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Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

Creating Personal Change


Philip Baylis

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change

How to change oneself

Passion for Excellent Business

Your Triad of State

What is your state? Your state is controlled by you, not someone Physiology else is how you hold yourself, your physical being, the expressions on your face, the amount of energy in your body


Your Triad of State


Language is how you use the words that you use, will do or cant do, words with obstacles or futuristic words, the passion in your voice, the tone, the words that express confidence and ability

Focus is what you decide to focus on. If you focus on the past then you cannot achieve the future. If you focus on not being able to do something then you will not do it.

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

What are your beliefs? What controls your beliefs? Beliefs are what you believe in in every day life

Your Beliefs

Perceptions are how you view, or interpret, what goes on around you

Perception s


Values are the feelings that you value most and strive to have more of

Associations Your beliefs are supported, or created, by representations or associations to experiences in the past, propping up your beliefs as if it is a table. These associations can be either positive or negative. These are the foundations to your character

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

What are your feelings? What creates an emotion or feeling? You do not feel an emotion, you do an emotion. An emotion is a result of a motion with energy. What is it that stops you getting that you want fear, stress is fear? Radical change in physiology is fastest way to change fear

Negative feelings Depression

Rejection -ve Displaced Sadness

Positive feelings Determination Achievement +ve Fulfilment

Satisfied Happiness

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change

Negative feelings Positive feelings

Passion for Excellent Business

What controls your feelings? What controls your state? What controls your Beliefs? It is your state that creates your feelings All behaviour, your state, is controlled by your beliefs, values and perception

Depression Determination Achievement +ve Rejection -ve Fulfilment Sadness Satisfied Happiness Displaced Pain Physiology Pleasure Your feelings

Your beliefs are supported by associations to experiences in the past, propping up your beliefs as if it is a table. These associations can be either positive or negative Radical change in physiology is fastest way to change fear How do we create maximum output, performance? It is your choice what you believe and perceive, and this determines your behaviour Your character is the inner core. Your personality (words, actions etc) needs to be aligned to the inner core.

Your Personality
Languag e

Your Triad of State

Focus Beliefs

Your state creates your feelings

Your Character
Perception s

Your beliefs

Your beliefs creates your state

Associations Your Associations in your past that creates your beliefs associations creates your Foundation of your Character beliefs
Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

Your mind controls your state and hence feelings
Your mind controls your personality or your state Since your mind has been conditioned by your past, your mind therefore dictates the feelings that you have in the present
Negative feelings Positive feelings
Depression Determination Achievement +ve Rejection -ve Fulfilment Sadness Satisfied Happiness Displaced Pain Physiology Pleasure Your feelings

Controlled by your Mind

Your Personality
Languag e

Your Triad of State



Your state creates your feelings

Your Character
Perception s

Your beliefs

Your beliefs creates your state

Associations Your Associations in your past that creates your beliefs associations creates your Foundation of your Character beliefs
Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

Any negative beliefs will determine negative mindset which determine negative feelings
If you focus on negative experiences or on the past, then your body language will reflect this, also your language and tone of voice becomes negative.
Negative feelings Depression
-ve Displaced Pain Physiology Sadness Rejection

Your feelings

Your negative state will be causedControlled by a negative perception of your by your past, or a particular belief system Mind and values that are holding you within that negative state. You will then develop negative feelings.

Your Personality
Languag e

Your Triad of State



Your state creates your feelings

Your Character
Perception s

Your beliefs

Your beliefs creates your state

Associations Your Associations in your past that creates your beliefs associations creates your Foundation of your Character beliefs
Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

Any negative beliefs will determine negative mindset which determine negative feelings
To overcome this negative habit you must divorce your mind from your past. So when you have ve feelings, then dont think or analyse those feelings, but acknowledge them and stand back to observe them. Then see how you behave/feel. This has to be repeated in order to change a habit. Also just by changing your current state (say by standing straight if you were slouched) would tend to change your negative feelings about your self. This change needs to be repeated constantly to change the negative habit.
Negative feelings Depression
-ve Displaced Pain Sadness Rejection

Your feelings
Physiology Negative body

Controlled by your Mind

Your Personality


Your Triad of State


Talk of negativee experiences

Your state creates your Think of feelings Focus negative experiences Your beliefs creates your state

