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From coward to world-changer

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USA Have you ever wondered what it would have been
(1–877) 862–3228 (toll-free) like to have been one of Jesus’ twelve disciples? Imagine
being one of those chosen few who lived with Him day
Activated Europe
Bramingham Pk. Business Ctr. and night for the three and a half years of His public
Enterprise Way ministry. Imagine sitting at Jesus’ feet while He unlocked
Luton, Beds. LU3 4BU the secrets of life and taught you the meaning and power
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(07801) 442–317 Then imagine being told by Jesus that after His death
Activated Africa you would go on to do even greater things than He
P.O. Box 2150 had done, through His power working in you—and then
Westville 3630 going on to actually do them. What exceptional men His
South Africa disciples must have been! Actually they weren’t—at least not at first. They were
083 55 68 213 just ordinary men, not much different than you or me.
Activated India They had their faults and human frailties, just like we do,
P.O. Box 5215 and their faith started out no bigger than ours did. In
G.P.O. some ways they were at an even greater disadvantage.
Bangalore – 560 001 Most were uneducated, and before they answered Jesus’
India call they knew very little about the world beyond the
towns where they were born.
EDITOR How was it, then, that they and the others they would
Keith Phillips win to the cause of Christ managed to start a chain reac-
DESIGN tion that reached the whole known world with the Gospel
Giselle LeFavre in only 200 years?—And it hasn’t stopped yet! Where
ILLUSTRATIONS did they get the inspiration and strength to accomplish
Hugh Westphal, Ana Fields so much for the Lord? Those and other big questions are
PRODUCTION answered in this issue of Activated. Happy reading!
Francisco Lopez
© 2002 Aurora Production AG
All Rights Reserved Keith Phillips
Printed in Thailand For your Activated family
Unless otherwise indicated, all
Scripture quotations in Activated are
from the New King James Version of the
Bible © 1982 Thomas Nelson, Inc.
2 activated issue 2
I SAW JUST HOW DEVASTATING loss She was only in her early fifties,
of faith can be during a recent visit but had already lost her first hus-
to one of Durban’s largest hospitals, band and all four of her children.
where I do volunteer work a few When this man, her second hus-
days each week. band, had become sick a few years
Before each visit, I pray for the ago, he had had to sell his business
Lord to lead me to those He wants and she had had to stop working in
me to meet, those who are most in order to care for him. Now they had
need of His love and comfort. This absolutely nothing left. She needed
time it was a cancer patient and his medical care herself, but couldn’t
wife. even pay the two-dollar registration
The man was sitting on his bed fee at this public hospital.
alone when I entered the room. His I gave her some money and told
face lit up when I offered him a her it was a token of the Lord’s love
gospel poster—and what a beauti- for her. Then as she continued to
ful light that was! The cancer had tell me about her problems, I lis-
wracked his jaw, and surgeons had tened and tried to assure her of the
Lord’s love. “Even
though we some-

Never Forsaken From Catherine Jane, South Africa

times don’t under-
stand His ways,” I
said, “He has
promised to never
leave or forsake us.
In the end we will
see that He was
He who performed reconstructive surgery, true to His promise.”
using half of his tongue and bone After an hour, her face began to
loses money
from one of his ribs. He was unable brighten, and by the time I had
loses much. to speak, but his face continued to leave, the dying ember of her
He who to shine as he conveyed through faith had been fanned back to
impromptu sign language that he life. “Faith comes from God’s Word,
loses friends would die soon and go to Heaven. the Bible,” I explained. “That Book
loses more. A few moments later, his wife is full of promises from your heav-
came in. She did not share his enly Father, promises that you can
But he who faith and optimism. Bitterness had claim for yourself and your hus-
loses faith eaten away at her spirit like a band when you pray.” I also gave
cancer. She had been a Christian her a list of key verses to take home,
loses all.
once, she said, but had lost her read, think about, and claim.
faith “when the Lord forsook her.” Her problems hadn’t changed
To her way of thinking, surely He in the space of those couple of
had forsaken her; surely He didn’t hours, but she had found the faith
love her, or He never would have to face them. To her husband’s
let her suffer all that she had. As delight, her bitterness and fear had
she told her story, my heart was been replaced by faith in her loving,
filled with compassion for her. caring Savior. •

