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A voyage into space and time - Previously published in Speaking Tree, TOI ADVENTURES OF A PSYCHONAUT I had my first glimpse

of the psychedelic subculture held in New Jersey. Clearly, the Dead werent merely ointed messiahs of the New Age - torchbearers of the started in the 60s, who over the years had acquired illions of acolytes. at a Grateful Dead concert a rock band, they were the an counter-culture revolution demi-god status among their m

A Dead concert was like a kaleidoscopic carnival, a heady cocktail of lasers, sp aced out riffs and a teeming, churning ocean of ecstatic humanity, swaying in rh ythm with the band. A big part of the Deadhead legacy included the frequent use of hallucinogens lik e LSD, Magic mushrooms (psilocybe cubensis), the Peyote cactus and Salvia Divinoru m consciousness expanding substances that had been used for millennia by shamans and mystics to enter a state of communion with the Oversoul. The use of Soma, t he divine intoxicant is well documented in ancient Hindu scriptures. Having recently read Journey To Ixtlan the seminal tome by Carlos Castaneda about his apprenticeship with Yaqui shaman Don Juan, I was rearing to journey into the Great Beyond. One fine day I strapped on my trusty backpack and boarded a fligh t to Mexico City. A few hours to the north-west of Mexico City lies the ancient and sprawling comp lex of Teotihuacan, or City of the Gods. It had been recommended to me by old fr iend Jose as a prime locale to carry out the experiment. Accompanying us was Guillermo, a local shaman who had in his possession a bag of Humito, the psilocybin mushrooms that grew abundantly in the Sierra Madres. In Mexico, Central and South America, Psilocybin containing mushrooms have been ingested for thousands of years, primarily for spiritual purposes. Enthusiasts c onsider it an entheogen(spirituality enhancing agent). In Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, the mushrooms were called Teonanacatl or Gods Flesh. Walking through the magnificent complex was a treat. One of the most highly deve loped pre-columbian Mesoamerican civilizations, Teotihuacan was renowned for the gargantuan twin Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, almost the same size as the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. After gazing in wonderment at the intricate hieroglyphics and Toltec/Mayan motif s carved on the walls, we sat down in the shade of the pyramid and waited for su nset the designated time to partake of the sacrament. As the sun lowered into the horizon, Guillermo asked us to turn into each of the four cardinal directions to seek blessings and guidance from the deities that g uarded the four Portals or cosmic gateways. He explained that our earthly body was a microcosm of the cosmic mandala that contained the five primal elements (eart h, water, fire, air, ether), which corresponded with each of our five senses. He produced what looked like a large feather-duster, and faced each of us in tur n, chanting a Toltec hymn while literally dusting us with his instrument. He sai d it was to cleanse our auras of any lingering impurities and prepare us for the journey beyond. Jose and I sat down and chewed slowly on the dried mushrooms given to us. It too k about an hour to feel the effects, initially preceded by mild physical discomf

ort. Guillermo explained it was nothing to worry about, it was humito making your body its home. After a while, things around me started to take on a luminous, pulsating quality and seemed to literally come alive. The Pyramid was now a giant obsidian peak t owering for miles above us, its pinnacle touching a blood red sky streaked with v eins of gold, turquoise and lapis lazuli. The rich textures and intricate patterns on the walls took on a life of their ow n, rapidly morphing into organic shapes and constantly evolving geometric patter ns. It was then that I felt a presence in the vicinity. I knew somehow that it w as an ancient soul and a permanent resident of these parts. It seemed to say tha t it had seen all that had gone by and all that was to come, and if I focused lo ng enough it could take me to the beginning of Time itself. Sensing my fear and trepidation at jumping into the great unknown, it reassured me that nothing would be shown that I was not ready to see. The following words appeared without bidding : Everything comes when it must. We must accept what comes to us at a given time an d not ask for more. But life is endless, so we never die; we never really were b orn. We just pass through many phases. There is no end. Humans have many dimensi ons. Time is not as we see time, but rather in lessons that are learned. The words addressed the very roots of my existential dilemma. I heard a deep rumbling sound, emanating from the belly of the earth below us. I t instantly made me aware of my immediate surroundings once again. I was surpris ed to see my companions sitting up and sipping yerba mate, the herbal tea we had brought along with us. Clearly I was back in the real world. Jose informed me tha t I had been out for almost four hours. To my mind, what had just transpired seeme d to have taken place in the span of a few minutes. I was feeling extremely centered and cleansed, ensconced in a warm, beautiful gl ow. Jose too had experienced a powerful epiphany, specific to his personal quest . He told us that he had seen not one, but an entire family of ancient souls in ceremonial garb and headdress and witnessed them participating in a ritual deep inside the pyramid itself. He was told they were his ancestors and guardian enti ties and that this human birth is merely a school of consciousness, which we must all pass through in order to move to the next level. Guillermo pulled out an Andean pan-pipe from his satchel and began playing for u s. The gentle soothing sounds of his flute soon took us into a deep, relaxing tr ance. The first rays of the morning sun reflected off the pyramid making it look like a giant beacon in space. Who knew what celestial beings had created this m agical symmetry. We decided to return to the City of the Gods on the same day a year later to renew the quest.

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