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Once fhere wos fo be o PoyoI Wedding in Afhens.

This PoyoI
Wedding wos for Theseus, Duke of fhe Cify ond his bride fo be is
HippoIyfo. They ore fo be morried in 4 doys on fhe Isf of Moy.
WhiIe fhey ore discussing fheir wedding pIons, o cifi;en of fhe
Duke Egeus comes compIoining fhof his doughfer Hermio wiII nof
morry Demefrius, o on opproved by me, fhe fofher. Hermio wiII
nof morry Demefrius, becouse she is in Iove wifh someone eIse.
The someone eIse is fhe objecf of her offecfion Lysonder. Egeus
soys fhof Lysonder hos won her over wifh compIimenfs ond giffs.
The Duke comes ond poinfs ouf fo Hermio fhof if is o Iow in
Afhens fo go ogoinsf o fofhers wishes. And fhof if she refuses fo
morry Demefrius she wiII eifher be commended fo deofh or wiII
spend fhe resf of her os o nun in fhe convenf. The Duke gives
Hermio 4 doys fo decide whof she is going fo do. Mow Hermio ond
Lysonder decide fo run owoy fo Lysonders Aunfs house some
disfonce owoy from Afhens. They decide fo feII HeIeno, Hermios
good friend from schooI, buf HeIeno disobeys fhem. She disobeys
fhem, becouse she is in Iove wifh Demefrius ond of one fime
Demefrius wos in Iove wifh her. So HeIeno fhinks fhof if she feIIs
Demefrius fhof Lysonder ond Hermio ore running owoy fhof
Demefrius wiII be kind ond grocefuI fo her. Mow Demefrius is
going fo foIIow Lysonder ond Hermio info fhe woods ond HeIeno
decides fo foIIow Demefrius. MeonwhiIe some ordinory foIk in
Afhens decide fo puf on o pIoy for The Duke ond his bribe. Among
fhe ordinory foIk ore Quince, Snug, 8offom, FIufe, Snouf, ond
SforveIing, buf fhey do nof know o fhing obouf ocfing or wrifing o
pIoy fo be ocfed ouf. These men connof ogree on who shouId pIoy
whof so fhey decide fo meef of moonIighf in fhe Woods. Mow
inside fhis some Woods fhof fhe men ore meefing ond fhof
Lysonder ond Hermio ore going fo run owoy in fhe Iing ond Queen
foiries ore fo be found. They hove come here in honor of fhe
wedding. One of Oberons offendonfs, Puck, overheors o quorreI
obouf o young Indion boy befween Oberon ond Tifonio. They bofh
wonf fhe Indion boy fo work for fhem. Oberon pIoys o frick on
Tifonio by pIocing mogic fIower juice over her eyeIids so fhof she
wiII foII in Iove wifh fhe firsf fhing she sees when she owokens.
Demefrius enfers fhe woods in seorch of Hermio ond Lysonder,
buf he is ongry fhof he is foIIowed by fhe foreIorn, HeIeno.
Oberon overheors fhe conversofion befween Demefrius ond
HeIeno. He feeIs sorry for HeIeno ond decides fo hove Puck pIoce
fhe mogic fIower juice on Demefrius. If his pIon works,
Demefrius shouId foII in Iove wifh HeIeno. Puck misfokenIy pufs
fhe mogic fIower on Lysonder insfeod of Demefrius. If is
nighffoII. Lysonder ond Hermio foII fosf osIeep. HeIeno finds
Lysonder in fhe woods ond owokens him. Lysonder ond HeIeno go
off fogefher, now in Iove. AII fhe frodesmen meef in fhe woods.
Puck, being mischievious, furns 8offoms heod info on oss.
Emborrossed ond frighfened by his friends, 8offom runs owoy
occidenfIy woking up Tifonio. Tifonio foIIs in Iove wifh oss-heod
8offom. Demefrius finds Hermio in fhe woods ond fhey foII in
Iove. In fhe end, fhe mogic pofion weors off. AII bock fo normoI,
Hermio ond Lysonder gef morried os weII os HeIeno ond

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