activated issue 2 3
all be offended

ne of the most illustrious
and leave Me this
personalities in the entire Bible is night. For as it
Simon Bar-Jonah, commonly known was foretold, ‘I
today as Saint Peter the Apostle. One of will smite the
Jesus’ first disciples, Peter was a very colorful shepherd, and
the sheep of the
character—a rough and rugged fisherman flock shall be
bursting with energy and ready for action. scattered.’” (See
Zechariah 13:7.)
During his years under Jesus’ Upon hearing this, Peter impul-
personal leadership and teaching, sively proclaimed, “Though all men
Peter often pushed his way around desert You, yet I will not!”
like the proverbial bull in a china Aware of what was to come,
shop. By far the most outspoken of Jesus answered, “Before the cock
the twelve apostles, he did not hesi- crows, you will have denied Me
tate to speak his mind or do what- three times.”
ever he thought should be done, with Peter was offended at such a pre-
little thought of the consequences. diction and even more adamantly
Men of force are men of faults, and insisted, “Though I should die with
Peter’s strong personality, self-confi- You, yet will I not deny You!” The
dence, and forceful opinions of how other disciples quickly joined in,
things should be done often resulted affirming with Peter that they, too,
in him making serious blunders. would stand by Jesus come what
However, shortly after Jesus’ res- may.
urrection, Peter underwent a dra- But to Peter’s horror, Jesus’ pre- “Though
matic change. This transformation is diction was soon fulfilled. That very
what our story is about. We begin at night, as Jesus was in the Garden of
all men
the closing hours of Jesus’ ministry Gethsemane praying with His disci- desert
on Earth, at the last supper that He ples, a band of temple guards, sent
ate with His disciples on the eve of by the chief priests and religious You, yea, I
His crucifixion. leaders, came with a large crowd
carrying swords, clubs, and torches. will not!”
“Before the cock crows...” They seized Jesus, who, knowing
His time had come, peacefully went
Knowing that He would soon with them, alone. Jesus’ disciples
suffer torture and death for the sins panicked at His arrest, quickly
of the world, Jesus looked upon forgot their vows of loyalty, and fled
His disciples and said, “You will for their lives into the night.
4 activated issue 2
As Jesus was taken away to be Peter had barely finished his
tried by a religious court hastily third denial when a rooster began
assembled at the high priest’s house, to crow. At that moment, Jesus,
Peter followed and watched from a who was being led by His captors
distance. In the courtyard outside through the courtyard to another
the house, a woman noticed the building, turned and looked directly
distraught and nervous Peter and at Peter. Immediately Peter recalled
asked, “Aren’t you one of that man’s Jesus’ words, “Before the cock crows,
disciples?” you will have denied Me three
“No! I’m not!” Peter’s reply was times.”
deliberately brusque. Overcome with remorse at what
Moments later, as Peter stood he’d done, Peter stumbled out of the
warming himself by the fire the courtyard and into the night. Finally
night guards had built, a man who he sank to the ground and wept bit-
had been present when Jesus was terly.
captured pointed to Peter and ques-
“I swear tioned him loudly. “Didn’t I see you The promise of power
in the Garden of Gethsemane with
I don’t Him?” The next morning Jesus was led
“I swear I don’t know the man!” off and crucified.
know the Peter answered. His disciples, fearing for their
man!” Soon others standing around lives, went into hiding. But three
joined in the accusation: “You are days after His crucifixion, Jesus rose
one of them! We can tell by your from the dead and reappeared to
accent that you’re from Galilee, just His disciples in their hiding place.
like Jesus. You must be one of His Lovingly, He forgave Peter and the
disciples!” others for their fears and denials,
Fearing for his life, Peter became and His words filled them with
even more vehement. “I don’t know renewed strength and faith.
what you’re talking about! I don’t For forty days following His
even know this Jesus character!” he resurrection, Jesus continued to
insisted. appear to His disciples, to encour-