Your Character
Perception s

Your beliefs

Associations Your Associations in your past that creates your beliefs associations creates your Foundation of your Character beliefs
Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

Relating these different models
Negative feelings Positive feelings
Depression Determination Achievement +ve Rejection -ve Fulfilment Sadness Satisfied Happiness Displaced Pain Physiology Pleasure Your feelings

Outer -Support

Surface - Personality

Your Personality
Languag e

Your Triad of State



Your state creates your feelings

Inner Character Inner -

Your Character
Perception s

Your beliefs

Your beliefs creates your state

Associations Your Associations in your past that creates your beliefs Sub-conscious associations creates your Foundation of your Character beliefs
Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

Your mind controls your state and hence feelings
Negative feelings Positive feelings
Depression Determination Achievement +ve Rejection -ve Fulfilment Sadness Satisfied Happiness Displaced Pain Physiology Pleasure Your feelings

Controlled by your Mind

Your Personality
Languag e

Your Triad of State



Your state creates your feelings

Your Character
Perception s

Your beliefs

Your beliefs creates your state

Associations Your Associations in your past that creates your beliefs associations creates your Foundation of your Character beliefs
Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

To create maximum output you need to condition your state to be peak, forward looking, output orientated. What prevents us from changing to create this peak state? Often our belief in ourselves prevent us from changing, often they are determined from what has happened in the past, our associations. Do our current beliefs serve us now? Our perception of what is happening around us is interpreted to strengthen our beliefs whatever you perceive you will receive for yourself. So perception could be either negative or positive. The feelings that we value most will either move us forward or hold us back. There are feelings that we want to avoid and those that inspire us. What is the peak state that I desire in the future when managing or involved in a project? What is the yes feeling that I would most like to experience everyday of my working life? Write it down
Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change

Creating peak state

Passion for Excellent Business

To create maximum output you need to condition your state to be peak, forward looking, output/outcome orientated.

i) Change is a must not a should should never happens. ii) I must change it iii) I can change it this is the internal belief in yourself
Continuously ask What is my outcome? what do I really want in any situation. Must have a compelling vision Know why you want it, know what your purpose is. Purpose provides drive. Design your state to suit the outcome that you desire, and take massive action the number one thing that stops taking action is your belief of fear of failure or rejection. Right strategy to take action & overcome limiting beliefs, get them aligned to achieve your outcome, eg overcoming fear, creating rapport, developing relationships, love Raise your standards, demand more for yourself than anyone else demands from you See it as it really is Need to know what you are getting. Know if it is working. Change your approach until you achieve your outcome

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

3 steps to ensure change occurs i) Leverage Person needs to link up that not changing will mean massive immediate unbearable levels of pain. Fear of change inhibits change as change equals pain therefore do not change. Need to associate, in your gut not just so you feel it, in mind, that to change now equals massive levels of pleasure. ii) Interrupt the limiting pattern. Repeatedly interrupt the old pattern, or belief, as it occurs, before creating the new pattern, it is like scratching a record so that the wont play again. iii) Create an empowering alternative pattern Create a new pattern or belief, repeat it often, reinforce it, reward it, give pleasure until it becomes a habit. Demonstrate the benefits that the new pattern has given.

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business Changing your habits
Old habit New habit

Interrupt Aware Assess New approach

Competent Conditioning Consistency Practice and persistence

What old habit do you to want to avoid, and what new habit do you want? What interrupts will you use on yourself, to change from one habit to the other, & frequency of interrupt?

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

Creating change by asking questions, for example:What is great about it? And if there was something what would it be? What do you really want? What output do you want? What makes you feel really valued? What do you really get excited about? Whats really great about your life right now? What could you be happy about? What do you really want instead of this negative pattern? What are you truly grateful for? What will you do to make a significant difference? What are you capable of now even more so than before? What is not perfect yet? What would you do in my position? What would you like to see?

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

Creating Personal Change Passion for Excellent Business

How can you learn from this problem, never to happen again? How can you turn this round? How can your job be improved? How can you use this? How much happier will you feel if you changed? How can you be of help? How can you maintain your focus? How can you achieve perfection? How can you become a role model for others? How can you turn adversity into opportunity with integrity? Are you really making the most effective use of your time right now? How is this action serving you and adding more value to your life?

Doc:Creating Personal Change, Philip Baylis

Copyright January 2003 To be only copied and used with the prior written agreement from Philip Baylis

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