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Selection Criteria Articles | Types of Selection Criteria Quest...

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Sele ct ion Cr it e ria Ar t icle s

Ty pe s of Se le ct ion Cr it e r ia Qu e st ion s
I f y ou are applying for a j ob in t he public service sect or, or seek ing a prom ot ion it is likely t hat you will be required t o address key select ion crit eria as part of your w rit t en applicat ion. I n fact , t his process is not always lim it ed t o applying for roles w it hin t he public service sect or but applies also wit hin com m unit y service organisat ions, TAFE colleges, universit ies, hospit als, defence, schools, and som e privat e sect or com panies. Select ion crit eria quest ions vary w idely from agency t o agency how ev er t he m ost com m on t ypes include: Sim ple Cr it e r ia Com ple x Cr it e r ia Ex pr ession s of I nt e r e st Va lu e s Ba se d & Com m on Cr it e r ia Addr e ssing t h e SELC fr a m e w or k Be h a viour a l Que st ion s Sim ple Cr it e r ia Exam ples of sim ple crit eria include: Well- developed com m unicat ion skills Abilit y t o work as part of t eam St rong organisat ional abilit y and t im e m anagem ent skills These t ypes of select ion crit eria are usually pret t y sim ple t o respond t o as t hey usually require applicant s t o provide evidence of t heir k nowledge, skills and abilit ies in only one area. Com ple x Cr it er ia Exam ples of com plex select ion crit eria include: M a n a ge r ia l & Pla n n in g: Abilit y t o effect ively organise, plan, and deliver services: Manage and priorit ise m ult iple dem ands Cont ribut e t o w ork area planning Cont ribut e t o, and be responsible for achieving t eam goals Manage resources Develop policy and guidelines and act ion plans Manage proj ect s and cont ract s
Having held a range of diverse and varied roles as Recruiter, Human Resources and Hiring Manager, and selection panel member, having sat on hundreds of selection panels, it seemed only natural that Nikky transition her passion for assisting job-seekers to establish CareerPro, a leading, professional writing business focused on helping job-seekers to effectively market and "sell" themselves to prospective employers. Through her unique writing services (selection criteria, resumes, curriculum vitae, cover/application letters) she assists clients and jobseekers locally, nationally and internationally to achieve their goals of promotion, interview and job success. more...

Abilit y t o work and liaise effect ively on scient ific m at t ers in a m ult i- disciplinary env ironm ent , and a dem onst rat ed abilit y t o w ork in a t eam wit hin a proj ect - based fram ework. This includes achieving posit iv e out com es and t he full com plet ion of w ork w it hin deadlines. Sound experience in a m anagem ent role w it h m anagem ent of asset s in propert y/ dom est ic building/ real est at e indust ries; preparat ion of business plans, feasibilit y st udies and associat ed budget s ( relat ed t o housing) ; m anagem ent of operat ions w it hin a budget ; and propert y valuat ions 25/11/2011