I am ready to go
with You both to Are you also one
prison and to death!
of this man’s NOT!

activated issue 2 5
age them and explain the mission the Holy Spirit, led the disciples in
before them. On the fortieth day, just one of the most spectacular evange-
before ascending into Heaven, He listic experiences of all time!
instructed them to return to Jeru-
salem and wait for “the promise of A miraculous change
My Father” (Luke 24:49). The greatest
The Jewish Feast of the Harvest,
transformation of their lives was
a major religious festival, was being
about to happen.
celebrated in the streets of Jerusalem,
The apostles returned to Jeru-
and Jewish pilgrims from many
salem and, with over 120 other
nations had come for the annual
followers and their wives and chil-
event. Peter stepped into the street
dren, prayed and waited together, as
with the other disciples—having just
Jesus had instructed. Their prayers
been filled to overflowing with the
were answered ten days later with
Holy Spirit—and they all supernatu-
a sudden and awesome manifesta-
rally began to speak fluently in the
tion of God’s power. Saint Luke later
foreign languages of the multitudes
wrote: Suddenly a sound like the
visiting Jerusalem that day, each in a
blowing of a violent wind came from
language they had never learned or
heaven and filled the whole house
spoken before! As news of the miracle
where they were sitting. They saw
spread through the city, multitudes
what seemed to be tongues of fire
quickly gathered. Boldly, the disciples
that separated and came to rest on
proclaimed to the crowds the won-
each of them. All of them were filled
derful news of God’s love and salva-
with the Holy Spirit and began to
speak in other tongues as the Spirit
tion through Jesus. Peter
Peter climbed the steps of a
enabled them (Acts 2:2–4 NIV). stood
nearby building, raised his hands,
This was it! This was what they’d
and shouted to the enormous crowd.
been waiting for—supernatural
A hush fell over them all. He spoke
strength from the Lord to empower
to them with such authority and con- thousands,
them to continue His work now that
viction that 3,000 people not only
He had departed! Suddenly the fear,
worry, and inability to act on their
believed in Jesus and received Him in the very
as their Savior, but committed them-
convictions was gone. Peter, trans- city where
selves that very day to become dis-
formed by the supernatural power of
ciples of Christ!
Here was a man who had acted
Jesus had
Men of Israel, hear
these words! in so cowardly a manner after the been
arrest of Jesus that he had denied
Him three times. Now he stood before arrested ...
thousands, in the very city where Jesus
had been arrested, tried, and executed
less than two months earlier, boldly
proclaiming God’s message to all!
Peter had changed, just as the
Lord had prayed he would. (See Luke
What caused this sudden trans-
formation? The supernatural power
and might of the Holy Spirit! •
6 activated issue 2
rounds landed in an orphanage in the
small Vietnamese village. The orphanage SHUT, HIS FIST IN
staff and one or two children were killed
outright, and several more children were HIS MOUTH TO
wounded, including one girl about eight
years old.
Medical help came first in the form
of an American Navy doctor and nurse, “Is it hurting, Heng?” the doctor
who arrived in a jeep with only their asked.
medical kits. They established that the Heng shook his head, but after a
girl would soon die of shock and few moments another sob escaped, and
loss of blood unless she received a once more he tried to cover up his
transfusion. A quick test showed that crying.
neither American had the correct blood Occasional sobs gave way to a
type, but several of the uninjured steady, silent crying. Heng’s eyes screwed
orphans did. tightly shut, his fist in his mouth to stifle
The doctor spoke some pidgin his sobs.
Vietnamese, and the nurse a smattering At this point, a Vietnamese nurse
of high-school French. Using that arrived to help. Seeing the little one’s
combination and impromptu sign distress, she spoke to him rapidly in
language, they tried to explain the Vietnamese, listened to his reply and
situation to the young, frightened answered him in a soothing voice.
audience. Then they asked if anyone Heng stopped crying and looked
would be willing to give blood to help questioningly at the Vietnamese nurse.
save the girl’s life. When she nodded, a look of great relief
Their request was met with wide- spread over his face.
eyed silence. After several long moments Glancing up, the nurse told the
a small hand slowly went up, dropped Americans, “He thought he was dying. He
back down, and then went up again. misunderstood you. He thought you had
“Oh, thank you,” the nurse said in asked him to give all his blood so the
French. “What is your name?” little girl could live.”
“Heng,” came the reply. “But why would he be willing to do
Heng was quickly laid on a pallet, his that?” asked the Navy nurse.
arm swabbed with alcohol, and a needle The Vietnamese nurse repeated the
inserted in his vein. Through this ordeal question to the little boy, who answered
