Corporate Sustainability
4 Corporate Social Responsibilities.
$E And $ecurity Policy
$E Policy
Together, we have the highest concern and commitment Ior protecting the Health
and SaIety oI all employees, contractors, customers and the communities in which
we operate and Ior conservation oI the Environment.
We will comply with all Statutory Regulations and may even go beyond these Ior
the beneIit oI our environment.
We consider Health, SaIety and Environmental aspects are an integral part oI our
business planning and operation processes.
Based on these guiding principles, we shall:
emonstrate our commitment by:
O Providing and maintaining saIe Iacilities and working conditions.
O Recognizing that all employees have responsibility Ior their own saIety and actions
which could aIIect the saIety oI others.
O Adoption oI appropriate technologies to minimize the impact oI our activities on
the Environment.
Establish clear objectives and targets to:
O Improve continuously Ior prevention oI accidents occupational illnesses and
minimizing any impact oI our activities on the environment.
O Promote learning through training and sharing oI experiences and best practices;
including with contractors, customers and the public, wherever required..
O Inculcate values and attitudes conducive to achieve excellence in Health, SaIety
and Environmental perIormance.
Provide means to achieve our mission by:
O Assigning clear roles and responsibilities at all levels and periodically reviewing
and recognizing contribution to HSE objectives.
O Allocating adequate resources.
O ostering a spirit oI participation by all employees in Health, SaIety and
Environmental conservation eIIorts.
O Creating appropriate Iorums Ior deliberations on Health, SaIety and Environmental
Monitor performance by:
O Periodically auditing work processes, systems practices and promptly correcting
O Incorporating HSE perIormance as a parameter Ior assessing the overall
perIormance oI Employees, Business Units, Contractors and Business Associates.
$ecurity Policy
We have the highest concern Ior the Security oI human lives and Corporation`s
properties, goods and services.
We also commit ourselves to be alert and responsible to prevent theIt, mis-use,
loss, damage, pilIerage and sabotage oI any nature which will hamper our business
interests / continuity.
Commensurate with this commitment, we shall:
O Adhere to security rules, regulations and laws oI the land.
O Provide eIIective and proactive measures Ior Physical and Internal Security as
explained in the Security Manual at all ReIineries and Marketing establishments.
O eep ourselves in readiness to meet all emergency situations by appropriate action
O Actively participate in implementation oI security measures to combat external
O ReinIorce the security set up by providing regular trainings and up gradation oI
Monitor eIIectiveness oI security measures by surprise checks, mock drills and
take corrective actions.

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