Selection Criteria Articles | Types of Selection Criteria Quest... Page 2 of 3

Com ple x se lect ion cr it e r ia cont ain m ore elem ent s and require m ore skill w hen ident ifying y our know ledge, skills and abilit ies. This is largely due t o t he fact t hat t hey cont ain m any part s and t herefore it is im port ant t o provide evidence of your k nowledge, skills and abilit ies by addressing ALL part s of t he crit eria. Ex pr e ssion s of I n t e r e st Many agencies are m oving away from full- blown select ion crit eria in an effort t o sim plify t he recruit m ent and select ion process and encourage m ore applicat ions. Usually applicant s m ay be required t o subm it an expression of int erest or a short 2 page cover let t er. Exam ples include: Job On e - Ke y sk ill r e qu ir em e n t s/ com pe t e n cie s Well developed leadership skills and t he abilit y t o apply relevant legislat ion, guidelines and st andards needs t o be dem onst rat ed. Capacit y t o work effect ively w it h indigenous people Ext ensive, relevant clinical know ledge including advanced em ergency skills. Effect ive leadership and m anagem ent skills High level negot iat ion, consult at ion and com m unicat ion skills Capacit y t o be flex ible and responsive t o a challenging w ork env ironm ent Job Tw o Please writ e a st at em ent explaining why we should em ploy y ou. To assist in preparing your st at em ent , som e t hings we would like t o know about you are: why you w ant t o w ork for us, your t eam work and people skills, how you have show n init iat ive, and how you com m unicat e effect ively w it h ot hers. I n t his case, applicant s need t o subm it a 2 page cover let t er out lining how t heir ex perience, abilit ies, k nowledge and personal qualit ies w ould enable t hem t o achieve t he key account abilit ies and m eet t he k ey sk ill requirem ent s. Here, applicant s can address t he select ion crit eria indirect ly and dont need t o copy t he full select ion crit eria or provide a separat e heading for each crit erion. Va lue s Ba se d & Com m on Cr it e r ia Em ployees w it hin t he public sect or are subj ect t o high st andards of perform ance and personal behaviour. Therefore m any roles w it hin t he public sect or require applicant s t o address select ion crit eria t hat relat e specifically t o values. These include: Pe r son a l D r ive & I n t e gr it y : Abilit y t o dem onst rat e public service professionalism and probit y, engage w it h risk and show personal courage, com m it t o act ion, display resilience, and dem onst rat e self aw areness and com m it m ent t o personal dev elopm ent . W or k p la ce D ive r sit y: Knowledge of equit y and diversit y principles which w ill enable t he appoint ee t o im plem ent equal em ploy m ent opport unit y , equit y and div ersit y principles at an every day, operat ional level. Occu pa t ion a l H e a lt h & Sa fe t y: Experience and knowledge of workplace healt h and safet y principles. Addr e ssin g t h e SELC fr a m e w or k The Senior Execut iv e Leadership Capabilit y fram ework ( SELC) out lines five core crit eria for high perform ance wit hin t he public sect or. This includes: St rat egic Thinking Achieving Result s Com m unicat ing wit h I nfluence Cult iv at ing Product ive Working Relat ionships Exem plifying Personal Drive & I nt egrit y Depending on t he role, t here m ay be an addit ional crit erion relat ed t o Technical Skills. More inform at ion regarding t he SELC fram ework can be found on t he Aust ralian Public Serv ice Com m ission websit e. Be h a viou r a l Qu e st ion s Som e applicat ions require you t o address behavioural quest ions as part of t he select ion crit eria. Exam ples include: Describe a sit uat ion t hat dem onst rat es y our abilit y t o ant icipat e and doing som et hing about a problem t hat w as likely t o arise in fut ure. I n your answ er, please ensure you address t he follow ing:

"Hi Nikky, This resume is amazing! I think that I had read similar comments to this on your website, but - I can't believe this was describing me when I was reading it! I am so happy that I decided to have you do this for me - the best investment for me for quite a while. I think that it is definitely going to be the secret weapon in obtaining a position. I am just in awe at your ability with words." D F,
Book k e e p e r

more... 25/11/2011

Selection Criteria Articles | Types of Selection Criteria Quest... Page 3 of 3

What What What What w as t he sit uat ion and w hat w as your role? w ere t he pot ent ial problem s? How did you becom e aware of it ? did you do once you becam e aware of t he problem ? w as t he effect of what you did?

Provide an exam ple of a t im e w hen you hav e draw n upon a previous experience t o ant icipat e and address possible obst acles t o t he delivery of obj ect ives in a new proj ect . I n your answer please address t he follow ing: What w as t he sit uat ion? What role w ere you perform ing? What previous experience did you have? What w as t he new proj ect ? How did y ou draw upon your experience t o ant icipat e and address possible obst acles t o t he delivery of obj ect ives in t he new proj ect ? What w as t he out com e? What im pact of your act ions? H a ppy Se le ct ion Cr it e r ia W r it in g!
For a n obliga t ion fr e e quot e a n d a sse ssm e nt ple a se fe e l fr e e t o con t a ct m e on n ik k y@Ca r e e r Pr o.n e t .a u or ca ll m e on 0 4 0 4 4 2 7 2 1 2 PO Box 7 1 8 0 M ou nt Cr osby QLD 4 3 0 6 ABN : 8 2 7 2 0 9 5 3 0 2 7

Hom e | Sit e Map |

Cont act | T&C 25/11/2011

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