Heng lay stiff and silent. simply, “She is my friend.”
After a moment, he let out a shud- “Greater love has no one than this,
dering sob and quickly covered his face than to lay down one’s life for his
with his free hand. friends” (John 15:13). •
activated issue 2 7
Answers to your questions
Q: How can I get over my
problem with shyness?
MANY OF US SUFFER FROM SHYNESS, and determination and everything
and it can be very difficult to over- else it will take from within. But
come. In most cases, shyness is a here’s a classic situation where the
combination of fear and self-con- Christian is at a distinct advantage,
sciousness. We’re shy because we’re because instead of self-help, we can
worried about what others might get His help. Instead of having to
think or say about us. So how can we work it up ourselves, we can ask
overcome shyness and timidity? God to work in us and bring about
Self-help books on the subject the desired change—and He will!
abound, and most of them offer How? Through the Holy Spirit and
advice that is basically sound: the reading of God’s Word.
➠ Just be yourself. Quit trying so If shyness is a combination of
hard to impress people or be some- fear and self-consciousness (which
thing you’re not. stems from pride), then faith and
➠ Know what you stand for. If humility are the antidote. The Holy
you’re behaving and speaking rightly Spirit gives us boldness and helps
and lovingly, then you have nothing us overcome our sensitivity and self-
to be embarrassed about or ashamed consciousness, and God’s Word gives
of. us faith that displaces our fear.
➠ Initiate contact and conversa- The Bible tells us that faith comes
tions with others, even at the risk by hearing the Word of God (see
of rejection. Nothing ven- Romans 10:17), so the more Word
tured, nothing gained. we take in, the more faith in God
➠ Practice makes we will have, the more love of God
perfect. Instead of clam- we will have, and the more love we
ming up or running from will have for others. We then become
the next potentially embar- more concerned about other people
rassing situation, see it as and their needs, and less conscious
a chance to grow in social about ourselves and what others
skills. think of us. And of course when
➠ Get so concerned we show a sincere interest in them,
about helping others and most people will think the world of
making them happy that you us.
forget about yourself. The cure for shyness is only
These solutions are simple, a prayer away. With God’s help,
yes, but often easier said than encounters that we used to dread
done!—Especially since most become steppingstones to new
books stop there. The poor reader is friendships, happiness, and suc-
expected to muster up the courage cess! •
8 activated issue 2
Be filled to overflowing!
Everyone who receives God’s gift of eternal life by praying
to ask Jesus into their heart has also received a measure of the
Holy Spirit. But receiving the complete infilling, or what the
Bible calls “baptism” of the Holy Spirit, is usually a separate
experience that happens after you have received Jesus.
A glass of water makes a good illustration. A glass may not
be full, but if it even has some water in it, it’s still a glass of
water. That’s how a lot of Christians are. They have just a little
bit of God’s Spirit.
Being baptized with the Holy Spirit is like filling the glass
Prayer for to overflowing. Jesus said, “He who believes in Me, as the Scrip-
the Day ture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”
(John 7:38). In the next verse John explains, “But this He spoke
Thank You, heavenly
concerning the [Holy] Spirit, whom those believing in Him
Father, for the gift of would receive” (John 7:39).
the Holy Spirit that
transforms my own
Tap into the power!
spirit, guides my
thoughts, instructs me The primary purpose of the Holy Spirit is to help you
share God’s message and love with others. Being filled with the
in Your Word, comforts
Holy Spirit also helps you greatly in your personal relationship
and encourages me with the Lord. It gives you a stronger contact with Him and
when I’m down, and better communication through prayer, as well as much deeper
helps me to reach out understanding when you read God’s Word.
to others with Your And one of the most wonderful things about it is that you,
too, can be filled with the Holy Spirit of God—right now!
love. You knew exactly
All you have to do is ask. Like salvation, you can’t earn it
what I needed! or be good enough to deserve it. It’s a gift. Then, whether you
feel any change or not, you will know that you have received it
because of His promise. (See Luke 11:13.)
Receive the Holy Spirit now by praying this simple prayer:
“Dear Jesus, please fill me to overflowing with Your Holy
Spirit so that I can love You more, follow You more closely, and
have greater power to tell others about Your love and salvation.
Amen.” •
activated issue 2 9
IN PART 1 OF THIS SERIES, we began to examine Jesus’
description of the events that will occur shortly before His
return to Earth—events that are now happening on a much
broader scale than ever before. Our study continues. …

“Mommy, I’m hungry!”

“There will be famines … ” (Matthew 24:7).

Are we living in a time of increased famine? According


to a report by the World Bank, more than 800 million people

go hungry every day, and 40,000 hunger-related deaths occur
every day.1
The terrible irony is that the world can produce enough
food to feed its expanding population. While some famines
are caused by global warming, drought, or other natural disas-
ters, most starvation in the world today is due to man’s selfish-
ness and inhumanity. War, embargoes, corruption, economic
oppression, and destruction of crops in order to keep prices
artificially high are all partly responsible, and all could be

A plagued planet!
“And there will be pestilences ... ” (Matthew 24:7).

As with war and famine, the increase in severity and fre-

quency of pestilence (plagues) is alarming.
Less than 20 years ago the medical profession claimed
victory over a wide array of bacterial and viral killers. But
instead of fading, the number of cases of infectious diseases
skyrocketed throughout the 1990s, and continue to do so.
Doctors now warn that the current resurgence of drug-resis-
tant bacteria strains could prove to be more deadly than

Viral killers
The medical community is now warning that not only
are bacterial plagues on the rise, but viral killers like AIDS
and Ebola are occurring more frequently than ever. Every day
more than 16,000 people become infected with HIV.4 Experts
warn that other killer viruses could sweep through the human
population as a result of genetic mutation or social changes

that favor the disease.

Cancer, which is considered noninfectious, was virtually
unheard of among our ancestors. Now over 100 different
kinds of cancer kill over 6 million people every year.
Jesus said there would be an abundance of plagues and
diseases marking the time of His return. Even though these
10 activated issue 2
things will become increasingly wide-
That’s entertainment?
spread in the days to come, the Bible
also tells us that God can protect and Why the increase in violence? Behav-
even heal those who trust in Him: “No ioral scientists have concluded that one
evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague of the main culprits is so-called enter-
come near your dwelling. To you who tainment. In times past, you had to be
fear My name the Sun of Righteousness on the scene where the violence was
shall arise with healing in His wings” perpetrated in order to personally wit-
(Psalm 91:10; Malachi 4:2). ness it. Not now.
Dr. Leonard D. Efron, Professor of Psy-
The big shake-up chology at the University of Illinois at
“There shall be earthquakes, in various
Even in this Chicago, observes: “There can no longer
places” (Matthew 24:7). be any doubt that heavy exposure to
violence-filled televised violence is one of the causes of
The Universal Almanac tells us that
world, we there were only 21 earthquakes of major aggressive behavior, crime, and violence
strength between the years 1000 and in society.” 7
don’t have But even in this violence-filled world,
1800. Between 1800 and 1900 there
to live in were 18 major earthquakes. In the next we don’t have to live in fear. The Bible
50 years, between 1900 and 1950, there refers to Jesus as “the Prince of Peace”
fear. (Isaiah 9:6), who promises to all those
were 33 major quakes—almost as many
as the number in the preceding 850 who love and trust Him: “Peace I leave
years!5 Between 1950 and 1991 there with you, My peace I give to you; not as
were 93 major earthquakes—almost the world gives do I give to you. Let not
triple the number of the previous half your heart be troubled, neither let it be
century—which claimed the lives of 1.3 afraid” (John 14:27).
million people around the world.
(To be continued in the next issue of Acti-
Our violent world
1. “800 Million People Go Hungry,” UPI, Wash-
Another condition that Jesus said ington, 23 Sep 1996
would be prevalent immediately prior to 3. AP, 26 Mar 1995
4. Report on the Global HIV/AIDS epidemic,
His return would be unrestrained vio- UNAIDS/WHO, December 1997.
lence: “As it was in the days of Noah, so it 5. The Universal Almanac, Kansas City, Mo.:
40,000 will be at the [second] coming of the Son Andrews and McMeel, 1993
6. Harwood, Richard. “Ten Times the Dead in
hunger- of Man” (Matthew 24:37, NIV).
Veitnam,” Washington Post (WP), 7 May 1994
The Book of Genesis tells us that in 7. Feder, Don. A Jewish Conservative Looks
related Noah’s day “the earth was corrupt before at Pagan America. Lafayette, LA.: Huntington
God, and was filled with violence” (Gen- House Publishers, 1993
esis 6:11). We are all painfully aware Excerpted from The Future Foretold, by Michael
occur that today’s news headlines are increas- Roy. If you would like more documentation
ingly full of tragic stories of senseless of the fulfilled prophecies explained in this
every series, as well as an explanation of those
violence. In the past 30 years, 1.2 million prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled, order a
day. people have been murdered or have copy of The Future Foretold today! For details
committed suicide in the United States please refer to the flyer included with this
magazine. •
alone—more than all the men killed in
all the wars in the history of the U.S.6

activated issue 2 11
Feeding Reading
The Holy Spirit
For this issue’s “Feeding Reading,” we’ve
chosen some Bible selections about the
gift of the Holy Spirit—its promise, its

AN INSTANT power, and its purpose.

Jesus promises a Helper, or Comforter

ANSWER! John 14:16–17,26

John 16:7

The disciples wait for the promise

From Eli Stevens, Bulgaria
Luke 24:49
beach, and as we were returning, we saw a young man
gazing sadly at the waves. I felt strongly that the Lord
The first outpouring of the Holy Spirit
wanted us to stop and talk to him, so we did. As soon
Acts 2:1–21
as our conversation turned to Jesus, the boy became
enthralled and listened without saying a word for about
20 minutes. The baptism of the Holy Spirit
Then he told us, to our surprise, that we were the Acts 8:15–17
answer to his prayer. He had become disillusioned with Acts 10:44–46
life after his girlfriend left him for somebody else, and Acts 19:1–2, 6
had just finished praying to God when we approached
him. In his prayer, he had asked God to prove to him The purpose of the Holy Spirit:
right then and there that He was real. He had also asked power to witness
God to show His love by helping him in his personal Acts 1:8
life—and there we were! Knowing nothing of his prayer, John 15:26–27
we had told him of Jesus’ great love for him. Acts 4:29,31
This young man was thrilled and amazed that the
Lord had answered his prayer so quickly, so literally, and More prayer power
so completely. He prayed with us to receive Jesus, and Romans 8:26–27
then wanted to know more about his new best Friend Jude 20
and Savior, so we spent another hour or two talking with
him. The Spirit of truth
“At first I thought you were angels from Heaven,” he
John 16:13
told us. “While you were talking, I didn’t want to move for
1 John 5:6
fear that you would disappear!”
“We aren’t angels,” we assured him, “but we are God’s
The fruits of the Spirit
agents. We’ve devoted our lives to helping others, and
Galatians 5:22–23
tonight He sent us to you!” •
The gifts of the Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:4–13
12 activated issue 2
be enthusiastic!
IF THERE’S ANYTHING THAT CATCHES motivate every child of God in every-
The Holy PEOPLE’S ATTENTION and causes them thing they do, everything they say,
Spirit can to take notice of what you’re saying everywhere they go, with everybody.
or doing, it’s enthusiasm! The word The Apostle Paul summed it up in
strengthen enthusiasm is derived from two these few famous and ringing words
your Greek words: en, which means in, which have cried out from the heart
and theos, which means God. So of every true Christian in every true
convictions enthusiasm literally means “in good deed he has ever done, and
and give God,” or “God in us”! Thus the truly for which indeed he is willing to
enthusiastic person is one who acts die: “The love of Christ compels us!”
and speaks as if he were possessed (2 Corinthians 5:14).
boldness. by God. Regardless of what you may lack
God’s Word tells us, “Whatever in the way of natural talents, abil-
your hand finds to do, do it with ities, or even material goods, if
you obey God’s
I heard you’re a
Word and let
Him live in you
and through you
so that your
heart burns with
Jesus really loves His love, then
you, Loria! He will be able
Oh, yes ... I guess Oh, thanks! to greatly use
so. That really made you and make
my day!
you a blessing to
your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10), and
“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep The enthusiast changes
your spiritual fervor, serving the the world!
Lord!” (Romans 12:11, NIV).
The same driving passion, the As a young man, David Living-
same irresistible compassion that stone faced an important decision.
motivated the apostles and martyrs “I have found that I have no unusual
and every great man or woman of endowments of intellect,” he wrote
God throughout the ages should in his diary, “but this day I resolve

activated issue 2 13
that I will be an uncommon Chris- Jews forty lashes minus one. Three
tian!” He “purposed in his heart” to times I was beaten with rods, once
give his all to the Lord, and deter- I was stoned, three times I was ship-
mined to become an enthusiast for wrecked, I spent a night and a day
the truth—and he was! He became [adrift] in the open sea, I have been
one of the greatest missionaries the constantly on the move. I have been
world has ever known. in danger from rivers, in danger
The British historian Arnold from bandits, in danger from my
Toynbee said, “Apathy can only own countrymen, in danger from
be overcome by enthusiasm, and the Gentiles, in danger in the city,
enthusiasm can only be aroused in danger in the country, in danger
by two things: first, an ideal which at sea, and in danger from false
takes the imagination by storm; and brothers! I have labored and toiled
second, a definite intelligible plan and have often gone without sleep;
for carrying that ideal into practice.” I have known hunger and thirst
What greater ideal could anyone and have often gone without food;
have than to bring everlasting sal- I have been cold and naked” (2 Cor-
vation and eternal heavenly life to inthians 11:24–27, NIV). Did Paul let
a lost and dying world that is per- these difficulties and obstacles stop Nothing
ishing without it? And what better him?—No! He went right on serving
God no matter what hardships or can stop
“intelligible plan” could anyone
difficulties befell him.
have than that given by Jesus to
Nothing can stop the man who is
the man
His followers: “Go into all the world
and preach the Gospel to every crea- on fire for God. He will keep going who is
ture”? (Mark 16:15). As Christians, no matter what, because he knows
we should be the most enthusiastic he is doing the right thing for the on fire
people in the entire world! right cause and for the One who is
always right! for God!
Paul: another deter-
Getting on fire for God
mined enthusiast
So where do we get such enthu-
The Apostle Paul was another of siasm, this inspiration that fills a life
God’s great enthusiasts. Even before with fire and fervor for the Lord?—
his conversion, he showed a great From the Holy Spirit of God! The
deal of enthusiasm—but with the Bible says, “Our God is a consuming
wrong ideal and the wrong plan. fire” (Hebrews 12:29), and repeat-
But as soon as Paul’s eyes were edly compares His Spirit to a fire,
opened, he became an enthusiast or flames of fire. (See Matthew 3:11;
for the right side. When others saw Acts 2:3–4; Revelation 4:5.) So if you
his total dedication and enthusiasm want to be enthusiastic for the Lord,
for the Lord, they got on fire for full of His fiery anointing and inspi-
God too. The work he started spread ration, just pray and ask Him to
Christianity throughout the Roman fill you with the power of His Holy
Empire. Spirit, and He will.
Nothing could quench Paul’s Someone once asked a great
enthusiasm. At one point he testi- man of God what was the secret of
fied, “Five times I received from the his success and he replied, “I just get

14 activated issue 2
on fire for God, and the world comes That’s the difference! You cannot
out to see me burn!” kindle a fire in any other heart until
it is burning within your own.
Kindling the fire in Of course, we should not only
another’s heart be enthusiastic in presenting the
Gospel to others, but in everything
As Christians, our hearts should we do. Whatever task is set before us,
be so full of the love of Jesus that the Bible tells us we’re to “do it heart-
we want to overflow and share it ily, as to the Lord and not to men”
with others. You’ve got to be alive (Colossians 3:23). In everything you
and enthusiastic to be able to show do, even the most menial tasks, you
others that what you’ve got with can be happy, inspired, and full of
Jesus is better than what they’ve got enthusiasm. If you’re asking the Lord
without Him. to inspire you, He will give you that
Why did people listen to Jesus? divine spark of His Spirit that will
Jesus spoke from His heart, from the make every little task a joy!
Spirit, and it brought life; it moved Let’s get on fire for God by ear-
people. It didn’t just tickle their ears, nestly praying and faithfully reading
but it reached and touched their His Word. Let’s ask for His Spirit
hearts. He said, “The Words that I to inspire us with the vision of the
speak to you are spirit, and they great things He wants to do through
are life” (John 6:63). The words the us. And then let’s do our part by put-
Scribes and the Pharisees (the reli- ting our whole heart into whatever
gious leaders of Jesus’ day) spoke He asks us to do for Him and others!
were well-educated, but they were Come, let’s set the world afire for
dry and dead and only brought God and enlighten the hearts of all
death. Why?—Because they only men everywhere! “This little light of
spoke from their heads. mine, I’m gonna let it shine!” •


The Bible is full of promises that God has made to man—promises that He wants us to apply practi-
cally. Some of His promises are universal, like: “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”
(Romans 10:13). Others were originally made to certain individuals or groups, like “If you ask anything in
My name, I will do it”—a promise that Jesus first made to His twelve disciples (John 14:14).
But God’s promises were not given solely for the sake of the original hearers. They are for anyone
who has faith enough to believe that God will be true to His word—including you! God means exactly
what He has promised, and He will fulfill His promises to the very letter if you will reach out with the hand
of faith and claim them in a definite manner.
As you become more familiar with God’s Word, you will learn to recognize His promises and claim
them as your own. When you do that, it shows you have faith. It’s a positive declaration of your faith and
knowledge of the Word which pleases God and sets His power in motion to answer your prayers.
To learn more about how to put God’s power to work in your life, don’t miss the next issue of
Activated. •
activated issue 2 15
To you, with love

I love you, just you, as if you were the

only one. My love is reaching out to you
right now. My love, My forgiveness, and
My mercy are all right there, just for you,
if you will only receive them.
I love you just the way you are. I am
not stacking up all your faults and fail-
ures and mistakes to hold against you. I
see only the good, and I see possibilities
that others do not see.
I see your every tear. I hear your every
cry. I feel your every frustration, your
every worry, your every burden, your
every desire. I know everything about
you—all your wants, all your lacks. I see
straight through to your heart of hearts
and all that is in it, and I deeply love you.
I long to hold you close, here on My
gentle breast. I am right there by your
side, and I will never, ever forsake you.
I love you, just you, and here I
patiently wait—for you! Won’t you please
come running into My arms, where we
can live and love and revel in this love
forever, eternally, immortally, without
end? I’m yours.

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